Well girlies, this is the final chapter.

As usually, if you like the story please do leave me your feedback, and don't forget to subscribe to my newsletter at

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Anastasia Steele POV.

I slide into my red stilettos just as the doorbell rings. I glance at myself in the full length mirror again; I have never felt this red silk dress to be more suitable than tonight. It glides down my body and yet, it's not too tight on me. Free flowing.

I walk to the door and open it slightly, and lean on the frame, allowing Christian to fully absorb me. The fire I feel between my legs from this morning is still there, crackling.

"Wow… you look… amazing!" his eyes wander all over my body.

"Thank you." I smile and invite him in, pointing to the living room.

"I...I think I am speechless."

"Oh, please, it's only a dress." I pull him inside and close the door behind him. "How was today, Christian? How are you?" I ask, concerned.

His hand glides around my waist, stopping at my lower back, but his fingers are still wandering, trying to feel me under the dress. It's the silk. It makes grown men yield in front of it. He leans closer and mumbles against my cheek. "All the better for seeing you."

I kiss him and pull back.

"I'm serious, how are you? There was a lot of news about you on the TV and internet."

"Don't listen to the news. It's all lies. You know that."

"Yes, I do. Christian …"

"Please…" he's nibbling deliciously on my ear. "Let's discuss that later. Now, I want to taste you..."

Pressing his body full-length against mine I feel his protrusion though my silk dress; a quiet moan escapes my lips while I press harder against it.

"Get ready to be ravaged." his breathing is becoming ragged and, even though I feel my juices surging, I step back, alarmed.

"Now?" I'm all dressed up, my hair is perfect and so is my makeup. As much as I would love something to happen now, it's just not convenient.

Seeing my distress, he grins charmingly.

"Well, we can always do it later."

"Yes, my thoughts exactly." I smile.

I believe my panties are soaked and as I sit in the car I feel the dampness even more. Christian's bulge is not going down and I see him rubbing himself from time to time.

"I hate to say this but," I lean my head on the car seat and look at him, wanton, "I'm drenched."

"Fuck, Anastasia, don't do this to me. My cock is hard as it is."

He fixes his jeans better to allow himself more space inside and I smirk mischievously.

He reaches out with his hand while glancing at me and then back at the road, and slowly starts caressing my leg, pulling my dress up very smoothly and, reaching the apex between my legs, his fingers run over my damp panties.

"Fuck, you are wet." he pulls them gently aside and with the pads of his fingers he rubs my wetness in, dipping them and…

"Christian!" the car dangerously swerves on the road and I scream. He quickly turns the steering wheel and straightens it.

"Watch where you're driving, please!"

"I am!" he is shocked too but he's not learning his lesson. "You do it. You touch yourself," he orders in a raspy voice.

"It's too dangerous," I state and reach out for his cock, stroking him through the jeans and whispering into his ear.

"But know this: I am wet, and needy for you, and at the end of the night... I'll probably be begging."

"You will." frustrated, he slightly moves away from my lips brushing his ear and glances at me. "I promise you that."

Meeting his mother and father didn't go according to my plan. Everything seemed so... normal. I guess I was expecting...actually, I don't really know what I was expecting because, well, I haven't met anyone's parents before. Huh. I don't know why I give so much meaning to it. It all went great. His mother is such a lovely woman. Although, I must say, I didn't expect to see Mia there.

"Nice to see you again, Mia." I smile and hold out my hand for her to take. I wonder if she still blames me for Christian's situation.

"Hello." she shakes my hand coolly but her excitement is palpable. Wow. She can be nice. And smiling too.

"Christian, this is Gordon, my boyfriend." she turns to him. "Gordon, this is my infamous brother, Christian." and of course, she looks at me. "And his girlfriend."

"Nice to meet you, Gordon." Christian shakes his hand.

"Yeah, likewise." he looks at me and smiles. "I'm Gordon."

"This is Anastasia." Christian affectionately wraps his hand around my waist and guides me to my chair which is directly opposite Gordon's.

Not wanting to share information about his life, especially not in front of Mia's new boyfriend, Christian is in the kitchen with his parents, possibly discussing his current affairs, while I'm here at the table, sitting across from Mia and Gordon.

"How old are you, Anastasia?" Gordon asks.

"I'm twenty-four. You?"


"Oh, I thought you were the same age as..." I shake my head. "Never mind. Where did you two meet?"

"Fate brought us together," Mia interjects, grinning. "We were both waiting for a coffee at Starbucks and gave the same name to the barista. So when she shouted 'Coffee for Orange' we both went for the same cup." They look at each other lovingly.

"Orange?" I'm confused.

"Yeah, just to save me time... and confusion. There are many Gordons around Los Angeles, did you know that?" Gordon explains, smirking. "And apparently, Mias, too. Orange is just funny."

"So unbeknownst to us, we were both using the same word," Mia exclaims, grinning.

"Oh, I see." I awkwardly smile while looking toward the kitchen, hoping for Christian to save me.

"Ana, forgive me for asking, but do I know you from somewhere?" Gordon surprises both me and Mia with his question.

"Um...I don't think so." this is unexpected. Do I know him? I don't know. He seems oddly familiar too but fuck knows. I hope I haven't slept with him. Wait...no I haven't. I've never been that drunk in my life.

"Where do you work?" he asks and now Mia is all ears. She wants to know that too.

"At Virtual Encounters Ltd." I see the worried look on Mia's face and I'm trying to save the situation. "Gordon, I'm sure you've mistaken me for someone else. I never forget names or faces."

"Maybe." he's looking intently at me, still trying to remember, I can tell. His eyes...god, his eyes are so familiar.

"Um...Ana, I'm sorry about this morning." Mia's trying to change the subject.

"It's okay, Mia. Don't worry." Thank god! Gordon was really not letting it go.

"Hey, you know what?" Gordon's asks, excited. "Why don't you all come to my house tomorrow for brunch?" he kisses Mia on the cheek. "It's Saturday and I'll get to serve you food at my parents' house!"

"Oh my god! Gordon, am I going to meet your parents?" Mia is squeaking.

"Yes, why not. If they're around, you will."

At that moment Christian walks into the dining room.

"What's that, Mia?"

"Gordon invited us for brunch tomorrow at his parents' house. They live on Riviera Drive in Laguna Beach, overlooking the sea."

Wow! That's one of the wealthiest areas in southern California.

"Do they?" Christian makes a mental note, I'm sure of it. I guess Mia chose right. "That's great." he looks at me. "You don't have any plans for tomorrow morning, do you, Anastasia?"

Everyone is staring at me now and, fuck, I guess I have no choice.

"Um...no, I don't."

"Then it's a deal!" Christian smiles.

Christian Grey POV.

The light from the front door disappears as we drive off in the dark of the night.

"Did you have a good night, Anastasia?"

"Yes, thank you." her little voice makes me so weak, every time.

"I overheard some parts of your conversation while I was in the kitchen. Gordon said he knew you?" What the fuck is up with that?

"Yes, but I think he's mistaken me for someone else. I would have remembered him."

"Well, let's put it this way, I'm glad we're going to his house tomorrow. If he's going out with my baby sister I need to know who he is." It's in my nature to be overprotective, especially of my little sister.

"Don't make a big deal out of it, Christian. They're in love, that's all that matters."

"Yeah...I know that feeling very well."

I nod and continue driving, trying to ignore the pulsating in my jeans. Anastasia has been driving me crazy all night. I cannot wait until we get to my apartment and fuck. I glance at her and my eyes linger on her plump lips... slowly going down to her breasts. I don't think I will make it to my home. Seeing my eyes roving her body, she licks her lips delectably and I see her breasts rising higher. Fuck! She knows what I'm thinking. And that's my green light! I reach over, slowly pulling her knees apart and while my fingers search for her silken femininity, my heart immediately starts racing.

"Christian, we...aren't... oh.." her words stray and her head lolls back as my fingers move deep inside of her.

"All fucking night I've wanted to touch you. I'm not waiting another fucking second!" I growl.

Her knees open wider voluntarily as she tries to stretch herself open to my touch. The fabric of her dress rides up, giving her a look of wanton pleasure in the front seat of my car and, just as quickly, I take my fingers out of her and lick her juices off.

"I want you, Christian..." letting me know in one breath that she's given in to temptation and is there, on the edge.

"Show me how much," I say and reach down; opening my fly, my hard cock springs out from between the zipper. She's wilfully looking at me and as I reach for her face, my hand brushes her cheek and she tilts her head into it. I see her getting ready, licking her lips as my fingers twine in her lovely hair and I pull her inexorably to me. She kisses my cock, giving it a slow, wet lick and I ease off the gas, slowing down. The road seems dark and vacant but one can never be too sure so I find an abandoned place and stop. I've got my hand on her head and I feel her slowly taking every inch of me, using her tongue and twirling it under the tip.

I'm gradually picking up speed, jerking her head up and down with my grip firmly in her hair and...I feel the back of her throat. Fuck! Even when I think I have control, she makes me tremble and I growl. My God, this woman knows how to please me. I'm so close to filling her dexterous mouth with my seed. Fuck!

I pull her head back and look at her beautiful face. A trickle of drool and pre cum connects us like a lone strand of silk and I can't wait any longer. I pull her across the gearshift and out of my door, straight into my arms. My hand yanks her dress up and with a single savage motion I rip her panties open at the crotch.

"Hold on to me," I growl.

She clings to me as I push her against the car. I get a wrapper from my pocket, tear it with my teeth and roll the condom on my cock. My still exposed member is jutting out of my trousers and I guide it to the tatters of her panties and then past, into her soaking pussy.

"Ahh... Fuck, Anastasia, you are so wet..."

My mouth finds hers and as I begin to punish her body with my thrusts, I start kissing her all over. I hear her ragged breathing and subdued moans as her body is pinned against the car. She's tightening around me, I feel her driving me over the edge of my own explosion and I cannot hold it anymore, I disintegrate, thrusting, my semen filling every crevice of her insides.

"Fuck... Anastasia!"

As I spurt out my spawn I feel the orgasmic waves crushing into her body, convulsing over me, linking us together in the darkness, allying our bodily fluids and everything we have.

The drive home is quiet. She grips my arm and seems to fade into sleep as the miles pass by much more slowly as we follow the speed limits. My mind is in turmoil, but my thoughts are clear.

Nothing will be allowed to ruin what we have.

Anastasia Steele POV.

It's early in the morning when I open my eyes and the first thing I'm aware of is our naked bodies, our limbs, knotted together, both of us holding on to the other.

"Your eyelashes are fluttering on my chest." Christian's raspy voice merges reality with my dreamlike state. "Are you okay?"

I look up at him but his eyes are still closed and he has a content smile on his face.

"Just counting my blessings."

He tightens his grip around my body and lifts his sleepy head, his dark pools locking mine in place. "You should stop doing that and sleep." he pushes his knee between my legs and moves his thigh in. "Unless..."

The sound of the doorbell surprises us both and we look at each other.

I see the time on the bedside table. "Nine o'clock on Saturday morning?"

"I have no idea who that is." Slowly, he untangles our limbs and gets out of bed, searching for his slacks and t-shirt. Having found them on the floor he dresses and goes out of the room. "I'm coming!" he shouts.

I hear the front door opening, Christian talking with someone, then the door closes again. And silence.

"Christian? Who was that?" In a moment I see him walking into the bedroom, looking at a letter he's holding in his hand.

"What's wrong?"

"A special delivery letter." he looks at me with doom. "It's from the hospital."

My heart starts pumping adrenaline within seconds. Slowly, I take a deep breath and try to act as if nothing is happening but, deep down, I know this affects me much more than I think.

"The paternity test?"

"Yes." he sits down on the bed, staring at the envelope.

"Christian," I put my hand on his shoulder, "Whatever it says in there, it's okay."

He doesn't respond. We sit in silence for a moment before he makes up his mind and with new-found resolve, he opens the envelope, takes the letter out, and starts reading it.

I observe his face for a hint of what it says but he's holding on to his impassive look for a while. And then, I see his chest rising slowly; he's trying to calm himself down and he closes his eyes tight, frowning.

"I fucking knew it! The baby is not mine!"

He wraps his arms around me and kisses me with such force, we both fall back on the bed.

"You know what this means, Anastasia?"


"The fucking bitch fucked someone else while she was with me, so I have to check myself as soon as possible."

"But once I do that," he mumbles over my lips. "I'm going to start making babies with you!" he nips my bottom lip. "You think you are up for it?"

"Babies?" I wriggle free from under him and shout while running away, "Not today you're not! We have to go to Gordon's house for breakfast, remember? And if we don't go now, we'll be late." I regard him from afar, smiling. "Besides, you're going to have to catch me first!"

Laguna Beach… wow.

Gordon's house is like in the movies. On the way here, once we entered the property walls, we drove at least a mile through lush landscape and past a sports court before arriving at his house. Trying to impress both Christian and Mia he leads us through the main entrance so we can see the opulence and money his parents invested in their home. I'd be worried if all this already belonged to such a young man but apparently not yet; as an only heir, without any other siblings, eventually it will happen.

From almost every window we've seen views of the sea. At the back, in the open space living area is the sun room, but he led us further, onto the beach, by their own private dock, only a few steps down from the terrace. A true paradise. And of course, this is where we had our breakfast.

His parents aren't here but there is enough staff to serve twenty guests, so I guess he really is the millionaire boyfriend every young girl dreams of.

"Aren't you going to eat that last piece of pancake, Christian?" Gordon asks inquisitively but Christian just pushes the plate away from him. We've been here for almost two hours, had breakfast and, as the time went, Christian became quiet, reserved. Now, he's stopped talking altogether.

I noticed it. I'm not sure if Mia did, too, but I only hope Gordon didn't. It would be very awkward to know one of his guests is building a wall of silence in his own house. Especially when he's such a good host; he really tried to make us feel at home.

"Christian, I think it's time to go. The masked ball is today and I need to get ready for it." I try to lighten the situation. There's a certain pressure building up inside of him and I can certainly feel it.

"Already, Anastasia?" Gordon leans forward and gently touches my upper arm, more as a kind gesture than anything else, but it makes Christian twitch and he ever so slightly tilts towards me, like, trying to save me from whatever. I must admit, Gordon's insistence that he knows me didn't help, either. Why on earth would he insist on knowing so much about me when Mia was sitting right there? It's like I was more interesting to him than his girlfriend. "Just trying to remember," he says. She didn't mind though, she was on her phone the whole time; occasionally they would kiss but it was clear that Gordon's focus was on me. Asking every possible question while Christian was like a hawk, watching. One thing I know, it was NOT a good feeling.

"Yes, Gordon, I think it's time. Thank you for the lovely breakfast. Again, your house is amazing." I move back just enough so he can let go and he smiles kindly as he does.

"My god, Anastasia, one of these days I will remember, I have the memory of an elephant you know, and when I do, I'll..."

"I think that's enough, Gordon!" Christian cuts him off, standing up in frustration. "If she says she doesn't know you, I think you should respect that!"

"Christian, it's okay." I take his hand and hold it tight, trying to pacify his outburst.

"No, it's not okay!" he looks at Gordon. "He's been talking about it all morning. I think you should leave it!"

"I...I'm terribly sorry, Christian. I didn't know I was such a pest." Gordon is mortified. "Please, Anastasia‚" he turns to me and places his palm on his chest, slightly bowing, "I hope you'll accept my sincerest apologies. I..I didn't know it was bothering you..." looking embarrassed and crimson red, I kind of feel sorry for him.

"It's okay, Gordon, it's fine, really." I squeeze Christian's hand, signalling with it to stay put. "We should be heading home, anyway."

"What's going on in here?" out of the internet daze Mia joins the conversation. I should have known; at her age, she was probably giving a full commentary about Gordon's house to her friends.

"We're heading home, Mia. Are you staying or coming with us?" Christian sharply asks her.

"Staying," she replies coolly and buries her head into her phone even deeper.

The walk back to the front door is awkwardly quiet. We shuffle through the large house and finally reach the entrance when, as Gordon opens the door, an older couple is standing there, about to come in.

"Mother! Father! I'm so glad you're back!" Gordon sounds relieved. "Just in time to meet my friends."

"Friends?" his mother is looking questionably at us. "I thought you had your new girlfriend over today for breakfast. Is this her?" she regards me from top to bottom and I feel Christian's hand wrapping around my waist, clearly showing whom I belong to.

"Um...no." Gordon smiles awkwardly. "Mia is still at the table, having breakfast. This is Anastasia, and Christian. He's Mia's brother." he accentuates the word brother and I think it's because Christian is in the news all this week. "This is my mother, Maria, and, right behind her is my father, Olivier."

"Nice to meet you, darling." his mother quickly shakes my hand and then Christian's and gives Gordon a big hug. I look away from them and now I have Olivier, Gordon's father, standing right in front of me.

"Olivier! Oh my god! I can't believe it!" I hear Christian's surprised and very loud voice. He instantly removes his hand from behind me as he embraces Gordon's father.

"Christian Grey! You fucking mother fucker!" Olivier exclaims equally loudly. "I haven't seen you in years!"

They do a man hug, then hold each other at arm's length, looking into one another's eyes.

"How are you, man? I hear you've been in some deep shit lately! Is everything all right?"

"Yeah, don't believe everything you hear, Olivier. I'm fine. In fact, I'm great!" he turns to me, pulling me closer. "This is Anastasia, my girl." he grins.

"Ana." Olivier's eyes grab hold of mine. "What a lovely name! Nice to meet you, little one." Olivier says in a low, dominating voice.

"Uh-uh, she is MY little one, Olivier," Christian reprimands him playfully.

Fuck me! I don't understand a thing that's going on in here.

"Nice to meet you, Olivier." I turn to Christian, "You know each other?"

"Father, you never said you knew Christian Grey?" Gordon takes a step forward and joins our conversation, leaving his mother frowning with her head tilted and baffled, too, at this new revelation.

"Well, we...we worked on a project together a while ago," Olivier says and, changing the subject swiftly, he continues, "And you, Gordon, are dating his sister? Good for you, son! Good for you!" he pats his son's back.

"Come on, I want you to meet her." Gordon grins, proud of his achievement. "Christian, why don't you stay for a little while longer, I'm sure you have plenty to talk about with my father."

"Yeah, Christian, stay. I would love to know what you're up to," Olivier restates the invite.

"We can't. We have to go. Some other time, definitely! Now I know where you live, you old bastard!"

"Yeah, I'll probably move by the time you come back!"

Christian and Olivier shake hands again and pat each other's shoulder affectionately and we leave, the door closing behind us.

"How do you know him?" I say once we're clear of the house.

"He's one of the best Doms in LA. Taught me how to be one. Showed me everything there is to know. I didn't know he had a son, though. He never mentioned it before. Anyway, I trust that man with my life," he says, "His son, on the other hand, I don't. Come on, let's take you home."

Christian Grey POV.

"I am NOT" – my breath is like fire as my fists pound the punching bag – "going to LOSE HER!" my heart is racing and though I know I will need to get ready soon, I have to put my anger and ... what is it? Fear? ... to productive use.

Ripping the gloves off my hands I pick up my cell. Taylor's name, always near the top of my recent calls list, lights up my screen as my finger punches it to make a call.

"Mr. Grey."

"Find me everything you can on Gordon Bachman! I want to know everything from the moment his dad first got a hard on with his mom to what he did this afternoon after I left his house."

I can hear Taylor taking notes and then a pause. "Christian, this is the son of Olivier Bachman, right? What if..."

"GODAMMIT TAYLOR!" I rage at him. My inner mechanism for restraining myself seems utterly broken at this moment. I cannot stand the idea of having anyone being an obstacle between me and the answers I must have. "Get every piece of background you can on Gordon and call me the MOMENT you have anything. Is that understood?!" I bark.

"Yes, Sir," he says with a crisp formality that conveys exactly how clearly he gets how important this is to me. He may not know why, but I trust Taylor to act as though his life depended on it.

"And another thing, tell Sullivan to file a lawsuit against Miss Amber Steale. If she doesn't agree to move to another state within a day, tell her she'll rot in prison for the rest of her life! I don't want to see her or hear of her ever again! Make sure he is clear about that! That liar is going to pay for the grief she caused me!"

I hang up the phone and nearly throw it across the room, stopping myself only as my arm pulls back to launch it. Instead I put it on the counter and check the clock. Good, I have time to shower and change.

The hot water helps relax my muscles and gives my mind time and insulation from the world long enough to let me wonder why I have to know this. Why is my anger at the idea of losing Anastasia so uncontrollable? This isn't like me. I'm normally so detached as people come and go in my life without any regrets.

Yet with Anastasia, I cannot stand the idea of losing her. With my head under the shower stream, it hits me like one of the punches I was just unleashing on the heavy bag – I have fallen for her. Too deep.

My costume for the night is laid out, but rather than put it on too quickly, I drop the towel and let the air dry my skin. Walking around nude in my own home is not some private expression of counterculture, it lets my senses breath and accept the light and air they are normally deprived of.

I pull a bottle of water from the fridge and look at the clock again. It's been almost two hours since I called Taylor and still nothing. Moving to the bed where my costume is laid out, I begin to pull the black leather on over my skin. The leather pants slide on and I have to pull and adjust my manhood before closing the zipper. I cover my bare chest with a white t-shirt, and over it I put my short leather jacket with bright steel studs around the collar.

My black leather boots are by the door and I realize it's time to pull them on. Sitting down, my cell phone starts going wild across the room. Throwing the boots aside I pick it up and my chest tightens when I see Taylor's name on the screen.

"I've got something, sir," he says.

"Tell me," is all I have the patience to say.

"I found something in Gordon's history. Deep in his early childhood medical files there are some discrepancies. His birth certificate was issued in Mexico, allegedly he was born when his parents were travelling through South America. But there were no documents of him ever having crossed the border as a baby or receiving the standard inoculations he would have had if he were born abroad."

"So you think it's forged? He's not really Olivier's son?" I ask, trying to process it all.

"Well, his medical history is almost non-existent before the age of 4, when he was brought to the hospital with severe anemia," Taylor answers as quickly as he can. "His spleen was very enlarged and ruptured, compromising his immune system in a major way. He needed emergency bone marrow transplants and blood transfusions or otherwise he would have died. What's interesting is that the parents weren't suitable donors and they used some guy off the street who turned out to be a perfect match."

"But the hospital would have had to get the donor's information. Who the hell was this guy who just so magically appeared and was a perfect match?" I ask, starting to feel like this is leading me down a rabbit hole.

"Of course his info was all bogus, but the hospital had saved samples of the blood and marrow that was used to save the boy's life. I called the hospital and managed to get a DNA sample from that."

The line went silent for a moment. I can tell Taylor is hesitating to tell me something. "Spit it out Taylor, for fuck sake!"

"I matched the DNA sample to the national criminal database and found the real name and background of the donor. Turns out, the donor has a record. But more importantly, the hospital confirmed the donor was the real father of Gordon." Taylor paused, letting me soak all this up.

"And there's one more thing, Sir. There was a very peculiar marriage license issued in our donor's name to a woman by the former surname of Steele, Mary Elizabeth."

"Fuck," is all I can say. The tumblers in my head have stopped moving and I can see the connections perfectly clear. "Good work, Taylor," I say and hang up.

Anastasia Steele POV.

I knew the costume I bought a long time ago would be a good one for the masked ball. One thing I failed to remember is that I have put on little bit of weight so that now I can't put it on. I'm struggling for an hour and I know Christian is due to arrive any minute. If I don't hurry I won't make it on time.

I look at myself in the mirror; half of my body is in the extremely tight cat suit pants and half is outside, looking like an overflowing mass of fat. Huh, I don't have any fat but wearing this suit, I'm beginning to doubt that. Ugh.

The sound of the doorbell rouses me from the struggle and I shriek unintentionally.

"I'm not ready!" I wanted Christian to see me dressed but now he's the one who's got to help me get in the costume. I run to the door and peaking from behind it, I open it.

"Get in, I'm not ready yet!" I suddenly stop, gaping at the man in leather outfit standing outside my door, looking like a hard core musician.

"Are you wearing your costume, Anastasia? Let me see it." he doesn't notice me staring at his tight leather pants and short punk leather jacket with studs all over the collar.

"You..you look great!" I say swooning. He looks like a real rock star.

I close the door and cover my breasts, showing him how far I'm up to.

"I can't get into it," I say dejectedly.

He regards me, my tight pvc pants, and the rest of the costume that's hanging loose from my waist down.

"What is it?" he grins. He seems like a world away from this morning. A changed man. A happy man.

"It's a cat suit. I really don't think it will fit me. It's too tight."

"It's how it's supposed to look. Let me help you."

He takes off his jacket, revealing a tight and very bright white t-shirt, and kneels down next to me. Struggling with the pvc suit, just like I was, he works up one leg then the other one and slowly I see something coming out of it. Now standing, he helps me put my sleeve on and then the other one.

"Here…and this .."

He includes the cat hood and fixes a few other bits around my body. His touch is all feathery; through the pvc it feels fucking sensuous and I think my pebbled nipples can be just about seen through it. Or maybe not.


Finally, he zips me up at the back, tightening the whole suit on me and as I straighten up he takes a step back to admire my body.

"Wow. Look at you. A cat woman. MY cat woman."

I smile, licking my lips sensuously, and reaching behind me, I take my tail seductively, and then, I lick the back of my other hand, just like a cat would.

His breath hitches and he tries to fix his bulging cock in the extremely tight pants.

"I can't afford to have a hard on tonight …fuck, I didn't think of the 'you' factor when I was choosing my costume."

I smile, satisfied.

"Actually, that's completely incorrect, you were on my mind every second when I was buying this and getting into it but what I want to see now is you showing me your costume properly.… on your knees... crawling."


"You didn't choose this costume for nothing," he states seriously, looking at me. "You, Anastasia, are a cat. Crawl for me, kitty."

He looks directly at my eyes and lowers me with them, gently his head nodding down and taking my whole body with it. He never lets me lose our eye contact.

"There's... my good girl." he kneels next to me. "I've got a great surprise for you tonight." he pets my head. "Be my good little kitten all night and you'll get it. All of it. I don't intend on holding anything back." he smirks.

I look at him, wanton, and I'm already treading across the wet marshlands. I'm betting on sex ...so much sex, I cannot wait. Fuck, the butterflies fluttering around my spine are corrupted. I'm aroused to the point of no return.

He grabs my jaw in his hand and pulls me to him.

"I cannot wait to make you mine."

And, just like that, I'm awake from the dream. I want to be his, I do, but I belong to my brother. I will never pass on his memory for the sake of my happiness. I didn't think I would ever be in this position; me, craving happily ever after with someone. Was our happiness doomed from the beginning? I should have known.

"Come. On your feet. Let's not be late."

I get up and take my knee-high pvc boots, and put them on. I look at Christian dutifully and take his hand. Today, he has a special spark in his eyes. It's because he'll show me to the world. Perhaps I should tell him now, before it's too late. Before my face is all over the news.

We enter his car and drive off in silence. His dominance is only being reaffirmed by it but I need to speak. I'm in a turmoil that is going to last until I allow it.


"Yes, Anastasia?" he is looking at the road, radiating confidence with the tone of his voice.

"I… I don't think I can ever be yours."

Surprised, he looks at me and slows down. "I'm sorry?"

"Please understand …"

"Is there someone else?" his razor-sharp words are hurting.


"Then you can be mine," he concludes unnervingly.

"I...I'm already taken."

"Fuck!" he swears under his breath. "Don't tell me you're already married..." he looks at me in mistrust and his last words show his real anxiety. "Are you?"

"I'm not married. It's just...Christian, 'taken' is the only way I can describe what I feel. What I am. Taken forever. My heart cannot possibly love you completely because...well, it's because there is a piece missing. I will never betray the memory of my brother..." my voice wavers and I can't hold off my tears any more, they're now running down my cat mask and I take it off, why bother anyway. I don't intend to show my face to the world with him. I don't intend to do anything with him.

"Oh, Anastasia!" he sighs.

Is that all he has to say? He doesn't seem heartbroken...fuck, this is going to be so much harder on me. He reaches out and takes hold of my hand and I look at him, my heart clenching, my tears running down my cheeks, drawing out quiet sobs.

"What if ...what if we find your brother?" Really? He's going down that road?

"Stop, just stop right there!" I snap through my tears. "Don't make me think you are that selfish, please! I want to keep you in my memory as the perfect man...don't...please..." I cannot control my shaky voice anymore and start bawling louder. Who is he to think he'll keep me on the off chance that he'll find my brother?

"Ana... Calm down. It's okay." Surprised at my outburst he tries to calm me down.

"It's not okay!" I shout and cry at the same time. "You are not to use him to make me stay! You hear me?"

Seeing that we've arrived at the villa where the ball is, Christian drives to the back entrance and stops. Hurriedly leaving the car he comes to my side and tries to pull me out but I refuse to move. I will not go anywhere with him. This is it.

"Wipe your tears, Anastasia, please."

"I won't. They are me! They are my brother." I look at him and start sobbing again. "I'm sorry, Christian, I'm so sorry...can't you see? Can't you see how fucked up I am? Why do you want me? Just leave...please..."

He looks away, turning around and... Will he walk away? Will he break my heart just like I told him to?

"Ana, what I wanted to tell you..."

He doesn't have the guts to leave. I guess I am the stronger one after all.

"Then I'll leave if you won't!" I get out of the car, heading away from everything when, right in front of me I see Gordon, standing with tears in his eyes. He's trying to say something but I can't hear anything. What is he doing here?

"I know...I remember..." he mouths.

I wipe the tears from my eyes, needing to see clearly what's happening and I look back at Christian...then at Mia, standing far back...and my eyes land on Gordon again. It's futile, my tears blur my sight again and I'm still looking at him, and, it's like wave upon wave is crashing over me. The anxiety is here, the one I always feel when I remember my brother and, is it possible? I see, in the blur that Gordon is right now, a face...a young face...Johnny's face...and ...like a lightning bolt from the sky I fall down but don't reach the ground, someone's arms catch me and I...I have my arms stretched out in front...I don't want to lose him...the image of Johnny...but it can't be...

"It's him," Christian whispers into my ear and I turn to him...and back at Johnny... Gordon... now fallen down to his knees, crying.

"No..." It's what I was waiting to hear for the past twenty years and now, as I do it hurts even more. It can't be...can it?

"It's him, Anastasia, your brother. I found him."

Christian helps me stand up and I walk to Gordon... Johnny... and kneel down next to him. Still crying, I trace the outline of his face gently and see him deeper while he is watching me closely, lost, his face disfigured from the crying...crying like a small child, crying just like the last time I saw him. That image will always stay with me and… that same image, that face is here, in front of me.


I embrace him, sobbing uncontrollably into his arms for a moment and then I pull back, looking at him.

"You remember me?" I whisper.

"Yes..." he nods. "I remember everything...your face, your eyes, they were in my dreams all my life, haunting me. When I saw you yesterday...it was you. YOU. I didn't know why ...until Christian called me."

I turn to Christian and see his eyes shining; he has embraced Mia who is also blubbering on his shoulder, looking at us.

"I have to go inside and open the ball," he says and comes closer, kissing my head. "You take all the time you need."

I nod, and as I regard him walking away he turns to me, placing his palm on his chest, over his heart.

"Mine," he mouths.

"Yours," I whisper.


Anastasia Steele POV.

In the past three months I've been living in a dream. I have my brother, next to me. There is still so much to learn about him. It's like meeting your best friend after eighteen years and you want to catch up. You want to understand his life.

I never thought I would say this but for the first time in my life I think it's good my father is dead. I still cannot believe what he'd done to his own son. He would have been prosecuted if he were alive although I probably would have killed him. My mother was in shock for weeks. She spent most of the time in the hospital. They didn't think she would make it but Gordon came through for her. He talked to her, sang to her, all the things he remembered that she'd done for him, he did for her. Helped by old photographs, all the pieces of the puzzle connected. For both of them.

I couldn't stop crying for months, too. Each time I would see him it was like remembering my time without him, alone. And it hurt. Still does. I know he is hurting, too, although he doesn't say it. His parents, the ones who raised him, were questioned by the police for days. Condemned by everyone, both of them ended up in the hospital, just like my mother. It was all about the life of a little boy, who grew up to become the most wonderful man, and all thanks to the people who raised him. Their only fault? They never told him he was adopted. They loved him too much. Childless for years, they thought adoption was the answer. Going through the right channels, everything they did was legal. The paperwork was correct. Even the police were baffled at how my father managed to provide that.

"I know you're awake." I hear Christian's raspy voice, rousing me from my ponderings. "Do you think you're pregnant yet?"

"Don't be silly, it takes months for that." I yawn. "And lots and lots of practice."

"Can you go and pee on the stick for me, please? I know you're pregnant this time."

"Mmm…leave me alone. I'm tired. I need my sleep."

"Please, Anastasia. For me." he is so impatient. He should learn that things don't always happen as and when he wants them to.

Begrudgingly, I get up and head for the bathroom, I needed to go to the toilet anyway. Half awake, I do my business and having peed on the pregnancy stick I come out of it and give it to him. I'm too tired to wait the few minutes to see the result. Besides, I cannot be pregnant so soon. People try for years before they actually are.

I lie on my side and in a minute, I feel Christian, spooning behind me, wrapping his hands around me in a 'I'm so sorry' gesture.

"Told you," I say, somewhat annoyed.

"Told me what? That you'll be a mom in nine months? No, you didn't!"

"Am I?" I turn to him, I can feel my eyes sparkle; I hate myself for wanting this so bad.

"Oh Anastasia, you are going to be a wonderful mother! I love you, baby! And yes, we are pregnant!"

The End

Virtual Encounter is published on Amazon under the name of 'FLASH BURN' in English and 'RAFAGA DE DESEO' in Spanish.