The Dragon Prince and his Flame Princess by tigereyes320 Epilogue

Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters belong to JK Rowling. And the various Presses that release it. Doesn't in any way shape or form belong to me

IMPORTANT: This fic has now become AU, since the release of Book 5. I do plan to complete it as well as I have anywhere form 5-6 out-takes planned for ALL the characters (those that were alive at the end of Book 4) However up through year 4 I intend to keep with cannon. So if you'd like to know about a particular character leave in the review section and I'll let you know, what happened to that character and If I'm planning an out-take for them. I may even throw parts of Book 5 in. BUT in this fic *********** does NOT die.

A/N 1 I have to thank my beta Jenny. I have D/G together obviously also Ron/Her. This fic will change POV from someone telling a story in one time, to seeing the scenes in the story in the past. Then back to the time when the story is being told. Parts will be the story. Interludes will be scenes from the story's present time. Interludes will tell you what everyone's been doing since the story. A/N 2 I have to thank echo for letting me borrow her pairing of Katie Bell with Percy from Absolutely Spiffing (a great read by the way) A/N 3 I like constructive feedback. [email protected] Pairing will NOT be changed in anyway. So those that do not like my Pairings are under no obligation to read this story.


Draco's eyes snapped opened. He was suddenly awake, and unsure of why. Granted it was July and the weather had all of London in its fierce grip. Malay Manor was cool and comfortable. He listened to see if any of the children were out of bed, but they weren't. He had no idea what had woken him up. Then as he was trying to close his eyes, he felt it again. Ginny had spooned as close to him as her belly would allow. The baby was obviously active as Draco felt it kick again. He carefully rolled over and put his hand on Ginny's belly.

"Getting anxious aren't you little one." Draco whispered. "So are we. We can't wait to meet you."

He got an answering kick.

"I have a feeling I'll be seeing you real soon, little one." Draco said as he kept rubbing Ginny's belly. The baby seemed to quieting down. Draco soon closed his eyes and joined his wife in sleep.

A few hours later Draco was being shaken awake.

"Draco! Wake up! The Baby is coming now!"

Draco's eyes snapped open again. "What?"

"Baby. Is. Coming. Right. Now." Ginny said between breaths.

Draco jumped out of bed and threw on some clothes. He ran out of the room to notify the Nanny they would be leaving. He also went and woke up Ally and Nick as they were twelve St. Mungo's would allow them in.

He left Ally and Nick to contact the Grandparents and various Uncles and Aunts. Draco raced back upstairs and got Ginny, and her bag.

"How far apart are they?" "Still at five minutes apart. This baby is in a hurry to arrive. Three hours ago the contractions were fifteen minutes apart. Then they were ten. We'd better hurry unless you want to deliver this baby. Has the family been notified."

"Yep. Ally and Nick took care of it."

"Are they still coming with us."


"Let's go."

Within moments they were at St. Mungo's. The rest of the Weasley, Potter, and Malfoy clans were already there. Draco left Ally and Nick with the family while he got Ginny checked in and in a room. He helped her change into her gown

"I know you're going to bite my head off for this, but are you okay?"

"How do you think I'm feeling?"

"Like you'd like to castrate me? I love you sweetheart. I'm going to go get the medi-witch, and then I'm going to check on the family, okay?"

Ginny nodded as she began her breathing exercises.

Draco left the room and actually ran into the medi-witch.

"Draco off so soon?" Lavender Longbottom asked.

"No just checking in with the family."

"Why don't I go in and examine Ginny and then I can see where we are at. Come back as soon as you can."

"Thanks Lav, I'll be right back."

Draco went and told the family Ginny was getting settled and the baby was being impatient. As soon as he knew more he would let them know.

Ally and Nick sat beside their Uncles Ron and Harry. Aunt Hermione and Aunt Juliana were playing a game of Exploding Snap with them. Every once and awhile Hermione or Juliana would rub their extended bellies to quiet the child within.

Ally and Nick looked at each other and shook their heads. Their mom had set off another baby spree. Their aunts Angelina, Alicia, Hermione, and Juliana were all expecting babies. Aunts Katie, Laura and Fleur were in the process of adopting children from America. The magical community had had a few upstarts trying to be Voldemort. In doing so they had orphaned seven children from one large family. They would have another eleven cousins when was all said and done. Fleur was taking a baby boy. Katie and Percy were taking a brother and sister. Charlie and Laura, who had been told by the medi-witches another pregnancy would kill her, decided to take the last four children into their home. They were still processing the red tape to get them over to London in time for the coming Hogwarts term.

Grandmum of course was ecstatic about the new arrivals. This meant even more grandbabies to spoil. Aunt Hermione and Uncle Ron had discovered they were having a boy and he would be arriving at the end of August. Aunt Juliana and Uncle Harry were having a girl; she wasn't due until the end of September.

Meanwhile Draco was trying to keep from yelling as Ginny crushed his hand while having another contraction.

Lavender had her hands on Ginny's belly, checking the position of the baby. "Everything looks good Ginny. In a few minutes you'll be able to push. I need to get a few things for the baby and I'll be right back."

Draco gently wiped Ginny face with a towel. "I'm sorry love, I hate the fact that the baby is causing you any pain."

Ginny smiled weakly and grabbed his other hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "I was there for the fun part. I'm glad you're here."

"Me too."

"Let me go tell the family how you're doing. I'll be right back. Don't have this baby without me." Draco joked.

"Where would I go? Besides, I can't wait to yell at you for putting me into this position again." Ginny said as she breathed through the pain. 'Who the heck were they kidding. No one could breathe through this pain. This had to be invented by a man!'

Draco walked down the hall to tell everyone everything was fine when Ally waylaid him.

"Daddy? Is Mum okay? Has the baby come yet?" Ally asked.

Before Draco could answer, he was interrupted.


"I have to go sweetie. Your Mum needs me. You'll have your baby sister or brother very soon, by the sound of it." Draco said as he kissed Ally's forehead.

Draco turned and ran back down the hall to Ginny's room.


Lavender looked up from her spot between Ginny's legs. "Great timing Draco. We're ready to have Ginny begin pushing she's fully dilated and effaced. Why don't you get behind her and support her back and help her with the pushing. Okay Ginny next time you feel the urge to push, I want you to bear down."

Draco wiped Ginny's face again with a towel. "You're doing great love." He kissed her temple, "I love you so much."

"I know, but right now I don't like you very much. AAAHHH! Bloody Hell this hurts!" Ginny yelled as she crushed his hand. Draco manfully kept from yelling out in pain. "I think we're done with having kids okay?" Ginny asked panting her way through her contraction.

"Come on Ginny I need you to push. I see the head. It looks like you might have another blonde in the family." Lavender said as she prepared to help their baby into this world.

Draco took Ginny's hands in his and helped give her some leverage so that the pushing came easier. "Whatever you want. We'll just enjoy being parents for awhile. Then after our children grow up, we'll enjoy the grandchildren they'll give us."

"Okay Ginny I got one shoulder stop pushing for a moment." Lavender said as she moved quickly to clear the baby's air passage. She then rotated the baby to grab the other shoulder. "All right Ginny, one more push and this little one will have arrived."

Ginny bore down with all her might to deliver what she knew would be her last child. She wanted to enjoy her children not that having children wasn't rewarding, it was just so exhausting. Then she heard the baby's first cry.

"And here she is. It's a girl, Ginny. Looks to me like she is going to look like her daddy." Lavender said as she placed the baby on Ginny's belly. Draco and Ginny both reached out to touch the baby's flailing hands; she was still streaked with blood form her birth. She was also letting her displeasure known, loudly.

"She's a Malfoy all right." Ginny said as tears of happiness slipped down her face. She had mentally counted her daughter's fingers and toes all ten were there.

"Draco why don't you go with the nurse to help your little one get cleaned up, while Ginny and I take another few minutes to finish up here." Lavender said to him before she turned her attention back to Ginny. "Ginny let's get this afterbirth delivered and get you cleaned up for your many visitors."

Draco went over to the corner and watched the one nurse tie and cut the umbilical cord. They then took some soap and a warm cloth and wiped her down. Then they quickly weighed and measured her. They put a tiny diaper on her butt and a snug cap on her head. Draco handed them the tiny white sleeper they had brought to put the baby in. After she was dressed and wrapped up in her blanket, Draco brought he back over to Ginny. Ginny in the meantime had been cleaned up as well.

Draco sat on the bed beside her. "Lavender is right, she's going to be a blonde. So, are we still using the name we chose?"

Ginny nodded as Draco put the baby in her arms. "Welcome to the family Veronica Caitlyn Brianne Malfoy."

At the sound of her name being mentioned Veronica opened her pale blue eyes and stared up at her parents.

"Draco she's going to have your eyes. Shannon, David and Nick were both born with that shade of pale blue that turned in a few weeks to your shade of gray. Go and show her to the family, Lavender said they'd be in here in a few minutes to move me to my room."

Draco took the baby back and carefully supporting her head stood back up. Before he left he leaned down and gave Ginny a soft kiss on the lips. "Thank you for my daughter Flame."

Draco carefully opened the door and made his way down the hall. "Now Veronica you are about to meet a huge crowd of people. They take some getting used to, but you'll never find a better group of people to cover your backside. Let's go meet your family sweetie."

The rest of the family was in the waiting room. There were Weasley's and Potter's all over the place. His mother and father were playing a game of Wizard's chess with Ally and Nick.

"Draco? Is everything all right with Ginny and- oh is that the baby?" Molly asked as everyone turned toward Draco.

"Yes indeed. I would like to present to everyone Veronica Caitlyn Brianne Malfoy." Draco said as he walked toward Ron. "Would you like to hold your god-daughter and namesake first?"

"Veronica, huh? She's beautiful Malfoy. I always said you'd make a real pretty girl."

"Funny Weasley, very funny, let her godmother Hermione hold her now."

Ron passed it to Hermione who, kissing her softly on the forehead, only held her for a moment before handing her back to Draco. "Here Draco, you better take her over to her grandmother's before they have a conniption fit."

Draco walked over to his mother, with a look of silent apology to Molly, at her nod he handed Veronica over to Narcissa. Lucius bent over his wife's shoulder to touch her tiny cheek with a finger. "She's beautiful son, a fine addition to this family."

"Molly look, I think she has Ginny's nose."

Molly came over to look at her newest grandchild. "She certainly does, but she's going to look just like Draco. When Nick was born he looked almost exactly like this."

Narcissa handed the baby over to Molly so she and Arthur could also enjoy her.

"Draco? How's Ginny doing?"

"Beautiful. They'll be moving her into her room in just a few minutes. You can all go see her then. Actually I want to go and get her some flowers. Hey you two. Want to see your new baby sister?"

At Ally and Nick's nods Molly brought Veronica over to them. Ally reached up first, as she had a lot of experience helping her Mom with Nate. "Nick she does look like you! Welcome to the family, we gotta give this kid a nickname Nick. I'm your oldest sister, Ally and this is my twin and your oldest brother Nick. Here Nicky you can hold her." Ally competently eased Veronica into her brothers' arms.

"Hey little sis." Nick was enchanted with the baby's sweet face. Nate had never been like this. "You and I are going to have so much fun. Ally and I'll teach you all about Quidditch, we both play for Ravenclaw as beaters. You'll learn about that when you get to Hogwarts. Hogwarts is great you'll love it. You know we have five other siblings. After us came Shannon."

Ally butted in, "Then came Jason, and then Mum had the twins Marissa, her real name is Molly Narcissa after our grandmothers, but we all call her Marissa. Her twin is named David, and then there is Nate. He'll be two next month."

Nick said with a smile, "We won't even mention how many cousins we have or are about to have, but it is A LOT! Ally is right we have to give you a nickname. Veronica Caitlyn Brianne is a mouthful, for such a little thing. I'm going to give you back to our Dad, he'll take you back to Mum." Nick kissed her gently on the forehead.

"Dad?" Nick asked, "Ally and I still have some of our money can we get Mum some flowers too?"

"I'm sure she'd love them."

"Nicholas, why don't you let your grandmother and I take you and Allison to get some flowers, so the rest of the family can have a visit with your mum. We'll go by the house and pick up your brothers and sisters so they can come for a quick visit too. How about it?" Lucius suggested.

"Sounds great grandfather."

"Draco you'll give Ginny our love and tell her we'll stop by a little later to have a visit. Lucius, hospital food is horrible, why don't we get Ginny and Draco and the children some good food and bring it back for them to eat."

"Mother that would be wonderful. Ginny will be nursing so nothing too spicy. I also wouldn't get any Asian style cuisine. It upsets her stomach for the first few weeks after having a baby." Draco came and gave his mother a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you Mother."

"Children let's go."

"Ok Grandmother." Ally said as she kissed her father's cheek. "Give Mum a kiss for us, we'll be back soon."

Draco watched his two oldest children link arms, and follow their grandparents out the door. "Well the rest of you follow me."

*********** Just about 8 weeks later ************

"Draco where is Brie?" Ginny called out from the foyer.

"One of your brothers has her." Draco said as he came up to her. "Are you sure you're up to this picnic?"

"Sweetheart the twins go back to Hogwarts this week when could we have had it. Besides every one is here: All of my brothers, their wives, and their children. Remus, Zaria, and their three kids, Sirius, Natalie, and their four. Snape, Guinevere and their three, Harry and Juliana and their five children. Then we come to all of our schoolmates that we invited. With their families and ours we have got to have over a hundred people at a picnic. Wait a minute speaking of family, have you seen any of our other seven children in the last ten or so minutes?"

"Now that you mention it. I haven't seen them since Nick and Ally came in here asking about where Brie was."

"I think we need to find them. Eight children, plus no parents, equals big trouble."

Ginny and Draco made their way through their throng of guests occasionally stopping to chat with their friends, family and classmates. It took them over an hour to reach the gazebo, where their eight children sat in a circle. Ally had Nate in between her legs as he chewed on some chips. Nick held Brie in his arms as he fed her from a bottle that Ginny kept for emergencies. Each of their other children were sitting eating their food and listening intently to their older brother. They stepped closer to hear what Nick was saying.

"Now Brie as the oldest, Ally and I felt it was time for you to start learning your family history. You see we have two very special parents. They love each other and each of us very much. But did you know that all of this almost never happened? If Dad hadn't risen up to Mum's challenge, if he hadn't wanted to change, none of us would be here now. Ally you want to start?"

"Sure thing Nick. Once upon a time there was a handsome Dragon Prince, who when life wasn't going his way, met a beautiful Flame Princess. . ."

Ally's voiced trailed off as Ginny and Draco walked away from the gazebo.

"We did it my Dragon Prince."

"Yes we did my Flame Princess."

"So now we finish living happily ever after?"

"Well we don't want to ruin the ending for them do we?"

"I'm so glad I fell in love with you, my Dragon. I can't imagine anything else on this world I'd rather do."

"Flame, how about we finish watching our children grow up, and then we spend the rest of our lives growing old with each other."

"Sounds good."

"It sounds real good."

Draco leaned and gave Ginny a kiss as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her long and hard. They paused to look each other in the eye, and began to kiss again.

The End

I want to take this time and thank everyone who reviewed this fic. Some of you more then once. I so appreciated the fact that you enjoyed this story. Yes there will be several outtakes to write. I have a few planned already. If I didn't answer any specific questions please let me know at [email protected]. I promise to try and answer the question. Also let me know if you want to stay on my list so that I can update you when I add a new out take.

In no particular order: Jenny (my regular beta) Daughter of Fae, Jenny T, PhoenixRae (extra applause for also betaing the fic for me), Luinthoron, Xander011, Sokorra Lewis, Ginny Coupling Fan, Myrtle, rainbow-sprinkles, sea hawk, kellyidol2000, Cariel, Arielle3, Trunks, Helena Troy, wmlaw (I love your stuff!), Peaceful Storm, sabacat, ayumi-dono, taylor14, V, green goblin, Nissy, Duo, masti, Lulu81, TK, Magic Girl2, nnyslilhelper, Jamie, buttercup_rc, Tempest in a Teacup, Neo_Aphrodite (or Pauline). Also have to thank: TrinityMalfoy, princess310889, pink4liz, hasapi, taylor, KC, nightingale5, jamie (I think there is two of you.), Crystal snowflakes, giggles, malfoy15, littlegarvo, SamiJo, GracieBaby, Hplova4eva, xi-swt- tearz-ix, Bowie's LeaperMessiah, Louise Luvgood, The dark Enchantress, Taunting Ave, Xandrina Malfoy, waterfairy-rose, hart break, pixie, amber. Kutiexaznxangel and last but not least BWA and the rest of my groups.