heya- so I recently saw a piece of fanart where Jem and Will reunite at the river that seperates the dead and the living and it was too adorable so i needed to work through some serious parabatai feels

Tessa stayed at Jem's side as he died as she had at Wills. His black hair silver with age and the lines blemished his once radiant skin, The light had never faded from his eyes, whether they were silver of brown. Over the years many aspects of Jem had changed; through sickness, the brotherhood, the death of his Parabatai, through heavenly fire but something's could never be affected.

She read to him as he died, just as he had once played for Will. She told him the story of two friends that loved a girl, of a divided heart. Jem had survived longer then he had ever meant to, he had outlived those he had loved and watched them die but as he finally faded from the world a slight smile curved his lips. He would once again be at his brother's side,

Jem's eyes fluttered to a close, the end had finally dawned. The darkness he had been fighting since he was twelve years old finally claimed him. He found himself at the river bank that divided the world of the dead from the living. A desperate hope that had ignited in his blood flared at the thought of who waited for him. They had always planned to cross together

"You have kept me waiting for a very long time James Carstairs." Jem could hear the cocky grin, the familiar voice that had guided him for a many years. He turned slowly to finally see the Parabatai he had lost too long ago.

"You waited for me," Jem's voice was a whisper as he confronted the beautiful seventeen year old boy before him. Will was as he had been the last time Jem could see him, with his own eyes and not through those of the Brotherhood.

Will had his hands tucked into the pockets of his trousers, his white shirt undone at the top and rolled up to his elbows. The inky black marks of the Nephilim familiar on his arms and hands. He lounged casually against a tree, not even death could change him

His black hair was tousled and fell across his face, the high cheekbones, the straight nose and the beautiful dark blue eyes, the colour of a deep space nebula or the deepest body of water. His eyes had regained the vibrancy of youth and the wicked smile. Jem was once again seventeen but as he should have been with dark hair and brown eyes. As if he had never been poisoned with Yin-fen

"We cross together- it doesn't matter who died first or how long I had to wait because we are brothers and we go together on to the next adventure. To Cecily, Henry, Charlotte, Sophie, the Lightworms- we shall reunite with all of them and then one day, Tessa will join us."

A small smile, a real smile graced Will's lips as he remembered times when they all lived together at the institute.

"Together," Jem confirmed, grinning at his Parabatai "or where you just too scared to cross for fear of the ducks that may haunt the river?" Will arched an eyebrow,

"This isn't the river to hell or eternal damnation," Will quipped, it was almost as if no time had passed.

"Remember when you tried to convince me to feed a poultry pie to the mallards in the park to see if you could breed a race of cannibal ducks?" Jem joked, bright brown eyes alight. A mysterious silver gleam in his gaze

"They ate it too," Will reminisced "Bloodthirsty little beasts. Never trust a duck," his bright blue eyes were swimming with unshed tears as they relived the past.

He had waited for so long to find peace, to cross the river and reunite his sisters and his friends, even the Lightwoods but he wouldn't cross, couldn't cross until Jem had arrived.

Will approached Jem on the bank, holding out a hand

"deinde ad orbem terrarium," Will spoke softly, his eyes gleamed

"Come on Brother," they turned towards the river, hand in hand to face the next challenges as they always had and as they waded into the river neither registered the slight hiss of their Parabatai runes as they were reunited in death


Tessa cried over his body, she had found two great loves in her life and then she had lost both of them. Her body was wracked with helpless sobs as her life would continue with no foreseeable end. She longed to be mortal, to live and then die. she could not bear the agony of losing both of her two loves, each had held her heart and it had died with them. Mortals thought immortality was such a gift but they did not know the pain of losing the ones they loved, she would remain frozen in time, alone. she didn't even have the comfort of brother Zachariah, she couldn't remember being this alone.

then she noticed the rune that Jem had treasured the most, the sacred mark that had faded many years ago. The Rune had darkened, jet black against his skin as it had been when Will and Jem had been united in life

which meant that two halves of the same soul had finally found each other in death

they were together and Tessa, despite the agony and her sobs, she smiled. For when she finally left this world, they would all be together again. With that thought she could bear the unbearable and continue to live until the darkness finally claimed her and she was with the two boys that had left her torn, the two boys that had saved her and had been saving her since she was sixteen.

and she would see them again- see Will again, see Jem

she would laugh with them, dance with them, be with them, she would look into Wills beautiful eyes and hear Jem's gentle words

and that thought gave her the strength she so desperately needed as she murmured into the darkness

"Ave atque vale,"

latin translation- on to the next world

thank you for reading, there may be a follow up for when Tessa finally united with jem and will, ot really sure. if you like this please fave and follow and i have written other stories for avengers and Suicide squad if you want to check them out and i am currently working on several TID oneshots.
