Fred was fuming. He actually could not believe the audacity Ron had, to pull something like this. He really did intend to write to his mum, and he hoped she would send a howler in return. The git deserved it.

Hermione was sweet, frumpy yes, but sweet. She may have been a bossy know-it-all at times, but she loved Harry and Ron with all her heart (perhaps in different ways, he mused), so for Ron to do something like this was atrocious.

Ron was now on his shit list.

And when someone was on Fred's shit list, that did not bode well for them.

Fred glowered, and his grip on Hermione's wrist tightened unintentionally and she squeaked, and he released his grip instantly. He whipped around to face her, and saw her rubbing her wrist wincing.

"Oh merlin, Hermione, I'm sorry, I-"

She shook her head, and he noticed her eyes were red and puffy. "No, it's fine. I know you didn't mean to hurt me. It just took me off guard."

Fred nodded hesitantly, and looked around to double check they were in a secluded corridor, and when he turned back to Hermione he noticed immediately she was crying.

"Hey, are you-"

She bit her lip, her cheeks flushed. "Just go away Fred, I don't want to talk to you right now."

Fred blinked, but decided not to take her comment personally, everyone always wanted to talk to him. Regardless, he wasn't about to leave her alone after what he just found out Ron had done.

"No." Fred crossed his arms, and leaned against the wall watching her.

"Just leave me alone, please." Hermione, still crying, had slid down the wall and buried her face in her hands, her shoulders shaking.

"I'm not going to leave you alone, not now. Just talk to me." Fred stood up and started to take a step towards her but stopped when she looked up at him, her eyes flashing.

"Why do you even care? You've never paid me the slightest bit of attention before, you don't care about me at all. Why are you here? Why can't you just leave me alone, this day has been embarrassing enough without my boyfriend's…" she paused, and her voice shook as she corrected herself, "my ex boyfriend's older brother watching me break down."

"Do you really think that I don't care about you?" Fred was taken off guard, he hadn't realized he had come off as such of a prat.

"I don't think, I know. You can't stand me. You think I'm bossy, a brown noser, a know-it-all. You and George make fun of me all the time. Please just leave me alone."

Fred gulped, he really was a prat, but he was determined not to leave Hermione alone, even if she hexed him. He was older, and perhaps not smarter but he did have some pretty extravagant magic hidden up his sleeves.

He hesitantly crossed the distance between them and sat down next to her. "Hey, look at me."

Hermione reluctantly raised her head, her hair a mess, and wiped her sleeve of her robes across her eyes to mop up the tears.

Her eyes, he noticed, were a warm brown, and he felt his stomach twist.

He ignored it.

"Look, I'm sorry I haven't been more friendly. But believe me when I say that none of what you just said is true, in the slightest. You may get under my skin at times, but I do actually care.." Fred paused, and Hermione looked up at him.

They stayed like that for a few seconds, simply staring at each other, when finally Fred coughed. "So do you want to talk?"

Hermione glowered. "Not really."

Fred sighed, and leaned his head against the wall. "He's a dick."

Hermione's breath caught in her throat and her voice quivered. "I loved him Fred. I thought…. I actually was foolish enough to think it was real. That we were meant to be together."

"I don't think that's foolish… I admire your romanticism actually."

She sniffed, and rolled her eyes. "Really? I'm surprised you could say that with a straight face."

He laughed and shrugged. "Just because I don't believe in true love and soulmates and all that crap for myself doesn't mean I don't support the idea for others."

"Well, obviously Ron is not my soul mate."

Fred snorted. "No, I did not ever believe he was. You could do much better than my idiot of a brother, and that is saying something since I am related to Percy The Prat."

Hermione giggled, and shoved him playfully, then sighed. "I just… I know it's dumb, but I want to get back at him. Really get back at him."

Fred's lips curled into smirk, "Don't you mean more than him defiling himself with that brown girl?"

"Lavender isn't all that bad." Hermione said softly and Fred looked incredulous.

"I don't believe you for a second. Anyway, regardless of your…. Pleasant feelings about that girl, I believe she is just as rotten as her older sister."

"She has an older sister?"

"Yeah, Violet. She is…. Something else." Fred grimaced, then his face lit up.

"What…." Hermione paused, and stared at him. "I know that face. That is your 'I have an idea' face."

Fred nodded slowly, staring off into space, his face thoughtful. "I do. I have an idea…"

Hermione groaned. "Well, out with it then! Don't keep me in suspense."

He grinned slowly. "I may have just come up with a way to get back at both Ron, Lavender, and her nasty sister Violet. Not only get back, but pull off one of the greatest, most complex and intricate long term cons. The biggest prank of the year."

Hermione was slack jawed at Fred, his face lit up with excitement. "Fred…."

Fred jumped to his feet. "Oh Hermione, this is wonderful. I mean, it'll be difficult to pull off, but it would be absolutely incredible."

He reached down and pulled Hermione to her feet, and beamed. "You ready for this?"

Hermione looked at him skeptically. "Fred, I don't even know what you're going on about, and I don't really like pranks..."

Fred's eyes blazed. "Hermione."

"Fred, just spit it out!"

Hermione nodded slowly. "Yes, but-"

"And how do you suppose the best way to get back at him is?"

Hermione stared at him, unable to respond.

Fred grinned. "Jealousy. That's part one."

"Part one?" Hermione looked shocked, and her eyes were wide.

"Don't worry about the other parts darling, you'll just have to play along."

Hermione stomped her foot, and groaned. "Play along with what Fred?"

"We pretend to date." Fred said this last part in a rush, and he ran a hand through his hair excitedly.

"I-what?" Out of all the things Hermione was expecting Fred to say, that was the very last thing.

"You want to get back at Ron, right?"

"Yes, I do."

"Well, again, Part one, Jealousy. If….. When Ron sees us together he will be so overcome with jealousy he won't be able to function."

"How exactly is this supposed to work Fred? Ron won't believe we are dating, no one will."

Fred laughed, "That sweetheart, is the fun of it. It's a long con. We have to convince everyone we are dating. It won't be easy, it won't be simple, but it will be the best revenge we could ever dish. And it will be served ice cold."

"Fred, I don't think dating you is the best idea…?"

Fred shook his head. "Not date, fake date."

Hermione looked confused. "I don't understand."

He sighed and looked at her seriously. "We don't actually date… we just convince everyone we are. Like I said, you'll just have to play along. We will have to keep up appearances of course, and it must be a secret. You can't tell a soul. We can't risk this getting out…."

She nodded slowly, starting to see the appeal of this. "So we convince everyone we are dating, to get back at Ron."

"Yes!" Fred laughed exuberantly.

Hermione giggled, and bit her lip. "I still don't know… This is quite extravagant…"

Fred winked. "Darling that is just my style though. Trust me, this will be wonderful."

"Oh alright then. I'm in." Hermione's cheeks flushed pink, and she crossed her arms. "But only, only to get back at Ron. For cheating on me."

Fred nodded. "Well, obviously. Only to get back at Ron. What other reason would there be?"


Here is chapter two! (successfully rewritten and I am much happier with it.) I know it's kinda short but it's at least longer than the original version & I wanted to keep as closely to that as possible.

I hope you guys enjoyed it…. And there is much more to come for the prank of the year between these too… If you liked it, like, comment, follow!

Thanks for the love.

Hopefully I can have the next piece up in the next week.