This is going to be another one of those slow chapters in my story and the chapter itself might be a little short. Maybe three or four pages long, I don't know. I'm not that good at writing stories like this one, and this is my first attempt at writing a Drunken Marriage fic. So bare with me on this, okay?


An Arc and a Maiden… Married?!

Lunch had finally rolled around at Beacon, and at Teams RWBY and JNPR's usual table there was a bit of light conversation going around. Mostly about the location of everyone's favorite blonde knight.

"So, Jaune really didn't come back last night?" Ruby asked.

"No, he didn't. And that's what worries me." said a still shuddering and twitching Pyrrha.

Apparently, the effects of drinking that much coffee all at once haven't completely blown over yet. And just watching her twitch like that made both teams wince. Even with Aura, they still have bruises from being turned into human/Faunus bowling pins. Bruises that really should've healed long before now.

Even Nora seemed to lose her ever present smile at the memory of what happened that morning. Clearly she understood that pouring THAT much highly caffeinated coffee down Pyrrha's gullet all at once was one of the stupidest ideas she's ever had! And for once, she's not ashamed to admit it.

'My poor achy back… is this how Jaune felt when he was squashed under Weiss's big butt during initiation?' Nora mentally asked herself.

Even Weiss was massaging on of her sore shoulders after having survived Pyrrha's coffee rampage. Maybe she'd go into Vale later today and schedule an appointment with a massage therapist. Monty Oum above knows she needs it right about now.

"This is actually very unlike Jaune. He always finds a way to make it home before curfew, so why was this any different?" Ren asked.

"Oh relax, guys. Vomit-Boy can handle himself. He's practically a full fledged hunter now, and can take care of himself easy enough. Especially against any Grimm." Yang said with a grin.

"At this point, I'd be more worried about his fan club getting their hands on him." Blake said, not looking up from her book.

That made just about everyone wince in sympathy. They've seen the damage those beasts could cause in their never ending chase to capture their objective. They couldn't be classified as either humans OR Faunus. They were just mindless zombies! Zombies with claws that are designed for ripping the clothes off of the man that they idolize, and turning their idol into a living trophy!

...I'm beginning to think I've been reading way too many Naruto fics in my time as an author.

Okay, no more fourth wall breaking! Back to the main point, everyone at this table was worried for Jaune's safety when it came to his fan club. Mostly Pyrrha, since she doesn't want some random girl Jaune doesn't know getting together with HER knight!

Okay, she knows that Velvet is a part of Jaune's fan club, but she's far more subdued than those other wild animals that call themselves people! She still knows that Pyrrha has dibs on the blonde knight.

Delusional much? When it comes to dating, NOBODY respects the code of dibs!

In Weiss's case, she wanted to try and rekindle her friendship with the blonde boy. Looking back on their friendship since the beginning of their time at Beacon, the Schnee heiress has noticed a pattern concerning certain events. Jaune tries to get a date with her, she just shoots him down every time. He helps her ask Neptune to the dance last semester and she doesn't show a hint of gratitude. He prevents her stubborn and abusive father from taking her back to Atlas… AND SHE DOESN'T SO MUCH AS OFFER A THANK YOU!

Honestly, the girl feels rather disgusted with herself. And the fact that she felt the need to speak to Winter about it didn't help matters.

As for everyone else? They were all just worried for their friend and, in Ruby's case, fellow team leader.

"What do you guys think? Should we go into Vale and try to find Jaune?" Ruby asked.

"Perhaps we should give him another two hours. If he's not back by then, we go to Vale and try to find him. Right before chewing him out for making us worry." Blake replied.

"That is a good plan. I like that plan a lot." Pyrrha said.

Having all agreed on the plan, everyone went back to eating their lunches as they thought that this situation couldn't possibly get any worse.

"Hey, maybe Vomit-Boy's late because he found himself a girlfriend and got laid last night." Yang suggested with a teasing smirk.

Everyone promptly did a spit-take in her direction, being EXTREMELY CAREFUL not to get any milk or water in her hair.

Yang just laughed it off and wiped her face with a few napkins as her friends were either thrown into coughing fits, glaring at her or both. Ee-yup! When it comes to teasing everyone, Yang's still got it!

*Meanwhile, at a Cafe in Vale…*

Jaune and Amber were sitting together at a booth in a cafe as they tried to wrap their heads around what was now happening to them. Apparently, in their drunken states of mind they ended up getting married to each other. As proven by the marriage certificate laid out on the table in front of them.

It read 'Mr. Jaune Arc' and 'Mrs. Amber Wither-Arc'. And what puzzled them both was the fact that it was Beacon's own headmaster that married them.

"This isn't happening… This isn't happening…" Amber mumbled in a near catatonic state.

"Get ahold of yourself, Amber! It's not the end of the world!" Jaune said.

That was enough to snap her out of it, but her reaction to that statement was to slam her hands on the table and quickly stand up from her seat.

"Don't you know what happens to a Maiden if they get married and do… 'THAT'?!" Amber asked with an embarrassed blush.

But Jaune just raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms.

"What happens? And how do you know we even did that if we were both fully clothed when we woke up?" Jaune asked in return.

Amber opened her mouth to answer, but found that she couldn't find any words to answer that question. She closed her mouth and sat back down in her chair.

"Okay, you have a point." Amber admitted.

Jaune sighed and left enough Lien to pay for their orders.

"Look, why don't we just go back to Beacon and ask Ozpin what this is all about." Jaune suggested. "Besides, what's the worst that could happen? It's not like there's some kinda big legend surrounding even the legend of the Four Maidens, right?"

Jauney-Boy, you just pressed the 'Try Me Fate' button. You shouldn't have did that.

*To Be Continued…*

Like I said, this is another one of those slow chapters in the story, so it's gonna be kinda short. Anyways, I hope you guys like this chapter. Be sure to like and follow this story and as always, I'll see you in my next chapter!