I Do Not Own DC Comics, Movies/TV, or Animation

Never an Inconvenienceā€¦

Okay, girlfriends were out of his wheel house, and he didn't always know what to do with his and Raven's relationship. But they were good, again.

Since the debacle with his mission and Kara, them hashing out (for real this time around) what they were, and moving in together, they were good. Jason even would hesitantly say solid. Hesitantly.

He wouldn't outright say that they were good, because that was opening the door to a disaster, something he didn't know if he could handle right now. But he and Rae, they were good. She was finally feeling at home with Titans East, and they were working on renovations for their apartment. Something that would also become an apartment complex.

Things with his family were tenuous at best, but still, he was hanging out at Wayne Manor as of late looking for inspiration for designs for his home and apartment building. It was an OLD warehouse, so he was thinking of giving it the twenties vibe. He liked the twenties, they were an interesting time period.

"I think Zach's going to ask out Raven again," Tim announced which had Jason's head snapping up. Tim and Dick were in the library.

"It's not going to happen," Dick decided. Jason buried his nose in his book but he kept his ears tuned to the conversation.

"I know, he keeps asking and she keeps saying no," Tim said.

"I think Gar messed her up really bad when they happened."

"I don't know, I think she's got a boyfriend or something."


"Yeah, I mean she was wearing a guy's hoodie the other day," Tim said. That sent Jason reeling. So that's where that hoodie had gone.

"I think she bought that as a way to deter Zach, if he doesn't stop asking her out he's going to find himself in another dimension."

"You really think she'd buy a hoodie to deter a guy from asking her out?"

"Look, here's what I know, when she dated Gar, he tore her down. He did it so effortlessly and I think it left the impression that she finds herself as undesireable. The horrid dates she attempted probably didn't help either, but if she doesn't think she's worth it then yeah, yeah, I see her buying a guy's hoodie, making up a boyfriend to deter a guy," Dick shrugged.

Jason put his book back and frowned.

A guy harassing Raven? Asking her out! Asking HIS Girl Out!? There was a vicious fury that filled his viens and he could feel the green haze coming as he stuffed his hands in his pockets to leave, no longer able to think about the renovation of his and Rae's apartment.

"Hey Jay," Tim smiled at him.

Jason nodded at him as he walked out and ignored Dickhead. He needed time to think. He needed a minute to think about this. Raven was his girlfriend, so why hadn't she come to him about the problem?

Because they were a secret. He knew that, still, it irked him that she wouldn't tell him about something like that.

Raven was sleeping on their mattress and box spring, the blankets were drawn up her shoulder, and her black hair spread over their pillows, as she lay there curled up. God she looked so fragile and vulnerable, it had him smiling a bit, all the runes that were painted over their walls to keep her empathy when unleashed contained were still standing out, and she just looked all the smaller.

He walked over, and her eyes snapped open as she looked at him through heavy lashes.

"Jason?" she mumbled.

"Hey, we need to talk," he said.

"Okay," she yawned as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes and sat up. "What about?"

"Who the fuck is Zach and why the fuck am I only hearing about him harassing you now?" he demanded.

"Zachary Zatara is a magician, and he's just joined Titans East. And I was handling his advancements," she sighed tiredly, her head resting on the wall of their apartment. "I'm not going to say yes, or cheat on you. So I didn't feel the need to press the matter when he's just an annoyance."

"Rae, that's not really the point," he started.

"I was trying not to inconvenience you when it's just you and me and Vic who knows about you and me, and you and I don't want to tell the others just yet," she said tiredly.

"Raven, you're never an inconvenience," he snapped it fiercely which wasn't intentional as her eyes widened a bit. Fuck, he had known about her and Gar, she had told him all about it, and he was more than well aware of her terrible dating history before they had started their friends with benefits thing/now dating thing. "I just wanted to know why you wouldn't tell me."

"It wasn't important."

"Rae, if everything about me is important to you, and I tell you everything, then what makes you think that the opposite should be happening here? I want to know what's going on Raven, especially with you. You're my best friend, you're also my girlfriend. I want to know, I need to know, never think whatever's going on with you is an inconvenience. You're my girl," he said.

"Zach's been hounding me since he joined the Titans, I don't know what to do!" she finally said as she buried her face in her knees. He sat on the bed and pulled her into his lap as all of a sudden there was a plethora of issues he wasn't aware of suddenly rushing out of her lips.

She sighed by the end and her face was buried against his chest.

"Sorry for the inconvenience," she mumbled.

"You are not, nor could you ever be an inconvenience, and we will figure this out," he assured her.

"We will?"

"Yeah, We. After all, we suck at the dating thing together, so we'll figure it out together, even if it is a secret."

"Okay," she mumbled.

"Also, are you seriously stealing all my hoodies?" he asked.

"They're comfy and warm."