It was just a normal day in the cities of Vale with everyone doing their everyday stuff. The cities were bustling with people going to work or moving around in a way that seemed rather suspicious, but it's not like everyone would do bad stuff all the time.

Unbeknownst to everyone, all the cities will never get to experience that 'normal' day, as they were never going to be normal in the first place.

One city that was one of the first to face the weird conundrum was a small town. The town was nothing special. It was normal. It was. Many people were walking, and they never knew.

Among the people who were walking around was a man, who was jogging around in the street with a girl by his side, presumably was just doing sport for life.

They seemed to enjoy whatever they were doing, laughing as well.

"So, Chancy," The man started, attracting the attention of the girl, Chancy, who then turned her head towards the man beside her.

"How is your shop doing lately?" The man asked Chancy, who giggled in response.

"Do you even need to ask? It's doing very well ever since you came back, Allen. I appreciate you for that, okay?" Chancy said to the man, Allen.

Allen giggled a bit. He then looked back towards the path in front of him to make sure there's nothing stopping them. He then looked back towards Chancy, who frowned and seemed to be slowing down a bit.

Allen took notice and slowed himself down too.

"Are you okay? You don't seem too well compared with your shop." Allen said in hope of making the joke works. It never worked, so to say.

Chancy looked at him.

"Actually, no, I'm not. I lied about the shop doing so well." Chancy said in a sad manner. Allen sighed. He was about to say something before Chancy continued.

"There were not many people everyday. It's like, the numbers are decreasing every few days before the shop looks like it is deserted, not to be thought about again." Chancy explained. Allen raised an eyebrow.

Chancy continued with, "And the strange thing is, it's not only my shop. Every other shops are also losing big numbers of customers everyday. It's so weird. It's like somethi-someone doesn't want me to continue getting more customers."

"Hey, don't be like that. Maybe it's just they don't feel the need to renovate their weapons. Then again, there's the Rose girl. Always enthusiastic with weapons."

Chancy laughed. "Little Red has always been like that ever since she saw our shop."

A phone suddenly rang. Allen reached into his pocket and fished out his phone, ringing from someone calling it.

"Well, I have to take a call." Allen stated before he walked away towards a different corner of a building to talk to the caller. Unfortunately, he had also gotten himself hidden from Chancy's sight.

The text, 'Unknown Numbers', filled the screen of his phone, making him curious.

Nonetheless, he answered the call.

"Hello." He said into his phone.

Minutes then went by as Allen talked to the person on the phone.

Chancy waited for him to finish talking to whoever had called him. However, she didn't know if she could wait any longer.

"Allen?" She called out. No answer came. She became slightly worried.

Her phone then suddenly rang as well, surprising her. She took out her phone and looked at the screen. Her face turned from an expression of surprise and agitated feeling to an expression of fear.

"Crap." She whispered to herself.

She turned towards the corner Allen had hid himself away from.

"Allen! I have to go back to the shop! Customers are coming in! Come back soon!"

And then she ran, oblivious to the fact that Allen was no longer there. There was just his phone.

Unfortunate for her too, since the phone also disappeared into thin air just moments later.

"It's so weird, I'll tell you that."

Update: As of 19th of January, 2018, I decided to completely rewrite this whole story with a better and fresher start, along with the title and summary.