On My Way

Chapter 18

Three weeks of nothing, Carlisle calls weekly to get updates but said that Jasper was in a coma and when I questioned him on it he said he'd probably slipped into one during surgery, it happens, the military it's always very forthcoming about things like that, but if he had to guess, that's what happened, especially due to the amount of blood he lost, we still didn't know the full extent of his injuries but Carlisle was trying to get through to Jasper's actual Commander to find out.

After five weeks, Jasper's Commander called, and I was happy I was having dinner with Esme and Carlisle because I was shaking so bad. "Dr. and Mrs. Cullen, your son has been in and out of consciousness, we're not sure why he's had such a hard time coming out, his CT scans didn't show any brain trauma, he did rescue his entire squad and had quite a concussion, and several surgeries to remove shrapnel and his ankle was shattered, he'll be discharged once he's recovered due to that injury." His Commander spoke.

"Is there anything we need to do? Do I need to come there?" Carlisle asked.

"No sir. We'll get him patched up and when he's ready we'll get him sent to the closest hospital to you if needed." He replied.

"Please keep me informed, I'm capable of taking care of him here, if he doesn't need to be hospitalized, my wife and his fiancé are here as well." Carlisle mentioned.

"Yes sir. He spoke fondly of Bella and we want him better soon for your upcoming wedding." He assured us.

"Thank you." I croaked out.

The call ended and I broke into tears as did Esme, Carlisle held us both as we cried.

Working in the shop as I did to keep my mind off everything, I was in the kitchen making scones when the bell rang and my cashier called out for me, sighing because I was covered in flour and really not wanting to be bothered, today wasn't a good day over all, my mind was going places it shouldn't have been going. Not only had it been twelve weeks since Jasper got hurt, it was the 'anniversary' of what Edward had done to me and I was having a mental pity party, I'd been having one for over a week actually, hardly eating or sleeping, if I wasn't working I was at the gym, or in the shower crying. I looked like shit, I'd lost about 20 pounds, been lectured by everyone, especially Carlisle. So today looking like I hadn't slept in weeks, wearing my black leggings, Jasper's Army t-shirt tied at the side because it was so big and my hair in a very messy bun with no make-up, I walk out wiping my hands not paying attention and hear "Ma'am, you're still the most beautiful…" My head pops up and I see Jasper standing there on crutches with to other soldiers I run and hop on him, not even thinking, one soldier catches the crutches and the other catches Jasper and us.

"Oh my god! Jasper?" I kiss him all over.

"Bella, I love you, but…" he slowly sets me on my feet.

"Shit! Sorry." I kiss him hard and help him with his crutches, the soldiers trying not to laugh. "Why didn't you call?"

"And miss this!" he motions with his hand.

"I look like shit Jasper!" I scolded.

"You look beautiful." He pulls me into a kiss. "Mom and dad are on their way, go shower and pack a bag, we're staying with them a few days." I nodded and ran upstairs, yelling to Paul as I went, and he laughed knowingly.

When I came back down, I sent the soldiers off with lots of goodies for everyone and told my staff to clean up and close for the day.

I was so happy Jasper was home, we weren't delaying our wedding any longer. It would be our first discussion.


This story is NOT over…

These two have a lot of life left…

Just had to catch everyone up…
