I love Janto: they'll know what will happen to Claire soon enough. I can appreciate Pete's love for food. Mrs Frederic does have to be careful.

Myka took the pizza out of the microwave. She took a bite from a slice. "Ah, hot!" Myka went over to the kitchen table and set the plate of pizza slices down.

She sat down and thought about telling Helena how she felt. Maybe telling her would be selfish. There's going to be so much stress anyway with Claire adjusting to her new life. If I tell Helena and our friendship suffers for it, everyone else is going to notice the change. Besides could I make her happier than Nick and his little girl had? Would she even have come back if that had worked out?

Myka wondered what she would even say. I think I'm in love with you. I know it's selfish but leaving you with Nick broke my heart. How could I say that? Mkya put her face into her hands.

"Why is this so hard?" she asked, already knowing the reasons. Maybe I should have gone with them after all. I can't avoid Helena forever anyway, whether or not I decide to tell her.

Joshua and Steve had discussed their sisters over lunch, trading stories and having a few laughs. Joshua had confided that he didn't know why he was so scared for Claire, he just was and he felt like Steve had understood. They had both ordered a slice of pie.

"I wish I hadn't left the Warehouse," Joshua said. "Claire really needs her family right now."

"You had your own life to get on with," Steve said. "You couldn't have planned for this."

"Claudia practically kicked me out. I get where she was coming from but sometimes I wonder if we had known at the time what would have happened." Joshua picked at his pie. "Sorry, I'm always this much of a downer."

"It's fine," Steve said. "I'm all ears." He wished that Abigail was around right now. She would know what to say to Joshua. Joshua could definitely use some therapy, they all could.

After lunch Steve had shown Joshua around like he had said he was going to. During that time they bumped into Claudia, Pete and H.G.

"Hey Josh, Jinks," Claudia said. "We're just going to grab some lunch."

"We'd join you but we just ate," Joshua said. "Hey Pete, H.G."

"Hey you guys," Pete said.

"Hey everyone," Steve said. "I was beginning to think you guys were going to spend all day in the Warehouse."

"Hello boys," Helena replied. "Well we nearly did."

"How was your day together?" Claudia asked. "Did you guys have fun?"

Joshua smiled. "We did actually."

"Well we'd hate to keep you," Steve said. "See you guys back at the Warehouse."

"Don't be out too late!" Claudia joked before walking away.

"Then I was back to myself. It was such a relief. I never meant to hurt anyone. I'd fight Valda myself if he was still alive." That he had used her against Claudia made her skin crawl. If she had only listened to Claudia about the music box, none of this would have ever happened.

One of the female regents leaned over, folding her arms on the table. "The real question now Miss Donovan is your options now that your back. Given that you've already had personal experience with artefacts and the fact that you can take over for your sister as caretaker should she die we think that you should stay in the Warehouse as an agent."

"An agent?" She wouldn't have thought that was possible. She wasn't secret service, or ATF or a super genius like Claudia.

"You'll be trained of course. There will be a trail run to see how you do as an agent. But we do also have the resources to help you find a job elsewhere if you so desire and you can stay in the Warehouse. We will handle creating the necessary paperwork you need to continue life after being in a coma for so long."

"An agent." Claire cleared her throat. "I want to become an agent." She didn't want to work some boring job or stay around the house all day while her little sister was getting herself into danger. At least this way she could keep a closer eye on her, maybe even get Claudia to be the one to train her.

"Are you sure? This decision isn't to be taken lightly."

Claire nodded. "I'm ready to start right away."

The regents exchanged looks. "Send Mrs Fredric in on your way out," one of the male regents said.

"Yes sir." Claire swallowed her disappointment. She had hoped to be leave right after the meeting was over so she could meet up with Claudia and Joshua. They had so much to talk about and Joshua was going to be heading back overseas. Claire got up and walked towards the door.

When she got outside Mrs Fredric was waiting just where Claire had left her. Claire wondered how Mrs Fredric wasn't dying in the desert heat, at least an hour from when they first got here had to have passed. Why hadn't she waited inside the car with the driver? Did Warehouse caretakers not get bothered by the heat or was Mrs Fredric just like that?

"They want to see you."

"This won't take long. Go wait in the car."

Hearing Mrs Fredric say that made Claire feel like a child again. Doing just what Mrs Fredric asked didn't help with the feeling. But there was no reason to argue the point. It wasn't like she could leave without her and she couldn't stand to stay outside either. The inside of the building had been much cooler, making being back in the desert heat all that much worse.

"Have you worked for Mrs Fredric for a long time?" Claire asked the driver. When he didn't answer, Claire leaned back into her seat with a sigh. She looked out of the window, even though it was tinted and there was no way she'd see Mrs Fredric once she got back.

Myka was the only one still there when Claire came back with Mrs Fredric. They waited for everyone else in the kitchen. Claire made herself some scrambled eggs. Claire wanted to tell Myka the news and it out of the way but she couldn't tell her before she told Claudia and Joshua. Mrs Fredric had contacted Claudia using the Farnsworth on the drive to the Warehouse. The others were going to be back soon.

Claire had finished her eggs by the time Claudia and Joshua ran into the kitchen, followed closely by Pete, Steve and Helena.

"I'm going to be a Warehouse agent," Claire announced.