Hey guys! I am SOOO sorry for the delay in this chapter. I recently moved cities, started a new job, completed two finals, and of course got very ill. No matter! I am back with a short new chapter. I am sorry for its length. Don't worry, I'll update more frequently now that my life is once again settled down.


Unlikely Pair

Chapter 5: Together

Tenten fluttered her eyes closed and kissed him back, perhaps a bit eagerly. Her hands migrated from his chest to his shoulders and around the back of his neck where they linked together. The very moment his lips met hers she experienced a sudden onset of fireworks and butterflies exploding inside her stomach.

Shivers ran down her spine when she felt his arms wrap around her and the kiss intensified. Because of their drunkenness, Tenten clumsily backed into her door with a thud. She played it off though, by breaking the kiss momentarily to finish unlocking, and opening her door. She then turned around, grabbed his arm and pulled him inside quickly before anyone could spot them.

Before he knew it her lips were pressed against his again and her hands were sort of tangled in his hair. He took the opportunity to lift her up and her legs wrapped around his waist fervently, causing her kimono to ride up dangerously high. He placed his hands underneath her derrière and gently squeezed, causing her to squeak adorably before letting out a quiet moan to follow.

Briefly, he pulled away from the kiss to study her expression and countenance. The last thing he wanted was to do something she'd be uncomfortable with.

Tenten could tell he was looking for her approval, and so she gave him a small nod before lowering herself back to the floor, fixing her dress and leading him down the hallway to her bedroom.

She opened her door, took his hand and lead him inside. Her bed was what looked to be a queen size with a light grey plush comforter and decorative pillows atop, she had a large dresser in the corner and a desk that had multiple scrolls laid out atop it. This made Kakashi chuckle briefly before he turned his attention to the girl who had somehow already managed to take her hair down.

Though he'd seen her with her hair down once before, this time seemed different. This time she was vulnerable and open. The last time she had been tired, and angry but the present was quite the contrast. Her hair fell to about the middle of her back in curls and kinks not just from the fact that it had been tied up all day, but perhaps it had a natural wave. He approached her and placed his finger under her chin, lifting it up so she would look him in the eye.

Tenten's heart leapt in her chest and she stared up at him for what seemed like an eternity before she felt him scoop her back up and lay her gently on her back on the bed. She could see flints of curiosity and lust dancing about in his darkly colored orbs and she felt hers were likely to be expressing the same.

He hovered over her and placed a soft kiss on the corner of her mouth while his hand cupped her cheek and slowly moved to her neck, down her arm and then eventually to her thigh. Tenten couldn't control the intense shiver she felt while experiencing his feather-like touches. She had to check reality for a moment, wondering if this were really happening. But it didn't last long, and soon she found herself hungrily unbuttoning his shirt and pushing it off of his broad shoulders.

She blinked for a moment, staring at his perfectly sculpted, body that was also riddled in telling their own unique story about the many battles the man before her had faced. His arms were muscular too, well defined even in a relaxed state and she watched them flex slightly when he shrugged his shirt the rest of the way off.

Kakashi looked down at her, her brown eyes sparkling with anticipation and wonder. She looked beautiful with her hair sprawled out around her and moonlight from her window illuminating her face and accentuating her curvature. He placed a soft kiss on her neck, eliciting a moan as her response and he smiled against her neck before kissing it again and running his hands under her dress.

Tenten pushed on his chest just a little and Kakashi stopped right away and sat up. Because of the design of her dress, it had to be unzipped before it could be removed so she grabbed the zipper on the side and slid it down. She shimmied until the dress fell around her waist and from there Kakashi pulled it down and off of her legs and tossed it to the floor next to his shirt.

Sakura was smiling ear to ear after receiving another correspondence from Sasuke. He had mentioned the possibility of returning to Konoha for perhaps a few days and that he'd like to see her. She couldn't believe it, Sasuke was finally starting to show an interest in her, and returning the intense feelings that she had for him.

She couldn't wait to see him! It felt like it'd been too long. She knew that he had his own issues to work through, and because she cared so deeply for him she would give him all the time he needed to come home, and come home for good. Everyone who cared about Sasuke as a friend was doing the same. Especially Naruto.

The pink haired Kunoichi was shaken from her thoughts when a knock came from her front door. Her heart leapt for a moment because she thought maybe, just maybe it was Sasuke.

She rushed to the door and opened it, frowning when she saw Ino standing there with a chipper expression on her face. "Oh, hey Ino."

"Well aren't you happy to see me?" Ino crossed her arms and looked at her friend grumpily. "I swear Sakura you need to lighten up."

"It's just I thought you were someone else." Sakura sighed and stepped aside so her friend could come inside, which she did.

"Sasuke, huh?" Ino asked, making herself perfectly at home on Sakura's couch. "Have you heard from him?"

"I got another letter today, he's thinking of coming by." She smiled hopefully and took a seat next to her blonde companion.

"Really? That's great! Maybe you two will finally get together." Ino smiled reassuringly at her friend who seemed a little discouraged.

"I hope so." Sakura braved a smile. "So what's up?"

"I saw Shikamaru and Temari having dinner!" Ino smiled and looked at her friend who seemed less than surprised.

"Well we were with Temari when they set up the time for the date..." Sakura scratched her head wondering if Ino was perhaps losing it.

"But I also saw another couple having dinner at the same restaurant!" Ino couldn't contain the excitement any longer.

"Who?!" Now Sakura was hooked and she needed to know. "Ino who was it?!" She gently smacked her friends arm to extract the juicy information.

"Sakura, our plan worked! Tenten and Kakashi were out on a date! I ran straight here to tell you."

Sakura looked at Ino in shock. Of course she had hoped their plan would work but she almost hadn't expected it to. Especially in knowing Kakashi Sensei so well, she wasn't sure he'd fall for any nonsense but apparently he and Tenten both had not realized that the whole thing was a ruse, a setup. "Dinner?"

"And Tenten was smiling, a real and genuine smile Sakura. I haven't seen her smile like that since.."

"I know." Sakura looked at her friend and smiled. "Its the start of something new for both of them."

Ino had stood to her feet at this point, and had also gotten a glimpse of the letter Sasuke had sent her pink haired friend. She turned to look at her with a smile. "For all of us," she said.

Tenten lay next to Kakashi, her heart beating fast, chest rising and falling as she caught her breath. She felt his arms snake around her body and draw her close to his, and she lay her head on his chest. His heart was beating rather fast as well. She couldn't stop smiling, even if she tried it just wouldn't go away. She giggled quietly and buried her face in his chest.

Kakashi began to pet her hair and quirked an eyebrow, looking down at her and chuckled at her cuteness. He'd not experienced a night quite like this one, nor an intimate partner quite like her. She was certainly not inexperienced.

Tenten was still catching her breath, the man had exhausted her yet completely satisfied. More than once. She was impressed by his stamina, but perhaps not surprised. And at the moment, she just wanted to stay in his arms just a little bit longer. "Do you have to go?" She whispered, looking up at him.

"Not yet," he replied before kissing her forehead and hugging her close. "But soon." He gently rubbed her her bare arms and back, causing her to shiver and snuggle up to him even closer.

It had been such a long time since she felt this way, close to someone and safe in their arms. Whatever the feeling was that was bubbling up within her, she didn't want it to end. She nodded slowly and sat up, holding the sheet over her bare chest.

Kakashi sat up with her, and placed a kiss on her cheek before standing up and beginning to get dressed. He didn't want to leave her, but suspicions would arise should the Hokage not return to his home randomly. He resolved to make an effort to change this.

"So.. what do we tell people?" Tenten looked at him curiously, hoping that this incident was not a one-time-deal.

Kakashi looked at her and flashed her a warm smile, "we tell them the truth." He responded. "That we're together."