Welcome everyone to the second part of our two for one special. This chapter takes of immediately after chapter 5.


I ran around a corner, staff at the ready, like a lion moving in for the kill.

The other entrances were sealed off,so she could only escape through the main one.

I put on my signature mask a simple piece of blackened leather that covered the lower portion of my face, rather much like a ninja.

Once I arrived at the main lobby, I darted through the nearest path to the holding cells.

Whichever idiot designed the place didn't have maneuverability in mind.

Once I arrived in the general vicinity of the captive, I entered a fighting stance.

Boy, she would know the true meaning of pain by the time I am done with her.


Once I cleared the horde of grunts, I proceeded to the main lobby.

Or, at least, that's what I would have done.

I encountered some opposition from a well trained field agent, somewhat familiar.

The loss, to say the least, was embarrasing.


She started with a straight strike to my abdomen, which I easily deflected.

I countered with a roundhouse kick to the shoulder.

The target proceeded to throw a punch to my solar plexus.

I tensed.

She was proving to be quite the nuisance.

I whipped out my staff, and made a stiff swing to the back of the neck.

Her pupils dilated, then she slumped to the ground, unconscious.

I pulled out my radio, and called in.

This was easier than expected.


After our little skirmish, I hauled the unconscious soul back to the cell block.

She really did a number on the door, that's for sure.

I left her there, and made sure the room was actually secure.

I then made my way to the mission area.

Uncle, or the Boss to everyone else, walked up to me, and asked to have a word.

"Ash, you have done very well so far, and I think you deserve the honour of an apprentice."

On cue, a girl appeared, with honeysuckle blond hair, blue eyes and the tiniest hands in the world.

She held out said hands, for a handshake.

"My name Is Serena Gabena, and I am the new member of your unit.

I took her hand.

Little did I know that from that moment, life went crazy.


Far off, in a cave in mount Coronet there lay three orbs, one red, one blue one grey.

One Adamant.

One Lustrous.

One Griseous.

They cracked, And a bright blue light shone out of them.


In Johto, the bells in the Tin tower, silent for generations rang.


In Ashes room, the crystal in his staff glistened.


In a far and distant realm, the Hall of Origin, a creature lay, calm, sleeping.

This creature was vastly white in appearance, with a golden ring surrounding it's abdomen.

This creature's eyelids suddenly fluttered, the creature drifting into a lighter sleep.

This creature's name, was Arceus.