HOLY CARP IM BACK. ITS BEEN HOW LONG!? Im really sorry for not posting anything. My computer refuses to work and life is h a r d. Also, im not really in this fandom anymore, soo. But im very bored atm so i decided to start again. Anyway, lets start!!!

Stairs creaked as Bendy and Henry started to slowly desend down the rickity old staircase. Ink flowed down from the ceiling, creating small puddles on the floor. It was a bit unnerving for Henry, but he'd have to make do with it if he wanted to keep his head on his neck.

"So what exactly are we looking for again?" Henry questioned, breaking the awkward silence that filled the stairs.

"We're looking for some old books of Joey's. Ones without to many inkstains would be ideal, but we can deal with a few sploches." Bendy replied, looking back at Henry as he did so. "Lets just hope we don't run into Sammy down here. He's a bit... eccentric to say the least." He added, his tail whipping around in a bit of discomfort.

"Sammy? As in Sammy Lawrence?" Henry eyes widended a small bit.

"Yes, but he's gone through a drastic change. We don't wanna run into him. He'd kill you." No emotion was showed as he said it. Then again, why would there be? To Bendy he was just a tool that could be discarded

Henry nodded, and continued following the demon. He hoped everything worked out fine in the end. Maybe he actually COULD bring Boris back. It sounded a bit too optimic, but there was still a chance he assumed. By the time he was done his train of thought they had reached the end of the seemingly never ending stairs.

"Alright... lets hope we can actually manage to find something useful down here" Bendy rubbed his hands together and looked over the area. In front of him was some weird shrine with a cutout, a candle, and a tape player. Bendy paid no mind however, and started to walk forwards. The sudden click of the recording springing into action stopped him in his tracks. "Now why'd you have to go and do that?" Bendy snapped at Henry, turning around and marching over to the man.

"Hey, you can't exactly just leave a tape that practically begging to be played alone, can you?" He responded, the audio reaching the end. The words at the end they were surprisingly silent for through.

"Can I get a Amen?" echoed through the seemingly empty halls... at least they seemed empty, until a voice that was much too real repeated after them. "I said, can I get amen...?"

Im sorry but this'll probably be the last chapter of this I write. You can continue it if you want, since im putting it up for adoption. Anyway, bye have a good day!!

Edit: HA NO CHAPTER 4 MADE ME WANNA WRITE MORE, SO THERE GOES THAT. Also, sorry for the shitty grammer and spelling, im writing this all out on my phone so typing is a struggle.