So, I have Hamilton on the brain and I can't get it out so I need to vent these feelings into a short story also I feel guilty keeping you guys waiting so long.

"Of course, I'll be there, I wouldn't miss your show for the world" Lincoln said into his phone.

"Awesome, I knew I could count on you bro, it's at the stadium just outside of campus" Luna replied.

"Got it, I can't wait to see you rock every single face in that stadium" Lincoln said with a cheeky smile.

"Aw thanks dude I'm super amped and a little nervous" Luna finished sheepishly.

"Don't be nervous Luna, your going to rock the hell out of this halftime show and I'll be there cheering you on."

"Thanks again Linc I really appreciate it" Luna said earnestly.

"No problem sis I-" Lincoln stopped his sentence short as he heard the front door slam, footsteps pounding up the stairs and loud banging on his door.

Lincoln sighed at least his younger sisters understood the importance of knocking, he did not need another Lynn incident, he shivered just thinking about that.

"Sorry Luna but duty calls, I'll see you when I drive up on Friday, tell Sam I said hi"

"No worries dude your just being the great brother you've always been and I'll tell her you said hi, laters" Luna said before hanging up.

Lincoln smiled at his phone before he turned to his door, "Come in" he said slightly worried whoever was behind the door would knock it down if kept waiting too long.

Immediately the door swung open and his youngest sister skipped into the room that formerly belonged to Lori and Leni before they went off to college.

"Hey Lincoln! I've got the best news ever and was that Luna on the phone?" Lily rattled off still bouncing around the room like a crack addict.

"Yeah that was Luna, she's doing the half time show at the Michigan vs Michigan State game this Saturday and she invited me to come up."

"Wow that sounds awesome can I come too!" Lily asked excitedly her bouncing still going strong.

"Sorry Lils but a huge college football game is no place for a kid" Lincoln said, he knew there was going to be drunk assholes at the game and the last thing he wanted to do was expose his younger sister to that.

"Aw no fair I wanna see Luna play too" Lily pouted her bouncing finally coming to an end as her mood soured.

Lincoln got up from his bed and gently tussled his sisters' hair, "I know Lily and I promise I'll take you to her next show it'll be closer to home and much safer."

"Promise?" Lily asked her pout lessening at the prospect of seeing her big sister play with her big brother.

Lincoln held out his pinky and Lily held it with her own making an unbreakable promise between the two siblings.

"Now what was that news you were so eager to tell me?" Lincoln asked changing the subject.

"Oh, right I almost forgot, I got the part of Alexander Hamilton in the community play!" Lily nearly screamed.

Lincoln bent down and picked up his baby sister spinning her around much to her giggling joy.

Lincoln smiled at his eight-year-old sister as he set her down, despite her young age she was already way ahead of the curve in finding her special talent. As it would turn out she found her calling in the theater, particularly musicals, much to the joy of Luna, Lola, Lucy and Leni.

"That's wonderful Lily, I knew you could do it, and to think mom and dad thought you were too young for the part" Lincoln scoffed at the memory. He knew his baby sister had what it took to play the founding father. He was a little concerned with the amount of cursing and adult themes in the play but he had been assured his little sister was mature enough. The fact that most of the other actors were only a little older than her settled his nerves as well

"I know right, I can hardly believe it myself and I wanted you to be the first to know because you were such a big help when I was practicing" Lily said beaming at her favorite and only brother.

"Oh, I really didn't do all that much, you had that part the moment you started practicing" Lincoln said humbly.

"You were a big help, I would've never gotten the part without you, that's why I need your help to practice for opening night" Lily said pleadingly.

Lincoln smiled, "Of course I'll help Lily anytime you need me I'll be there."

Lily smiled before turning around, "great let's get started" she said excitedly as she started towards the kitchen.

"Oh, you meant right now" Lincoln called as he followed his sister.

"And we're all set" Lily said as she pushed the record button on her tripod mounted phone.

"Why are we recording this" Lincoln asked in curiosity.

"A good actress must master all aspects of herself including her facial expressions and her body movements, for the part we're practicing today I need to focus on my facial expressions" Lily lectured in a way that would make Lisa proud.

"Cool, so what will I be doing?" Lincoln asked wondering what his role of.

"You'll be singing Washington's part with that beautiful voice of yours" Lily said excitedly as she handed him his script, even though he pretty much had the whole sound track memorized by now from helping Lily rehearse.

"I think we have very different definitions of beautiful Lily flower" Lincoln chuckled at his self-depreciating humor only to stop as he noticed the glare on his sister's face.

"Stop that! You have a great singing voice even Luna thinks so, now if we're done putting ourselves down let's get started" Lily said going into her 'director' mode.

"Ready when you are sis" Lincoln said clearing his throat in preparation.

"Now remember this is one of the most emotional moments of the play, Hamilton is coming back after Washington sent him away, he left his pregnant wife at home and he's about to lead men into battle to end a war for America's freedom, for this song Washington is trying to make Hamilton understand the gravity of what he's getting into and how he himself experienced this firsthand" Lily said and Lincoln wondered how she said all of that in one breath. Before he could question it, Lily played the music.

Lincoln looked at his sister as she portrayed the perfect face of sheepishness, how she felt foolish after the duel between Laurence and Lee.

As his que came up Lincoln looked at his paper and began to sing.

"I was younger than you are now, when I was given my first command"

Lincoln tried his best to look regretful at the memories Washington had of his first try as a leader and he watched as Lily's face morphed into one of confusion and curiosity, her character wondering what Washington was getting at.

"I led my men straight into a massacre, I witnessed their deaths firsthand"

Lily's face turned to one of surprise the shock of learning her idol wasn't as perfect as portrayed.

"I made every mistake and felt the shame rise in me"

"And even now I lie awake knowing history has its eyes on me"

As the chorus sand the backup lyrics Lily's face morphed into one of panic as she realized what she was about to do. How her name would forever be judged by the actions that would soon take place. Lincoln was awed at his little sister, he truly believed every emotion she portrayed. Like all of his other sisters Lincoln knew Lily was going to be a legend in the future.

"History has its eyes on me"

"Let me tell you what I wish I'd known, when I was young and dreamed of glory"

Lincoln placed a hand on lily's shoulder making her look at him for some kind of reassurance as she thought of the weight that now lay upon her shoulders.

"You have no control, who lives, who dies, who tells your story"

Lincoln sang and tried his best to convey what the script wanted him to.

It seemed to be working as Lily stood stock still remembering her friends and wife, those who would remember her the most and would most likely tell her story if she was destined to fall in battle.

Lincoln breathed in, he had to be inspiring for this next part, not his forte but he would try his best for his sister.

"I know that we can win, I know that greatness lies in you"

Lily looked at her hands searching for what Washington saw in Hamilton.

"but remember from here on in, history has its eyes on you"

Lily's face grew serious yet determined, she was ready to fight for this land, to go home and meet her son and above all...

She was not going to throw away her shot.

"History has its eyes on you"

As Lincoln sang the final line of the song Lily joined in with her own beautiful voice and saluted him showing that she understood and that she was ready for anything. She was scared but she wouldn't let the British see that.

As the music stopped Lily let out a breath showing that she was getting out of character. As soon as she was done she leaped at her brother in a giant hug, one he was all too happy to return.

"That was perfect, thank you so much big brother, I love you" Lily said as she clung onto him, luckily, he wasn't scrawny anymore and his sister barely weighed anything.

"No problem sis, glad I could help" the white-haired boy said honestly.

After a few minutes of cuddling Lily hopped down and grabbed her phone, "I have to review the footage but I really think the director will like your audition" Lily said as she started walking towards her room.

"Again, no problem sis, I'm glad I could- wait audition?" Lincoln asked as he turned to his sister who was at the top of the stairs.

"Yeah, your auditioning for the part of Washington, didn't I tell you?" Lily asked rhetorically as she smiled cheekily at him. Before Lincoln could respond his baby, sister ran into her room and locked the door, sealing his fate.

Lincoln plopped onto the couch and let out a sigh, he was going to be in a play apparently, oh well as long as it made his sister happy he was happy to do it.

Plus, the music was amazing.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I have a big work in progress coming along that will take a bit of time. I'm calling it The World's Loudest, I might give a details page because I'm stuck on what to do with some of the characters. Anyway, I'll see you next time guys.