The first thing Sharon became aware of when she woke up was her head. It was hurting so bad that she thought she might just exploded. Then her breath. It was like she hadn't brush her teeth for the past ten years. But then, a nicer and more welcomed smell reached her nose. She turned her head more into the pillow and inhaled. It was Andy's.

"Andy!" Sharon thought and tried to sit. Yep. She was definitely in Andy's bed, with his shirt on and she didn't have a bra on anymore. "Oh god." She whined. She laid back down and tried to remember.

She was in New York, then home. The noises. Jack and that blonde girl in her bed. The bar. That waiter, "What was his name again?", and Andy coming to get her. Then nothing. She didn't remember what they talked about. She breathed Andy's scent. Manly, sweet and so comforting. When she was a little more waked, Sharon jumped inside the shower and let the water ran on her still exhausted body.

The last time she had been that drunk was... well. She couldn't really remember being that drunk.

She had found a vanilla soap in Andy's cabinet. Probably something Nicole kept there for when she was visiting. She washed herself and put back on what Andy had given her, plus her bra. She had even used Andy's toothbrush. Well, after dealing with her when she smelt not so good, he wouldn't mind her using his toothbrush.

She let her hair dried naturally against her shoulders. She tried to erase the black make-up underneath her eyes and only then she went out, searching for Andy.

He was sitting at his table with one cup of coffee in his hand and his phone in the other. She sat down in front of him and said nothing for a moment.

"Hi." Andy said first.

"So... How bad is it?" Sharon asked immediately after, playing with Andy's oversize shirt.

"Well. How much do you remember?"

"Just that you came to pick me up. But I don't know what I said nor how I ended up in your bed..."

Andy stayed silent and hid his smile into his cup.

"I told you about Jack, didn't I?" Andy nodded. "And..." Sharon added.

"Don't worry. That jerk is still alive." Sharon didn't smile at his joke. She just had a sad look on her face. "Do you want a cup?" Andy said, trying to change her mind. And it worked because she smiled.

"Look, Andy. I'm so so sorry for last night. I'm sorry that you had to see me like that and that you had to take of me like that. I-"

"Sharon. I would do it again and again if needed. But the next time, I would rather come and pick you up drunk from a very good night with your friends rather than sad and drunk because of Jack. Okay?"

Sharon nodded and laughed a little. "Jack won't be an issue anymore. I'm done. I'm really done."


"Yes." She bit her lip before she continued. "You know. I tried to leave him before. I asked for a divorce not so long ago... But he said no."

"Why?" Andy asked, even though Sharon had already answered that question last night. Sharon looked up at him and he saw it. Andy saw the exact moment when Sharon's mind caught up with them. She moment she remembered telling him everything last night.

"Oh my god." She breathed before standing. "I told you, right?" She looked utterly panicked. Andy raised his hands to try to relax her.

"Sharon it's-"

"Please Andy, don't say it's okay!"

Sharon ran to Andy's room and the sound of the lock being turned made Andy stood up as well. He came close to the door but couldn't hear anything. He knocked gently with his knuckles against the wood but she didn't answer.

"Sharon? It's okay. I promise you. It's okay. Do you remember that night? After Nicole's wedding? Jack was away so I decided to invite you. You were so beautiful that night. We danced for hours and everything felt so unreal because it was perfect. That night Sharon, I understood that I was done. Maybe even before that. I would never ever met someone else like you. I'm so happy to be your friend. I will always be. I'm sorry if I caused you pain. You're so amazing Sharon. And what happen last night... It's okay. Believe me. It's okay."

Andy heard her turned back the lock before she opened the door to his bedroom softly. She was crying and Andy wanted so badly to caught them with his fingers.

"What are you saying Andy?" She whispered.

"What I'm saying is that. Last night you were drunk and you said that you love me. And today, completely sober, I'm telling you that I'm in love with you Sharon. I love you."

Sharon quickly put her arms around hiss waits. "I'm sorry you had to learn it like this."

"Well. Why don't you say it again?" Andy said, rising her face gently toward him. She smiled at him and raised on her toes to give him a sweet and very chaste kiss on the lips. "I love you Andy Flynn. I'm so in love with you right now that I don't know if I want to cry or laugh."

Andy chuckled and captured her lips in very last chaste kiss. Sharon raised her arms to around his neck and kissed him back. She felt Andy pushed her back inside his bedroom. She knew she had to stop him. She was still a married a woman and blablabla... But she didn't. Just for once in her life, Sharon Raydor put her (and Andy's too of course) needs before everybody else.

"You know..." Andy said while kissing her neck. "We say that making love helps when you have an headache."

Sharon laughed and pulled him even closer. "I don't have an headache. I'm hungovered."

Andy pulled back just long enough to say "believe me, it works even better for that" before pulling off his shirt off her body and proving to her that indeed: he loved her very much.

Et le reste n'appartient qu'à eux.

THE END (for real this time)...