Hey guys, this is an Outlander fanfic so if you haven't seen the show or read the books there will be some spoilers. But if you want to read it I'm not going to stop you consider I wrote it to be read.

Ailith MacColin makes her way down the streets of Inverness, heading to the Covenantor Hotel to see her friend Claire Randle. She had heard her friend was in town on her second honeymoon, and she was dieing to know how she was doing since the end of the second world. They had been combat nurses together during the war and had become great friends ever since.

Ailith smiles softly as she walks into the hotel Clair was staying in, walking up to the desk she asks the woman behind it, "Hello is there a Claire Randle, around?"

The older woman smiles and nods, "Yes lass, there is she's just up the stairs in the small sitting room."

"Thank ye," Ailith replies and her smile widens as she walks up the stair and sees her friend reading on one of the chairs. "Well if it isn't my bonnie friend Claire!"

Claire jumps up, dropping her book as she makes her wa over to embrace the Ailith. Claire pulls back smiling widely at her friend, her eyes taking in her attire, "Ailith, I didn't think you were going to come so soon, and what on earth are you wearing?"

Ailith was wearing an 18th century dress that has been in her family for 200 years, with a purse, Scottish throwing axe and a dirk strapped to her belt. It was the day before Samhain and Ailith's family had a tradition of dressing in the clothes their ancestors wore to honor their family. "Claire you ken, I told ye about it whilst we were training. Remember."

The brunette smiles and nods her head in remembrance of that conversation. And then she looks like she quickly remembered something. "Ailith I just remembered a flower I found while Frank and I were up at Craigh Na Dun last night. And I was going to go and find it this afternoon, would you like to accompany me?"

Ailith smiles and nods "Yes I would like to, I haven't been since I was but a wee bairn," she replies and Claire immediately links her arms through Ailith's, dragging her down to her car. "Wait before we go let me go to the bakery, so that we can have a small picnic while we're there," she says motioning toward the little shop across the way.

The auburn haired young woman runs across the street and into the little bakery, she smiles at the old man behind the counter. "Hello Michael, can I get a fresh loaf and some of you wonderful cheese?" she asks and the older man smiles making small talk as he gets her order. "Thank ye, and I hope ye have a bonnie day."

She puts the fresh loaf and cheese into the purse strapped to her belt. Running out of the shop, she climbs into the passenger seat of Claire's car. The two women talk about what they've been doing since the end of the war.

Ailith gasps when she can see Craigh Na Dun from the road and immediately jumps out when Claire brings the car to a stop. The two of them climb the hill to the stone circle, Ailith marvels at what she see's before. She follows Claire over to the flowers and decides to pick some herself to put on her dining room table before dinner that night.

The two of them stop when the wind begins to howl and the ground started to shake, they could both hear a buzzing in their ears. Ailith gasp when she realizes what's happening she had heard tales of this in the folk songs her parents used to tell her. "Claire I think it nye time we left don't you think," she says a little worried.

Claire goes to touch the tallest stone, and Ailith runs over to prevent her from doing but trips over a root in the ground. She gasps when she catches herself on the moaning stone, the same time Claire touches the stone.

It went dark for the both of them and the next thing they knew was waking up in the same exact spot. Ailith immediately stands up knowing something wasn't right, could the legends be true, and if so when exactly were they. But before she could speculate on the matter Claire grabs her arm and began to drag her in the direction the car is supposed to be.

Claire freezes and her grip on Ailiths arm slackens when she see's there was no car nor paved road to be seen. Claire looks to the woman beside her, "M-maybe it's a bit farther down than we expected," she says and begins walking again.

Ailith follows her friend as she still continues to comprehend what had happened. She didn't realize how far they walked until they were in the in the middle of one of the many Scottish forests. Ailith turns her skirts swishing around her legs when she hears many pairs of feet coming in their direction.

What makes her panic a bit is the red British army coats the men seemed to be wearing. She knew for a fact there wasn't any reenactments going on this time of year. 'Maybe they're filming a motion picture of some sort.'

Her eyes widen when one of the men in a red coat stops and fires his gun at the two of them. She grasps Claire's hand and began to run in the opposite direction of the gun fire. 'But why would actors be using live ammunition!'

As they continue to run Ailith is torn away from Claire by one of the red coats, the man begins to choke the life out of her. Gasping for air and knowing she couldn't get away from him without causing any bodily harm to his person. She pulls her dirk from its sheath hidden in her skirts and quickly stabs the man in the stomach and puncturing one of his lungs.

The soldier gurgles spraying blood on Ailiths face, she cringes and shoves his body away from her. Getting up she sees the shocked look on Claire's face as she wipes the blood off her dirk and re sheathing it. "Y-you just killed a man!" her friend whisper yells at her.

"I ken, and I'd do it again if it meant our lives," she states and began to run again when a another shot is fired in their direction. She runs toward the sound of running water hoping to quench her thirst, but froze seeing another red coat doing what she intended to do once she got to the water source.

"Frank?" Claire calls and Ailith's hand moves to her dirk once again when the man turns toward them.

"Claire I do'nae think that's your Frank," Ailith whisper quickly, but seems to be ignored as Claire spoke again.

"What the hell are you?!" she says and freezes when the Frank look-a-like continues toward them. "You're not Frank."

"No madame I'm not," he replies and looks to the two of them.

"Who the bloody hell are you?" Claire asks looking a bit angry.

Ailith looks hesitant and leans towards her friend, "I do'nae think you should talk to him like tha'," She warns lightly.

"I am Jonathan Randle Esquire, Captain of his Majesty's Dragoons … at your service" The Captains states looking proud to say that. He narrows his eyes at the two of them before pulling his blade out and swinging it at Claire, Ailith pulls her dirk and quickly blocks the blade from hitting her friend.

She's stunned when Randle backhands her across the face, she lands on the ground while the Captain holds his blade to Claire's neck against a tree. "Who are you?"

"My husband is expecting us, he'll come looking when we're not back in ten minutes," Claire says quickly looking to be getting angrier with each word.

Ailith hears a rustle in the bushes above them, looking up she sees and man holding a finger to his lips. "Your husband what's his name?" she asks and grasps her by the hair and pulling her away from the tree. "What is his name?"


"Frank what?" he asks. Ailith watches moving closer to the dirk that she dropped when she was slapped. She stops moving and gasps for air when Randle kicks her stomach, "Stop moving you Scottish bitch, now tell me what his name is!"

Claire looks at Ailith then glares at the Captain, "Frank Beaucham… he's a teacher."

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Frank Beaucham the teacher's wife," Randle says condescendingly. "You must think I'm a fool, so would you like to tell me exactly who you are and what you're doing here?" he asks.

Ailith gets up and glares at him, "She does'nae have to answer to you," she says through gritted teeth.

"Shut up," she shout at her before turning back to Claire. "Now answer, you try my patience!"

Ailith looks up at the highlander above them wondering when he was going to strike, "I don't owe you anything you bastard," Claire replies.

Randle throws his blade to the side and pushes Claire up against the tree once more. "The speech of a lady and the language of a whore.." he say smugly then looks to Ailith, "And you must be one too.."

The Captain goes to pull up Claire's dress but is stopped by the highlander jumping down on top of him. The highlander grabs Ailiths hand and motions for Claire to do the same. He runs them bit behind a tree to hide as more red coat arrive.

"Trobhad!" the highlander shouts at the two women. {Come!}

Claire begins to struggle and scream once more, "Claire be quiet," Ailith whispers at her, but her friend continues to struggle. The highlander takes matters into his own hands and knock her out with the hilt of his own dirk. Swinging the unconscious Claire onto his shoulder he takes Ailiths hands and begins to run again. He stops at a pair of horses, he helps Ailith onto one, then swings onto the other one setting the now waking up Claire in front of him.

He kicks his horse into a light gallop and Ailith does the same following after him. After a while of silence during the ride Ailith speaks wanting to thank him. "Cha bhiodh tu a 'cuideachadh, ach tha mi a' toirt taing dhut co-dhiù." she says in Gaelic. {You didn't have to help, but I thank you anyway.}

The highlander just nods, and continues to ride only stopping once they reach a small cottage. Nightfall has long passed when they had stopped, the highlander helps Claire off the horse then moving to help Ailith off hers.

He takes Claire by the arm leading her into the cottage and letting Ailith follow. "Mhurchaidh Cò th 'annta?" an older gentlemen asks seeing the two women with the highlander. {Murtagh who are they?}

Ailith smiles softly now knowing the name of her savior, she steps forward and introduces herself, "Is e m 'ainm Ailith MacColin." Some of the men look a little happy to find that she is a fellow scot.{My name is Ailith MacColin.}

"Agus a?" the same man questions. {And her?}

"Caileag shassanach" Murtagh replies. {English girl.}

The older man starts laughing a bit, "an do ghoid thu as a leapaidh, a bhalaich?" he asks, {Did you steal/take her from her bed, lad?}

The older man gently takes both girls hands and moves them toward the fire, "Now let's have a look at ye lasses," he says.

"I trust you'll be able to see me now?" Claire says sarcastically.

Ailith sighs and pinches her nose, "Why must ye always act this way when someone is tryin to help ye," she grumbles and Claire shoots her a quick glare.

"And what would your name be, I already ken who she is" the man states giving us both a small smile.

"Claire… Claire Beaucham," She states a bit hesitantly.

"Claire Beaucham and Ailith MacColin," He repeats getting both names correctly.

Claire goes to speak but is interrupted by the older man asking where we were found. Ailith looks toward the fire and sees a man around her age to be in quite a lot of pain. She walks over and kneels down before him, "Are ye doin alright?" she asks softly her hand on his knee.

The man smiles, "Just a dislocated shoul-"

And he is interrupted by Claire shouting that the two of them are not whores. "Maybe we can find out," the smelly man said, Claire rolls her eyes and pulls out her dirk holding it to his neck.

"I'd like to see ye try," she says with a serious glint in her eye.

"I won't do with rape," The oldest man informs them. "So ye can put that away, Mistress MacColin." Murtagh and the older man who they now found is Dougal.

Ailith nods and puts her dirk away, turning back to Jamie she examines his shoulder. "Mr. Dougal if we are ta leave we have ta set his shoulder," Ailith tells him as she continues to massage around Jamie's socket.

Some of the men push her away and begin to deal with Jamie shoulder himself. "You idiots you're going te break his arm, if ye do it that way," Ailiths says through gritted teeth, the same time Claire makes her own complaints.

"And what would two women know about this?" The smelly one asks.

"We're healers." "We are nurses"

As soon as the men heard nurses they looked at both women's breasts, Ailith blushes and moves in front of Jamie, motioning for Claire to move behind him. "We're healer, the ran and all the travelin' has rattle her wits," Ailith informs the mens.

Claire and Ailith both go on to explain how to put his arm back into the socket without breaking his arm. Claire massages Jamie's shoulder while Ailith moves to stand between his legs to put it back into the socket. "This is the worst part, are ye ready?" she asks him.

"Aye," he replied through gritted teeth, Ailith counts to three and the two women put his shoulder back into his socket with a sickening squelch. "It does'nae hurt anymore."

Ailith smiles and shakes her head "It will, it's going to be sore for the next week," Claire informs him with a frown. She turns to the smelly man with standing beside her. "He's going to need a sling, you fetch me a long piece of cloth or a belt."

Ailith looks up at him, "Please," she emphasizes.

"Fetch me she says, do ye hear the lass," he says.

Dougal shakes his head and crosses his arms, "Just give her yer belt Angus."

Angus groans and begins to remove his belt, once off he hands it to Ailith, "Thank ye," she says softly taking the belt from him. Wrapping the belt around around Jamie's wrist once she leans over and secures the belt behind his back.

"Ye smell nice," Jamie mutters quietly making Ailith blush in the fire light.

"Thank ye," she replies and finishes up his temporary sling. She digs into her pouch and breaks off a piece of cheese and bread, she remembered she had. "Here my momma always said food in yer belly will help with the pain."

Jamie smiles and takes the food eating quickly. Dougal walks up and looks down at the three of them before directing his gaze solely on Jamie, "Can ye ride?"

Jamie nods and Ailith helps him up onto his feet, blushing when he smiles at her. Dougal grabs both her and Claire's arms leading them outside into the rain. Once outside Claire looks for Inverness, and wonders where it is.

"Mistress MacColin you'll be riding with me and ye Mistress Beauchamp will be riding with Jamie," Dougal tells the two women.

Jamie looks at Ailith a little disappointed and she reflects that emotion unconsciously. Dougal helps Claire onto Jamie his horse in front of him, the older man leads Ailith to his horse and helps her swing onto it before swinging on himself.

Ailith how tired she actually is when the motion of the horse lulls her to sleep. "Go to sleep lass you'll be safe with us," Dougal tells her and Ailith slowly succumbs to the darkness.

It was mid morning by the time she woke up and she could hear Dougal talking to someone, her eyes shoot open once she realizes that he's talking to Jamie. She sits up stretches as much as she could while riding on a horse. "Good morrow lass," Dougal says.

"Good morning Dougal, Claire, Jamie, I trust all is well." Ailith says smiling when she sees Jamie.

"Good morrow Mistress MacColin," he replies with a smile.

Ailith looks at their faces for a moment seeing the worried glints in their eyes. "Wait what's wrong?" she asks.

"Nothing Mistress MacColin, we were just discussing something," Jamie tells her.

She goes to reply but a gunfire interrupts her and she's thrown off her horse, she lands next to Claire. Her friend grabs her hand and begins to drag her away, "Claire stop we're safe here, just wait a bit till ye have a plan," Ailith shouts over the fire, but Claire just shakes her head and continues to run leaving her friend behind.

A shot is fired and Ailith expect to be hit, but someone jumps in front of it taking the shot himself. She looks at him shocked, and goes to say something when she sees a redcoat getting ready to stab him with his bayonet. "Jamie move!" she shout and pulls her tomahawk from her belt and throws it. The tomahawk land in the redcoats chest with a thud.

She stands for a moment before Jamie wraps his good arm around her waist leading her back to the others. They pass the redcoat she killed and she grabs her tomahawk from his chest as they run by. The two of them make it back to the others and they both stand there breathing heavily with the rest of the men.

Dougal notices the bloody tomahawk in her hand and walks over, "Are you okay lass?" he asks.

"Aye Jamie was almost taken down from behind, so I threw my little friend here," she tells him and he and the other men look impressed. "Do ye have something I can wipe the blood off with?"

Angus nods and tosses her a cloth, she wipes the blood off and sticks the tomahawk back in her belt. They hear a rustling and out comes Murtagh holding Claire by the arm, Ailith shakes her head knowing that Claire is anything but happy right now.

Jamie's arm is still wrapped around her waist when she turns to face him. She lips her hand to inspect his shoulder, "How is yer shoulder feeling?" she asks.

His hand flexes against her waist and he cringes, "It hurts but, it's nae a bother," he tells her.

"Well if it becomes a bother ye tell me okay," she tells him. Moving her hands to his chest, she leans up and kisses his cheek. "Thank ye for saving me."

Jamie blushes and waves it off, "Yer welcome," he says.

A throat is cleared interrupting them and Dougal speaks, "Mistress MacColin you'll be riding with Jamie from here on and Mistress Beauchamp you'll be with Murtagh."

They were all on their respective horses when Angus starts passing around a flask. Jamie takes it and drinks from it before handing it to Ailith. "Slàinte mhath," she says before taking a small sip, her nose crinkles at the taste. The men laugh at her reaction "Sorry I'm not much of a drinker." {Cheers.}

She hands the flask back to Jamie, and digs through her pouch pulling out the bread and cheese. "Here lads pass it around," she says after breaking some off for her and Jamie. Angus takes the food happily and gives some to everybody. She splits her share with Jamie and eats quickly finally realizing how hungry she was, they finish eating and continue riding to their destination.

It was early evening when Jamie grip goes slack and he begins to fall off the horse. "Stop he's going over," she shouts and pulls the horse to a stop, she swings off easily. "Claire come help me roll 'im over."

The two women situate him on his back, "Ye idiot I thought I told ye to tell me when it began to bother ye," she grits out. She rips his shirt open and looks at his bullet wound.

Claire begins to list off modern medicine, "Alcohol," Ailith explains and all the men nod in understanding. She begins to treat him while Claire spouts off thing involving germ and infection. "To clean the dirt and prevent inflammation." she 'translates' again.

As soon as Ailith pour the alcohol onto Jamie wound he wakes up with a gasp. "Tha mi gasta." {I'm fine}

"No yer nae fine, I told ye to tell me when it began to bother ye," she grits out taking the piece of ripped dress Claire gave her. She has the men help her get him into a sitting position so that she can wrap his shoulder.

"Why didn't you tells us how bad you were bleeding, you're lucky you're not dead," Claire says harshly she helps him to his feet with the men.

Ailith gets up and dust the dirt off her skirts, swinging up onto the horse once more without any help. She grasps Jamie's hand and helps him up behind her, "I'll take the reins ye get some sleep," she tells him quietly.

Jamie kisses her head before resting his on her shoulder and wrapping his arms around her waist. "Tha mi duilich," he whispers before falling into a light slumber. {I'm sorry.}

She shakes her head with a small smile and leads the horse to follow the others.

Okay that's it for chapter one, please tell me what you think. I've never done a fanfiction that involves any historical context before. But because I love anything that involves history especially Scotland, I thought I'd try my hand at it.