Sure, it was alright when Astrid broke the rules, but when someone else did it, it made her blood boil and an itch to stop them would always rise in her. Well, almost always. If she was feeling gracious. Seldomly, actually. Someone was taking one of the horses out. But all the residents of the manor were sleeping, so it was a thief in there.

Maybe today she was feeling particularly pure. Her usual mischievousness would not let the person go out of spite, because what had happened last night really had been pure. She had danced with a noble's son.

Astrid Hofferson, the poor servant's daughter, had danced with the son of a noble. Stoick Haddock's son had walked up to her and asked her to dance. It was a miracle that she was there at all, but to have his hand on her back and her hand on his shoulder as the music and their legs guided them was something else entirely.

Her breath had hitched as soon as Lady Heather Oswald had pointed him out.

Lady Heather was actually the reason she was there. She was good friends with her, even though she herself was a servant and Lady Heather was the daughter of the noble Astrid was in servitude to. Lady Heather had requested Astrid come, as her lady in waiting. This meant that she was also given a lovely gown, her face was also lightly and elegantly painted, and the most intricate braid had been done over her shoulder. Astrid had almost not recognized herself last night. Her mother had sobbed a little, all because she claimed her little girl looked beautiful (she had rolled her eyes at this - did it mean she was hideous to look at normally?).

The ball was thrown because Lady Heather's parents were hoping that their daughter and Stoick Haddock's son would take a liking to each other and perhaps secure a marriage. Lady Heather had pointed out her parents' desired fiance.

And Astrid had turned red.

He was quite handsome, there was no denying. But besides that, there was something that set him apart from the crowd, and it wasn't in his looks. His dressing was the same as all the other men, yet he did not exhibit the arrogance that most of them did. Lady Heather was quite humble, but even she looked gaudy in her dress, without trying.

They had talked a bit, with the rich woman telling Astrid her clear thoughts on the matter. She was simply not ready to be wed, and held no desire for Hiccup Haddock.

Hiccup Haddock. The name rang in her head even now.

An hour had passed since the dancing began, and yet Lady Heather had not been asked to dance. They had no problem with this - Heather was refreshed to have a friend to talk to and Astrid was refreshed to be at a party at all.

But then he had walked up to them.

And he looked so cute too, Astrid had thought, stumbling a little and blushing when people turned to see what he was doing. The dancing had stopped. This was why the ball was there. Here, he was to ask Lady Heather to dance.

Astrid's cheeks reddened every time she thought of what had actually happened. She had been blushing all night, not able to sleep, because Hiccup had turned to look directly at her, bowed gently, and asked, "Would you like to dance?"

Even now, in the stables, her heart pounded thinking of his words. Thinking of how Lady Heather had breathed in relief before saying, "Yes, yes, go, Astrid!" and waving her off. Thinking about how all the room had been watching her, in her blue gown and white gloves, walking to the middle of the dance floor.

But what had kept her truly unable to sleep was remembering the feeling of Hiccup Haddock's hand on her back and her's on his shoulder, and their two free hands meeting in the middle.

They had been so close. Astrid was sure her face had been completely red. He hadn't been doing so well himself.

And then, they had danced.

It was as if she was still dancing, really. The mere memories had her walking on air, her stomach responding to the steady gaze of his green eyes and his bright smile. They had danced and danced, not even stopping for a drink, until the music had stopped playing.

She knew who he was, of course, and he must have heard Heather call her, but besides his request to dance and her murmured assent, they had not spoken any words to each other.

Instead, she got to watch his auburn hair fall into his eyes, and wonder how it would feel to brush his hair away gently and kiss his forehead.

She had wanted to kiss him. Astrid had never kissed anyone, but she had wanted him to kiss her. She had wanted to see if his lips were as soft as they looked.

For one dance to be so dizzying, she had never expected.

So pure was she feeling, that she had woken up earlier than usual and made breakfast for her mother, who must have gone through a dozen rags before all her tears were wiped. Right now, everything was good, everything was pure, and she would not stand for wrongdoing. Astrid walked right into the stables, intent on stopping whoever it was, from stealing a horse.

And she froze, all purity vanishing on the spot as she saw who the thief was.

She was staring at Hiccup Haddock, son of Stoick Haddock, the man she had danced with last night, the best night of her life, who was atop a black horse, staring back at her with a look of guilt in those emerald green eyes.

Yes, there will be a Part 2. And no, no more than a Part 2. So please don't use that question as a review. I'm down, guys, give me paragraphs for once (Kidding, kidding, review what you want, thank you for reading).