Snow was blasting around outside.

"I'm bored." Phineas said.

"Well, I think today will be a perfect day." Candace said, looking out the window. "Now that there's a blizzard, you two can't build any crazy things."

"We've only ever built one crazy thing." Phineas said.

"The Crazy Museum." Ferb said.

"Oh yeah? What about the Buford Sanctuary?"

"What's so crazy about building a place where Bufords can graze and frolic in peace?" Phineas asked.

"What about the elevator to the moon? The entire world you built out of cheese? The ant farm?"

The boys looked at each other and shrugged.

"Ugh." Candace sighed. "Never mind."
"You know, Ferb, we could build a giant snow park." Phineas said.

"NO." Candace said.

"Snow Park?" Said a voice. "More like Get Hypothermia Park. Last time I went out when it was this cold…"

"Perry! You're home!" Phineas jumped up and grabbed Perry. "The antidote worked!"

"Ow! You're gonna suffocate me!"

Phineas put him back down, grinning. Ferb patted him on the head.

"Ah, home." Perry smiled. "Feels like forever since I've been here. …Has it always smelled like burnt pepper?"

"Mother tried a new dinner experiment last night." Ferb said.

Perry took off his winter coat and shook the snow from it. "They advised me to stay until the blizzard went away, but I couldn't wait. They'll send my bears and stuff back in boxes. Man, it's nice to not be hooked up to an IV for once. And to actually be standing up. I almost forgot how to walk. It's so nice to be home!"

He ran up and hugged them.

"Thank you guys. Thank you so much for figuring out what was going on… and bringing me fries… and curing me… and… you guys are awesome."
"Aww, anytime, Perry." Phineas said.

"Really?" Perry grinned. "Go get me some fries, then."

"Um…" Phineas looked out the window.

"Come on. I've walked in blizzards before without dying completely."

"We'll get you fries tomorrow." Phineas said.

"You're slacking off on your fry duties. You don't love me anymore. You only loved me when I was poisoned."

Phineas laughed. "Aw, Perry. We'll get you some tomorrow. I promise."

"Sure as the sun rises in the night sky." Ferb said.

Candace rolled her eyes.

"No. You're lying. You don't love me." Perry went over to the cabinet. "I must now drown my sorrows in chocolate cookies."

"Hey, those are mine!" Candace shouted.

"Cookies are for everyone." Perry said, grabbing a handful out of the box.

"EW! Phineas and Ferb, your platypus is getting hair in the cookies Jeremy got me."

"Don't worry." Perry said with his mouth full. "I'll save you one. Half."

Candace lunged for the box. Perry dodged her. Cookies spilled all over the floor.

"We should write our own book about how we solved the mystery of the Fall of the Fallen." Ferb said. "And call it the Fall of the Cookies."

"Yes, yes we should." Phineas said.

"Jeremy wants me to eat these cookies." Perry said. "He wouldn't have given them to you to put in the cupboard for me to find if he didn't."

"They're MINE!"

"Well, technically they're mine now, because they're all going into my belly."


"You know Jeremy wanted it this way."

"Should we help them?" Phineas asked Ferb.

"Sometimes it is best to let others work out their differences themselves." Ferb said.

Phineas shrugged. "Yeah."

They left the kitchen. The sounds of scuffling grew fainter.

"YES!" Perry shouted. "I HAVE EATEN THEM ALL! Here's your half."


"It's nice to have Perry home again." Ferb said.

"Yes." Phineas said happily. "Yes it is."