AN: My attempt at a Bendy POV from The Stupid Decision with a little bit of backstory for the AU I plan to use. I attempted to allude a bit to Chapter 2 so keep your eyes peeled for those references!
He had not been sure exactly when he had started existing, but he did remember the first thing he saw the moment he opened his eyes. It was a tall, thin man with graying hair and small, round glasses sitting on the edge of his nose. They looked like they were about to fall off the man's face. There was a bit of a mustache forming on his lip that was the same grey as his hair.
He was not sure how he knew what a "man" or "hair" or "glasses" was, but he knew what they meant.
"Bendy, are you okay?"
The creature jumped at the... sound? Something on top of his head twitched, nearly making him jump again. Wait... he could hear, someone was speaking to him! That was the sound of their voice!
Was it the person (what was a "person") in front of him?
"H-hello." He jumped once again at the voice. Who had spoken this time? There was no one else in the room with them! Could rooms speak?
The man in front of him smiled, eyes twinkling with joy. "It's okay Bendy, you can keep talking." Bendy?
Was that his name? Bendy? It felt... right. He was Bendy! Bendy the... the...
"Bendy the Dancing Demon." There was that voice again! His voice! It sounded a little bit high pitched but he liked it, it sounded like him! Cartoony but real!
Bendy grinned at the sudden revelation. Bendy, his name was Bendy! But where was he? He could have sworn he was just with... with...
A fuzzy image danced within his mind, but he could not tell what it was. It made him feel happy and something else. It felt warm and fuzzy and made his mouth move (was this a "smile" like the man had on his face?).
Bendy tried to stand up, as he had been sitting down when he... "woke up", but found that his legs were too weak and sat back down on the floor with a thump.
He had legs...
The demon took the chance to investigate the rest of his body while the human watched on. Shiny shoes, white gloves, bow tie, horns, and a pointed tail. It was his body! He smiled as he continued to look over his form. It was strange, he did not feel quite as... flat as he usually did.
The human shifted, catching Bendy's attention. "Well Bendy, my name is Joey Drew, and I'm responsible for creating you."
Creating… him? He was a cartoon, so Joey must have created the cartoon! Bendy smiled at his creator, happy to finally meet him.
"So Joey," It sounded so strange hearing his own voice like this! Everything felt so real! "What am I doin' here?" Speaking of here, he seemed to be in some kind of dimly lit room, and it smelled like... smoke?
Why would there be smoke here? Bendy tried to look around more, but his vision was beginning to fade! He panicked! "J-Joey, what's goin' on?! I can't see any more!" He heard Joey laugh.
"Don't worry Bendy, you're just a bit tired. I'll take you upstairs so you can rest and meet Henry." Henry? Who was Henry?
"Who's that?" He murmured, the rising levels of exhaustion making him feel significantly more tired than he had before. Joey stood up and reached down to the inky demon. He picked the creature up and held him close, like one would with a child.
It was at this moment Bendy realized how small he was. He was about the size of a small child!
"Henry is an old friend of mine, he's in charge of the animation department." Animation?
"So he makes cartoons?" How did he know what animation was, and that it dealt with cartoons?
"Yes, but don't worry about that right now, focus on getting some rest." So Bendy had fallen asleep against his creator, cradled in his arms.
Things had started out so well, and he was so excited to learn more about this new world he had been born into that he had completely forgotten about the room he had been created in. The smoke, the candles, and the smell of something he would later learn about called "blood".
Henry was weird.
Joey had taken him upstairs (up the stairs, upstairs?) and placed him in a room to rest. The room had been nearly completely empty, except for a couple boxes. Bendy leaned against them and closed his eyes, ready to rest.
Not long after that he had fallen asleep, cuddled up against the boxes. He had not slept for too long before being awoken by a loud shout. He had jumped up and stared towards the new person who had made such a loud noise.
He was a bit taller than Joey, and was more filled out. He had dark brown hair and he seemed to be a bit more tanned than Joey. The two humans looked very different from each other, it was weird (did all humans look this strange?).
Was this man Henry?
Bendy walked over to the doorway. The two men seemed to be arguing, so they were unaware of the small ink demon creeping up on them. The man who was possibly Henry was shouting the loudest, and gesturing quite a bit with his arms. Joey seemed to be trying to placate the aggravated man, but it was not working.
It would be up to Bendy to calm the man down then!
"Golly mister, ya sure are makin' a bunch of noise~" The man yelped and jumped back as soon as he caught sight of the inky demon. Bendy pouted a bit at the reaction. "Geeze, ya don't need ta be so rude!"
"Joey, what the hell is this?!" The man shouted, pointing down at Bendy. Joey merely smiled. "Well Henry, that's Bendy."
So he was Henry!
"I know that, I helped you design the damn thing in the first place! What I mean is WHY IS HE ALIVE?!"
Henry was really loud, and a weirdo. "I've always been alive ya dummy!" Honestly, some people could be so rude! Talking about you like you were not there!
Henry just stared at Bendy, torn between pointing out that cartoons were not alive and getting the hell out of there. Eventually the man just sighed and decided to roll with it. "Okay, so why do I need to know about him if you're planning to keep him a secret, Joey?"
Joey smiled. "Because Henry you are going to be in charge of taking care of and watching Bendy while I work."
Henry shot Bendy a glare at the shout before turning his attention back to Joey. "Joey, you can't be serious!" Joey shrugged and left the room, leaving Bendy and Henry alone.
"I'm sure you two will be able to work something out!" He yelled as he left.
The room was completely silent after that. Henry looked down at Bendy, who looked up at him. "Well, what are ya gonna do now?" Henry groaned and pressed a hand against his face. He was not getting paid enough for this.
"So, you want to help me work on some designs for the newest episode?" Henry was not sure if the creature standing beside him was trustworthy, but it was probably a good idea to keep an eye on him.
Bendy smiled, nodded, and followed Henry out of the room. The man was pretty weird, but he sure was glad to get out and look around more!
The next series of memories would have made the inky creature smile if he still had a mouth. The good old days with Henry and... and...
It had taken Henry a couple days to get used to Bendy's constant presence in the studio, but he was surprised to find that he was beginning to enjoy it. Bendy was every bit of the mischievous trickster he was on the show, but would sometimes act like an excited child when shown something new.
It was strange how real Bendy seemed now that he was, well, real.
Bendy would often help him with working on character designs or editing whatever work had been finished. He had discovered the inky demon had a talent for controlling ink, which made sense considering he was ink, and often helped in fixing minor mistakes and overall helped to make the cartoon look much more polished.
They had ended up staying late one day to work on more of the scenes so the episode would be ready on time. Bendy was sitting at his modified desk, a chair with a couple books on it so the demon did not have to stand up the entire time. A dark, ink stained towel covered the chair just in case Bendy got too excited and starting dripping, which always happened when the inky demon experienced powerful emotions. Henry was at his own desk, going over the various scenes that had been submitted.
The man sighed as he noticed yet another mistake. "Hey Bendy, can you come over here and fix this?" Bendy hoped down from his seat and joined Henry. "What do ya need help with?"
"This scene is pretty messed up, I swear Barthy's drawings are getting more sloppy as time goes on." Bendy hummed softly under his breath and shrugged. "Eh, at least it means I get to work more! It's so borin' just sittin' there."
The demon hopped up onto the chair after Henry moved over. He lifted a gloved hand over the page and watched as the ink that made up the image shifted so it looked cleaner. "How's that?"
Henry smiled at the demon. "That looks perfect Bendy, thanks." Bendy smiled and adjusted his bow tie, more than happy to be of service. He was about to hop down from the chair and head back over to when a knock at the office door made him pause.
Henry knew no one else except for Joey would be in the studio, so he called him in. "You can open the door Joey!"
The door opened with a faint creak and there was Joey... with something else behind him? Whatever it was, it was super tall!
"Hey Joey, what's that with you?!" Henry called out, still sitting at his desk. Bendy hopped down from the chair and stared at the figure. There was something very familiar about it, almost as if he had seen it before...
Joey stepped into the room and the figure behind him followed. They made eye contact with Bendy and everything clicked into place, like a puzzle piece finding its correct spot.
Boris looked exactly like Bendy remembered. He was nearly three times Bendy's height, ears included, and wore the same overalls. White gloves covered his hands and a warm, caring look was present in his eyes.
The demon flung himself at the wolf, a massive grin on his face. Boris easily caught him in a crushing hug that made Bendy laugh. "Yer here! Finally! It took ya forever bud!" Boris grinned and held the small demon even tighter. "I know, but I'm here now!" His ears wiggled a bit from excitement.
Bendy was here! It was perfect!
Boris looked up and noticed the other human in the room. "Who are you?" Henry grinned, ignoring the slight twitching of his eye. He was going to kill Joey for this! One was not good enough, he had to bring two cartoon characters to life?!
"I'm Henry and I'm-" "A complete and utter weirdo!" Bendy cut in, innocent grin plastered across his face.
Joey took the opportunity to silently leave the room and allow Boris to get adjusted to his new state of existence. He walked down to his office, humming the theme song of the show under his breath and an empty smile on his face.
"Hey! I told you I'm not a weirdo!" "Sure, whatever ya say~" Boris let out a laugh, causing two sets of eyes to focus on him. "I'm glad to see you made friends while I wasn't here Bendy."
Boris focused on Henry, a warm grin on his face. "Hi there Henry, I'm Boris!" The inky wolf walked over to the human and held a hand out, the other still holding Bendy against him. Henry stared up at the towering cartoon and felt the fear in him fade a bit. He was responsible for designing Boris and he knew what the wolf was supposed to be like. If Bendy was true to his character, then hopefully Boris would be to, so he shook the offered hand, a small smile appearing on his own face.
"Hello, Boris."
Then things began to get a bit more fragmented. Images danced through his mind instead of full stories, and he caught faint glimpses of the things he could remember. He knew so much more had gone on and that many things were missing, but he could not seem to remember them at all.
Bendy watching Boris practice playing his clarinet in Henry's office while the man was on lunch break. Henry appreciated the music while he worked, but sometimes it could get a little distracting. Bendy cheerfully danced along to the music and sang some notes. He loved it!
Bendy stealing some of Henry's pens and draining the ink out of them (he liked the red ones the best). Henry chasing him around the room, yelling the entire time. Boris laughing before eventually stepping in and catching Bendy for Henry. Bendy pouting as Henry scolded him, but smiling when the human offered him another pen.
Boris speaking to Joey about being able to practice with the music department. Joey coldly telling the inky wolf that he could not. The saddened expression on Boris' face, and how quiet he was after that. Bendy trying to cheer Boris up by playing his clarinet the wrong way. The faint smile that appeared after that.
Henry losing his office for some reason and seeing him less often since the cartoons could not leave the room they were in during the day. The trio still doing their best to see each other as often as they could despite this.
Barthy accidentally finding them after Bendy had escaped the room. The young male freaking out the moments he spotted the demon. Barthy swearing to not mention the incident to Joey so he did not get angry. The black hair that reminded the demon of ink...
Bendy and Boris stuck in the room for hours on end, the door locked. Joey occasionally checking on them, a calculated look in his eyes. The darkness that seemed to cling to them, the hours that just ran on and on.
A dark door opening, the stench of smoke and blood. Dripping candles. It was cold and dark, too cold and too dark. The light absorbed by the ink. Taken down to the basement... the basement...
He could never remember! Why could he never remember going to the basement! He could never remember the pain, pain, blinding pain, please make it stop! It hurts! IT HURTS! Screaming, mercy, please!
I don't want to exist! It hurts!
Suddenly the images within his mind shifted and spun, as if being washed down a drain, and were replaced by something he wished to never see again. It had been years since it had happened, but he could still clearly remember everything that had happened.
"B-Boris...? Is that you, bud?"
A gasp followed by scrambling footsteps as Bendy ran into the usually locked room. It had originally been an unused office but someone had turned it into some kind of an operating room!
"N-no! Ya can't b-be! Boris, wake up!"
He tried to jump onto the surgical table only to slip and fall back on the freshly spilled ink. He yelped as he hit the floor, ink splashing around him and falling into the grating that made up the floor the surgical table was attached to.
His consciousness twitched, disturbed by memories that were supposed to be long buried. The images within his mind continued to play, even as he tried to wake up.
He scrambled back up, doing his best to ignore the fresh ink that now stained his gloves. Boris' ink.
He let out a broken sob and collapsed to the floor, landing on his knees. He ignored the stinging pain caused by his rough landing and instead focused on the sensation of something breaking within his chest.
He knew it was impossible to actually have a broken heart, especially since only Boris he was not designed to have one, but the feeling was unmistakable.
His heart was breaking because his best friend was dead. Destroyed. Torn apart.
Another broken keen escaped him. He could not look up, he could not stand the sight of his dead best friend, but he had to. He had to know how he died.
He had to know who killed Boris. He had to avenge his friend.
He was so caught up in his sorrow that he did not hear the slow, heavy footsteps behind him until someone cleared their throat. Bendy yelped and spun around, sending ink flying.
He was too distressed to properly maintain his form, so he was dripping a bit. That combined with the inky tears leaking from his eyes were making a bit of a mess. Some of the ink had even landed on Joey... wait...
Joey was here! He stood at the entrance of the room, ink stains covering his clothes, which was a bit strange since Bendy swore he was not dripping that much!
"J-Joey!" He wheezed out, sorrow clogging his throat. "Y-ya gotta help me, s-some killed..." He could not say it, the words just would not come out! He whimpered and fell forward, landing on his knees. He buried his face in his hands and sobbed softly.
Joey bent down to Bendy's level and gently placed a hand on the inky demon's back, ignoring the ink that immediately stained him. "It's okay Bendy." He murmured, calming the demon down. "I already know who did it."
Bendy looked up right away. "Ya do! Who was it?" How did Joey know who killed Boris? The poor demon was so confused and hurt at that moment, everything felt like a blur. His form continued to melt a bit, emotions making it difficult to hold himself together.
Joey smiled, but something about it seemed a bit wrong to the demon. The usual warmth was missing, and while it had faded the past couple of times Joey smiled at him, now it was completely gone. Bendy shuddered, chills rolling down his spine.
"Henry did it." Bendy froze, disbelief filling him.
There was no way... not Henry...
Joey continued on, either oblivious or not caring about the struggle the demon was going through. "I watched him do it." The demon swore he felt a bit of his nonexistent heart crack at the blunt statement. "He was smiling and laughing the entire time. He kept hitting Boris even after he was dead."
The disbelief that had previously filled Bendy was replaced with rage. How dare he?! How dare Henry hurt Boris, especially since he... he...
He was supposed to be their friend... the only other person who knew about them... the only one who treated them like living beings...
Bendy sobbed once again. How could Henry do this!? How could he hurt them!? Fury filled him once again, making him clench his hands. How dare Henry hurt them! He would make Henry PAY! HE WOULD BLEED FOR WHAT HE HAD DONE!
His form was shaking, ink splashing around him, and for a moment he completely forgot about Joey who was impassively watching the demon.
"Don't worry Bendy, I've already taken care of everything." The demon paused at the dark tone in Joey's voice. What did he mean? Had he caught Henry? Actually, why had he been watching Henry k-kill Boris in the first place?
Before Bendy could ask any of these questions, a sharp, stinging sensation in his shoulder made him yelp. He grabbed the wounded spot and watched as Joey lifted something away from him.
It was an empty needle.
"J-Joey, why did ya do that?" Bendy asked, suddenly feeling very tired and weak. His body swayed a bit and his vision was getting fuzzy. He felt like he was burning up...
Joey did not respond, and Bendy watched as his creator stood up and abandoned him. Then the pain kicked in.
Bendy could not even scream. The burning sensation seemed to paralyze his voice and make it nearly impossible to move! It hurt so much! It felt like a fire was burning under his skin, like he was being pricked with that needle thousands of times, over and over again. All he could do was sit there and cry as the pain ravaged his body.
Bendy whimpered, completely alone with Boris' corpse. He reached a hand out, as if he could make Joey come back and explain everything, fix whatever he had done to him, when he noticed his hand and arm.
They were melting.
Bendy shrieked and scooted back, leaving a trail of ink as he moved. He was dissolving! Had whatever Joey injected him with done this?!
He had no time to worry about that. Whatever it was, it worked fast. Already Bendy felt his tail disappear into a puddle of ink, his arms and legs would follow soon enough. He could not die here! He had to find Henry and Joey, make them pay for what they had done!
Out of the corner of his melted eye, Bendy spotted the object that would soon become his lifeline.
A cut out shaped to look exactly like him.
AN: And now we have some backstory to work with. Remember this is gonna be an AU, but I'll do my best to include as much from the game as I can! Please leave a comment telling me what you think of it so far!