I do not own the Fifty Shades characters or the main storyline, all copyrights go to E.L James
Hello Everyone this is a new story. I hope you enjoy it. Love Jen
Timeline: Ana is almost 17 and Christian just turn 23)
Christian POV
July 18th
A month ago I turned 23 years old but it could've been any number of years but I'll still feel the same. I feel alone not lonely but alone, no one actually knows besides my close protection Taylor I hired him almost a year ago when I made my first million and my head of security along recommended me to have someone assign to me because I was becoming the new kid on the block for the tabloids not only due to my success but because of looks.
Looking out to the Seattle skyline from my penthouse I think that my life is nothing but bleak and lifeless. Today is a rainy day and the skyline is dark like my soul, I have a successful business and a caring family but I have no heart or light in my life. Oh yes, first my mother Grace Grey my guardian angel, the person that gave me something to look forward to as an small child despite how fucked up I was or I am. Then there's my father Carrick he is a man of few words and even fewer words with me since I dropped out of Harvard at 20, I have never measured to his expectations and last year when my company made it I thought he would be proud but those words never came from him. I also have my two siblings Elliott my older brother and the most easygoing and loyal person in this planet and Mia my little sister she is the one person that can make me smile and is allowed to touch me. I also have two lovely grandparents they are my mom's parents Theodore and Abigail Trevelyan, my grandfather has always been the person that listens to me and advice me regarding my business and my grandmother is the person that taught me how to be a gentleman and to not care what people might think of you.
There's one other person in my life who I don't think as family but as my only friend and confidant because she is as dark as I am so she knows my dark side better than anyone else and that would be Elena Lincohn. She gave me sense of purpose and discipline when I was a restless teenager by introducing me into the world of BDSM since I was 15, yes she also calm my raging teen hormones and we had a sexual past but beyond that I'm grateful that she help me turn my life around when I was spiraling down. Her husband Linc caught us when I was 21 on our last encounter since I had already told her when she gave me the start up money for my company that we were not to be longer on a sexual relationship. That day will always be on my mind because she got beaten up because of the infidelity so I owe her a lot. After that I started going to some BDSM clubs around Seattle but the moment I hit the million last year I decided that I could take upon Elena's offer to help me to look for my subs and to have my own playroom at my penthouse and that way keep things discreet.
That's my life now family, my one and only friend, my company and girls that like to submit to me because of my money I'm sure. So yes, I feel utterly alone and like something is missing but I just don't know what it is I hope to find out soon enough. Ok Grey is time to stop reminiscing and start your day. I stop playing the piano and call for Taylor and get on with my day.
"Taylor!" - Christian calls
"Yes, sir."
"Let's go for my morning run in 10 and then I will go and workout with Bastille on the gym for about an hour"
"Very well, sir. I will back in 10"
About two hours later when we come through the elevator I see Gail Jones my housekeeper in the kitchen.
"Good Morning Gail! I will need my breakfast in 20 minutes."
"Good Morning, Mr. Grey and of course breakfast will be ready in 20, the usual sir?"
"Yes, Mrs. Jones the usual and can you tell Jason that we will be leaving for Grey House is 45 minutes"
"Yes, sir I will"
I miss my dad a lot since my mom made us move with her new guy Steven to Texas. I have this terrible vibe on Steven I don't why I think that my mom was actually cheating on my dad Ray before she actually ask him for a divorce. My dad has always been my rock while my mom has always been flaky. Actually Ray is my mom's second husband and stepfather but when he married my mom when I was a baby he gave me his last name so I'm Anastasia Rose Steele instead of Lambert like my birthfather plus I never met my father in other than a few pictures that my mom has. I don't know anything about his family and my mom's family well let's just say they are not there. As for Ray's he was an only child like me, and his parents died while I was still a kid so there's no one but for him and him for me. So I miss him terribly.
We moved 4 days ago after the divorce was finalized I have been wanting to call him but Steven and my mom won't let me and since is the summer I have no friends besides my books. Since I was little and because my dad moved a lot I had always been the new kid on schools I have always had books around me to keep me company, well that and music my dad loves classical music so I have always listened to it and as I grow up I started to listen to more and more and for me good music and great story are the best companions. After my dad retire from the Marines and decided to open his carpenter business we moved to Montesano and we have been living there and I love it is a very small but colorful town.
Today my mom and Steven are going out and since I'm 16 they left me alone at the house I'm going to try and look for a pay phone to call my dad I need to hear his voice.
"Hi mom! Where are you guys going?" I see my mom coming down the stairs
"Hello Anastasia, we are going out for a few hours. You need to make yourself some dinner and we will be back later." My mom says and after that they are out the door.
Is only past 6 so I can go out and look for the pay phone to call dad. They have been gone for 30 minutes so I put on a light sweater and go out. I have been walking for a while and no pay phone maybe I can't find one. I see a gas station with a mini market down the road I walk and there is yay!
Hi dad!
Hello Annie! How are you sweetheart?
I'm good dad
Is this your number at your new house, honey?
Hmmm no, is a pay phone dad. I wanted to call you and since there's no phone at home I walk to a near gas station to call.
Annie, but is nearly 7pm how come are you outside? Where is your mother? And why can't she lend you her cellphone to call me?
Well mom and Steve don't let me call you, so I had to wait for them to go out and look for a pat phone. I just wanted to hear your voice I miss you dad.
Ok, Annie that's ok, but maybe try to call me next earlier in the day I don't like for you to be walking around alone at night. Ok, pumpkin?
Sure, dad. Love you daddy! I hope I was back at Montesano.
I know baby girl, but give it a try and if you don't like it after few weeks I will talk to your mother.
Thank you, dad. Love you.
Love you too Annie and now go home.
Bye daddy.
Bye Sweetie.
I hang up the phone and go back home to make myself a sandwich and juice and go to bed. I wake up because there are loud noises coming from downstairs. I hear Steven's voice I will go and check. I get off my bed and walk down the stairs and I see mom passed out on the couch and Steven is looking for food I don't want him to see me and before I can go back up I hear him behind me.
"Hello Anastasia! What are you doing up so late" He asks
"Hmm I heard noises and wanted to check, but I'm going back to bed now. Good Night, Steven"
"No you aren't little girl, come and make me something to eat. I'm starving" He demands and looks drunk
"Ok, let me fix you a sandwich"
After I went to the kitchen and made the sandwich I said goodnight again and he stayed on the living room. The next morning I woke up and found my mom still on the couch and Steven nowhere to be found I hope he is still asleep. I started making some pancakes for breakfast when I hear my mom and Steven arguing.
"You stupid woman made me lose all my money last night and didn't even pay me" He yells
"Oh come on Steven we were both pretty drunk, and how I was suppose to pay you?" My mom says
"With sex you bitch"
"I'm not a hooker and I was passed out"
"Well if you don't start to pay up, someone will and you know who I'm talking about"
"No, no and no you can't, you promise"
"Hahaha, let's see how it goes, now I want my payment since let you live here for free"
"Ok" My mom says with subdued voice.
That was the last thing I heard that was strange, I heard arguments but he sounded mental and what the heck did he promise to my mother. A few minutes later I hear them coming down the stairs and breakfast is ready.
"Good Morning Ana!" My mom says
"Morning mom, Steve. I made pancakes for breakfast I hope that's ok and there's coffee and tea too"
"Oh, ok thank you"
"At least she is more helpful" Stephen mutters
"So, mom what are the plans for today?"
"Nothing much, but later Steven and I are going out"
"Mmm, ok"
And that's how my life has been for the last 3 weeks I hear them argue, they go out get drunk, Stephen yells at me when I haven't done my shores and so on. I haven't been able to talk to my dad again because they always go out at night and I told my dad that I wouldn't go out alone. I miss him, I heard my mom talking to him one day and I asked her to give me the phone and all she did was sending me back to my room. That night Stephen came home and was pissed that my mom had talked to Ray and yell. They plan to marry next week and I just don't understand what the heck does my mother is thinking. I need to talk to Ray I don't like it here at all I want to go home.