AN: Shout out's to my reviewers and fellow pirate-lovers!

Chinaluv: thanks, it is pretty cute, huh?

Guest: I hope she realizes it too and I think it's that sparrow stubbornness that we like about Jack and Morgan.

BarbossaXSalazar: No! You're the awesome one for reviewing!

Jemma Cross: Thank you! I sure will!

Chapter 8: A day with dad

While Jack was reunited with Morgan, Bethany was still aboard the Silent Mary and sadly the years of torment had taken its toll on her. They had chained her ankle to the floor in the brig to make sure she would not escape. They fed her moldy or stale bread and water to keep her alive as bait for Jack. She ate only out of protest or when she had to and after eight years in there she was, sadly, beginning to lose her mind. Bethany would hallucinate about Jack and baby Morgan visiting her in her cell.

She was tugging at her ankle chain again, hoping it had rusted enough for her to break free. High hopes, but hope was all she had now.

"Ello, lovely" came a voice.

She turned and saw her Jack holding baby Morgan, standing in the brig with her.

She smiled at them both. "Hello birdie" she said.

"Guess what Guppy did today?"

"What?" she asked, smile widening.

"She took her first steps" said Jack, putting the toddler down. "Go see mommy" he told her.

The little toddler Morgan struggled to take steps, careful not to fall. Once she was close enough Bethany scooped her up into her lap, the toddler squealed sweetly.

"Mama!" she told Bethany.

She smiled. This was what Bethany wanted, to be with her husband and daughter. The moment soon ended though when Salazar began to come down the stairs to the brig. Jack and Morgan disappeared into thin air; Bethany always felt an aching feeling in her heart when they left.

"Do you still think your filthy pirate is coming for you!" sneered Salazar.

"Do you still think that revenge will help you and your worthless crew?" cried Bethany.

He threw a loaf of bread with mold on it at her. "Just for that, no water for today!" he shouted. He stormed up the stairs back up to the main deck, slamming the door behind him, leaving Bethany in the darkness.


Morgan woke up that same morning, she didn't know why but she would it easy to fall asleep on a ship. She got out of her cot, put on her boots and went out into the warm Caribbean sunlight.

Jack took notice of her coming out of the cabin and gave the wheel to Scrum. He walked down the steps to meet her.

"Sleep well, Guppy?" he asked her.

"Yeah" she said.

"Good" he said smiling and walking back up to the helm.

"Hey, I've been meaning to ask you, where are we headed?" Morgan asked, following him. "Are we looking for treasure? Off to break a curse? I'm up for anything!"

"Actually we're headed for Tortuga" said Jack, looking at his compass.

"Oh…" said Morgan disappointed.

"Yes and while the crew is resupplying there you will be having a day with your dear ol' dad" said Jack glancing at her.

"Oh!" she said, more excited.

"And I want you to tell me all about what you've been doing these past years" he said "including that thing you were talking about before, what do you call it, soofing!"

"Surfing!" Morgan laughed.

"That's it!" he said.

"And I want to hear about what I was like back when you had me" Morgan smiled and stuck out her hand. "Do we have an accord?"

Jack shook "aye, we do!"

Meanwhile henry was looking at them through his spyglass, feeling proud of the fact that he convinced Morgan to give Jack another chance.

Carina Smyth came up beside him "So you weren't joking when you said Jack had a daughter?"

"No" he sighed.

"You still wish you were that young with your father, don't you?" she asked.

"I just wanted her to seize the chance she had, that's all" he said "it doesn't matter anyway."

The pearl made port in Tortuga and Morgan and Jack went off to explore the sights and-as Morgan came to realize- smells of Tortuga.

"Well, what do you think?" asked Jack as he happily walked the streets.

Morgan coughed. "It smells!" she complained.

"So did changing your diapers" Jack smirked.

"What did you say?" Morgan asked.

"Nothing, nothing come along!" said Jack put an arm around her and led her into a tavern called The Faithful Bride.

They sat down at a table in the back a woman in a wench gown came and took their order.

"Two rums" said Jack.

Morgan poked him in the arm. "I'm under age!" she protested.

"Under the age for what?" he asked.

"Drinking rum!" she said.

"Well, what would you like?" asked Jack crossing his arms.

"Do you have anything to eat?" Morgan asked the waitress.

"We got meat pies?" she offered.

"Okay!" said Morgan.

The waitress came back with their orders and Morgan immediately began to eat her meat pie. Until she saw Jack staring at her.

"What?" she asked "I didn't have breakfast?"

"Oh I know…" said Jack.

Morgan finished her last bite.

"…I just thought it would just be fair to warn you that they use dog meat for those pies" he took another gulp of rum.

Morgan spit it out and grabbed the bottle of rum Jack was drinking from, gulping it down to wash the taste out of her mouth. When she was done she gagged, rum and meat pie weren't a good mix!

"See! Now your drinking rum!" Jack said proudly, slapping her on the back.

Morgan then vomited up all the rum and meat pie all over the floor.

Five minutes later they were outside roaming the streets again.

"Sorry I got you kicked out of the tavern" said Morgan.

"I'm sorry I didn't warn you about those meat pies earlier!" said Jack.

Morgan shot him a look.

"What do you want to do now?" asked Jack.

"Can we go to the sea shore?" she asked.


"You owe me after the meat pie incident" she warned.

"Fine" he said.

They went to the sea shore, walking along it and began to talk. Morgan told Jack of the 21st century and her life and school. He even laughed at the stories about the pranks she pulled on teachers. And Jack told her about what it was like those six months he had her as a baby and spoke fondly of her mother, Bethany.

"Do I look like her?" she asked as they sat in the sand as the sun was setting over the ocean.

"Not really, you look more like me" he said "but you do have her nose."

"Her nose?" she said smiling.

"Aye" he told her "my eyes and her nose."

"Maybe that's a good thing" she said "because I'd look pretty weird with your nose!"

"What's wrong with my nose, missy?" he asked her, sternly.

"It's big" she giggled "I would've looked weird!"

Jacks mouth gaped open in shock, then he smiled. "It's a good thing you me daughter, Guppy" he said putting an arm around her.

AN: what do you guys think? Sorry it's late!