The moon shone through the bedroom window as Aestas watched the rain pour down, the wind blowing through the trees, causing the small branches to hit the glass of the window.

With Viktor on a business trip, she was finding it difficult to sleep.

Hence the rather large tome on her lap.

She didn't mind the stormy weather outside, finding it soothing on lonely nights such as this.


Well… almost lonely.

Glancing over, she smiled softly at the sight of Newt standing by her bedside.

"I'm scared!"

"Why are you scared?" She placed her book on the bedside table, "It's just the Thunderbird, isn't it?"

Newt pouted, "Not that… I had a bad dream." He looked back up at his Mother, eyes wide and full of tears, "Can I sleep here tonight, please?"

Aestas couldn't resist that look. "Alright…" She whispered, "… But it's back to your own bed tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay!" Newt clambered into the bed, crawling closer and placing his head on her shoulder, clinging to her desperately. Aestas couldn't help but smile fondly at him, running her fingers through his hair as thunder cracked overhead.

"I'm here…" She whispered softly, "… I'm here." She rested her head on the pillow of her bed, wrapping her arm around her son as she started to hum a familiar lullaby.

She's never had a mother to do this with… just her Father, but he was enough.

Newt yawned in exhaustion as he snuggled closer. Minutes later, he was fast asleep as Aestas stopped humming, running her fingers through Newt's hair as she leant over to kiss him on the forehead.

"Sweet dreams, my little angel." She whispered quietly.

She looked back out of the window at the moon shining brightly in the sky. The storm had stopped, and everything was peaceful and quiet. Shuffling down, she rested her head on her pillow, closing her eyes and following her son into sleep.


Newt's nightmares just got worse with each passing day.

Even Theseus had spotted this.

Newt didn't seem to be sleeping for more than a few hours at night, and he was never a big eater, but now he seemed to be playing with the food more than eating it.

This night, he had snuck into his younger brother's room, watching as Newt got caught up in yet another nightmares. He sighed quietly as he stroked his brother's forehead, watching him sleep.

His vigil seemed to do nothing to ease Newt's nightmares, but it helped with his own peace of mind.

Theseus was startled out of his thoughts when Newt jerked awake, his breathing too fast, tears pouring down his face and his jaw clenched shut. Newt never screamed during or when he awoke from his nightmares.

Remaining silent, he reached out and carefully placed his hand on top of Newt's, only to be shocked when his younger brother half-collapsed into his arms, prompting Theseus to pull him closer, making soothing noises as Newt started to sob.

"It's okay… it's okay Newt."

He held his younger brother until Newt had calmed down enough, and as a result, he found himself with an armful of exhausted, cried-out, half-asleep Newt.

He didn't mind.

"Come on Newt, you have to go to sleep now."

"Don't go…" Newt slurred tiredly.

"… I won't." It took a bit of effort, but eventually Theseus managed to move them both until they were both lying down, Newt sinking back into the soft bed. Theseus ruffled his hair fondly, as Newt snuggled into him, resting his head on Theseus's shoulder.

"Love you Theseus."

"I love you too Newt."