Dramatis Personae
Princess Star Butterfly: Mewni's fourteen-year-old, excitable, good natured, and intense princess. Inheritor of the Wand of Mewni, she boasts considerable magical powers. Very protective of her friends, especially her best friend and would be crush, Marco Diaz. Has waist-length blonde hair held up with a devil horns hair band, and a pair of small pink hearts on her cheeks; a sign of her royal Mewni blood.
Marco Diaz: A fourteen-year-old boy from Earth. Cautious to an almost troublesome degree, he's not afraid to fight if need be. Best friends with Star Butterfly, and currently dating Jackie Lynn Thomas. Has brown hair, a red hoodie, and a winning smile.
Jackie Lynn Thomas: A tomboyish skater girl with a very peaceful and encouraging attitude. Loves the occasional thrill. Friend to Star Butterfly, and is currently dating Marco Diaz. Has short, wavy blonde hair with a light blue highlight.
Ludo: A monster native to Mewni, and former villain to Star Butterfly. His inept attempts at taking her wand was overthrown by Toffee, whom later possessed the little monster's body for his return. Doesn't talk much about that time. A small, green bird man wear a feathery black robe, a bull skull cap, and a rockin beard.
Queen Moon Butterfly: Queen of Mewni, and previous wielder of the Wand. Constantly tries to get Star, her daughter, to behave more like her. Has a large, blue, heart shaped hairdo with diamond markings on her cheeks, a sign of royal Mewni blood.
King River Butterfly: King of Mewni. A loud and spirited man, from whom his daughter inherited plenty of personality traits. Shorter than both his wife and daughter, he has a large blonde beard. Married into the royal family.
Princess Lilacia Pony Head: A disembodied, magical, floating unicorn head. Star's best friend before she came to Earth.
Janna Ordonia: The definition of laid back and chill. She met Star through detention, where she elected the girl to be Mayor of Detention. Wears a beige beanie and short skirt and pants. Likes the color pink, but her want to not conform to gender stereotypes makes it hard to admit this.
StarFan13: Star Butterfly's biggest fan. An excitable girl with a raspy voice that tries to emulate Star in any way she can. Has a fine set of braces, brown hair, as well as a papier mache devil horns hair band and hearts drawn on her cheeks.
Chapter 1
Star looked out at her friends, an expression of sorrow on her face. Mixed in with the sadness was a wave of guilt, which peaked every time she looked at Jackie. Time and time again, Marco and Jackie had forgiven her for what she had done. She thought she was, at best, never coming back, and at worst... none of them wanted to think of those possibilities.
After Toffee's return, the princess had become terrified of what might happen, not just to herself, but to her friends, her family, and her kingdom. Her outburst during the party had been an act of desperation, one last chance to get it off of her chest. They understood that. But she still hated herself for it.
Janna, Jackie, StarFan13, and Pony Head all stood (or floated) in a semicircle in front of her, wanting to hear the story.
"So what happened!?" StarFan13 asked excitedly, always wanting to hear more about her idol.
Star sighed dejectedly, "Well... turns out, Ludo had taken my spell book, and the piece of my wand that Toffee, I don't know, did something too to become part of it. He used it to possess Ludo, take out the Magic High Commission, and even bring himself back to life. The battle was hard... He ruined my kingdom." She then allowed herself a small smile of pride, "But I got him. I don't think he'll be bothering anyone ever again."
"But what about Marco!?" The excited fan blurted out. She flinched as Janna and Pony Head glared at her. But it was Jackie that she turned to and said, "Sorry."
"It's fine, StarFan13." Jackie began, "He already told me the story. Marco's a good boy, and I trust him."
Star couldn't even begin to express how much she appreciated the skater-girl's chill attitude. It made her feel so much less guilty for what she had done, but not entirely free of it. It helped to make things easier.
"Well, it was just after I took out Toffee. Marco somehow got to Mewni, and we had a talk..."
Star was sitting quickly in her room, ramshackle though it was, after her battle with Toffee. She should be happy. Elated even. She killed the monster that threatened her kingdom, found her Butterfly form, and things were finally starting to get back to normal.
But, well, that was the thing.
Normal meant going back to Earth to continue her studies. It meant being able to see all of her Earth friends, see new places, and have all new and exciting adventures.
But it also meant going back and having to face Marco after what she did at the party.
In retrospect, she knew that she could have handled that a lot better. Confessing one's feelings to someone in front of their girlfriend was...
Star buried her head in her pillow and groaned, regret and heartache washing over her in equal measure. Then she heard a knock at the door.
"Go away!" She shouted, muffled, into her pillow.
A few moments later, the knock returned.
Grumbling to herself, she rose from her position on the bed. Whoever was on the other side of the door was about to be on the receiving end of the princess's frustrations.
With a grunt, she pulled open the door, "What do... You..." She deflated at the sight of him.
Marco was standing there, a sad smile on his face. And Star felt her mouth go dry.
"Hey, Star." He said before walking past her into the room. He was on a mission, on that he had to prepare himself for for days. "Come, have a seat." He added, sitting down on the bed and patting the spot beside him.
Numbly, the girl walked over and sat where she was told. She couldn't meet his eyes, not right now.
The boy took a deep breath. "Star... I'm going to open with an apology. I'm not sure you're going to want to talk to me after this, so I wanted to make sure I said it now." He then grew silent for a moment.
"What you did back at the party... I get it. I know why you said what you did, in front of all those people. Seeing the rubble around here, I get it. But... I can't. I just... don't like you that way, Star. You're my live-in best friend. And Jackie... I've been wanting to be with her my whole life, ever since I met her. It was like a dream come true when we started dating!" His eyes lit up for a moment, before turning to the ground, somber.
"I had no idea you felt the way you did. There's so much I would have done differently, said differently, if I had. God, how horrible must it have been for you at that concert?" His head fell into his hands for a moment, sighing. "I've been a huge jerk lately without even knowing it."
Star snapped to his defense, "No! You hav-"
Marco silenced her with a look. "... I know this isn't what you want to hear. I honestly wish this could have gone differently. But... Jackie makes me really happy, and I make her happy. It wouldn't be fair to anyone involved. Jackie would get hurt because I left her, I would be too. I'd also be dishonest or a two-timer for dumping a girl for someone else. And you... Would you ever really be happy knowing how much I care for Jackie? Knowing that I may only be doing it to make you feel better? That people had to get hurt for it?"
The princess stood still. A pregnant pause filled the room. And then she started to cry. "No." She said through checking sobs.
The boy's tremendous heart broke at the sight of the girl. He knew teenage romances were messy, but being part of it all was something else entirely. Everything left him with a bad taste in his mouth, and more guilt than he could deal with. He wanted so badly to help her, but he couldn't. He could only let her down as gently as he could.
And it sucked.
He put an unsteady hand on her shoulder, which made her flinch. Withdrawing his hand, he closed his eyes painfully. The damage had been done.
Without another word, he stood up, left the room, and closed the door behind him.
And there he stood. She could see his shadow beneath the door. He stayed there until she cried herself to sleep. Out of guilt, he had stayed and listened to what he had done. He wouldn't let her suffer alone.
"...and that's what happened."
Everyone looked to be tearing up a bit, aside from Jackie, who had heard the story before. Though that didn't mean she didn't feel for the girl.
Once the last word was said, all eyes turned to Jackie, who nodded and said, "Almost word for word. Too close to be made up and just different enough. Like I said, Marco's a good boy and I trust him."
Everyone turned back to the princess, "Dang Star... That's rough." Janna said, a lack of mirth in her voice. Then she looked to Jackie, "Uh, no offense."
The skater girl waved off the concern.
StarFan13 wore a confusing mix of emotions on her face, but snapped out of it when it seemed to be her 'turn' to speak, "While it sucks to have happened, I know you, Star! You so strong and cool. Something's going to come along and you'll be feeling better in no time!" She tried to say encouragingly.
Star smiled softly at her friend's words. Talking to them had helped a lot.
"Thanks girls..." The princess said. "Really, thanks for listening."
"Yeah gurl!" Said the disembodied unicorn head of Princess Lilacia Pony Head, Star's longtime friend.
"Anytime, Star! You don't even need to ask." StarFan13 leaned in, giving the Mewman another hug, which was returned warmly.
"Yeah, what she said. We might not know much about fighting crazy extra-dimensional threats like you, but teenage slash Earth boy drama, we got you there." Janna said, giving a small laugh. A moment later, something seemed to dawn on her. "You know… Maybe this is a culture thing, you know? Maybe you know how to deal with Mewni boys, but you haven't been around Earth boys that long."
Star seemed to give this a little thought as Janna paused, letting the idea settle in her friend's head, "I think I got an idea..." The delinquent continued.
"Oh? What is it?" The blonde asked.
A/N: I was never happy with the opening, so I've rewritten it. Additionally, moving this story to F/F. Thanks to cindermane for the sweet editing skills!