Audio Slave

Warnings: ANGSTY YAOI LEMON, shoo kiddies.

Pairings: Seto/Jou

Notes: The title does not mean this is another PWP arc, but I do warn you, each part is extremely long.

Thanks: To NEB, the dork who once again, slave-drove me into writing this Arc. He pities the pairings that I don't pay much attention to when it comes to lemons so this one is ALL about the S/J.


I heard more than saw Shizuka grin at me, before her laughter erupted in a loud, but rich voice that filled the small kitchen and possibly the entire neighborhood. I blushed harder and slammed my head against the table I was sitting at lightly, and my sister walked over to punch me in the shoulder.

"Well, since you've had quite an interesting day," she stopped to giggle again. "I guess you won't find any amusement in the fact that I got my job."

I snorted and lay there stupidly, her moving to get a meager dinner for herself seeing as how my father was already full and drunk on the couch. He hadn't moved for hours, and I prayed he would stay that way until morning.

I sighed as Shizuka's continuous bouts of laughter started to quiet before they stopped altogether, and began regretting telling her about my little adventure in Seto Kaiba's bed room. I knew I would never hear the end of it, especially after last night when she had found out about my little fetish for the man. In a way though, I was glad, because now I knew she didn't mind that her big brother was homosexual, and that she wasn't in anyway discouraging it.

"Hey, bed hog, you hungry?" She called over her shoulder, and I turned my head, cheek still lying on the table.

"Nah, Mokuba talked Kaiba into feeding me before I was kicked out."

"Oh, I see how it is. You just don't like my cooking."

"Yup. Truth hurts."

She turned to hurl an oven mitt at my face and I chuckled, standing to put the offended object back on the counter and she smiled at me. I raised an eyebrow at her expression, the way she seemed to be brewing over something, revealing it in a smug grin.

"I think he likes you." She said quietly, and I blanched, nearly falling over from the shock of her sudden bluntness.

"What?" I exclaimed.

"You heard me. I think Mr. Moneybags, as you so affectionately call him, has a soft spot for my wittle puppy." She freed a hand to tussle my hair in effect to the name puppy, and I huffed.

"Yeah, and the chances of that assumption being true are equal to a snow ball making it in hell."

She rolled her eyes, but didn't say anything else on the subject and I happily complied when she changed the topic with how much she enjoyed her new job. I was glad she was excited about it; she'd be making more money than I would even though I had two jobs, that and even though I could have told her this myself she said her co-workers thought rather highly of her. I knew she'd make a good first impression, she was a very honest, hard- working person, and I had no doubt she would rise above this pit of trash we called home and become very successful in her life. I would help her as much as I could, but I had the feeling she wouldn't need it.

She finished the small bowl of rice quickly, before she started for bed. I stayed behind to do dishes like I told her I would, and waited until the bedroom door closed securely and quietly before I slumped over the sink, the soapy water reaching my wrists. I couldn't afford to use any more water because the bill would get too high, but it's not like I needed it.

I closed my eyes, just letting my fingers grip around the bowl loosely under water and stood still, wavering on my feet every now and then in exhaustion. I didn't want to fall asleep because I didn't feel like being tortured with any more of my twisted fantasies, it was bad enough the main man that starred in them seemed to hate every fiber in my being half the time but to dream about it just rubbed the fact that'd I'd never have him in my face.

I moved to grab the washrag, but jumped out of my skin when a crash followed by a scream that probably could have shattered the windows reached my sensitive ears. I whipped around to find my father stumbling towards me, and found that it had been him that had shrieked in pain, the source his right palm, dripping in blood. I paused for a moment, before reflexes set in and I bolted to the medicine cabinet, rushing back towards my only parent and holding his wrist firmly. He was muttering crude curses and swaying violently, his body shaking in rage. I was surprised he was even letting me touch him.

The moment passed though, and as soon as the glass, more than likely from a liquor bottle, was removed and the skin, cleaned and bandaged to the best of my abilities my father turned sour.

"You son of a bitch!" He snarled, cocking his good fist back and landing a hard hit on my left cheekbone.

I yelped in surprise, not ready for the assault, and stumbled back into the table. Holding my face I looked up as my dad steadied himself by holding onto the wall, his breathing hard and his eyes promising murder. I shuddered, and found myself frozen. I hadn't seen him this angry since our mother had passed away. Since the first time he'd raped me.

"What the hell did you do to my FUCKING hand you little whore?!"

He advanced again, a little slower, and I shook my head no, trying to deny this was happening again.

"I fixed it! Please, I didn't do anything!" I tried to plead, but it was too late, he'd already taken hold of my shirt and punched me again, this time on the other cheek.

I distantly heard the bedroom door open, and looked briefly to see Shizuka standing in the opening to the kitchen. I mouthed the word 'No' painfully, and although she hesitated, I was extremely happy to see her leave, even if she hadn't wanted to. It was a pact between us, I had made her swear to me that she would stay out of things if father got this way, and although she'd hated the thought, she had agreed.

I tried to look back up at the bulky blonde man in front of me, but he helped me with that, grabbing a fist full of my hair and yanking my neck up to him as he managed to push most of my body on the kitchen table.

"Fucking street rat! Think you jus' own everythin' in this goddamn house doncha? HUH?! I'll show you whose wearin' da pants here!"

I choked on the suddenly violent fear engulfing me as my eyes widened.

"NO! Dad please! Don't!"

"SHUT UP!" He shrieked, and I was granted with a harsh slap against my bruising face.

Within minutes my father had gone from almost completely wasted and incoherent to nearly fully functional, my pants being yanked to my ankles as his abnormally strong arms kept me pinned. I tried to resist, kicking yet holding in screams for my sister's sake. He flipped me to my stomach like a rag doll, and with a deranged chuckle I heard his belt and jeans hit the tiled floor.

I felt tears run down my cheeks pre-maturely, my arms being bent onto my back uncomfortably and my legs kicked apart so that I would have fallen off the table if not for my father's hold. I tensed and mentally beat the man off me, but in real life he only forced his not even fully erect cock into my body. Since he wasn't completely aroused the pain was less, but it still felt like my body was splitting in two inwardly. His state of hardening reached it's maximum though as he began to thrust into my unwilling body brutally, his movements jerky and successfully hitting all the wrong spots, ripping new places and drawing more blood.

I sobbed into the table as I felt him move in and around me, his breathing a pant and his hands starting to shake from the adrenaline fucking up his drunken system. He was fast though, and finished quickly, completing my prayer to God in that moment, and I fell to my knees as he slipped out and pitched backwards to fall unconscious on the floor.

I was crying hard now, my arms wrapped around my self with my pants twisted around my lower legs and my zipper biting into my skin. The small pain was ignored though as it was over powered by the unbearable soreness and burning sensations in my lower body.

I heard Shizuka throw open the door down the hallway in that moment, her footsteps quick as she ran down the hall and to where I was laying myself gingerly on the floor. She gasped and I hear her own guilty tears as she fell to my side, hugging me tightly as best she could, whispering heated apologies to me as she tried to control her own intense sadness. I whimpered, and moved, trying to sit up, but muffled a scream as the burning increased, biting my knuckles before falling onto my shoulder once more.

"Oh my God Jou, please forgive me I am so sorry! It should have been me I- ."

"No! Don't even THINK like that! Keep your innocence Shizuka, please, it's not like this was my first time."

"Jou, please, we have to get you to the hospital, now!" I laughed bitterly a little.

"Yeah, I don't think your going to be able to carry me six miles hun, just, I'll make it through the night and be able to go to school tomorrow with a limp." I say, rather painfully. "You go back to bed, you have school too."

She shook her head, ignoring me, before jumping up, mumbling names to herself as she grabbed the old phone off the wall, the long cord attached to it stretching as she moved back to my side and dialed a number.

She cursed as a total of five different calls came up with the person not answering or not home, and sat there, looking around the house, hand idly stroking my hair as I panted in the intense pain, trying not to move. She bit her lip, eyes red from crying as she fidgeted, fighting hard to stay calm. She wouldn't call 911, I knew, because both her and I were scared to death of what would happen between us and our only living relative left. He'd get out of prison eventually, and we would be his first targets if we were the ones to get him into that kind of trouble in the first place.

Shizuka stopped though, and looked at me for a moment, before a picture of resolution ran across her gorgeous face and she dialed one last number. A few seconds later, I think I could have died with what she said as this person actually picked up their phone.

"Mr. Kaiba?"


I moaned and grit my teeth with every bump on the road, keeping my legs clenched together with my hips raised as best I could and squeezed Shizuka's hand as I looked up at her. My head was in her lap with the rest of my body spread on the leather back seat of Seto Kaiba's Jaguar, the owner himself speeding through red lights as quickly as possible. It was midnight when Shizuka had braved the chances of calling the CEO, and when he had gotten to the house at exactly 12:09 I wanted to start crying again. It hadn't been enough that him and his little brother had seen me beat through the front window not two days ago, no, he had to witness me suffering in the after effects of incestial rape as well.

Even in my embarrassment I was numbed with pain, and hadn't really cared that as Shizuka had helped me stand for a moment Seto had pulled my boxers back over my half naked, bleeding body. No, all I was worried about right now was what would happen if my father woke up from his alcohol and sex induced coma to find his kids out of the house, with just my drying blood left behind on the floors.

Seto slammed on the breaks in front of the emergency ward of St. John's hospital, almost rolling me out of the seat before he jumped out and came around to the back door closest to my feet. Shizuka laid my head back on the seat after she got out on her side, and together they helped me move out of the vehicle. I expected my sister to get a wheel chair or run inside at least to warn the doctors, and was extremely relieved when Seto, instead picked my light weight into his strong arms and got the pressure off my thighs and lower body muscles. Surprise didn't register as my body was moved though, sending bolts of agony up my spine and I threw my head back to scream through gritted teeth, finger nails digging into Seto's shoulder and chest as I felt the torture throb up my spine as molten tears.

As much as I tried to hold the noises of my agony inside it didn't work, and I didn't even realize we had reached the front desk until Seto was shifting me in his hold to set me down on a gurney. I jerked when my backside hit the thin mattress, and tried vainly to thrust my hips as far away from any contact or pressure as possible, not caring if the flimsy boxers I was wearing were revealing anything or not, I felt my own blood soaking them anyway.

I fought when the doctors tried to push me down and forcefully rolled to my stomach myself, gripping the edges of the cot for dear life before they gave up and began to push me away hurriedly.

"Jou I'm so sorry!" Was the last thing I heard my sister sob after me, but the last thing my blurred vision saw was Seto, white night shirt covered in my blood and his cobalt blue eyes clouded with worry.


I blinked, stiff body feeling heavy as I turned my head away from the lamp light that sat next to my face. I groaned when trying to open my eyes was proving difficult, and heard someone shift besides me. A pair of footsteps soon rushed into the room, and I recognized the gasp as Shizuka's.

"Jou?" She whispered, and I felt her hand press against my clammy cheek gently. I grinned for her benefit, and this time pried my eyelids apart.

Her cheeks were tear stained and her hair a mess, and had this been a better situation I would have smiled and commented on her appearance sarcastically. Again, someone shifted to my right, and pulling away from my sister's touch slowly I came face to face with Seto Kaiba, him seated in a plush arm chair with his elbows on his knees and his facial expression stressed.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, before I realized exactly where we were. My eyes widened when the all too familiar settings of Seto's personal bedroom registered into my drugged brain, and returned my gaze to the CEO curiously.

"You're not going home." He said firmly, but instead of emotionless like usual, he sounded more desperate, more resolute.

"We have to." I manage to whisper in a hoarse voice, and I feel Shizuka climb onto bed with me, wrapping her arm over my chest and laying her cheek on my shoulder.

"No." Seto says in a somewhat louder voice, and I frown.

"He's our father Seto, he is our guardian, legally."

"Not after who I just called."

I felt Shizuka tense awkwardly from where she was pressed timidly against me, and I turned away from the eldest Kaiba and bit my lip. After a minute or two, I pushed off the mattress and sat up gingerly, my head falling back at the painful throbbing of my lower regions, before forcing myself to move my legs off the bed. Seto sat up straighter at this, looking as if he were preparing for me to run and getting ready to catch me if I fell as Shizuka gripped my shoulder. She hesitated, before her voice finally broke free and cracked, my breathing coming in heavy pants at the effort just to sit up.

"Jou! You don't understand! Father's in police hands, he's lost custody over us completely and Mr. Kaiba has filed a restraining order for us. Jou," She brought her voice down to whisper as she wrapped both arms around my neck from behind. "We're free."

I bit my tongue from my outburst, the one waiting to be released, and turned my steady gaze out the window to the sun setting. Without asking I knew I'd been unconscious the entire day, including last night, and sighed through my nose.

"That's wonderful, Shizuka. So, where do you want to sleep tonight? The park bench or one of the dark alleys with plenty of comfortable trash down on Pennimen Ave.?"

I couldn't help myself, and wanted to just smack my head against the nearest wall when my sister sobbed against my back, her face hidden in my shirt. I shouldn't have been acting this way, but reality sucked sometimes, and the likeliness of us being able to purchase a house or rent an apartment were out of the question. Neither of us were old enough, and I didn't want to watch Shizuka live in a dumpster for two months while I waited for my eighteenth birthday to roll around.

"Don't make her cry when there's no reason to." Seto murmured suddenly, and I turned my eyes to gaze at him coolly, waiting for an elaboration.

"You'll be living here, with me, in this house."

If the situation hadn't been so serious I think I could have died laughing at how fast Shizuka sat up straight, her tangled hair flying wildly as her jaw hit the floor. My condition wasn't much better, my eyes probably the size of dinner plates. They narrowed however, when Seto slapped on a cocky little smirk, although to me it seemed fake this time, and stood, walking towards an intercom and pressing the talk button.

"Molly, prepare a dinner for two very hungry teenagers and have it brought to my room as soon as possible."

-Will do Master Seto.-

Seto waited a moment before reaching up to change the frequency.

"Oliver, make sure Mokuba is finished with his homework before he gets to bed and bring me two large night shirts and pajama bottoms from the laundry."

-As you wish.-

I shook my head when the billionaire came back to his armchair steadily, but then grinned when I noticed Shizuka staring at him with her mouth hanging open.

"You better close that before you start catching flies." I tell her, and she snaps her jaw shut to glare at me playfully.

I'm not prepared for her bear hug in the next second, the happiness radiating from her in thick waves of insuppressible bliss that filled the room in a distinct aura of gratitude as Seto merely watched. The silence was interrupted though, as I finally let the recent events set in, and tears came to my eyes the moment before I burst out laughing. Shizuka joined me without question, and had I been feeling better I would have been dancing around the large room.

I clung to my sister for dear life when my laughter died and I began to cry in relief, an overwhelming feeling of freedom exhausting me emotionally before I found myself lying back down in the bed on my side. I was still sniffling with Shizuka spooned to my front when a knock came to Seto's door. Our food came in on a cart, a couple cans of random soda sitting on the outside of plates filled with spaghetti, two lunch box sized bags of potato chips accompanying the meal. I think I was drooling.

"Eat, you need your strength." Seto said, and made to leave the room for our privacy. I sat up again, groaning at the pain it caused and almost fell forward.

"Wait." I managed, and the CEO stops as his hand rests on the doorknob. He turns back to look at me, and I almost choke on the emotions I find in his eyes. It was a nice change from the pieces of ice they usually were, but found it in myself to continue anyway.

"Why did you do all this for us?" I whisper, and Shizuka pauses in her savage eating to listen.

Seto hesitates, his body tensing slightly before he let his eyes fall to the floor. I continue to watch him intently, focusing on him completely, before I find the bizarre strength to stand on my own. The stiffness in my lower body begins to throb once more, and I whimper, biting my lip harshly, before using the bed and the wall to move towards the man who'd literally saved my life, the man who'd freed my sister. Shizuka moves to protest, but I quiet her, and finally get to where Seto stands.

He had raised his eyes to watch me stumble towards him slowly on numb ankles, and I all but fell into him, gripping him tightly around the shoulders and burying my face into his clean shirt to take deep breaths and slow my racing heart.

"Thank you so much.Seto." I whisper, and I feel him tense harder.

I'm surprised he doesn't push me away, and no matter how strange it is I smile warmly when his own arms came up to hold my waist. He uses his strength to support my weak body from collapsing, and I relax completely into him, enjoying everything about this moment and savoring it. I knew I'd never get this chance again, and don't protest when he gently picks me up to set me back on his bed in front of my food.

"Finish your dinner." He says quietly, before he leaves completely.

I sigh after watching him leave, and Shizuka giggles. I turn my head to look at her and find her smirking at me in that smug way of hers again.

"Told you." Was all she said, and I snorted.

"Believe what you want, sis, but I know for a fact Seto doesn't think of me like that. Not even relatively close to anything like that."

I know she hears the small sadness in my voice at what I had just admitted, but she does nothing other than gentle her grin and hug me sideways around my shoulders with the arm that's not holding a fork full of noodles. We're silent after that, and fall asleep together once everything is finished and pushed back onto the cart.


"Good morning Jou!"

I rolled over to bury my face in my pillow at the door to my guest room being thrown open. Without needing to look I knew the cheery voice was Mokuba, and although I'm still sore I don't protest when the smaller boy jumps onto my bed and precedes in glomping my helpless body.

I huff but then chuckled tiredly. "Hey kiddo."

He sits back up as I move gingerly, hissing slightly as I slowly move to lean against the headboard. The bedroom I was in now had become my new room, as so dubbed by Seto himself, and I heard Shizuka moving around in her room just behind me, more than likely getting ready for work. All of my meager belongings had been moved from my house here, with the exception of the furniture, before the house had been evicted and sold. There were a total of two pictures, two pairs of boxers, one pair of jeans, three t- shirts, my old sandals, the only sneakers I owned and a poster of my absolute favorite band: the Gorillaz. Seto had already lectured me into going shopping for a new wardrobe and new things once I felt more up to walking, and although I did look forward to it I felt guilty about using the man like this.

Mokuba punched my shoulder when he noticed I was dozing off again, and laughed when I pretended that it had hurt.

"Come on lazy, Molly made pancakes for breakfast!" He said excitedly, and I nodded with a smile.

"Alright, lemme get dressed first, 'k?"

He grinned and exclaimed 'ok!' before jumping back off the mattress to bolt from the room, all but slamming my door shut behind him. For the past week my sister and I had been staying here Mokuba had become increasingly hyper and happy, which drove Seto up the wall I'm sure, but other than that things were pretty normal. I'd start going back to school tomorrow, with or without Seto's consent, and hopefully later on this week I'd be able to go back to working for Ben at the auto shop. I needed to start making money again, although Shizuka was making pretty good pay I didn't want to take her earnings away from her like I was Seto's.

It took me a while but I finally managed to slip on a pair of house slippers and make it out of the room towards the large staircase. I was trying to hurry, not wanting Seto to catch me walking without help again, but only mid-way down the stairs I heard an irritated growl from behind me.

"Jounouchi. What did I tell you? You're worse than Mokuba's been when it comes to following orders, and that's not a good thing." Seto scolded, voice near emotionless but a faint trace of worry clinging to the edges of his tone. I wanted to smile, but turned up to wince as he walked down behind me and immediately wrapped an arm around my waist and a hand around my left elbow.

I gripped the railing a little softer with my right palm, and let Seto guide me the rest the way, enjoying the contact as much as I could before we'd have to break away. I loved being held by Seto, and although I'd only had that one chance to enjoy a true hug, the little touches like this were close enough to keep me satisfied. I still wasn't sure if he was aware of my feelings, but I never chanced telling him because it might be the difference between him respecting me and allowing Shizuka and I to live here and us living on the streets instead.

We reached the bottom of the staircase with caution, and I sighed from the effort and strain on my lower spine, the pain dulling after this past week of rest but still there. I turned to Seto to thank him, but stopped abruptly when I found him staring down at me with an intent look.

"What's wrong?"

Seto blinked at that, and I believe I saw him flush before he tilted his head away from me and turned me towards the kitchen, still leading me by the arm. I followed, but couldn't help but stare at the billionaire in open curiosity; I'd never seen him blush like that before.

Our younger siblings, once inside the kitchen greeted us brightly, before Shizuka stood to run into the den. I watched her leave,

"Where are you going?" I called.

"I'm getting you a pillow to sit on idiot, the chairs are wood if you haven't noticed."

I huffed, but Seto continued to be most of my balance before my ever- protective sister returned with said pillow from the loveseat, fluffing it in her hands before situating it on the seat of the chair that was next to hers. I was led over to it and then almost forced to sit down carefully, before Seto stood straighter.

"I'll have to be leaving now," he announced. "And if I hear from anyone in this house that you were walking around by yourself again, Jounouchi, you are not going to want to deal with me when I get home. And believe me, my servants will be keeping a sharp eye out."

I grimaced a little at his warning, but nodded in consent anyway. Shizuka and Mokuba both giggled quietly, and Seto made due on his word after kissing his brother's forehead. Once the billionaire was gone and the kitchen was left to us alone, Mokuba grinned widely at me, a bit of a smug expression glinting in his features.

"You know, normally I would be jealous and angry that most of my brother's attention was being turned to someone else, but because it's you Jou I don't really mind."

I frowned at that, and although Shizuka looked as if she knew what Mokuba was talking about I concentrated on the youngest Kaiba without paying her much mind.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"Nothing really."

"No, you meant something and I want to know."

I tried to stay firm, tried to sound serious but this was Kaiba Mokuba I was talking to, a kid who grew up under his brother's wing, and absolutely nothing was going to sound more intimidating to him when compared to Seto. As I suspected, the kid's grin became a little more smug and he continued to ignore my frustration up until the minute he was reading to leave for school. He stopped in the doorway, and then turned to me and my sister who was helping me into the den.

"Just so you know Jou, your not on a one-way road with Seto."

And with that he flew out the front and into his waiting ride. I groaned in annoyance, trying to translate the meaning behind his words, and waited until Shizuka had helped me arrange myself comfortably on Seto's black leather loveseat before attempting to contemplate the words of the younger boy. My sister left after that to ready herself for work, and drowned me in the silence of the mansion.

"Your not on a one-way road with Seto." I repeated quietly to myself, and threw an arm across my eyes lazily. "Not on a one-way road."




Sorry it took so long to get out, but I had a lot of stuff going on with classes starting and surgery for my leg and trying to deal with my asshole of a boss and.just blah. Enjoy what you can, the next chapter will start to get interesting for you die hard yaoi lemon freaks, promise. ^^ Oh, and if it seems confusing and cut off there at the end it was because I like it when my chapters are long and part of the last half was supposed to be for the next chapter. Leave me alone I'm weird.