There was so much it overwhelmed his senses.

He was floating through a haze.

I can only describe it as senselessly floating, although he felt heavier and more pain than ever before. There was a ringing in his ears that dulled out screams and heavy footsteps from around him. The screeching sound ricocheted around his head in time to the blinding flashes that pulsed in front of his eyes as his heart pounded in his chest.

"EZ...A! …UN I… A TR…."

His breaths were labored as he tried to focus on the echoes of shouts. The words floating through the same ocean of chaos, being blotted out by the thump of his heart. When he though he could see a face or a message it was lost to brilliant flashes of blue to red.

"G..T BA… ..O ..HE ..GH….T"

He felt a searing pain inside his chest and his breath hitched as a failing roar fell next to him. All he could feel was a white hot pain burning its way to his core as his numbing fingers felt across the cool smooth metal to where the roar now lay silent.

"It… T…"

He wrapped his weak and shaking fingers around loose piece of damp green cloth on the pony tailed figure that now lay next to him. Suddenly a warm shaking hand appeared over his as if trying to protect the grasp he had on that small piece of clothing.

The hand was followed by a warm figure hunched over the both of them pleading to the air around him. As the familiar voice spoke two comforting shadows followed the figures movements and he felt safer.

"Plea…e, stop! Lea.. the… ..lone!..on't kill them!"

He could feel the tug and longing of words trying to reach him. His bright blue met with teal as tears welled in both. Deep inside where the searing white pain was scorching its way through him he realised what had happened.

"They got us kid. I'm sorry."