Chapter 1

My first story Yay but anyways i can't believe that i just got to watching The Giver now even though I'm 3 years late, i really liked the book as well the movie. It was nice to have some romance between Jonas and Fiona cause I've just always like the idea of both of them together even when i read the book. Also it starts with Jonas's pov it that's not obvious

I would see her again…..

The family in the nice cottage let Gabe and I stay until we were stable enough to go back. But only one person was on my mind and that was Fiona. I missed her more than any words could describe. I missed her wavy red hair and beautiful eyes, the way she smiled every part of her i miss. It felt like ages staying in the home. I wanted to see her again and stay with her forever.

We stayed for what seemed like a month, not sure but it felt even longer. I knew me and Gabe had to get going. So i told the family we were leaving the next morning.

When the next morning came the family prepared everything we would need for the long trip ahead. They gave me some advice and with that we left. I had so many questions running in my head. Had everything really changed in the community? Would Fiona be waiting? I had to get going if i wanted an answer for theses questions.