Hey guys! By popular demand, I have decided to make my one-shot "Bad Boy, Good Girl" into an actual story that is now called Drawn to You. :) The beginning pretty much expands on things before what happened in the one-shot, so it won't be very climactic or surprising to you since you guys know what happens. That's okay though. I'm sure new readers don't know. haha

Anywho, enjoy~

Drawn to You

Genre: Romance

Disclaimer: I do not own this wonderful show.

Pairings: Adrinette

Chapter One: Catalyst

Marinette's eyes dilated as her gaze fixated on the redhead who stood by her side.

Nathanael Kurtzberg – the boy she had a massive crush on since she was six years old.

It wasn't his striking good looks, his high grade point average, or his strong physique. It was his kindness. His boldness. His independence. His, well, everything.

His confidence was beaming, and as he delivered the final part of their English presentation, Marinette couldn't help but sigh affectionately.

"Right, Marinette?"

Marinette blinked several times before hearing an awkward cough from the crowd. She was sure it was accompanied by a derogatory remark, but she couldn't make out what word it was. She stiffened up as she fumbled with the stack of cue cards in her hands.

"That's right Nathanael," she uttered before a part of the class burst into a fit of giggles. She couldn't make it more obvious that she had an undying crush towards her project partner.

She worked up the courage to sneak a glance at the redhead. He met her eyes and a small smile formed on his face before he returned his attention to Ms. Bustier.

Marinette wanted to slap herself or scream into one of her cushiony pillows. She hoped that he didn't catch her intently staring at him during his part of the presentation. It was obvious to everyone else that she was. She couldn't help it though. She just found him so charming.

"Thank you Nathanael," said Ms. Bustier with a delightful smile before shifting her gaze to the bluenette. "And Marinette. It was a very lovely presentation." She gestured for the two to return to their seats to give the next presenters time to set up their equipment.

Marinette smiled, feeling proud of her and Nathanael's work. She was sure they were going to get an A on this project, which would boost up her current grade. She grabbed onto another stack of her cue cards on Ms. Bustier desks before deciding to return to her seat. As she did, Nathanael gently squeezed her wrist, causing her to turn and meet his entrancing turquoise colored eyes.

She gulped.

"I think we aced it," he said with a smile. "We should pair up more often. We make a pretty good team."

Marinette's heart fluttered. She opened her mouth to agree, but ended up making a croaking noise. She gulped, and then opened her mouth again. "Yeah." Her voice still sounded hoarse.

Nathanael blinked and then let out a chuckle. "Right." He nodded before walking back to his seat where Kim was ready to give him a high five.

Marinette sighed, wanting to bang her head against her desk as soon as she returned to it. She could not be more of a dork around the boy who held her heart.

"Good one, Marinette," said Chloe who just witnessed everything that just transpired. "Maybe next time you'll moo." She smirked as her minions giggled.

Marinette rolled her eyes before stalking over to her desk. She sat down and looked over to Nathanael who was providing words of encouragement to his friends who were worrying about their grades.

"So, are you going to do it?" Alya whispered beside her.

"What?" Her best friend interrupted her trance.

"You said after this project, you were finally going to tell him how much you like him."

Marinette bit on her bottom lip before raising her fingers to her mouth. She began to chew on her nonexistent fingernails – something she always did prior to a situation that filled her with anxiety.

"It's been years, Marinette," said Alya. "I think you should do it. You're friends, and he's such an understanding person. Even if he rejects you, everything will be fine."

Marinette chewed faster. She didn't want him to reject her though. She wanted him to feel the same way. Having him oblivious for the rest of their lives was far more favorable than rejection.

"I-I…" The anxiety began to build up inside of her.

She tried to take deep breaths, but ended up asking Ms. Bustier for a pass to the washroom.

Marinette rushed out of the classroom, and down the hall. Before the start of the school year, she promised herself that she would finally tell Nathanael about how she felt. Now there were only a couple days before the end of the school year, and then everyone would be on summer break for a couple months – another eight weeks of a Nathanael-less summer. After that, they would be entering their senior year of high school, and Marinette's goal was to no longer worry about her feelings towards the redhead. This project was supposed to bring out her courage, but it didn't. It made her feel more anxious than ever.

Marinette entered the girl's washroom and walked over to the closest sink. She turned on the faucets and splashed the water against her face before rubbing it against her skin.

Get a grip, Marinette. It's not so hard to tell a boy about how you feel. She gripped onto the edge of the counter, drips of water trickling down her skin as she kept the faucet on.

She stared at her reflection in the mirror, blinking every so often to steer the beads of water away from her eyes.

You deliver presentations all the time. You're the class representative. You deal with Chloe. You can tell a boy about how you feel. You just need some practice.

Marinette nodded her head sternly before turning the water off. She grabbed onto a few paper towels and dabbed the wetness on her face. She then bent over, peering into each stall to make sure that she was the only one in the washroom.

"Okay," she said after confirming that she was the only one in the room.

She whipped around, looking at her reflection once more. She tensed up, feeling awkward that she chose to talk to herself in the mirror. She knew that people did it to help them boost up their charisma, but it just felt so unnatural to her.

"Hi… Nathanael," she said, the beat of her heart reverberating through her body. Her face turned red, still not used to talking to herself in the mirror.

"Hi… Nathanael," she said again. This time, more motivated to sound like she wasn't a weakling.

"Oh, hey Marinette," she followed in a deep voice, trying to imitate the boy. "What is it?" She glided her fingers through her hair, trying to mimic his moves.

Marinette shuddered as Nathanael's luscious red hair appeared in her mind. She then shook her head and coughed.

"Focus, Marinette, focus," she whispered to herself before continuing. "You see, Nathanael, I have to tell you something important." She gulped; feeling like the situation was somewhat real. "I-… I have a huge crush on you…" She stared at her reflection in the mirror.

Marinette began to reiterate the same confession over and over again in different tones. After some time of getting comfortable, she changed up the words, and ended up saying a few other things she never thought that was in her system. She giggled for a bit, feeling a bit silly, but actually felt pretty proud of herself. She should have started talking to mirrors a long time ago. Maybe her social skills would have been better off if she did.

"Well," said Marinette. "I think I can do this… I know I can do this."

"Yeah, I think you can do it to," a voice said behind her with a snicker.

Marinette whipped around, her heart stopping in its tracks. She widened her eyes upon seeing who it was.

It was Adrien Agreste with a devilish grin on his face.

And that wasn't even the worse part. He was holding up his phone as if he caught something on his camera, and Marinette had a hunch of what it was – something bad.

So, this is the end of the first chapter. Short, yes, like most of my other stories...


I have a favor to ask of everyone. I have a poll up on my profile asking which two stories I should work on more/upload faster. It will only take a second, but I would appreciate it if you guys can vote. If you really want to, you can leave a review here, but I think it's faster just to vote. haha - The choices are - A Play to Remember, Kalos Academy: Rivalries & Firsts, Voodoo Love, Written, Date Night: The Final Set of Dares, and this one, Drawn to You.

And as usual, leave a like, follow, and/or a review!

Your love is greatly appreciated! xoxox