Month later…
Sam woke up one morning; he was alone in bed like always as Dean doesn't really need to sleep so he works around the house. Putting up wards to protect them from other hunters and demons, signing Sam pushes himself up from the bed with some difficulty and waddles to the bath room really needing to pee. He stood there and frowned when he looked in the mirror as he washed his hands. Something was different about himself frowning he tilted his head and it took him a while to realised what was wrong.

Dean was down stairs watching his blood drip into the carton of milk and instead of turning the milk pink it went back to white. He smiled as the wounded closed up and he closed the carton and shook it slightly before putting back in the fridge, but that is when he heard his Queen scream. He turned towards the kitchen door and ran up the stairs heading towards the bathroom, he saw Adam stood by the bathroom door trying to get it open "Mama won't open the door." Adam said looking worried, Dean had to let a smirk grow on his lips he still found it cute when Adam started to call them mama and dad.
"Stand back Adam." He told him as he went to break the door down.

Sam spun around when he heard the loud bang and then the bathroom door fall to the ground with a thud a large hole in the door where Dean had hit it with his shoulder. Dean looked around the room to see what made his Queen scream "What is it Sam why did you scream?" Dean asked his eyes black as he looked behind the shower curtain.
"Whoa." Adam gasped as he stood there and looked at the dark haired teen, who was giving the older male daggers.
"Sammy is it the pups are they are okay, have you gone to labour?" Dean asked still not seeing the problem as he looked at Sam and pressed his hand on his stomach.
"What the hell did you do to me?" Sam growled at him, the demon frown as he looked up at into Sam's eyes.
"What?" He asked, Sam, turned and looked at Adam
"You can see them right?"
"Of course I can see them!" Adam gasped "How can I not see them… Oh my god you have a tail!" He yelled Sam's eyes widen as he tried to look around at the tail behind him.
"DEAN YOU SON OF A BITCH WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!" Sam screamed at him as he grabbed him by his shirt and growled at him as he pushed him against the wall.

Dean stood there looking up at the pair of black fluffy years sticking out of his mop of black hair, he had to smile he couldn't hide it as he dragged his eyes down Sam's face. He saw the canine teeth were a little longer and were poking out from his top lip, and he was just giddy at seeing the fluffy black tail. "Dean?" Sam cried out as he shook him
"Perfect, you're just perfect." He whispered, as he cupped his face and kissed him on the lips feeling the fangs scratch his bottom lip, as he ran his fingers through Sam's hair.
"Eew you two are gross," Adam mumbled as he turned away all the while making fake retching sound.

Once alone Sam pulled back and looked up at Dean to see the demon's eyes have gone black again and that made bite his lip. "Why did you do this to me?" Sam asked as he watched Dean push up the broken door up into its frame.
"I had to; I turned you into a demon Sammy it is the only way for you to give birth to our pups." He turned back to his Queen and warped his arms around him and helped him to sit on the bathroom counter and glided his hands up Sam's thighs to the bump.
"B-But why the ears and the tail?" He asked Dean grinned as he reached up and rubbed one of the fluffy ears. Sam whimpered at the sensitive ear.
"You're a Hell Hound Queen; you see when dad tried to free me from the demon he had to kill a Hell Hound. He must have killed a Queen…"
"Dean, what are you saying that-that I'm going to give birth to hell hounds?" He asked he paled a little as he watched those black eyes.
"No you were human, unless I have you fucked by a Hell Hound then maybe. " Sam could see Dean thinking it the hazy lustful glint in his eyes so the teen hit him.
"Stop that." He growled,
"It's nothing to worry about it just means you are nearing the end of your pregnancy." He smiled as he kissed him on the lips.