Sorry for my bad English.
Friendship can be funny sometimes.
After a week barely speaking with anyone around her, Erika suddenly was pulled to a friendship with a strange group of boys after one of them literally fell on the football field.
After being dragged to lunch with him, she meets his other two friends and she actually liked their company. She quickly learns they have a history around the school and their block for scamming their neighbors after their money, all for a candy that is bigger than her head.
Her life becomes a bit more interesting since then.
It is not like her life was boring in Porto Seguro. She remembers having a lot of fun with her friends back there, hanging out with Fernanda, helping Pedro study, play soccer and make Tamí seems like she just sucked a lemon after losing the game.
Good times.
As she reaches her locker, she starts to think in the actual situation of her friendship with them. Now it seems that they are not interested in talk to her. Erika has send tons of letters to Brazil and only got an answer during a assignment from International Studies. Again, she was in the town make a while now, and was the first letter she received.
After that letter, she send a lot more…
Erika's thought were interrupted by her locker being abruptly closed, and the Brazilian looks around to see three girls standing around her.
One of the girls has blond hair and buck teeth, was wearing a gray T-shirt, red shorts, yellow socks, and red shoes with gray soles.
The second one, with blue hair and yellow teeth, seemed to be a fan of rock music, wearing a black tank-top that halts right above her bare midriff, a pink belt, green non-camouflaged BDU pants, a dark green wristband on her left arm and black shoes with gray soles.
The last girl, who Erika recognized from one of her past P.E classes, was wearing a white tank top with red polka-dots on it, golden earrings, a pink belt along with blue jeans and purple shoes with white soles.
For some reason, she could feel hostility from the three.
-Any of you need something? –Erika asked.
-A bird told us that you had been spending a lot of time with our men. –The ginger one began.
-Your men?
-You think that can still the big Ed from me? –The blonde asked showing a brick in her hand, which was reduced to dust in her strong grip.
-Big Ed? –Erika whispered before asks. –You are talking about the Eds?
-That's right, girly. –The blue haired one said poking Erika's chest. –I saw only talking to dreamboat yesterday.
-And you know what do we do with boyfriend-stealers?
-Invite over your house for a nice cup of tea?
The girls only laugh evilly.
-Alright girls, let show her in the Kanker-Style. –The now named Kankers' Sisters spoke cracking their knuckles.
In that moment, Erika knew that she was in trouble, so did the only thing she could.
-Oh look. –Erika said. –The Eds are drooling over that Van Bartonschmeer girl.
The Kankers immediately turn around to where Erika was pointing after her statement, only to find the same white wall from the school. After two seconds staring, they notice what happened and went after the Brazilian girl.
Erika runs as fast as she could to anywhere, and immediately finds a hideout in the next classroom. The moment she opened the door, the sister were already waiting for her, making Erika quickly close the door in their faces. She runs again and tried the janitors closet, only for the sisters already be there waiting for her.
The sisters once again were waiting behind a closed door, but when the door opened Erika was nowhere to be found. The sisters look around and did not saw the Brazilian, so growling, they went after Erika.
Turning around the nest corridor, they only found a tiny man with a moustache.
-She went over there.
The sister followed the direction only to stop inside a locker. The mustached man then closes the locker and traps the sister inside. They trash around the locker while the man removes the moustache and reveals himself to be Erika.
They never doubt… the moustache. –She said.
Double D was trying to focus on his book, trying being the key word.
It was hard to focus in the words of his book with Ed and Eddy being the nuisances once again, despite his warning that a classroom is for study. That is when Erika came to the classroom. She immediately sit by Double D's side and got the book from his hands.
-I meet with you girlfriend this morning. –Erika said.
Double D shuddered, knowing what she meant with her statement.
-I am sorry for you have to be forced to deal with the Kankers Sisters' hostile behavior.
-Who are those girls anyway?
-The Kanker Sisters are a trio of girls who is infatuated with me and my friends, and bullies our companions throughout Cul-De-Sac.
-Yeah, I notice that. –Erika said remembering about their conversation. –They warned me about the… "relationship" with you, Ed and Eddy.
-Kankers are evil! –Ed shouts, hearing about their conversation. –Hide! Hide! Ed needs to hide!
And he hid by jumping on the drain in one of the tables, spinning until it sinks into the sewer.
-He will come back. –Eddy said before shooting an elastic against one of his classmates.
Immediately after that, the professor enters in the classroom, making the student Eddy hit with the elastic only growl in frustration and wait until the class is over to get some payback. Eddy just smirk and put a sleep mask with fake eyes drawn.
Erika notices that and pulled the mask from Eddy's face, and let it go sending the shortest Eddy falling in his back.
-What the hell! –Eddy shouts but not even his loudest screams could compare with a cough of his professor, making him growl in frustration and sit back on his chair.
His classmate smirking behind him.
Erika's next class had an unpleasant surprise.
Upon entering the classroom, she notices the Kankers, free from the locker and sitting behind from where Erika usually sits.
She just sight.
Sitting in her table, the professor enter in the classroom starting the class, but not for the sisters.
Ten minutes later, Erika was taking notes and seemed to not pay attention to the Kankers, who made an improvised giant slingshot. May and Marie hold both sides while Lee pulled the elastic, aiming a bowling ball to the back of Erika's head.
The bowling ball was shot, ready to send Erika to the black board, but they did not well the Brazilian.
Erika pulled from her bag a geographical atlas and put in the back of her head. The thickness of the book was enough to not only block the incoming projectile but also send back to the shooter.
Lee had only a moment to notice the ball coming back to her face before it hit her, sending her to the back wall. May and Marie look to the hole where their sister are, thinking about what just happened.
In the corridors, Erika was standing in front of her locker while reading an English book. She did not notice the Kankers appearing far on the corner.
May scratches the floor with her foot, preparing herself to run after the Brazilian, who still did not took her eyes away from her book.
-Go get her May! –Lee shouts and the blonde sister runs in high speed.
Erika still did not took her eyes away from her book as May was approaching her in high speed, ready to tackle her down with a broken bone or two.
Erika still did not took her eyes away from her book while May's eyes were like a psycho.
Erika then opened the door of her locker and her vision was blocked from May, who not stopped her running. Of course, being a Kanker, just a simple locker door would not be a problem for May, but not today.
With a "blam!" her run was stopped and her faced pacaked with her crash against the locker door. With the vision of the Brazilian blocked, May did not see Erika putting another thick book behind the door, resulting in what happened to May's face.
She closed the door leaving May on the floor, with her face flat as a table and seeing stars.
-I got her? –She asked.
Alone in the bathroom, Erika was busy doing her necessities, this time reading a magazine about fashion. She still not know what American girls like in those clothes, but she finds to be a huge improvement compared what the girls wear in Brazil.
-At least they are not walking around with her legs exposed. –She said and then, someone start to knock the door. –Ocupado! –She spoke in Portuguese.
Hearing the words in another language, whoever knocked the door start to shake it uncontrollably until it submitted and was throw in a random direction by Lee.
-Surprise. –The ginger said.
-Not really. –Erika answered.
-I've decide to settle this in the classical way. –Lee said cracking her knuckles.
-Could you at least wait until I put back my pants? –Erika asked, not showing any sign of fear.
Lee ignored her complain and raised her fist, aiming against the Brazilian's pretty face.
But before the fist connected with the face, Lee's nostrils were hit by a smell, but not only a smell, but a horrible, stinky and sour smell.
The fist stopped in middle way before start to melt along the rest of Lee's body, and Erika watched as Lee's melted body trickled down to the nearest drain. With her attacker out of the way, she put a clothespin on her nose, took a dripping lunch bag from the floor and threw in the garbage can.
-I didn't thought that Ed's lunch from last year would be useful to me. –Erika said before leave the bathroom.
Erika left the school accompanied by the Eds while telling them about some of her encounters with the Kankers. The classroom, the corridor, the bathroom, the art room… and it is better not knows about the art room.
Just know the girls did not left the art room yet.
-I'm surprise. –Double D said. –It is not anyone who can deal with the Kankers and walk away to tell the tale.
-I wish you had taken a picture. –Eddy said while laughing. –I would give the clothes on my body to see that. –And with that statement, Ed holds Eddy's shirt and ripped from his body. –Hey, Lump! What gives?
-I give you two shoes and a gum for your pants!
Eddy's answer was grabs Ed's ankles and throw him on the nearest window.
-He is with your shirt. –Erika said.
Eddy frowned and jump after the bigger Ed. As they struggle outside, Erika keeps her conversation with Double D, while the nerd Ed continued to correct her.
While the day was reached its end, Erika knew that her problem with the Kankers were far from over.
End of the chapter.
This is one of the few things I want to make with Erika, and I planned some more but they can wait until the next chapter. I will see if the next chapter will be an original or one episode with Erika.
See you next time.