
Keeping low profile turned out to be harder than he thought it would be. Not only did his demonic side keep him from doing things that he used to do with ease, (like talking without accidentally biting his tongue) it also gave him inhuman strength. How could he possibly keep that a secret? Rin had always been strong, he was able to carry more than an average boy his age, and in some cases, even more than a full-grown man, but this natural strength had doubled after his demonic powers had been returned to him. He was not only stronger, his agility and his senses had improved as well. What had not improved was his concentration. His patience had grown weaker and his temper remained the same. Therefore, when he found out that his brother wanted him to read books meant for younger kids, he decided not to. He was not stupid, his level of intelligence was just fine, but he learned by doing and not by reading.

Like how he had tried to use his fangs on different objects to see how sharp they were. He had not been able to sleep much the first nights, so instead of looking at the ceiling until morning arrived, Rin decided to test his new features. His first victim had been a water bottle. He bit into the bottom of it and created a tiny hole, liquid soon pouring out in a stream. He made a couple more just for the heck of it. Another bottle fell victim when he tried to boil the water inside, only for it to somehow combust in a flare of blue flames. He had no idea as to how that even happened, water usually extinguished fire. Were blue satanic flames an exception? They quickly died out anyway, so no harm done and no reason to panic.

Now was the time to move on to something more challenging. The next victim of his experiments: a basketball. He found this thing earlier that night as he roamed the building him and Yokio now lived in. It was fully inflated and bouncy, and he would have left the human habitat to play around with it, had he not been too anxious to do so. What would happen if someone saw him do something inhuman? Surely, no one would be outside at 3AM, but was it worth the risk?

No, he did not know his own strengths or limits, it would be better to stay inside like a prisoner until he knew himself better. That did not mean that he would not attend classes, but he would have to be careful. When his mind finally settled down, he let his fangs penetrate the orange thing. It slowly deflated, leaving him with a flat, no longer bouncy ball.

This made his tail wiggle left and right in excitement. It did not even hurt, so there had to be more solid things that he could leave a mark in.

There were still at least an hour until sunrise and the furniture in the room he had been practicing in now had bite marks in them, objects were left broken or punctured, and a few items somehow managed to flare up by accident. It looked like some kind of animal had caused havoc in there.

Therefore, when his younger brother asked him whether he had been studying, he had been quick to blame the material given to him and say he had been reading manga. This way he avoided telling him what he really had been doing. He was lucky that the building was this big or Yukio might have discovered it. Still, it had not been a lie; he needed to try things out and not just bury himself in books. That was how Rin somehow talked his brother into taking him with him to observe an exorcism, and how he learned not to touch gates without permission. Also, biting into metals would cause serious tooth aches.

Reviews are appreciated, I do not bite.