Author's Announcement:

Well after a long wait… A new Lucy and the Sirens Chapter guys!

(Also wish me a Late B-Day shout if you want, as this would possibly be posted after my B-Day; so please leave a review in this or any of my works)

Now I won't be spoiling anything as eventually I plan to make a chapter to each story; from this one, to my other older ones (And newer). So you may have to read this chapter as well to get an idea, as I will only say one thing: You will be loving the unexpected surprises.

Plus as I stated before from this chapter onwards, POV Switching would be only when it comes to be important; to said part, of said story. So for those that read my other 12 Chapters of this Fic (And my few others), please do note they are remaining that way. I would also like suggestions from you Readers/Users/Authors that do read my works to submit suggestions and stuff, as to what world would seem interesting to happen, in any one of them. I would also like those that truly appreciated and read all 12 chapters as well, and hoped that they would enjoy this one as well.

I also gotten rid of the description of the trademark and race, as they didn't show up.

I would also like to know if you guys want them to return back to Avalon and then resume the adventures off-world as such? Possibly back to the TMNT 2012 Universe world? Leave a review as such if you want me to do that or not (Also other idea's you expect to see within the story itself, and possibly error-based chapters you may have detected that I didn't).

Now I don't own anything except my own OC's and stuff, not any franchised work at all (And also allowing others who submit OC's, to have them in their own works as well). However if I did, then Lucy would fight Beerus and win; due to her cuteness.

Warning: Mentions of Female Sizes (And other things), Boss Fights (With Music Suggestions), Plot Twists and Unexpected Outcomes, Blood Content, OC Bosses, Injuries, Some swearing, and A lot of Fighting Scenes.

Here is some info guys:

{Boss Music Suggestion/Other Important Things} : I figured only true bosses would have this as such, as the others were only minor. Also don't own anything from them. It could also be Other things, let me know in reviews if you want me to adjust the story (Again) to include this or my other works. Though if you listen to some of the YouTube videos that I mentioned, please try to at least listen fully as each one sounded good to me. (I also don't own said songs from both games or on YouTube, just only mentioning them)

Thoughts / Telepathy


"Demon / Bad Guy Empowered Speech"

Powerful Voices

"Whispers" = Whisper Chat or Snake Speech

Hidden Meanings

"=Pokémon Speech="

"Spirit Weapon Chats" or Za-Nanon Chat

(Number) = At End of Chapter Explained.

Let's resume guys:

(Posted: 8/ /18)

Surprises at Every Turn, Lucy is What Now!?

Normal POV; Outside the Icecrown Citadel:

The armies of both the Argent Crusade, the Otherworlders, and the Dragons were currently fighting against the Scourge outside. Despite being told to remain behind however, Sonata, Karai, and Aria, snuck into the area and followed the main group into the new entrance into the Citadel itself; as everyone else was distracting the Scourge on the outside.

The group consisted of the three Dragon Aspects; Ysera, Alexstrasza, and Nozdormu, the three Skylanders; Mia, Stealth Elf, and Irina, and the rest of the Otherworlders; the ones that came to fight while the rest who were told not to be ready, remained at the Wyrmrest Temple. Leading this group was a paladin by the name of Tirion Fordring, and with him his fabled blade that was blessed by the light itself, alongside Thrall and Khadgar.

"This is our final stand; Our stand against Arthas and his rule as Lich King. Together by all we have, we'll bring the former paladin down once and for all, and end his future campaign of conquering the entirety of Azeroth with the undead!" Tirion states aloud to get cheers from mostly everyone as he continued, "We will not only be fighting amongst the grounds of the dead, but to also liberate those that was taken from us; Those that we cherish above all else before anything worse comes to value, to their life."

Tirion then looked to Aeroza as he nodded; with the plan he told coming into effect, "Now, we have decided to split the group's to two larger groups to not only deal with any threat, but to also search for Lucy and the others," The Immortal Warrior began with everyone paid attention; despite some Alliance and Horde members with Lucy's friends and family; not liking the team-up yet still compiled from Arthas doing things to their own friends or kin as well, "We will also keep a look-out for those that have… Potential to change and maybe aid us as well, for you all see, I have foreseen that the Citadel itself will be under a new ruler; A ruler who will actually be able to handle things better than the previous two rulers themselves. A ruler that would rather aid us then be forgotten as such, as those before even Arthas's reign."

That got everyone to look at him; even Tirion as he didnt know that, "Now those that have Blue-Wristbands, are to come with me while those with Red-Wristbands, would go with Tirion as also unlike you heard-of: This location is immense within, and it is easy to get lost and possibly defeated within the Damned's Walls." Aeroza got approval-based looks from everyone as he thought of this simple solution, before they arrived, "Now enough chatter: It is time to face Arthas and from what I guess, his new Alliance with those of Tainted Darkness, once and for all!" Both factions cheered alongside everyone as they began to charge into the area itself.

"Are you sure this will work Aeonmaster?" Asked Tirion before setting up their main-split group who only nodded with determined eyes, "Without a doubt Holy Warrior. It seems that we will be facing some entities that were willing or forced to fight us, and I would know to which like you have, from showing you that bracelet or collar; From those that are forced to be wearing needs to be taken; Not killed." Tirion only nodded as he rounded up his group in which included Nia and her two friends, and the rest that remained for Aeroza... was mostly everyone that was not from this world; except the three Skylanders, with a few mixed races of each faction.

"Let's go, we have no time to lose as I foreseen Xemnas betraying Arthas and doing more harm than good, to this location and world," Aeroza states as they all nodded and went in another direction and ended up stopping, and they were now in a arena of sorts.

"Ha ha ha. It would seem from that man, was correct to assume you would all invade my domain," Arthas' voice echoed all around the entire area to make Aeroza and the others wary as the way they came, was quickly shut and sealed off, "But it would be a futile effort as I was given even more power, for my army, and I will not give up my hostages without a true fights and see the effects of my new Heartless I was given with. So with that being said…. LET THE BATTLES COMMENCE!" The area grew colder as Leo and his brothers, alongside Splinter, formed a circle with everyone staying near each others and preparing for whatever was coming, to defeat it as fast as possible.

Aeroza though to confuse them, placed a barrier around him and everyone as both ice and a dark-like mist began to gather quickly, and take shape. It was fifty stories tall with it being mostly a dragon-like humanoid skeleton, as it summoned from the ice-like effect, two dark-like saronite blades as it's armor was pitch-black and had the Heartless Symbol on the middle of it's gear. It roared in an icy-like mist at them while it shoved it's blades into the ground from dark-like puddles quickly being formed, and they all quickly began to strike as Shadows appeared and began quickly attacking them from the vortex it summoned.

The four turtle brothers were in-sync with each other as their weapons glowed a light-like aura from Aeroza enchanting all their weapons; to strike true against Heartless and Nobodies with ease, as with each hit, they defeated the Shadows as they evaporated into dark-like mists. Everyone one was doing their part until Kristina widened her eyes and quickly ran to what she narrowed her eyes in annoyance for, her friend and the two sirens as they were being attacked and chased by a Heartless-like Raptor of sorts.

Kristina saved Sonata alongside her sister, while Karai; who was in snake form, aided Kristina before yelling at them in anger mixed with scolding; mixed with worry as well, "What the hell you three doing here? Aeroza told those that have no fighting experience or need to stay from conditions he saw, to stay back at that temple!"

Despite Sonata's new figure, she looked down in guilt; her tail wagging nervously while mumbling something to herself, and Aria only patted her sister with Karai; to make Kristina stunned as she slashed without looking, a Shadow Heartless-fused Ghoul of sorts as a heart also showed and vanished, "They actually were trying to stop me from going yet they ended up joining me, after I convinced them."

Kristina only gave Karai a look yet tossed a ninja-star at a stray Shadow that was sneaking-up on her only friend, who laughed at this. Though a stray female voice called out while wearing a lavender, full-body cloak to the small group, as a Chaos Bolt sent said Armored-Infused Death Knight Heartless away from being a killing blow, "Look out!" Karai while in her snake form was suddenly jealous as the cloaked female that had pointed ears, checked on Sonata. But she was suspicious as if, recognizing her as well.

But they also didn't rest just yet as a few minutes passed, the Heartless Boss then grunted in anger as it raised it's weapons out of the black vortex's and they all quickly dodged; a few ghouls and Heartless rammed as it was trying to attack head-on. "Leo, distract the Creature while I see where it is weakest spot is," Aeroza states with the eldest/leader of the turtles nodding as Like told, they distracted it alright… with Mikey being chased by a monster once again as they all sweat dropped from him complaining about it once again.

Aeroza saw a gem on it's back that glowed blood-red with each swing, and he summoned his weapon and after sometime, they all were attacking as much as they could against that very gem; with a few alongside Mikey now, distracting the creature.

With a Chaos Blast and a Fira from Aeroza, the creature suddenly roared in an Empowered voice as the gem shattered and with it, it growing in height as wings popped out of its back and it gained red eyes instead of blue ones, and now a misty-like combo of ice and darkness now leaked from the now bigger creature, tossing the swords aside as it then went after Mikey once again, as they now attacked the exposed ribs it had.

Eventually, several minutes later, it began to chase Karai and was successful at hitting her, with Sonata looking at the scene with widen eyes as suddenly, the former Siren felt something snap within her; Aria going to ask if she was ok yet froze as her sisters eyes went from they were, to a blood-red fully and growled as her wings showed and without warning; with amazing speed, she rammed into the Undead-Heartless, and sent it into a wall while growling instinctively and summoned a dark-blue/red orb of Chaos Energy and sent it right at the creature, repeatedly.

They were all going to aid her until Aeroza places a arm to block as the enemy was truly fearful they saw from it's face at Sonata, as she was laughing hysterically at it and grabbed it's tail; with amazing strength, and began to swirl it. "Something seems to be effecting Sonata Dusk, as currently… The lights are not on within her head, so to speak," Aeroza states to worry Aria at this.

Sonata kept attacking the creature without caring; worrying those that knew her; since her attacks nearly blasted their location as well, with them thanking inwardly that Aeroza was pulling a golden shield up around the entire group yet said attacks got deflected into the stray Ghouls or Heartless nearby. The reason was that attack dealt a lot of damage.

Within the Ex-Pure Siren's mind though, she was crying as something dark took her over after merely seeing Karai get knocked around and slammed into a wall earlier. Why… Why is my body… acting out on it's own? Sonata weakly thought as the longer she was in this state, the weaker she felt; which those outside of her mind saw this; with Karai and that cloaked female to head over to the overpowered Half-Siren. Despite the words of everyone or a few that is, to tell them to come back.

Karai while in snake-form still, thought of only one thing as her instincts screamed at her to stop Sonata; making her be inwardly surprised afterwards, as she heard her Beast-Side from the mutation firmly shouted within, PROTECT MATE; SAVE MATE!

Sonata or currently the new-side of her, was laughing insanely as she kept attacking the currently-defeated Heartless without mercy; as it indeed vanished yet she kept attacking randomly now. She stopped a few moments later while Aria paled in realization; like everyone else, as the Half-Siren slowly turned and looked at them with eyes that were currently blank, yet her face had a crazy-smile on it. Before she could turn around however, Sonata frozen stiff as Karai in her normal self, and the odd female that went with their group yet she also refused to reveal her entire form, hugged her with what also stunned Kristina; to make her know it takes something truly horrible to see her friend as such: Karai was actually crying.

"Stop… Please stop, bring her back, please," Karai softly stated to make it only Sonata's body and the cloaked female heard Karai beg as such. Karai secretly found Sonata to be cute; from how she is as well as everything else, but was worried she was moving things too fast.

Karai unknowingly made Aria and the others jaw-dropped as she kissed the Half-Siren; who had a lively look; normalcy in her eyes in utter surprise at this, in her orbs as Aria then nearly fainted as the other female kissed her; seeing the bewildered look on Karai's face, in which she saw what she was underneath that hood.

Karai to make the other girl widen her eyes in shock at her actions, grabbed and forcibly removed her coat to reveal a race, that made everyone; especially two particular racial elves that were relieved at joining this group as despite the factions, they were lovers, saw and heard what the Immortal Man stated to them all, "Well… That explains why she hid her features as it is uncommon to see a Purified Nightfallen Elf; A female as such from that, outside of The Broken Shore." Of course he didn't see the two elf's looks on the term of place he used.

She looked to be around Sonata's age; despite her figure saying she looked older then she was, on her lean/delicate frame that had some curves; showing a glowing-like yet transparent-to-the-skin tattoos; from dark-blue skin color all over her body, in specific places on purpose to which can also be seen if the light hit them enough; secretly part of the Nightfallen Rights (1). Her upper torso had a crop-top that was dark-blue gothic; like the rest of her gear slightly, that showed some bits of the valley of the females impressive E-Cupped breasts, the girl's skirt though was knee length and had jagged-patterns at the end to make it looked rugged yet not, with thigh-high and elbow-length fishnet socks and gloves, with gothic-like sandals. She had black hair that was tied into a ponytail with odd-like silverish-fused metal that was also on her head; with it having a diamond-tipped gem of sorts from a top-headband on her head, with the metallic-like clasps on her lower face; near on her jawline slightly well as her ears, and her hair also gave off a violet-like mist of sorts at the tips, and her scylla was partially-glowing lavender with sky-blue eyes and pupil; giving her the appearance to having none.

"Who are you trying to kiss My Ma- I mean Sonata," Karai firmly states to also get Sonata to look at the Ninja Girl in shock while the Nightborne only gave her a look, before stating firmly, "You have no saying in my affairs human; Only My One can ask me of my name, you Rogue Class!" Sonata heard a voice laughing at her oddly within her head before she shook it, and was also surprised she was weak-voiced right now, to the girl, "Who.. Who are… You?"

Karai sweat dropped as it seem a switch was placed as the female looked at Sonata within moments, and states honestly; with a satisfied gleam in her eyes, "My name, My One, is Relina... A Void-Touched Nightborne, and one of the few who is a dual-class from both Warlock and Hunter." It would seem both was correct as Karai was suddenly pounced from behind by a oddly gemmed, pitch-black panther of sorts that lowly growled at her in warning; with glowing-red eyes, and saw from a brief portal showing up, a Albino Succubus (2) with pitch-black hair and glowing-blue eyes, groaned, after getting the animal off; in a British accent of sorts, "Bloody hell, Vitaly, get off the human; You know your Mistress doesn't like you to pounce random people all the time!"

Relina reluctantly helped Karai up yet before she could apologize, she was shoved alongside Karai and Sonata by the demon, and good timing as well as a shadow-like blade that came from the ground, nearly sliced them.

The group came to them as Aeroza quickly placed a shield since more blades showed up and attacked the shield, before they quickly sunk back into the ground the same way as they also saw a vortex show-up, and it was Xemnas; which Aeroza narrowed his eyes yet before he could state anything, the Former Superior to Organization 13 told them all; getting tensed by his words, "I figured what the Lich King sent you wasn't… worthy of sorts to test your skills. So I decided to, aid as such. The other group are facing some loyal followers to the man that rules currently, this unique… location."

The area briefly shook in which Sonata blushed as Karai did as well, with the Ninja girl to Kristina's half-humor as she was serious-mode right now: her head fell in Sonata's chest, secretly making Aria blush at this yet had mixed feelings of both acceptance and non-acceptance. "Now while I still do what needs to be done… I have a few side missions to accomplish before I retrieve a 'Light', from this world." He gave them a cold grin before going back into the vortex as the area shook more while they felt the sudden urge to stay within the shield, "Have fun with my Heartless I summoned."

{Play: Destiny's Force, from KH Boss: Darkside}

The group held strong as more of those huge swords came from the ground, with them attacking the barrier. They then heard a loud hissing sound of a large reptile, and thankfully the barrier held up as a creature bust out of the ground; blocking the entrance they came from.

It was a 60 foot armored-fusion of both a chameleon and a king cobra; with the tail being a sword-like whip as it also had the Heartless Emblem Symbol on its head, four dark-yellow eyes and a purple forked tongue, dripping green fangs, and had ridge-like spines on the body as well as two arms that held the same blades that attacked the shield.

It roared at them as Aeroza summoned his weapon once again, and Aria and the others prepared for the worst. The barrier dropped while they quickly moved as it also began to charge at them while swinging the weapons around wildly, and the turtles and splinter dodged before it roared and began to charge-up its weapons, and jabbed then right into the ground as Shadows appeared that looked reptile like; making them all attack the Heartless it summoned.

The Heartless Boss; Armored Sword-Snake, began to open its mouth and a dark-like orb was developing quickly and it sent it out randomly three times; with everyone dodging before Sonata tripped, as quickly to stun her, was saved by the same two girls who also looked at each other reclitantly since Relina's pet attacked the Heartless, and the Succubus used dark-like energy blasts to distract the Heartless Boss.

It then focused its attention on Mikey as he ran around the area, everyone holding back a groan from his words again, as they were able to leap onto the Snake-Heartless' back, and began attacking it randomly with Aria and Sonata merely hanging on as it was with each hit, moving faster until it saw them, and with a curled twist of its torso, knocked them all off. It then began to do the same tactics mixed with sending out energy waves randomly at random people; as they dodged it luckily, but for the past twelve minutes, in one area was Sonata, Aria, Relina and her pet/demon, and Karai as the other was Aeroza and the other group. As they were currently dodging/fighting against not only the Heartless Boss, but they were trying to defeat more adds it summoned, alongside them feeling half-tired due to Aeroza healing them as well.

Aria and Sonata as they were tired, stayed near the female ninja and the combo-classed as Relina sent a Chaos Bolt again while wincing from using Life Tap to regain her mana back, which she was habitually being healed by Aeroza's Curaga spells. But they all froze as the sudden head tilt of the Heartless Boss as it looked as a fel-portal that opened up, and a Eredar (3) Male with red skin and was heavily armored in both saronite and titansteel armor; which resembled a knight, came out slowly with ice-fel green eyes looking at them all emotionlessly with Arthas stating in a cruel laugh, "I think it is time for one of my few newer minions to face you all alongside this… Beast of sorts. Go forth Mar'Razon, and defeat those whom threaten my domain!" He then quickly slashed the ground as felfire made while splitting the groups up into two; from Aeroza and his sides group, from Sonata and hers, while also making the few gulp as they were facing the Eredar male.

{End: Destiny's Force, Play: A Fight to the Death ((Xemnas (Armor) (1st Battle) From KH2)}

"Prepare for Mar'Razon, Eredar Death Knight of the Citadel, knaves," he spoke deeply with a mixture of a growl and death-knight echo as he also slashed with his blade as fire-waves of felfire, was quickly aimed at the girls; who dodged.

"Carravere, I may have to summon her," Relina states to get a 'What' look from her dubbed succubus, "Mistress are you insane, you know what her debt is every time-" "I have it with me currently so no worries (Despite they are expensive to buy), plus there is extra for maybe a prize again… Protect them while I face this new enemy before us… Sister," reluctantly nodding, Carravere grabbed the confused girl's and moved them to the side.

{Stop Playing Briefly: A Fight To The Death, Play: Summoning Music, From Final Fantasy 10 Anima Boss}

Relina was channeling red, green, and odd blue/white energy into her hands with her chanting a few brief words while also holding a small gem in her hands, the gem glowed a hue between both dark purple mixed with her energies as her own power was sent into said gem.

The female Nightborne then did a sultry dance mixed with elegance; her robes swaying into her moves, as the gem glowed brightly even more while she finished after a full circled turn as the gem was shaking, with her finishing stating a word aloud; more of a titled name, "Lusamine," and a sudden seal of sorts that was ten feet tall appeared behind her, a fancy demonic-like seal for summoning as more of her energy was being sucked into it, mixed with her blood; her hand healing over quickly as a result, the sigil was rotating a full 360 degree angle before it lifted into the air and shattered as a shape quickly went out of it, and landing on Relina's right on the ground as she paid the summon with… Red Velvet-filled chocolates that is, as she then stood up, the full-body mist it was with quickly dispersed and to also cause Aria for once blush truly in attraction at the female that was summoned.

The demon female was eight feet tall evenly with J-Cup breasts, an athletic body with scales also covering her entire frame. A pair of wings then were popping out of her back and they were webbed-dragon wings that were about the size of two eagles, and she had her purple hair reaching to her mid-back and the same-colored tail whipping around, and had eyes like Smaug™ from the Hobbit; but orange with hints of teal. Her outfit was a mixture of a decent Steampunk with a lavender Japanese Kimono, But it revealed her chest slightly as well as some of her thighs and all her legs, her hands and feet were claws as she also within her hairline; near the front, had white-ivory backwards-curled horns with etched runes in them.

She; Lusamine, quickly ate them and stated in a accented French-Egyptian that was a young females, around sixteen to eighteen; looking at her sternly after swallowing, "What is it you have summoned me for, Mistress?" She gestured to a narrower eyed Mar'Razon, as she narrowed her own as she brought in each hand, two dark-green/orange energy into her hands, and began charging at him while he did the same.

{End: FF10 Boss music, Resume: A Fight to the Death Music}

Mar'Razon scowled at the cursed demon; he sensed the wretched Nightborne summoned, and she sent blasts at him while he dodged and sent felfire back; with the Eredar charging for a swipe of his blade before being blocked by Lusamine's quickly summoned blade of her own.

It was a Egyptian-like cross shield she had on her left arm with the blade she drew; which was like the shield, a Egyptian-French saber that was thicker as sparks and energy clashed, with a dark mist and purple flames clashing against green.

Pointing her blade at her opponent, Lusamine began to chant, "Sprinkled on the bones of the beast! Sharp tower, red crystal, steel ring. Move and become the wind, stop and become the calm. The sound of warring spears fills the empty castle!" As she was chanting a ball of electricity was formed on the tip of the blade, "THUNDER ROAR SEAR (BLEACH Kido Spell Number 63; From Rwbyknight)," while Eredar was able to dodge the destructive beam, he was knocked back from the shock wave, allowing the summon to get close in.

Mar'Razon, was a different story, as he was able to see the attack and was able to dodge both that and the shockwave. Yet their weapons quickly clashed and to briefly confuse her, her for once smirked as he snapped his fingers, and the ground shook around Relina and the girl's; Lusamine's eyes widening in shock before locking him back and heading right for them, yet he blocked her bath as they yelled while dodging flames that felt like daggers if touched, at their location for few seconds of standing.

The last few flames though changes into Fel-Elementals that began attacking them; with Relina and her demon/pet attacking them alongside the others; Karai also in Snake Form once again, using her hands to even surprise her, spit poison-like blasts from them. Though Aria was besides the summoned female, saw a gleam in Mar'Razon's eyes, and he knocked Lusamine back before also jabbing his blade deeply into the ground. Aria saw it was heading to Sonata who she knew was weak, and widen her eyes, "Watch out Sona!"

Eyes wide as she never heard that nickname in a long time from her sibling, she was stunned and quickly horrified while hearing her sister screamed since Aria was attacked head-on by a set of blades that emerged from where she was from the ground, and stabbed Aria a lot of times; Sonata calling out her name as she saw the area Aria was, exploded then and when it died down, she was frozen stiff; the others focusing in dealing with more elementals and dodging as she went over to Aria quickly.

Aria to Sonata's shivering form, was bleeding from her cuts and she was horrified as the Half-Siren saw that her sister's right-arm was sliced off, and burning away from them a few feet away. "Aria, you're gonna be ok, we just n-need to get Aeroza over here," She states more to herself in worrying fear with her tears falling down Sonata's face, as she held her sister on the ground; ignoring the fighting currently.

She froze and looked at Aria who Sonata saw something she hasn't seen a long time from her sister: her actually smiling at her yet winced in pain as Sonata held her sister's bleeding arm socket; realizing she needed to do something otherwise- "Sona…" Aria began to state yet coughed with blood coming up from her lungs as one of them was filling up, "Sis, please do-don't try to speak- AEROZA!" Aeroza heard Sonata shout and saw with his widened eyes Aria's state and was about to head over to bring hope to her yet he was then grabbed and tossed by that Heartless Boss further away from them, with hope dwindled now from Sonata, "Sona… I'm sorry."

Eyes wide at her words with fear developing in her heart at this meaning, "No Aria, please don't do this- I need you still, and we n-need to find Adagio and Lucy, please hold on!" Not known to the two females, the dragon-like female demon that was summoned by Relina, felt her gemstone slip by a stray hit of Relina's hand and landed in Aria's blood, and nearby the teen girl; eyes widened as something snapped inside her and was... freed; feeling free at last.

"Aria please don't give up," Sonata begged as to stun Aria, as tears were falling down her face while the Half-Siren also saw her sister smile truly at her, as Aria herself felt she was close to passing out, "I… I'm sorry Sona…. Forgi...Forgive… Me…." Sonata grabbed Aria's arm and froze as she felt a weak pulse but it was fading as her sister then passed out; Carravere coming over and cauterizing her stubbed arm, but stated sadly, "She's… She's needs to see a healer, I can only heal only what I know otherwise, she… she won't make it."

Sonata froze at these words, and felt something snap within her; something that felt foreign to her entire being was now flowing slowly into her very veins, while she was also looking right at that Eredar male; who was clashing blades with Lusamine once again.

{Stop Music}

Deep within Sonata's Mind:

It was like a sewer system within the Half-Sirens mind; with doors that had memories located randomly throughout the area, but deep within the mind itself; in the very center, was a female that resembled the girl in iron-like chains, but had darkness flowing off her wings as her eyes suddenly opened, with the iris blood-red and the scylla pure-black, finally felt it; the need of vengeance.

"At last… My time has come to redeem myself, especially I sadly have to thank that Demon God on reforming my true self, from her parents…" The chains disintegrated one by one as she slowly stood; a red/black energy surrounding her frame, and shook as a blinding light occurred, "Wa ha ha ha! It's Showtime!"

Back in reality:

{Play: Bleach OST: On the Precipice of Defeat}

Pausing when there was a pulse of power originating from Sonata, she began screaming in not pain or sadness, but in pure rage with her eyes fully glowing; a seal appearing underneath with her also being in the center of it, "You harmed my Counter's sister... Prepare to be crushed," they all heard loudly from her lips as a sudden dark-like aura covered Sonata, in a deadly-red/blackish glow. Carravere grabbed Aria within moments, as even she felt the power coming from whatever was happening to Sonata was vengeful, and said Half-Siren only kept screaming as this even made both the Death Knight Eredar and Lusamine pause in their fighting, as suddenly, the energy fully consumed Sonata's area as she was now in a dome-like vortex of red and black energy that also pulsed purple sparks of electricity. Once it burst from her spot, they all saw she was now changed; with narrowed eyes aimed at the Eredar.

Similar to a caterpillar turning into a butterfly while doing a sultry-dance, this Sonata was around the same height as she normally was, but with bust growing two sizes then she had; now from her E-Cups to G-Cups, in which were held up by a dark-violet half-cup bra. Under her neck however is a collar with a butterfly clip, and the rest of the outfit from her arm: in which was the only thing covered in armor; shoulder to wrist that is, and from the bottom half is a ruffles skirt and the dark-crimson/pink leggings were thigh-revealing, only a single strap connecting to the lace underwear underneath the skirt, and low-heel shoes. But her outfit was also metallic slightly in nature as with each minor movement, a hint of oddly dark mist of sorts, escaped her form. Her eyes were also blood-red with black scylla, and her tail was longer as it wagged slowly back and forth, with her wings now flamed in a mixture of black/red flames before they grew bigger, and split into four; ashes of the fire flowing behind her.

'Sonata's' body then pulsed as that aura was covering her frame once more, before electricity covered her frame briefly before also going into her hands, and stayed their as a white energy and a dark energy, were in both hands.

'Sonata' then held out both of her hands to her waists sides, and to stun everyone; especially Aeroza while he was narrowing his eyes at recognizing the energy signature yet can't place it, as she summoned two keyblades: Oblivion and Oathkeeper, to her sides yet they were altered colors from Oathkeeper being black, and Oblivion being white. Making them R-Oathkeeper and R-Oblivion Keyblades. 'Sonata' then had a wicked grin on her face as she then charged the Eredar; both blades swinging a full circle in both hands while doing so.

{End: Bleach OST: On the Precipice of Defeat ; Resume: A Fight to the Death Music}

The Half-Siren was now aiding without problems against the Death Knight Eredar, and he in turn, scowled while dodging both of their attacks, with 'Sonata' keeping up with the recently-freed female aiding her. On Aeroza's group however, they were dealing with the knowledge something odd occurred with Sonata, but they were mainly focusing on one thing: surviving this Heartless Boss.

Currently the turtles and Splinter were riding the Snake-Like Heartless, and the others were attacking and healing each other, as it was shooting small-yet-quick electric orbs randomly at locations they dodged; with Mikey looking like her was going to puke. However, Aeroza saw a gap from the fel-flames after one of the Fel-Elemental's went into it by a ramming-motion from Karai's Snake Form, and took it with the other healers with their group, aiding the Heartless Boss' side.

"How bad is Aria Blaze?" Aeroza asked with narrowed eyes as he was incpesting the past-out female that was still in Carravere's arms, "For now she is stable, but she lost a lot of blood and needs to still see- You're not him are you?!" Carravere began to state without looking at him, before she did a double take in recognizing Aeroza within moments, and he narrowed his eyes at her while checking Aria; wincing at the scarring from Aria losing her arm entirely. "If you mean by demon standards as the Immortal Aeon, then yes…. Aria however, needs a blood transfusion if what I'm about to do, would be giving her a new arm… but at a price later on as I will place her in a small coma in order for her body to be forced to use both her own and the new; To replenish her blood supply."

Confused, she saw him pulls a vial that contained icy-blue blood, that he injected into Aria, before stating to make her looked at him in a 'What' look, and then gesturing to 'Sonata' in return, as the Half-Siren still fought alongside Lusamine; also shielding themselves from a fire blast as Relina used Immolate a lot mixed with Chaos Bolts while also using slow-traps on Mar'Razon, "Lusamine would be happy to know another type of her kind is about to be reborn from Aria, but this vial was given to me in cases as such as this, as it contains the blood of the Shiverians (4) or Dragon's who worship the Ice Aeons, alongside certain gods of both life and death."

Aria, while now in a coma; her body was quickly shivering as her skin paled only a little; keeping her skin tone the same... partially, and her stub was wiggling; to shock the female succubus; with Karai and a few seeing this, Aria regrew her right-arm but it was scaled of sorts from the elbow-down, and had clawed fingers with ice-blue fingernail-like claws. She also grew some curves and her chest went up to a Triple D-Cup in size; her outfit clinging to her tightly as a result.

"Well, she may wake up in a few days, or longer; Truly depends on her own progress… It is all I can do without damaging her further," Aeroza states to himself aloud yet 'Sonata' he knew heard this, yet he felt this Darker-Side of her was still pissed of what this Eredar done to her/their sister.

Suddenly the fire fell, and the Heartless Boss then slithered in quick speed all around the room as a darker barrier formed all over the walls, and it turned into a mist as at the same time, Mar'Razon sent both 'Sonata' and Lusamine back, also knocking out her pet Panther, Kristina who was nearby and was going to send shuriken at the Eredar, and Karai, as it grew more with Mar'Razon getting on it as the Heartless Boss gained armor similar to him, and they both glowed an ominous red as the Eredar laughed before commanding the Heartless to charge randomly.

While the Heartless charged, it left trails of red-green flames that began making a pattern on the ground, and as they were together in the center; 'Sonata' looking at her sister in shock with her clenching her weapons slightly as a pentagram was made, and a explosion was made while a shield from Aeroza shielded them all, and once it died down, Relina yelled as she and Kristina; who recovered yet yelped in surprise, were now being held in two of the snake's tails without them being injured.

They all jumped; with both Carravere and Lusamine being impressed as 'Sonata' actually roared while Aeroza also looked worried; from what everyone saw as her eyes went all red briefly, and without a response, charged right at Mar'Razon in fury, her body moving in a mixture of red and black smoke and speed, as she attacked the duo with electrically charged weapons as with each hit on most of Armored Sword-Snake's hide and armor as it screeched while trying to either bite or stab her; everyone else joining in on fighting against the duo bosses.

She was able to free the two, but got herself trapped; her struggles pointless as the Eredar states with a wicked grin, "You would do nicely for serving the Master of the Citadel." Mar'Razon though scowled with blank eyes as he sharply turned as he was blasted by Aeroza; who also narrowed his eyes at the Eredar. 'Sonata' growled at the Death Knight as she bitten the Heartless Boss; with it hissing at her in anger before she sliced its tail that was holding her in place with both weapons, as it then roared in pain and she like the others fought tooth and nail for the last several minutes against the duo bosses until the Snake Heartless roared in defeat and fell down; with the Death Knight holding-out a hand as the heart showed and devoured it; much to everyone's shock.

{End: A Fight to the Death Music; Begin: Squirming Evil from KH One}

Mar'Razon gained a darker aura mixed with that icy and fel-green ones, and he yelled as the Death Knight Demon then grew; alongside his armor adjusting to his new size, up to sixty feet in height and gained from his back, those Heartless Snake Tails with blades on them matching his own weapon, and his skin went to a darker red with his eyes turning yellow.

"You are not prepared!" Mar'Razon states aloud in an empowering voice, and slashed in the air as a dark-like purple wave was quickly made; forcing them all to dodge as he did this quickly several times before jabbing his one of two weapons now into the ground as the tails began sending smaller blasts into the air as orbs, and they dodged as each orb it made a small implosion of sorts before the dark-like marks faded.

Everyone; with Kristina alright now while holding onto a moaning Aria, grew worried like Karai as from what they felt, whoever currently using Sonata's frame, was enjoying a dark-like Aura in rage against the Death Knight, and he laughed as out her and Lusamine held strong as their weapons were somehow blocking back the Eredar's own attack; from the Death Knight quickly grabbed his weapons and was aiming to kill.

"You will know defeat against my blades!" Mar'Razon states aloud as he then placed both blades together within moments at the ends as the two became one odd weapon, which the Eredar twirled and began sending wind-like blades of power at their location; the orbs from the tails, they only kept attacking on every chance they had, and at a certain point they retract with him grunting in pain. Once the last tail was retracted, he sent a dark-like shockwave at them all as a shadow-like sure covered his frame; his eyes glowing alongside runes that was etched in his skin; now showing, "Enough! I grow tired of this nonsense of your mortals being alive, DIE!" The Death Knight jabbed his weapon once again into the ground, but this time channeled energy into it as they had to move, Otherwise they would of been blasted by dark-like circles appearing underneath everyone's feet, and freeze them in place.

Nearly five minutes later on that part, he growled and stated as he also began to channel a devastating attack from his free hand at them all, "Prepare for your utter demise!" They then attacked a large red orb of sorts that came out of his armor's chest until the barrier it also produced, was destroyed, and he was stunned for a few more moments to allow them to finish him off. With one last hit from 'Sonata', the Eredar Death Knight roared before falling to his side; his body disintegrating alongside two black hearts floating into the air, and the weapon shrinking until it could be picked-up easily.

{End Music}

After seeing the hearts float up and that fused weapon then laid on the ground; with a clang, they jumped as a chest appeared with it stating that person they just fought, in bold-plain letters with Aeroza humming before stating things as well, "It seems this Mar'Razon was a boss-threat; Meaning we can get loot from him, as this situation is in any world."

Though while a few went to check the chest out, Karai grabbing those weapons that once belonged to Mar'Razon, while Aeroza also turned to a smirking 'Sonata' as he states with narrowed eyes; getting everyone's attention as they looked at him now as at the end of his words, 'Sonata' laughed, "Now, who are you… As I can easily sense the different versions of anyone with ease?"

After she laughed, she tilted her head; her chest unknowingly moved as she purposely crossed her arms under them as well; both Relina and Karai blushing as she held that doubled-sword weapon with ease, "It amazes me on how entities like yourself are wise enough to know whom is whom, huh?" They all blinked as 'Sonata's' voice sounded more exotic-sounding then her normal toned-voice; with mischief in her orbs as well. "But if you truly want to know, I am the 'True-Part' of Sonata; Her 'Darker-Part' of her that is, and it's all thanks to that Demon God reforming my true self; From all those years ago," she paused before smirking at making both Karai and Relina blush by her next set of words, "Though it was the aid of not only her sibling, but her mate's involvement that awoken me within her heart-like mind, of course… They are cute wearing what they have on anyways."

"So what are your attentions then, Dark-Half, as Sonata would be somewhat… shocked by her new change in looks once more," Aeroza states firmly to get 'Sonata' to chuckle while grinning at them all, "Nothing more then just existing, and carrying on to when she is unable to do at all, Immortal One… Although," 'Sonata' placed a finger cutely to her lips while looking at her Light-Half's mates; which she instantly knew, and with a playful grin now on her features, "I do wonder what would happen if she knew I kissed her girls before her."

Blushing heavily now at that suggestion, as the two didn't mind it at all, they saw 'Sonata's' eyes glazed briefly before she was now pouting at them all oddly, and then she states in disappointment, "Ahh… Looks like I'm heading back into her heart to observe once again," 'Sonata'; to make them all also hold back surprised looks, quickly went up and kissed both Karai and Relina on the lips and stunning the two females while making a few others now gap at her for this; with her stating her name, before Karai dropped her new weapon and caught her; to Relina's jealousy briefly, "When I'm out to play.. Just call me Atanos."

After a few moments, Splinter finally spoke with wisdom slightly; Aeroza agreeing while he motioned for his son's to carry the passed-out females; Aria and Sonata, "It would seem the more time away from home, the more chances of things changing to others as well as themselves, can occur." Aeroza only nodded as Karai picked-up that weapon before jolting by a mere spark it gave off and into her body's system; not knowing she just gain the ability to use magic, "Yes… I may have to agree with you on that, Splinter, but it seems we have only just begun the fight; Not the end of this world's war." The mutated rat male only nodded as they alongside everyone was now heading to another area as a vortex showed.

Lucy sighed as she was just done meditating in which was exhausting while her Mommy (Sunset) was being trained alongside her Aunt Adagio, along with the others; mostly Sindragosa aiding them as oddly, their area was blocked off. That Viking Girl; Astrid and Naminé; her new sister, was training with her new weapon from Astrid aiding her as the weapon was a blade of sorts; her specialty then axes.

Naminé's weapon though was an odd naginata as one side was a blade, and the other was an odd paintbrush that leaked colors on her whim or choice. The blade itself was on odd bronze metal mixed with what her new sister knew, Keyblade Metal, and the fibers were mixed between magical horse hair of sorts alongside odd fur from a creature of sorts. It was mostly though both silver and gold coloring around the handles and grips; in a stripe pattern with the gold color being first.

Lucy though sighed as she was helped up by her Godmother while asking tiredly, "Can I take a break Aunty Sky? Fiona was training me too hard," Sindragosa pondered this yet knew it was needed and yet, "Sure Little Star, just go ahead and maybe we could do something about your other problem I was told at night sometimes, by your aunt." Lucy blushed as it was embarrassing yet nodded, and Sindragosa gave her a gentle yet amused smirk at embarrassing her Godchild, and made her drink some sweet drink of sorts.

Lucy suddenly felt warm mixed with her special areas numbed to confuse her and saw her godmother look to her knowingly, "That drink I gave you was what two certain types of dragons would drink if they do not want to go into either their heat or mating, and wanted to do other things like train, research, or maybe even more. Though the side effects is that after a while… Well, I will let you find out as it is better than to show while speaking, then merely telling you." That secretly worried Lucy yet she sighed as she sat down next to her godmother/aunt while they watched everyone train; with Sunset using her flames to fight Adagio now, while Adagio used lightning.

Lucy recalled what made her parents; as she had yet decided to call Adagio... Mama, to how they gained control over that.

(Flashback Begins; Twenty minutes later after Lucy came back with Naminé from within her)

Naminé was currently taking things in, and Lucy at the same time, was currently chatting with her new sibling; alongside Astrid in the room, and Thal'ena was as well while also drinking odd-yet-sweet smelling liquid of sorts.

Adagio and Sunset was also talking with Sindragosa, while feeling the citadel slightly shake. Everyone else was either listening in or checking the area out while talking to the other.

"So this Fiona is one of Lucy's past selves… Right?" Sunset asked curiously with Adagio now paying attention, as her girlfriend brought the topic up with Sindragosa; making the female dragon blink before nodding in sudden understanding, "Yes, as she is one of few others within her that would guide and aid her throughout her life; Including bestowing powers and abilities to when she is either ready, or has earned it."

Adagio paused before asking, getting a eyebrow raised at her by Sunset, "But do you think it is possible that besides Lucy… Anyone would have a past self?" That made Sindragosa pause before looking closely at Adagio while seeing that the Siren's eyes were dodging her gaze while Sunset looked at her in concern as well, "It is somewhat likely, but rare… Why do you ask?"

"Well… With Lucy having past lives being brought up… I, ah… I have been for the past several months getting dreams; Ever since that time we were in Lucy's Heart." Adagio confesses with a sigh at the end; not seeing the mark glow and dim a few seconds as secretly, one of the few others gifts the demon bestowed, has now been unlocked by said confession.

This made Sunset worry over her as from the way Adagio rubbed her eyes, she has yet to sleep, "Is it merely dreams or more likely… Nightmares, Ada?" Sunset gently asked her to then get the siren to blink, sigh, and nodded hesitantly before replying to Sunset afterwards; letting Adagio lean into her own frame after moving from her spot to hers, in comfort, "Yes… But it is also mixed with what happened back then as well… Ever since this," Adagio showed her mark to them before leaning even more to Sunset's frame, "Reshowed."

Sindragosa pondered this while being only slightly amused by Lucy using magic; with Fiona's help she guessed, on making an illusion of a bird appear and vanish; surprising Astrid as such. "Perhaps most of those are not just nightmares… But memories of your past self being slowly brought to surface; As like I stated, it is rare for that to occur." Seeing the look from Adagio, Sindragosa nodded to get Sunset look at her girlfriend sharply in shock and sudden worry as in her gut she felt, it was a bad idea for some reason, "Do you perhaps want to try and meditate like Lucy done? If so… Maybe I can take you to my former chambers and let you try and get a chance to do so."

"Your really not suggesting that My Ada goes in and-" "Yes I do Sunset, as if it might curb your… girlfriend's mind and place her at ease, then it is most likely the case…" Sindragosa states yet trailed off with a sudden idea showing from her face, and to make the two teens nervous, she went over and gotten Jaina and April, and was speaking to them.

"Are you sure you want to try and do this Ada… I mean, maybe there is another way to… Well-" "I'm sure Sunset, as I feel I need to do this." Adagio states while giving her girlfriend a apologetic mixed determined look at her, and kissed her gently on the lips before Sindragosa came with the two other female's, and states firmly to Adagio while gesturing to Jaina mostly, "Jaina agreed to oversee your time, as Lucy's case was differently done then yours."

That made Sunset worry about that as Adagio seemed to be having small doubts yet she smiled small briefly at Sunset from squeezing her hand gently before letting go, and Adagio then stating in a 'For-Sure' tone of voice to them, "I'll do whatever it needs to be done." Jaina nodded at that in approval as Sindragosa then led while telling Astrid to watch over her godchild and the other children, and led her a few minutes later to surprisingly a basic yet decent chambers, and with it matching the theme of the wing itself; with Sindragosa sighing as she touched the bedpost that seemed to have been made of dragon-like scales; like most of the furniture; everyone shocked by her words she thought out loud, "When I wasn't myself… I may have used the scales of my fallen kin as furniture to oddly satisfy my hollow need for secret comfort; Whispers of their lives going into my ears at night to then allow me to dream in peace, and not… Not my nightmares before my deeds, still."

"So your time was that bad then, I take it?" Jaina states softly in understanding as Adagio and Sunset were intrigued mixed with weirded out, and April even shivered alongside Za-Naron that she can not only hear the lives of whatever dragons were used, but how they each died.

Sindragosa paused from her eyes briefly glazed and also returning to normal from minor memories passing through her eyes; of her past, and looked to the mage, "Yes… More than you could realize at all." Looking at Adagio though; getting the three teens attention all at once, "Are you ready then to begin?" Adagio was hesitating yet was calmed once Sunset places a hand into Adagio's and seeing this, Jaina states; making Sunset somewhat relieved, "Why don't you aid me and April O'Neil while we make sure nothing goes wrong with Miss Dazzle's meditation? I'm sure with your presence, it might make the progress quicker."

Checking on Lucy before doing so, seeing somehow Naminé summoner paper and crayons with her uncontrolled magic, and they were coloring at this time. While they were distracted, Jaina and Sindragosa; with April's help, got the arra prepared while making Adagio blush since she has to be in her underwear to do this. Sunset though frowned at seeing scars on Adagio's body; with them being either cuts or a odd burn mark in the middle of her back, in which Adagio gave her a pleading look for later, as the Siren was set on the floor in the middle of the room, and with dust of sorts made into a pattern near Adagio; in a circle with runes on the outside.

"There, now we can begin," Jaina states as Sindragosa only nodded, with April and Sunset confused; knowing Adagio was possibly embarrassed in her state while also sitting in an Indian Pose; in the center of the dusted area. "Now all I have to do is activate the Meditation Circle, and then it will be mostly up to you, Adagio Dazzle," Jaina states as Jaina went to one side and Sindragosa on the other.

Adagio only nodded as while they used their magic to charge the rune-made dust, Adagio felt off for a few moments and the next she knew, she was suddenly falling down into a dark-like abyss and oddly landed onto her feet easily on a platform that suddenly lit up, and the. To make her blink in awe-like surprise, was a glass portrait-like image.

It showed her Current Form while also being surrounded by a snake-like version of her Siren Form; in the center with most of the lines separating them, the glass images themselves were normal colored while the lines were a teal-based color, and each image were those she encountered with Sunset's image having a heart of sorts also surrounding her part of the image. Her sister's frames had images as well: Sonata had her image be split in the middle with one looking like her current self, the other a darker version; side-by-side, and with her new outfit and looks. Aria though had herself looking like a fusion of her Siren Form with her mortal; with her form like they transform into mostly, and yet… she had claws instead of fingers from her hands, a dragon-like Siren tail, and her ears were jagged-elfin wars with her looking determined like Sonata's face was. Lucy though to confuse her was like she was, but with eight odd symbols around her frame, and she was in a background of both light and darkness mixed, and her eyes were glowing a random color each minute from jade, white, yellow, red, ice-blue, purple, orange, and silver-gold mixed.

But she then noticed that in the center of her own portrait was a blank spot as her own image was on the left; to confuse the Siren as to why that was, as the others besides the three females she saw, were either top, left, right, and in between of her own as everyone else she encountered, were basically their faces in a smaller circle-like image (Sunset on top, Sonata on her left, Aria on her right, Lucy at bottom).

Adagio jumped as she then gapped by light hitting her form; before looking at herself in disbelief with a blush of shock and embarrassment, and touching her body as well in confusion while also stating to herself; her voice echoing all around the area, "What the hell?"

Adagio wore a high-form fitting leotard that was in colors she oddly prefered; a dull-yellow with silver streaks in tron-like design, and the outfit also revealed her hips and sides; with them also looking to be stocking-like material that was also flexible; just like her entire outfit. Her long hair was done into a braid although, with the ponytail in the back done-up in three dark-red clamps and seemed to be conditioned as well as easily able to move. She still had her necklace around her neck still, but she then gasped before grabbing at her neck as it melted right into her, and suddenly felt energized as said gem then went to her forehead; not knowing everything that was being done, was being shown on the outside as well. She then saw she was wearing; after getting over her necklace fusing into her, wore high-heel combat boots that was black as night alongside silver straps.

"Why am I wearing this outfit… And why does it seem oddly familiar to me?" Adagio questioned to herself softly while also having partial-glazed eyes, as it was the outfit she mostly wore from her nightmares; before she stilled as a female laugh of sorts echoed around the area while stating; to a now defensive Adagio, "My, my, my. It seems a little Siren has lost her way to her true heart…. Whatsoever shall I do about this?"

Adagio though trying to be brave, was secretly a mixture of both being nervous and fear, while she now states quickly to her surroundings, "Whoever you are, come on out! I'm n-not scared!" Adagio then felt whoever spoke didn't seemed impressed by her, if the tsking was to go by, and states in hidden amusement to the Siren, "I would truly reveal myself to you… If you could possibly pass my personal test, of sorts." Adagio blinked at this and stood straight while looking all around the area to whoever was speaking to her, and crossing her arms to secretly comfort herself while trying to act brave, "What test is it?"

Adagio then looked to be reluctant with a 'What' look on her face from the response of the female voice that was echoing around the area, "You will have to face your fears, in which I also understand them as well… As I too am afraid of certain… Spiders as well."

"You want me to face spiders!? No, nuh uh, nope!" Adagio declines now to then amuse the female voice as her chuckles echoed around the area while at the same time, made Adagio deadpanned afterwards to the female voice, "It's either that or your other worst fear… Adagio." Adagio while she said those words, suddenly shivered, as her other fear was either her sister's or- No, whoever this is wouldn't let me go through that… Would she? "Well, I'm expecting an answer Adagio… Anytime," the voice states with a mixture of patients and inpatients at the same time, and made Adagio sigh while also blushing since the outfit she had on… she had to adjust, as her chest was exposed, Even though there isn't much of a chest to begin with, Adagio briefly thought in sudden sadness; not knowing her youngest sister is now more than her; as of now, before stating aloud her choice, "I guess… the spiders then."

"Good… Then prepare to 'Dive' into your next location," The female voice states to confuse Adagio before screaming, as she was now falling down from the platform she was on suddenly shattered, and after a few minutes she landed once again on her feet. After standing up, she was even more confused and wary, as she was now in a large, inner cavern; with purple-like threads of spider's web on the walls and ceiling, and she shivered knowing what test she was sent to do before stilling as to her surprise once again, a weapon oddly appeared in her right-hand.

It was an odd Naginata that was an average size; with the design being that of a storm and oddly… a key-like tip on the top that seemed sharp yet she; to surprise herself, didn't at all had any cuts. The metal of the blade was made of a mixture of obsidian and some kind of steel of sorts, with etched runes on both sides of the three-inch thick sided blade. The handguard was comfortable and easy-to-grip with it having a black coloring by the design of criss-cross pattern, and at the hilt was a keychain of sorts; with said keychain being a small pearl with within the center, electricity and dark-like mist within it as if, a tiny storm was within.

Adagio jumped as the very female voice seemed amused by her observing that weapon appearing in her hands, "So it seems you can wield Storming Darkness, after all… No matter, You still need to pass my test as this is a past enemy I faced long ago… Which I do hope you can survive as such, Adagio Dazzle." Worried while gently gripping the weapon easily in one hand, Adagio stated loud enough to get a response afterwards; not hearing the skittering on the ceiling, "What do you mean if I survive? This is all b-but a dream… Right?" After hearing a sigh, Adagio was slightly fearful at the voice's words, "No it is not a dream… But a real-life part of your Inner Heart, Adagio. So I suggest you move if you want to live, otherwise your spider-chow against… The Webbed Shadow."

{Play Destiny's Force; Kingdom Hearts}

Adagio as if by instinct, dodged a sudden sharp-like spider-leg that thankfully didn't cut her at all while hearing a hiss of dissatisfaction, and Adagio's breath frozen once she looked up and saw; to make her take a few steps back as it climbed down and hissed at her.

It was a giant metallic spider that was mostly made of dark-metal of sorts, with green-like ooze flowing into it's see-through limbs that within moments went all metallic-ivory with a few small line-like bursts going up each leg and into the center of the large spider, and it had the Heartless Emblem on its forehead. It had six odd bulb-like spots on it's back, and it had six blood-red eyes that glared at Adagio in both anger and hunger. The Heartless also seemed to have vents that shot out small flames once in a while that was green; the area lighting up to reveal a dark-purple web-walled and large inner cavern of sorts. When it hisses loudly, it showed shark-like fangs, mixed with a spider's mandibles on the outside; with each tip of the spider being four-sided, dagger-like tips.

Adagio dodges again to also secretly shock herself, in flexible movements, as it was shooting green-like purple fused blobs at her from it's mouth several times before charging at her three times, and Adagio decided to go with the flow; despite inwardly questioning how she was moving so smoothly while fighting as she isn't normally like this, and hacked at the Webbed Shadow Heartless, and heard a hissing shriek of pain with each it.

The Webbed Shadow then jumped and landed on the wall and from the back to Adagio's disgust before yelling and dodging each one falling, a smaller bomb-like spider heartless of sorts that once fell, did an explosion of sorts around that area and even a few began chasing her; with Adagio huffing while still doing to what she thinks now, was this weapons doing, as she was even able to send some them them back, like a baseball bat of sorts with the weapon, right back at the Webbed Shadow as she heard hissing with each explosive hit to the gem-like eye it had, on its middle-back area.

After she sent the bomb-like spider Heartless; for nearly several minutes at the Webbed Shadow's gem, it shrieked before falling onto its back and Adagio took the opportunity to hack and slash the pulsing-like orb on its stomach; by jumping and attacking it from seeing it was stunned. Though she also had to dodge the knife-like appendages while she did so.

After a few more minutes, she jumped off with a cut on her arm, as the spider's center glowed and flipped her over, and quickly redid the ceiling part; but this time, it was shooting larger purple blobs at the Siren. She froze stiff from her left-leg getting splattered by the blob as to her shock, it was numbed and mostly felt like it was asleep. Dragging herself while dodging, she didn't know what to do yet as if by instinct of sorts, she held her blade in front of her as to also make her blink, a silver transparent shield not only protected her, but she felt that cut and also her numbed leg was suddenly better. I'll worry about that later.. Gotta move!

Adagio dodges another attack of those blobs and did the same thing by sending them back at it, like those spiders; with it shrieking in surprise as the fifth one hit its face as it then also fell onto its back, and Adagio then attacked the stomach area once again; avoiding the sharp legs for the next few moments before jumping as it then glowed a eerie green aura, and to make Adagio alert, it vanished and she yelled as it rammed her before vanishing again.

"Come on… Where is the creep," Adagio muttered while standing in place before seeing a brief shimmer of green being reflected and was surprised when she raised her free hand, ice-blue lightning shout out of her palm and made the creature shriek as it was tittering before laying in the ground with a gem exposed from the top-part of it's head, and Adagio decided to do so again with it jumping with each blast of electricity from her palm.

The Webbed Shadow then suddenly shimmered as the area also grew dark, to worry Adagio, before yelling in pain as she couldn't at all see what was going on while being rammed, now. I need to see somehow, but what could- Adagio blinked as her weapon was glowing a odd silver-like color now with her muttering; using it as a light source, "Ok… That was too convenient to my tastes." Seeing a green shimer to her left, she swung to hear a satisfied hiss from the Webbed Shadow as it then hid from her weapon once again.

Even with the light, it was too difficult for her to see anything but remembering the noise the spider made before attacking. Standing in the center of the room, Adagio listened to the sounds. At first she was able to dodge but couldn't attack but after a while she was about to attack as well.

Panting, there was spider legs near her position, and panting still with a determined glare, Adagio sat on her knees, "I'm not going through that shit again," Adagio groaned out before rolling out of the way from the Webbed Shadow trying to ram her while hidden again. Having enough of this spider's tactics of trying to harm her, Adagio shouted aloud to inwardly surprise her as it was instinctive of sorts; her weapon aimed at where the Webbed Shadow was going to ram her again, "Demi!"

Adagio now heard the Webbed Shadow shriek as if, it was truly hurt and Adagio at the same time, saw the spider fully came into view while the area lit-up once more, and saw a odd ball of darkness covering the Webbed Shadow before vanishing; and seeing it was weak, Adagio casted the spell again and again until the boss wobbled, tripped, and fell on it's back as a odd blue-like crystal heart floated away from the dead Heartless, and its body vanished.

{Stop Music}

Adagio panted while now using the weapon that at the same time, oddly seemed to hum in amusement to her, as a clutch before suddenly feeling energized and renewed, and then yelled again as the female Siren fell and landed on her behind as she was, after a few minutes… back on her platform, but it was somewhat larger now.

Adagio although gave a look around the area as she heard the same female voice as before; who seemed impressed while at the same time, echoed once again within the area, "It seems congratulations is in order Siren, as you actually defeated the Webbed Shadow somewhat quicker then I have done, within an hour." That stunned Adagio as she exclaimed; her voice echoed a few times the two words in shock, "An hour?" With amusement Adagio heard and suddenly shivered as she felt her behind was grabbed for some reason, and froze, as the voice seemed to be truly close enough to now whisper in her left-ear with ease, "Yes… Within one hour My Reincarnation."

Adagio then felt a cold yet warm breeze was around her frame a few moments before it pulled away while once again feeling another part of her body; while she swatted at the air, her chest being grabbed as the female voice tsked; getting Adagio to blush in mixed anger and embarrassment at knowing whoever this person was that just touched her, "So it is true: They did curse my next life to be figureless… So sad, yet true still."

Adagio placed what the voice said to the back of her mind, and states; to get a odd feeling of somehow, the spirit forgetting about it, "But Who are you though, as I didn't appreciate the rub-down you briefly did," Adagio states those words despite a blush on her face and heard the female laugh a few times, and then heard the voice sighed while the floor was glowing and dimming a few times, "I nearly forgot the condition to truly meet me… Well, since you did defeat something your fears are based on, I guess you passed my test." The floor suddenly let out in the lines of the platform: Red and pitch-black mist, and then was swirling around the area; Adagio trying to stand in place as the mist sparked with electricity while at the same time, the mist darkened from heading to middle of the area as Adagio herself was standing on Lucy's image, and the mist gotten denser as it then began to form the shape of a figure, and from the top downwards; to get Adagio to blush and gap all at once, it was a female.

The female was tall of course at being 6'2 in height, and she had crimson hair with silver streaks on the right-side of her head; her hair hairstyle to be a single ponytail with silver tips at the end. She also looked; to stun Adagio, to have her own face and everything except… she had gold slits for the eyes. That wasn't however what made Adagio blush a full red in her cheeks, as the female wore a high form-fitting crimson-red and royal-purple high-cut leotard that revealed so much of her hips and sides; a odd-metallic plate of sorts around her left-shoulder, and with the bronze zipper also revealing her HH-Cups; with a Amazonian figure combined with a supermodels, and crimson-red low heels for the shoes; with them being made for combat and also eased walking/running.

The female smirked at the stunned looks at her reincarnation; from her true self, and headed with sultry steps to her; her hips purposefully swaying as she then closed Adagio's gaping jaw and having said Siren blush further by the amused grin on the females face, as Adagio also realized that this female seemed to oddly be around or close to her age and yet had a more exotic-yet-mature voice then her own; her voice no longer echoed as it was before, and sounded normal, "It is good to see I still get those looks even from my own Reincarnation as such," Adagio though held back a retort of both anger and complaint from the Past-Self touching her behind again, and then her chest with a frown, "But I don't think I would want to see how you managed to score my past lovers decedent after all; Especially with her being a Body Reincarnation of her as well."

Now that made Adagio take a step back from the female and state a 'What' to her as the Past-Self chuckled softly; with brief-glazed eyes before stating in half-humor while tilting her head; making Adagio blush as the Past-Self's outfit moving her chest a few times from mere movement, "Yes this… Sunset is, plus her powers as well. Consider yourself lucky though as she is alive around your mortal age then… Nevermind about that for now," The Past-Self states while shaking her head and then states with a half-smile while also holding out a hand to introduce herself, "The name's Maria Ophir "The Ruby Razor or Razor" Maxwell; and I lived in another dimension of sorts nearly a thousand or so years ago… In fact now I think of it," Maria began while thinking and also stating a bit of surprised info from her, "Your timeframe is just about the same way it was, before I was on my own adventure."

Maria then moved a few steps away before stopping and turned to face Adagio, and surprised her as she then also states with a grin; suddenly getting into a battle position, "Though… Besides you passing the Fear Test, you need to face me in combat to truly pass it and at least deal at least seven or so blows to my chest; Not killing me of course." Maria then within moments touched that odd plate; with Adagio to quickly cover her eyes as once the minor flash of light died down, Adagio once again gapped at Maria's Armor.

The armor looks like obsidian chest armor with a bluebottle dark-ruby tunic and a windswept skirt; with silver bolts of lightning on it beneath the armor itself, and a thin, black sheath hung on her waist. Also she now had a dark-red vizor with silver lining around her eyes, and silver-based chapless leg armor, with one on the left in japanese; meaning thunder, the other saying pure darkness, and it was also imprinted the same way with the bronze and silver infused shin guards. The armor also seemed to go well with her frame, like the previous outfit.

Seeing Adagio's look before said Siren was jumping in place, as that mist developed once again from the area, and then headed to Maria's right-gloved hand while to also stun her; looking at her own at the same time as it formed from the mist dispersing quickly, was the exact weapon Adagio was currently wielding yet it was also letting out a red and black mist from the few swings Maria fine as if, recalling the weapon for sometime.

{Play: Hagane Hakanetsu; Fairy Tail}

The platform glowed and to stun Adagio, a barrier was formed all around the outer-rim and upwards. Marai then jumped backwards and landed on Sunset's Image while Adagio was still on Lucy's. Not known to both females, Marai took a stance similar to Riku's; in which at this point said male sneezed as he then felt someone was copying his stance while playing cards alongside both Sora and Kairi, and Maria narrowed her eyes while stating with a grin on also her face, "Let's see what you can do!"

Adagio by reflex, held strong while blocking her blade against Maria's, as the attacking female charged quickly yet was secretly impressed by this. Adagio though was stunned that she even did that yet both Siren and Maria, were deflecting each other's attacks of their weapons.

Adagio yelped as Maria was backing her to the barrier wall until Adagio shouted that same attack; to make Maria wide eyed for and jumping back, "Demi!" The orb of darkness though to confuse her as she held her hand out, was still there and floated, and made Adagio grinned as she was making the orb chase Mara who was inwardly surprised by this development as it took her three and a half weeks to perfect that, and one hit was done to her now as the orb vanished.

Marai grinned at her spot while swirling her weapon a few times; red and black mist escaping it slightly, "Not bad Reincarnation… But you gotta do more then that six times!" Maria charged again at Adagio before the Siren moved to the right and avoided a hit, and then quickly ducked as Maria sent a Dark Fira at her while at the same time, making Adagio get tossed into the air by a Dark Thunder Spell. Maria casted it again but this time, it wrapped it around her blade as she came at blinding speed, and attacked in different directions while afterimages appeared, and she came to a quick stop after a minute of doing so, and her weapon to Maria's side while stating one word: "Boom!" Adagio's small area exploded with electricity and Maria was once again impressed as Adagio was standing somewhat; on her left-knee before jumping back easily as they clashed blades once again.

Adagio made Maria blink however; as even the Siren was surprised as she sent a Fire Spell at her from her free hand, and Maria shoved her back with a grin while also yelling a few words, "That's two!"

Adagio grunted as Maria suddenly appeared behind her as Maria used a mixture of both Haste and Thunder spells to speed ehr movements quicker, and kicked Adagio a few feet away from her, and leaped into the air as she shouted aloud an attack that was quickly forming from her weapon's tip, "Flare!" The quickly developed ball of fire and light was made, and she whacked the ball like from her weapon as if, it was a ball of sorts, at Adagio who braced herself and randomly shouted to get Maria to yelp as her attack was sent right back at her, "Reflect!" How did I do that? Adagio quickly thought before using her own weapon to do the same; like Maria done.

It was then Maria and Adagio played a weapon-hitting thing for the next five minutes, as the orb kept growing bigger and bigger until it hit Maria; who yelled out three, as she was blasted right to the barrier before falling down onto the ground.

Maria panted as she slowly gotten up, and grinned at Adagio still as suddenly, her body was glowing a black and red aura while she laughed, and pointed at Adagio with her weapon; eyes narrowed to now looking serious, "Let's see how you handle me now! Rasenshuriken-Thunder!" Maria vanished and Adagio was then assaulted with what she felt was thousands of blades at once; without anything cutting at her skin or clothing yet she felt each hit, as lastly, electricity jolted around her entire frame before Maria appeared behind her, and Adagio then fell onto a knee and panted a few moments before quickly getting up with determination, and blocked another attack from Maria.

Adagio didn't know what she was doing, but she felt energized all over her body and didn't see darkness emit from her own weapon, as her eyes only focused currently on a shocked Maria since Adagio's newfound energy made her jump, and quickly slashed the air as the blade sent a large red 'X' attack made of dark-glowing red and black energy, quickly at Maria; with Maria shouting four as she was attacked with a blast of energy and sending her right to the barrier before bouncing and landing face-first onto the platform, "X-Blade Blast!"

Getting up as Adagio prepared herself as they once again clashed blades, Maria admitted while attacking with only blades once again to Adagio, "I was surprised by that attack… But you will not get a chance to do that again!" Maria then kicked Adagio in the stomach and at the same time, blasted her with a dark blast of energy that also sent the Siren to the barrier where Aria's Image was, and rolled on the ground, as Maria then jumped into the air and growled as she missed a jabbing attack. Adagio quickly gotten up, and defended herself as they clashed blades once more, and were clashing while moving around the room as both females were emitting the same aura; red and black as with each clash there was a spark of electricity.

Adagio however was about to clash again until Maria stated loudly a spell that knocked her back and to shock her at seeing she was also hardly moving around said arm; her left-arm that is covered in weightless ice before rolling away from the same attack sent at the Siren's spot several times, "Cold Stunner!" Maria sent at least or close to twenty of them before changing tactic as Adagio's arm was then thawed and blocked another strike against her with their blades before widening her eyes as in Maria's free hand was a ball of darkness about the size of a basketball, and blasted the Siren as she flew and landed o to her back near Sonata's Image, "Dark Blast!"

Adagio growled to herself as her eyes briefly redden, before yelping, as she blocked another electrically charged strike against her by their very weapons; on her left knee before rolling as Maria tried to Dark Blast her again, and was near Aria's Image while panting, and sent out a Demi spell that stilled Maria while she narrowed her eyes in serious business, while stating firmly, "Five."

Maria and Adagio then for the next half-hour, were clashing blades and dodging the same attacks over, and over again; with Adagio getting frustrated yet also not giving up at trying to hit Maria one last time. While they fought during that entire time, Adagio realized that whatever was going on in her fighting must had to do with the energy she felt going within her by the weapon itself, and she was secretly in fear by this: Adagio was beginning to crave this newfound power mixed with also wanting to not use it. This power not only felt like her body was in more-control of the weapon then herself, but the energy she was feeling from the very blade was as odd as it sounds, a mixture of darkness, ice, and electricity all rolled into one package; mixed with feeling herself on a somewhat out-of-body experience mixed with not. She just couldn't fully describe it as she simply clashed weapons once again, against Maria's own.

"Why don't you give up? Allow me to win and possibly get you to be more concerned about that deal you done, or perhaps something else that's personal?" Maria questioned whole taunting; with secretly impressed from Adagio lasting this long, and also from her lower she has been letting out by instinct against her, at the same time. "Who are you fighting for?" Maria added; to get Adagio to grunt in place while thinking.

Who am I fighting for…. Images of her sister's, Lucy, and most importantly Sunset flowed within moments into the Sirens mind while hearing a sudden growl-based agreement from her Beast at this, and Adagio shouted before shoving her away from her weapon and stating aloud; her body gained an icy-blue, yellow and black mixed aura all around her frame while her eyes were glowing pure-red at Maria, "My loved ones!"

The platform glowed all around them before dimming afterwards, and Maria being stunned, gained that same aura Adagio had with now a sadistic grin of matching glowing eyes yet sparks were surrounding her form, and her eyes then shifted to a dragon's with black-like mist escaping from her then to make her have her visor temporary vanish and expose her face entirely; her eyes also like Sombra's in design, "That's more like it! Ha ha ha! Let's see if you can handle my final attack then if your loved ones is whom you protect!" Maria jumped suddenly from the aid of the aura, high into the air and was channeling the three elements from within her: ice, thunder, and darkness into her weapon as it flowed a denser aura to match, swirled and with it glowing brightly she sent it back at her in a large concentrated beam, "Omega Beam!"

Adagio was confused mixed with worry, as she yelped since she stayed in place and also felt herself doing the same thing, before she yelled out by force, the same attack against her as both sword-beam-based attacks then collided, and were currently fighting against each other.

Maria was using her energy into her attack as the beam was slowly moving to Adagio, and suddenly, Adagio felt her body pulsed before screaming as a dark-like energy mixed with ice and lightning, empowered her to the point; not seeing a shaded silhouette of a large, ten-tailed bird of sorts that Maria gasped in surprise at recognizing the attack before Adagio's empowered attack then snuffed out Maria's quickly, and engulfed the female while she thought the last number, and once the beam died down Maria then landed forcibly onto the platform and grinned in satisfaction.

{End Hagane Hakanetsu; Fairy Tail; Play Dragon Ball Super - Saiyan's Pride / Final Flash Theme | Epic Rock Cover feat. PokeMixr92}

Adagio was panting while seeing Maria get up before she stiffened as her weapon vanished suddenly, and going into her. Maria however sensed it and was quickly heading over; dismissing her own as that aura was getting denser around the Siren's frame and she unknowingly began yelling in both power and pain; Maria getting close yet not too close to the Siren, as the same silhouette of the same large bird suddenly became energy; after reshowing itself, and engulfed Adagio while she screamed even more; the brand from her demon dealer lighting up as around her stomach, a seal that sort-of like the one that shows on Naruto Uzumaki appeared, and glowed a neon red against her skin.

Adagio was in a haze as she saw Maria was slowly succeeding in reaching her area, while at the same time feeling her insides being filled with unknown energy; even her blood felt like it was not only burning, but also freezing at the same time.

Meanwhile outside of Adagio's Inner Heart, things were difficult as the small group of females held themselves while like in her heart, they witnessed Adagio's Aura and that energy coming from her while at the same time, keeping them away.

Jaina states aloud while projecting a barrier to keep them all safe; from the energy that was mixed of fire and ice; to the mages and dragon's inner surprise, and Sunset looked unsure mixed with both fear and determination slightly from her words, "You need to get close to her Sunset, otherwise whatever Miss Dazzle is experiencing would harm her!"

Sunset decided to follow the mage's words and was surprised as unlike them, she was able to slowly go into the energy. Once she grabbed onto the Siren, she was them holding onto Adagio; ignoring the mixed pain of that very aura that was determined to keep her back.

Adagio felt oddly both Maria and from stiffening, Sunset's words going soothingly right into her right-ear while at the same time, she felt not only Maria trying to comfort her but her girlfriend; she figured, all at once.

Adagio then screamed in more pain while hearing two voices flowing into her mind; the one being that Demon God and another she wasn't familiar with, as Maria shouted while trying to aid Adagio with her own aura and the emotions she knew she felt, from the outside, "Adagio, you need to let it in otherwise you will have not only yourself, but the one holding you that you love would be harmed!" That made Adagio's weakened form stiffen before suddenly hearing a snarl from the same Demon God, and a impressed chuckle from the feminine voice that states; in a truly mature and exotic tone in her mind yet it was also as if, she was right in her other ear, "It seems you passed then… I will be interested to see what befalls us then, Vessel."

Adagio felt her own body shiver as not known to her yet to Maria; with sad-like eyes of regret, the seal slowly vanished and was placed while making Adagio like her, as she knew once the Siren recalls things, she would be angry about this situation and figured the Siren would see it as a cursed-blessing; with both good and bad setbacks, now in play.

Once the aura died down, Maria caught the Siren while Adagio gave her a look of true confusion, wariness, and small fear as Maria sighed.

{Stop Music}

Maria then states with secret sadness to Adagio; with Maria helping her up and saw that they were both in the center of Adagio's image, "It seems you now carry not only the burden of the Demon Mark… But to what I once had forced into me, as a price long ago to protect those I loved." Adagio was confused about what Maria stated before she froze, and then slapped Maria in the face as Adagio had a blush while also muttering pervert, from Maria groping Adagio's behind. "I deserve that… But I think you should know certain things however, My Reincarnation."

Blushing and was about to angrily retort before looking at her in shock as Maria grabbed Adagio's left-hand and placed it at Maria's area, and getting a flabbergasted look as one moment it was there and the next, it wasn't, "I was given… that due to myself; To what you are now, a Jinchuuriki. That term means that you now have an entity within you like I was forced into doing; The very same entity that you would have to prove more of yourself to… Especially since or if you firstly use said power for whatever reason, you will be, well, I think I'll let you deal with that part as I also had to experience without knowing."

Adagio gave her a look as she ripped her hand away from Maria's hold and states in utter confusion, mixed with; from what Maria saw through her reincarnations eyes, was mixed emotions, and one of them was brief anger, "W-What do you mean?" Maria sighed while giving Adagio a true yet small smile, as she was inwardly irked mixed with wanting to know what in the seven hells would The Heart (5), would do this once again, "I cannot say, but I think you would rather both like and dislike the results once you do activate her power; And by her," Adagio widen her eyes at seeing Maria touch her stomach and to glorify mixed with fascinating the Siren, saw the seal and once Maria moved away, it slowly faded from her current attire.

"You were a-" "A vessel to a entity in my previous life as you are now, yes." Maria states sadly to confuse the Siren, before her eyes widen as Maria began to state some of her life to Adagio; with half-dazed eyes in remembrance… Or more like how she died as Adagio didn't question from seeing average chairs of sorts appeared out of nowhere, and they then sat in them, "I was in mortal years, sixteen going on seventeen in a few months, and yet I faced; Ever since I was twelve... An enemy in which I hope you and whoever you care for have no chance at meeting, as I fear he was a relation to that very Demon God who gave you this mark," Maria states while holding Adagio's marked hand; making the Siren's eyes widen and look to her while Maria then sadly chuckled as she continued, "Though he was outcasted and sent to my world; Even tried to take over as a result. Yet he failed each time as with each attempt he summoned; To what I gathered were Heartless, my friends and I in terms… Saved the day in our own Earth-like world somewhat like your home, for the last one thousand or so years."

Maria now sighed while letting go before looking upwards; her hands on her lap, "Those days were the best and the worst I had… Humility, Distraught, Adventure, Fate and Destiny, Rivals and Friends, and above all else…" Maria then looked as to make Adagio surprised as a tear fell before getting absorbed into the platform, "Even those that we love."

Shaking her head, Maria sighed and looked to Adagio, as the Siren hesitated yet still asked while making Maria half-amused at her, "How… How did you die?" Maria sadly laughed once more as she gazed at Adagio; to make the Siren uncomfortable by Maria's eyes that held so many emotions, once she took the visor off and held it that is, "I figured you would ask that out of many possible things that you could've asked… But if you must know, you must be willing to listen to me as when you leave… Well, you will know everything eventually; Mostly my memories as you indeed passed on my two tests."

Before Adagio could ask by what she meant, Maria held up a hand and stated softly to make Adagio wonder why that was, "You will know why later on once you discover a few things that have been kept secret from you and your family for years, Adagio, but do please listen to what I have to say as you did indeed ask," seeing she has Adagio's full attention, Maria began to tell her while secretly having her eye flash said events; while reliving it, "The day that I died… Was the day I felt myself thinking about what I could have done that would have been different… What could I had done to prevent the lives lost to what could have prevented, and possibly save my own world."

Sighing before looking right at Adagio's eyes as Adagio saw a lot more emotions in those very gold-slit eyes, and one that filled the most was one thing: Guilt. "That very day was the day we all fought against the Demon Lord known as Mono'Tai. The day that lead all our adventures to save what was left of our world as somehow, he was able to get a powerful weapon of sorts and engulfed all but one area into eternal shadow; The lives of my kin sent away by the Order of Light to different worlds for their own safety. Mono'Tai however saw this as an opportunity to finally have what he wanted all along: The Heart of my word… And my soulmate; My lover in your current life as I mentioned before, with a similar name as a coincidence: Elaine."

Pausing before speaking, Maria; from what Adagio guessed, truly didn't want to tell how she died yet it seems Maria has no choice in the matter, "We defeated the last of his followers; With one by the name of Lucinda that aided us and yet we got separated. It was just me, Elaine, and to one I know might exist; To whom I feel might exist today somewhere, by the name of Rachel Asuna Waters; a Succubus Hybrid." Raising her hand to hold Adagio from speaking, and the Siren reluctantly held her tongue as Maria began to state kind words about Rachel, "Rachel was one of the few I could trust in my life, as she had my back; No matter what would occur, as it would've been nothing that could separate us."

Maria looked at her left hand and clenched it before sadness, regret and rage now fully filled those orbs, and looked sharply at Adagio, "But once we encountered the Demon God, he casted a spell she took; Which was meant for me, as she was then taken over by just her Body, and not her Heart and Mind, as a forced servant, and he then made her face me and Elaine. We fought for his amused entertainment while he took Elaine; With shock on his features over something she didn't know, as well as I did, at the time. I fought my best friend, whom in turn struck me; With widen-teary eyes of shock, horror and guilt as the blade she attacked me with was a blade given to her by said Demon God, at my heart."

Adagio blushed briefly as Maria changed back into her previous outfit before moving her valley slightly to reveal a jagged-like scar; to confuse Adagio, in the center of her chest, "That is where the blade struck me yet that isn't how I died, I died from something that I was not defeating in doing yet at the same time, I did. For you see," Maria paused before resuming on her speech; unknowingly making herself look attractive while crossing her legs and her arms now crossed with at the same time, lifting her bust up briefly, "I was able to send my friend back and away from me after she did so; with a seal, in which I can guess might still be in place, as it trapped my friend inside an object; A green orb with a bronze-etched ring around the center. I then began my fight with the Demon God as our allies outside his gothic-based castle, were still fighting and also defending our last part of our home. After nearly a half-hour with my… abilities and power, I was able to weaken the Demon God enough to free Elaine and thought it was going to be alright… But, I was wrong."

It was here Adagio saw Maria hesitate with tears; to surprised the Siren, flowing freely now from her face as Maria was unknowingly crying from speaking now, "He made one last move against me: By trying to harm My Elaine. He did so by using his tainted sword to strike her down, yet I knocked her away as he instead stabbed me right in the middle; Making my eyes wide as I felt myself suddenly drained while he grinned before he was sealed away, and sent away from our nearly shadowed world; His army he himself made becoming dust and following him into a pitch-black diamond, and away from our world. As I was dying since he nullified my healing powers somehow, I found out then; To my regret to this day... She was pregnant secretly with our child, and wanted to tell me after the battle was over and we won."

Adagio was upset by this news and lowered her head, and then froze as Maria gently brushed her hair and patted her head; Making Adagio look up while Maria now sadly smiled, "But at least I know Elaine might be alive through your mate; Your eventual wife in the near future; I can tell… But I do hope you will like her as much as I did to Elaine… Especially since I won't be there."

Now that got Adagio to look at her in worry while Maria dismissed it with a wave of her hand, "No need to worry… As once you are done here, you will have my knowledge and power at your disposal, My Reincarnation." Adagio stood up like Maria did as the chairs sank into the platform, and saw to Adagio's shock that it flowed, and a blank image was now in place; with said image being next to Lucy's and giving her a total of five outside images, "Especially my memories as you will be surprised from somewhat seeing my friends resemblance to certain ones of today, as such… Including my former Master Aeroza, being in them."

Now that shocked Adagio truly before getting confused as to why Maria was heading to the blank image. Yet quickly came over before a barrier showed itself while Maria sadly saw the horror, shock, and the hidden message of 'Why' wordlessly from the Siren, as Maria was slowly yet surely, sinking into the image, "I knew that you could handle things better than I have in our past life, Adagio, and with that: I will be always with you not in just mind... But in your heart with my final words… Our heart is our guiding key to what we must do; Follow it, and eventually things will be done to not only throughout our...Your life, but to those your cherish the most and who knows, maybe we will see each other again soon… Farewell."

With that, Maria fully sank into the floor as the image ripples before to bring tears to Adagio's eyes, the image was of Maria in her armor as she was in a fighting pose; The weapon Adagio wielded showed also as a image besides her.

A blinding light then showed as Adagio woke up, and was confused as to why Sunset was hugging her in relief before looking at her attire in shock, as she was wearing the same outfit from within her heart and in her right-hand was that very weapon that then dismissed itself; with the Siren briefly hearing that same chuckle from before, and she then told them what happened.

(Flashback Ends)

Lucy now saw her aunt was wielding that very weapon yet oddly didn't question about her aunt's attire as Sunset was also clashing with a narrowed weapon from one of the Vikings or Vrykul she was told a few times what they were, as she blushed as lately she felt her chest was more sensitive yet was currently now playing a game with her new sibling, Naminé, as such while not seeing minor concern at her newer sibling as her little sister unknowingly grabbed herself before placing a card down; to now get her disappointed as she lost again, since they were playing alongside the other younger girls and Astrid; who easily picked up the game, Poker, at ease.

"Luce, How is it your so lucky each time?" Naminé states with secretly being impressed as they also weren't using money at all, but food the former Nobody was able to conjure up somehow from her drawings of cookies; red velvet with white chocolate baked into them, and Lucy in turn merely shrugged as she only took one cookie and ate it with ease, "I-I'm not sure at all Nami, as I was also doing this for my Uncle Vernon when he wanted me to eat as well," Lucy states to get Naminé to inwardly be angered slightly as she saw all her younger sisters memories; hence the word younger, as Lucy declared her being her older sister; despite her age limit.

Plus it doesn't help at all that despite the bond Naminé felt from being family, she felt secretly overwhelmed mixed with acceptance by it. The bond that officially meant she is family to her as secretly she kept eyeing alongside thinking both Sunset and Adagio to be mother figures; like her new sister has for sometime, and they were about to set up another round until everyone; Everyone in the area stilled as the citadel shook a few moments before they the resumed.

The area though made both Sunset and Adagio pause, and decided to stop as Sunset warily states to her girlfriend while Jaina and the others came to them in suspicion; from seeing Sindragosa going wide eyed as if, she knew, "What on earth was that?"

Lucy and everyone near her, turned to Sindragosa as she sighed before getting them wide eyed at her words, "It seems that they may have split into two larger groups and is possibly trying to get to us… And the shaking of the citadel was to prove that they had defeated a few wings that was keyed to the citadel; A few what is termed… Bosses that is."

"Grandpa is fighting alongside everyone?" Lucy asked with a held tilt with the dragons looking at Lucy with brief wide eyes in which didn't go unnoticed by Adagio, Sunset, and a few others as Lucy unknowingly rubbed her area a few times before looking at them expectantly, Please tell me that isn't what I think it is, Sindragosa briefly thought with slight worry as she thought the Elixir she made Lucy drink would calm that away before she then states, with a half-smile to ease her Godchild, "I believe he is Lucy… But we need to be prepared in case Arthas would use us to his advantage," Sindragosa however stated the last few words with a frown to get the older females to also understand while looking at her in hoping she was wrong, with Jaina sighing to this as she figured Arthas was different then she knew of him… Yet she feels oddly hope of him changing.

"You mean he will-" April was going to ask a question before they all froze, as they all then saw a group of Death Knights coming to their location; with them seeing Sindragosa looking tense at their arrival.

One of them; a female blood elf that appeared to be around sixteen or so in looks, looked at Naminé with not only her oddly glowing violet eyes, and a faint-blue blush from her truly pale-white skin, and with her having pale-blue hair that was in a braid in the sides. The Death Knight also had a tome of sorts in her left-arm while she also wore; like they figured in some Death Knights they encountered, custom-made armor that hugged her curves just right; her figure being athletic mixed with a models, and she had natural beauty; despite her bust being close to Sunset's. She wore obsidian armor however that showed it, along with her waist and legs; not her arms.

The one that was a male Draenei though; being fully armored, made her wilt while clutching said tome, and states in an echoed voice all Death Knights have to them, firmly, as they stiffened as to whom he mentioned, "Lucy Potter is to come with us, alongside Jaina Proudmoore… As we have been ordered to… Hmmm… Bring the blonde one as well," he states after seeing Lucy grab Naminé, and with them to Lucy's dismay they forcibly grabbed her alongside Jaina and Naminé, Adagio oddly growled at them while Sunset and her was held back, and the leading Draenei paused before grinning to her as Sindragosa yelled in sudden pain as she was sent back harshly by a few other Death Knights Coil Attacks to drain her, and states firmly while not being impressed; ignoring the fact Adagio's weapon vanished when she was manhandled like Sunset was, "Bring them all; Doesn't matter: The Master wants mostly Lucy and Jaina, they could just bare witness to the future of the world."

Lucy whimpered since she was gripped firmly and handed to the male Draenei, and they left the area; with said dragon looking determined while Astrid helped her leader up as the doors shut, and locked in-place. With Sindragosa worrying over not only what Arthas would want; as from a signal, Astrid nodded as she went quickly to prepare for battle and mention it to her followers, but what was occurring with Lucy. I hope it isn't what I think it is, as she is too young.

Seeing her troops and followers, and even April looking at her worried alongside the others, Sindragosa firmly declared; her army cheering at this aloud in determined battle, "We will no longer bow to the Lich King Arthas. We will go aid our comrades to be, and strike! Who is with me!"

Sindragosa then ordered for the door to be broken down, and they began to do so with the aid of April; who was using the Aeon Crystal to also help out. We will come for you, especially you my Goddaughter. Sindragosa briefly thought while feeling sudden dread for some reason, within her heart.

Few hours later; With Aeroza and Tirion's Group reunited:

The two groups defeated certain enemies while also at the same time, saving those like Aeroza mentioned and he sent them to his world as such.

Aria was still passed out while Lusamine was cuddling next to their shock, her mate. The others were listening with Tirion as he was explaining about the next wing as Aeroza was checking over Sonata; Regina and her servent Carravere as well as Karai being near her; their mate.

However the reason Tirion was speaking to everyone but them was that they caught a Val'kyr female who they recently freed, and she was previously was right near the Lich King himself; for his plans and stating a secret to shock the holy paladin and a few others by what she was revealing to them.

"When will Sonata awake Aeroza? You said she would of woken up in twelve minutes after you healed her and yet it has been nearly or close to two hours." Karai begrudgingly states softly while looking at her, as Karai's snake-side was crying secretly about their mate being in this state; with the female ninja sitting near Relina as they recently aided the other group on defeating two bosses: Marrowgar and Lady Deathwhisper, and she gotten oddly a necklace she is now wearing from Marrowgar while still feeling herself perfectly fine within the chilled area now, and Relena and the others also got loot, yet refused to show what they had.

The area they were in was also an odd auditorium of sorts that housed recently, enslaved followers and servants they freed.

Aeroza however sighed while he was channeling a healing spell from his hands onto Sonata's form; realizing her Darker-Half may have used up too much energy and was secretly channeling magic into her heart as well, states with a pointed look mixed with understanding to Karai, "Indeed she would have awaken by now, but it would seem Atanos; From her awakening, used up too much of Sonata's renewed awakening to her new form; From as we speak was also draining her due to not using this power of hers truly, for a longer time, as after all you two: She is only around one-thousand and fifteen years of age; Going to be considered sixteen though officially in two months time," Aeroza added with a hidden smirk of Relina looking at Sonata in shock, alongside Karai.

"Our mate is a minor?!" Relina states still in shock, aloud, as Aeroza only nodded, before grinning and stating; relaxing them both… more-so to Relina by his brief words, as he felt Sonata was soon awakening, "Yes. But in Siren's terms for their race, Nightborne-Hybrid Relina, Sonata Dusk is a legal adult by all accounts… Especially she has yet to even experienced her first heats." Aeroza purposely left that to the two girl's minds, as he truly meant the single word: Heats, as both her Siren and now Demon Heritage; he knew, would be mixed-up or worse… the same time. I hope those two would handle it, if it is at the same time; As it would be too intense for the forced-dealt made Siren, Aeroza sadly thought; recalling how she ended up as a Half-Siren in the first place.

Karai and Relina though heard Sonata moan now; perking them up as Sonata winced while opening her eyes from the Half-Siren feeling her body was like before once again, from her previous experience; from that demon-deal she was forced to make to save her sister Aria- "Aria. Where is- Ouch!" Sonata began after realizing her last moments of thinking her sister was dead and yet, she felt her connection still with Aria was still alive and intact, and was sluggish while feeling pain throughout her somewhat heavy body, as even her tail was still out and drooped.

"Welcome back to the waking world, Miss Dusk," Aeroza comments to confuse Sonata before her eyes widen while stating, to concern the three by her soft words; without her knowing she was doing so, "Where are we… And why can't I move my body at all?"

Sonata was confused again as Aeroza now placed his gloved hand to her forehead and checked her pulse, and to make both Karai and Regina understood; with mixed feelings, put his hands on her chest and felt her heart secretly was not only beating, but felt her magic was still depleted somewhat, "It seems you are suffering over a somewhat simple case of Magical Exhaustion, Sonata, and I think you simply need to drink this to get halfway better." He held a odd blue bottle-like container that sloshed easily, and from both Karai and Sonata's sense of smell, it oddly smelled sweet.

"What is that you have there Aeroza?" Karai hesitatingly asked as the item was a golden bottle of sorts with a pyramid-like tip at the top of it, and there was golden imprints of both moon and stars in said bottle. Aeroza looked to her while holding the bottle and motioning for Sonata to open her mouth while he explained; the contents going into her mouth and easily as he placed said tip into it, and down her throat while also tasting oddly her favorite soda, "This is rather known as a Elixir. I figured perhaps not only she was magically exhausted somewhat, but from what she states she was weak on health, and this would fully remedy that; Like I stated, to partial status so she could move around and other things."

Sonata still felt off after she drank the drink; with mostly her body as if, she wasn't even in it yet looked down and saw two larger orbs blocking her view to her feet, and also her outfit she wore. "W-What happened?!" Sonata exclaimed in such amount of extra energy, she fainted and was also lucky both of her mates caught her in time, while Aeroza merely shook his head.

A hour later, Sonata slowly woke up as the Elixir was still in her system, and felt her body was still not of her own while suddenly blushing of a warm feeling in her belly, mixed with fear and horror from two things: The first was that her body was changed once more, and her chest was secretly heavy mixed with herself feeling sensitive and not all over, and the other; to her reasons of blushing was that both Relina and Karai were laying next to her, and they unknowingly had their heads on her improved bust. She also saw that they were covered in a blanket of sorts, and on top of a… floating mattress with a barrier all around them?

The Half-Siren also saw from her position that Aeroza was nearby her alongside a few of her teammates, as it seemed that Tirion separated from them with his own, once again, but also saw all the Skylanders were possibly with him now. She still saw to her dismay, the very outfit she was wearing once again and realized something in her thinking, It wasn't a dream… My body changed again?

Seeing Sonata's confused yet irked face at her new figure, Aeroza decided to tell her quietly as they were on the move still, "It has nearly been an hour after your spell, Sonata. But I suggest you take this moment to rest as you nearly exhausted yourself to the point that Elixer within your veins currently, wouldn't have saved you." Sonata nodded while briefly blushing from feeling Karai move slightly while her tail; to her confusion, was somehow wrapped around not only her, but both of the girl's waists while clinging them closer to her, and he then made her look at him after he quietly chuckled and states in answer, "It's to be expected as you found your two soulmates for both your Siren part, and your newer side you have yet to meet within you. But if you look to your right, we were able to save Aria somewhat but at a price… If you recalled from her actions."

Sonata's eyes were wide as she did indeed look, and saw that Aria was also lying on a floating mattress with; to her own surprise, Lusamine was laying next to her. "I conjured these two mattresses while channeling my own power to shield you five the entire time, and we are nearly close as of now, to obtaining to which we seek." Aeroza decided to explain before she could ask, mixed with telling her the somewhat good news.

Sonata was not only saddened but also happy by this, as they were closer to getting her sister and niece back, alongside the others but… Why did Aria have to do that? Despite what she did she still hurt me before my first change… How did I end up like this now anyways? It would seem Aeroza may have read her thoughts by accident and made her sharply look at him in shock; her mouth open slightly as a result, "Your Darker-Half or somewhat your Demon-Side, made an appearance Sonata, and it is thanks to both of your true awakening that your new and permanent look you have, is to what you be."

"D-Darker-Half… What Darker-Half?" Sonata now states in slight fear before jumping as a amused voice suddenly spoke within her mind; Aeroza somewhat amused mixed with ire by overhearing things as they walked throughout the odd hallways of the citadel still; the turtles and Splinter seeing she was awake yet kept silent to allow her to settle as well as lookout in case they were ambushed, "The Immortal is right, Light-Half, as I was freed at last. You should somewhat thank that Demon God that he truly made us back to what we were, originally… Although the figures from your first changed combined with our true awakening, was rather… Useful to our figure. Those girls back in our original world would be surprised."

Sonata gulped in which Aeroza decided to let things play out as he; while channeling energy still, headed over to Splinter to talk a few things to the mutated rat-man. "Wh-Who was that?" Sonata states without thinking, before hearing a facepalm and muttering, and suddenly without warning, she passed-out once more.

Sonata's Inner Heart:

Sonata blinked in confusion before standing upwards, and froze at seeing herself on a platform in which was oddly enough; to make her eyes widen, was just like her elder sister described to when they entered Lucy's own area. But her own platform was different.

She was in the center but as she is now, but oddly herself, and to what she oddly guessed was her Darker-Half; with them touching each other's backs and Sonata had a smile on her face while her other merely smirked while they crossed their arms under their busts, and leaned on each other. Around them though was smaller facial-like images of Aria, Adagio, Sunset, and the other Equestrian Girls from Canterlot City; with Lucy also being included yet at the very top while Sunset was also at the bottom. On the outside though near her side, was Karai's full image while wielding that new weapon she picked up, and Relina with her pet and Succubus demon in fighting poses; like Karai's was, near her other's image. And finally the glass stain-like platform color was mostly emerald-green within all the lines and circles.

"Impressed; I would think so, as it has been a long, long time since you came back," a voice just like Sonata's states everywhere in a echo; getting the Hybrid nervous as she backed up to the center part of the platform. She froze though while quickly turning, before taking a few steps back at seeing a greyed-out version of her current figure and outfit… a replica of her current form; with silver hair and red eyes, grinning at her as she states; crossing her arms underneath her bust in expectancy, "Hello my Mortal, and also Light-Half. You requested in wonder as to who; In your words I can repeat with ease," the girl coughed into her right-hand and then states; stunning Sonata as it was truly perfect words of her own voice, and without the minor echo quality to it she has been having before she finished with that voice, "Wh-Who was that- Please, you should understand as to what I told you, Light-Half."

It was then Sonata's mind made her realize as to who was before her; eyes going wide while pointing, and the copycat lookalike merely grinning as if, she was right while still crossing her arms, "Y-You're the D-Demon?!" The copycat frowned before shrugging in indifference, and giving her a half-amused and firm look at her Light-Half while also stating cooly to her then, "Correct my dear, dear, sweet yet innocent Light-Halved Siren, I am Atanos; You Demon-Side renewed due to your parent's actions, after fearing to what others of your deceased clan... would have stated or killed you for."

That got Sonata to look at her; Atanos, in true shock while the girl herself merely chuckled before stating; with a grin still on her face, "As like I said: I think you should somewhat thank that Demon God by that deal of his to you, otherwise your true potential and powers wouldn't be able to pass, and your true Dark-Side; Myself, wouldn't aided you at all to the fullest." Sonata was confused before giving her a 'What' based look while lightly hinting of a blush on her face, by the Demon's next set of words; secretly pleased of her making her Light-Half blush as such, "Our two mate's however… Love the kiss I gave to each of them before letting you have control, Light-Half."

Atanos though decided to change the subject, and to confused Sonata by gersutring to the area, and then lastly the platform while then making her eyes widen in confused wonder, "This my dear Light-Half, is your Inner Heart; Everyone has one yet unlike a select few, cannot access it without a few things… The deal you made with the Demon God being part of it. In fact," Atanos walked a few steps away with a contemplated look on her face before adding onto her words; stunning Sonata by them, "I believe our two sisters and a few others can do so. I even sensed Adagio have done it already, while oddly passing a test of sorts."

Atanos then went behind Sonata before they both turned as she gained a curious look mixed with her eyes being firm, at Sonata, "However, due know I have yet to decide to allow your own Test of Past to occur as well, as to me…. You're not at all ready like your sister was, but do however, my dear sweet little Light-Half," Atanos states as the area suddenly blinded her as she heard the final words of her Demon-Side to stun her one last time, "Do ask what Adagio's own deal was, as I think you deserve to know."

Hidden Location within Icecrown Citadel:

Xemnas scowled as he has to wait still for the right time to do what must be done, and yet he recalls in his head that deal he made with the Aeonmaster himself. But currently he was with one of the recently added forces to the Lich King himself, as he was a obsidian/saronite infused, fully armored male that was ten feet tall, and was secretly a Mogu that was from another place, yet died upon arriving into Icecrown shores. This was Valas Kung, a dark sorcerer-based Deathknight to his army, and one of the few new generals under the Lich King's commands.

"So all you have to do in order for me to take control of the Scourge, is to allow you a chance to send a Possessor Heartless into the man's armor when he is weakened to a certain point, and in exchange I give you a few people to you for your Master?" Valas states in a deep yet echoed voice while Xemnas nodded, "Yes, and once you are King to the undead for your agreement: You will search the two doors within Northrend while a few… Others in mind, would search for the other region's doors as well. Then this world; Azeroth that is, would be one step closer to obtaining for my Master as a command outpost for his future forces."

Valas darkly chuckled at that thought before grinning, his scythe-like weapon that matches his armor, shivering in the expectant fight to come within his hands, "Then you have yourself a deal then, Non-Existent. However, if there is a chance, I want to personally end the Lich King myself while those that knew the former Paladin, watch as I make him suffer in Shadowed Torment." Xemnas nodded as he checked; from his robes that is, a crystal orb that showed Lucy and the group heading to a specific location to get to the Throne itself, "Soon we will both have our chance; As I am merely following orders, but do not at all harm the child you see in this orb… She has a particular interest alongside a few others in that group."

That gotten Valas attention as he saw the child's aura and inwardly grinned while keeping a professional face, as he recalled his former leader wanting a specific child, and this Lucy girl, has the right aura and power ; he sensed, to be considered the "Key" to his and a few other's interests… though he briefly wondered how in the seven hells that his leader gotten ahold of a few entities, even a few Old Gods that was interested. "I will do my best to not interfere then for her and whomever you suggest then Non-Existent."

Xemnas nodded as he saw Valas was leaving and gestured to the orb, to make the Mogu nod as he left; not seeing Xemnas narrowing his eyes at Valas' leaving form, "I think I will also keep a lookout on your actions as well Mogu; Your armor did little to hide your race on the built." Xemnas states to himself as he switched views to Aeroza's group and then back to Lucy's. Seeing that she was being forcibly led alongside Adagio and Sunset going with her, and even that Jaina person being forced to go with them as well as the Memory Witch to his shock, was alive.

Lucy was in fact for once terrified while her aunt and Sunset tried comforting her while they were lead alongside Jaina Proudmoore, to wherever they were heading; Naminé giving that one violet-eyed female a look as she oddly kept her close. Lucy didn't at all know where they were taking the five of them as she recalled in fear they knocked her Godmother down alongside her cousin, knowing possibly that the Lich King would maybe want them as hostages as the citadel shook once again.

Though they were then placed into a room with the violet-eyed female shouting in protest as she was oddly handcuffed in odd chains to her shocked-like horror by that very same male Draenei stating to her firstly before adding them; smirking as she was saddened while Naminé oddly, patted the female's back. "We knew you were a traitor for the past few months and the Lich King finally decided if an opportunity presented itself, Halfa, then we were to take it."

They then led said female along with Lucy and Co. to what they all realized were the true dungeons. There were living people here alongside odd looking humanoid creatures with the violet-eyed female freezing alongside another that appeared to look like her, but more lively yet in scraps of clothing; like mostly the races in her as they were shoved, locked, The the group of Death Knights left as the male Draenei laughed.

The two females hugged each their as if, this was the last as tear came to theirs eyes before realizing that they were later as the one with the tomb states a name to her; with the female also staying a name back, "Zala… They told me that you died!" The tomb wielding female sounded young despite her looks while the other was older sounding yet mature, "I know Rema, but look what they done to my little sister… Please don't tell me that…" the female who seemed to be like Rema trailed off, but she also had silver-violet mixed eyes alongside having like most prisoners, scrapped clothing that would aid them in body warmth and had a models figure.

Rema only only nodded as Zala saw the puncture markings to know that her little sister was experimented on; secretly seeing the scars and the bulge underneath her little sister's arms; not to mention her figure when she last saw her, was around a ten year old of their race.

"Excuse us, but do you care to maybe explain what is going on?" Sunset asked hesitantly; both females blinking while Zala saw her little sister blush at Naminé once again with a knowing gleam in her orbs before asking slightly, in a guarded mixed wary tone, "Somewhat Miss?" Sunset And Adagio I traduced themselves alongside the others before freezing as Zala glowered at the awakened prisoner female that was also in the large cell, "Keep it down, otherwise I won't have enough shuteye for when we are forced to mine again or even serve that foolish King."

The girl was wearing skin-based garbs over her real clothing, and was around Sunset and Adagio's age while resembling; despite her sleepily-like glare at Zala of oddly resembling; from her face to Sonata, she was peach-skinned toned in color with her head fully covered; oddly hearing small hissing as they saw a oddly long and scaled dark-teal with a white under tail of sorts, wrapped around her slightly. She also had a lean yet exotic-like figure with her having Double E Cups, and saw; from Sunset widening her eyes at recognizing the few Greek items she saw on the girls wrist and her feet to know she might not be part of this world. She however had orange/steel-grey mixed colored eyes that were like a snakes.

Zala rolled her eyes at the female before stating while also revealing her full name, "Layoff your words, Axelli Delli, they just arrived here." The female; Axelli, scoffed before getting up, and shook her head to reveal she had brown and green striped snakes for hair that resembled Garden snakes, but slightly larger than the original race. She then gave them a look while briefly at the same time, curiously looking at Lucy before stating things as if, this was a everyday occurrence; in a slight british accent oddly enough that sounded mature yet young enough for their age, "Not like they would last until the foolish Lich King would resurrect them as his foot soldiers or something…. The heck, why is there a couple of kids in prison? That fool has never done that before at all?" Axelli at the end was bewildered; her snakes on her head shaking in shock before Rema, Zala, and even her was informed, alongside secretly all the prisoners of many races also listening on the explanations.

"So your Otherworlders as well? Well… It seems Fate may have finally smiled upon us then if they are at last fighting within the Home of Lich King's," Axelli states while no longer tired, but was thinking mostly to herself out loud about this as the two sisters blinked at them in minor shock at this.

"You mean to tell us there was more than one Lich King?" Adagio exclaimed in shock while relieved like her girlfriend, that both Lucy and Naminé were busy as the blonde herself was thankfully distracting the her little sister; with Rema secretly assisting for some reason. "Yes… As I and a few other Prisoner's are lucky as we have been here longer then he; Arthas has as Lich King, the last two Lich King's before that fool was actually kinder to both the undead and also to us as well." It seems after she explained more things that she and a few others within were treated fairly until Arthas came to be as Lich King; As despite his past, he allowed his weapon to take ahold of him fully, especially since said weapon was not; from what they were stunned to learn, was not at all supposed to be his true Death Weapon.

In turn they told them of their predicament; not knowing a undead spider guard was listening in with full attention before leaving at the end to report this, "... And that's what our story is." Sunset states as to soften her eyes despite the situation, Lucy was passed out while Adagio held her; knowing her earlier training mixed with walking and then telling things for a hour or so, must of tuckered her out.

"Besides that… How long have you guys been imprisoned- Just curious is all,"Adagio asked while wilting by their head all looking to her while at the same time, brushing her hands through Lucy's hair as the child's head was in her lap as they sat on the few wall beds they had.

"Well… I was told my sister died a few months ago while we were imprisoned for four," Rema states with Zala nodding yet they turned to Axelli in utter shock by her irritated words as she sighed while looking up to the ceiling in thought after; with her sitting in the ground, "I have been here for nearly two-hundred and thirty-two years, and my arrival was accident anyways… Though it was due to this," She showed a black-like cuff that seemed; to Jaina's wide eyes, as the mage knew what it was as those were rare, "This device was implemented onto me and a few others as the only way for me to as normally once again, would be the current or new ruler stating we were freed."

Axelli then sighed while she then states in both anger mixed with sadness while also giving them a pointed look; crossing her arms as well furrowing her brows while her snakes hissed at her in agreement, "As time passed by, I fear; Like the rest of the original prisoners within this place, feared of things that may have hanged and passed; As some of us had fallouts with certain people we either cared about or our families, before anything happened to make us prisoners to this place… Knowing those we know may have passed on."

Sunset and the other gave her a sympathy look while Rema was still distracting Lucy who indeed heard this, yet remained silent as Jaina clenched a fist. Knowing it was the work of that sword mostly that was controlling Arthas' actions and yet, she knew he has to be defeated but secretly still hopes he could be saved. "So do you think he might have plans for us then?" Jaina decided to ask despite her figuring out from Lucy and the Otherworlders powers would hold even Arthas' interest.

Zala only nodded before they all nearly toppled over where they were either standing or sitting; especially the others in the prison ward nearly holding onto things as the citadel rumbled only a few minutes before settling, and one by one to stun everyone, the cell doors fell onto the ground. The cells themselves flowed oddly an icy blue before that dimmed as within moments all the prisoners were in hopeful confusion until a female human oddly howled in excitement yet like all of them, knew to be cautious as they all gotten out and oddly turned to Zala; stunning her like her younger sibling and Axelli by a Nightelf Female asking hesitantly; she is actually around fourteen in looks alongside developing curves, oddly glowing-red eyes with a silver mist to them, and had dark-blue hair; Zala relieved inwardly as Rema hugged the Nightelf Child, "What do we do now Auntie?"

Zala despite seeing Naminé looking at Rema with a wide eyed look before schooling her features, states aloud while the area shook slightly once again, "Find the assault group and hope they can save us from the King's Wrath, that is if he discovers we escaped while his keep is being attacked, Parania."

The girl only nodded as the mixed races; stunning Jaina as some she has never seen before, began to follow them quietly out of the prison ward and into what some froze in shock after now seeing; Lucy's eyes also being covered by Sunset as she was walking nearby from seeing infused into the walls from this section: Dead bodies of possibly a few prisoners or whomever may have crossed Arthas' specific wrath.

They all froze as a wolf-like man who was near the human female that howled earlier, lowered his head to the ground as did a cow man or Tauren as they were Hunters; their pets killed before imprisonment, and shouted as they all took off while running then, "They are coming!" They all ran with most of the prisoners except a few went with Sunset and the others as when Lucy looked back they were being chased by a mixture of human-based Heartless that was only sent to capture; not change others or kill.

Lucy then tripped before suddenly being picked up by a cat-like woman; a tiger-based female Mogu as a Armored Knight Heartless nearly struck her to not kill, but to stop her movement while Sunset gave the Mogu a brief thankful look while they and the few others, were now in a large room before oddly seeing said heartless retreating back quickly.

The room however they saw were frozen prisoners within the walls and the wolf-man and the female that howled, quickly went to one of them in despair as it was a little girl with Bloodelf features, but also resembled them both as she has pointed ears as such, but claws and hands to the wolf-man or Worgan.

Seeing that they were safe, Sunset somehow feeling that they were all alive, suddenly gasped as her flames covered herself and Adagio was not only concerned at this unexpected burst, but quickly shouted; with her getting Lucy down while everyone did as well, "Duck and Cover!" Sunset felt weak after her flames flew from her and stuck each and every icy prison, and she dropped to a knee and panting heavily as everyone saw that she somehow defrauded the enchanted ice, and the wolf-couple went over to the child with briefly shooting her a thankful look as it seems all of them were alive.

{Play: Tension Rising ~ Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX Remastered OST}

Suddenly they all stiffened as a mass of darkness came from the only exit from the room before it was slowly yet surely manifesting itself into a large Heartless-like entity; the Tauren shouting to get the others back, in which they did as Lucy helped before being trapped within a unbreakable dome in the center as they all took a few steps back at seeing the armored monstrosity before them.

It was a fifty story, fully black-saronite armored, skeleton-like Heartless with a demon-like skull as a head, in plain view; eyes neon-red instead of yellow. The skeleton itself was silver-based in color while in the center of the armor was Lucy banging on the dome glass as it echoed-laughed at them; teal-based smoke emitting every time it did so from the mouth, and it had a wisp for the lower-half; with also seeing parts of the spine that grew small enough to meld into the lower wisp. The energy itself was just like when it laughed. The Heartless also has it hands going in a cross-cross to its sides before materializing two, jagged-like blades that glowed that same energy around the sides, and runes were etched into the middle section of the blade; from the top to the bottom. They somewhat resemble sword-based daggers yet they felt when it swished the blades in a swirl to the sides before giving an echoed roar at them, felt utterly cold and unforgiving.

"Not that thing again!" Shouted a male Orc as he was at least one of the few lucky enough to keep his armor; the Sanctified Ahn'Kahar Blood Gear (6) that is, while aiming his weapon right at the entity and shot off a arcane-like arrow from his bow to cause the Heartless to glare at him before roaring at them all. Jaina sent ice-like shards at the Heartless as it only roared at them while everyone besides Sunset and Adagio were attacking it as weapons from those that were frozen within the ice prisoners, they grabbed and used.

Sunset guessed like Adagio felt that they were getting nowhere; dodging a swiping-like attack from the blades the Heartless; Death Armor that is, had. Especially from the teenage couple seeing Lucy yelping from each missing hit besides the glowing spots on the armor, it however winced from.

"We need to do something Ada, that thing is affecting Lucy!" Sunset weakly states to suddenly worry Adagio with her also realizing that her girlfriend was weak and possibly overused her magic somehow, as Sunset was now using the Siren for support. "But I think we need to think this through-" "Watch out!" Sunset exclaimed to shock Adagio as it somehow seemed time stood still for a few moments.

Lucy within the Demon Armor's glass dome in the center of its chest screamed in shocked fear at Sunset as said teen Hybrid, as a widened Adagio; who landed on the ground a few feet away, was slashed by an energy attack the left-blade the Heartless had, fully unto Sunset as she also screamed in place. Feeling herself inwardly that she was on fire, and not at all the flames she has been for sometime practicing, and was also feeling overwhelmed with untold pain, agony, sadness, lost hope, and herself somehow being drained all at once as she laid in the ground limply.

Adagio quickly came over as Demon Armor's attention was suddenly switched to that same Tauren while trying to get the Heartless attention, and they kept fighting it as it began sending from a screaming Lucy as she felt her power slightly be siphoned, teal-like flames that when landed, made icicles suddenly show up before they dissolved and when one of them hit; an unfortunate goblin female got caught and was frozen; the others breaking her out quickly as it began to do it again and again randomly.

"No… No, No, No! Sunset please speak to me!" Adagio states to her girlfriend as Sunset weakly felt she was going to pass out while they both saw a teal-like line was coming from her to the Heartless, and coughed while trying to state words but it was difficult; tears for once in a long time was beginning to form as the Siren listened, "Fine.. Too Weak… Magic draining… Save… Save Lucy, please… Ada…" Adagio froze as she felt Sunset's grip lessened to bring her fears into fruition as she began to shake her girlfriend gently to remain awake but it was futile since Sunset was during that, passed out with her also growing slowly pale in color.

Adagio ducked as a teal flame nearly got her yet her concern currently wasn't at all on her surroundings, but on Sunset since she held her while knowing the Heartless was now doing the same thing to the others, and held her girlfriend while trying to not shed a tear yet it also failed as one long, line-like tear slowly leaked from her right-eye and o to the ground, and held back a sob as she began feeling not only her own feelings, but was slowly feeling the same thing Sunset felt.

{Stop: Tension Rising ~ Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX Remastered OST, Play: Naruto OST 1 - Need To Be Strong}

Adagio then suddenly felt a weight in her left-hand and froze at seeing that weapon instantly appeared, and was pulsing like a heartbeat. Within her however, a bird around the same size as a certain Fox with a certain number of tails; the same as this bird for tail-feathers, grinned as she felt her new reincarnated host needed her power, paused before suddenly gaining a gleam as the entity sent a large pulse of its power into Adagio entirely to break said curse that evil witch placed on Maria long ago u to the Siren.

Adagio began screaming as she felt herself be entirely in full-body pain mixed with feeling something foreign was flowing all over her; a dark-violet mist-like aura quickly covering her entire frame and clothing; even her weapon as this made the Demon Armor pause on feeding from the life energy from everyone fighting it to look at Adagio alongside Lucy, who was suddenly filled with hope and also confusion due to what occurred to her aunt.

"Be thankful that you have a motivation to fight Host, otherwise I would take over… But let's make changes by freeing your mortal-like body's curse," Adagio heard aloud yet was in head head while in pain, as she felt her body go through changes while she screamed; not knowing she was gaining the same proportions Maria had as her Siren Beast finally met with her Sealed Entity, and were in quick agreement with each other as within a few minutes, Adagio felt the pain was gone but froze at feeling both powerful mixed with also a sudden weight in front of her chest, also feeling something different about her body.

She looked down and saw to her shock, she now has Maria's figure and her outfit no longer tried to make her rearrange itself, but fits perfectly. She however snapped her attention sharply with red, glowing eyes now, at the Demon Armor Heartless as it roared at her.

{Stop: Naruto OST 1 - Need To Be Strong, Play: Tension Rising ~ Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX Remastered OST}

Adagio; to surprise her at her body's actions within moments, channeled that same energy she was overwhelmed with moments ago, and into Sunset as to also make her heart leap with inward hope and joy, she was being cut off as the Heartless Boss stopped shooting empowered teal flames.

Sunset at this point woke up suddenly and if their friends or kin were there, they would of laughed as they bumped heads slightly while also seeing the Hybrid blink a few times at her girlfriend who're gapping at her figure with a full-blown blush within moments. Though she didn't get anything wordwise out as Adagio even surprised herself at her strength since the Siren quickly grabbed Sunset as they were thankfully spared from being sliced by the left-blade the Heartless Boss had.

"Ada… What-" "Later My Blaze, we need to focus on that thing before anything else," Adagio states without seeing Sunset looked to her in minor shock by the nickname she gave her yet nodded as Sunset and Adagio prepares themselves, since the Demon Armor began to swirl with that energy around its frame; quickly heading to them as they dodged while picking up people and even Jaina who was weak yet was also shocked as to what was going on, and set them all close together at a nearby wall; the Heartless Boss randomly moving around while chasing them for nearly a few minutes before trying to slice them at the same time.

Sunset then quickly placed a barrier of flames around them both in a dome-like shape, as Demon Armor was now trying to attack them both with both swords it has; Sunset stunned she could even do this while Adagio by instinct, aimed her weapon at the Heartless Boss before both of them being stunned as a thunderbolt sent from her blade right into the odd gem that said boss had on its forehead, shattered, as it floated a few feet away from them in pain while being stunned, and lastly freeing mostly everyone.

Adagio was stilled a few moments before a grin was on her features that somewhat unsettled Sunset after seeing it, and before she could say or even try to stop her, Adagio with amazing speed, began to leap, and attack the Demon Armor with her blade being encased with lightning as she also glowed that odd aura; dealing actual damage while Sunset thought she saw a crack in the dome slightly on where her child was.

Sunset despite this, instinctively felt she needs to aid her mate- Sunset shook her head yet quickly winced while feeling her wings were weak and sore, began to slightly stand yet when she did while raising them up yet was then stunned, as they went into her back, and not questioning it while she thought, had hands with flames to assist Adagio. Wh-What is going on? How did I do that? And why did I think my Girlfriend as my Mate?

Adagio on the other hand as the others and even Sunset began to assault the stunned Heartless Bods, felt like she was in two places while in the same body: She felt like she was powerful yet was in half-control as the Siren felt she was also not in control of her actions as she also heard herself crazily laugh while shouting an attack point-blank in Demon Armor's face; causing said Heartless Boss to instead of roaring in intimidation, it in slightly pain as he then sent Adagio right into a wall.

Sunset shouted her name yet yelped as she was frozen stiff while covered in darker-teal colored flames as was once again horrified; Lucy shivering while going wide eyed as this also occurred to a few others, as she was now being controlled while aware. No… No not again!

Adagio was however surprised as she was barely damaged from getting; to her other shock that is, five feet deep into the wall yet when she got out, was suddenly angered by seeing not only a few prisoners attacking their fellow prisoners; which also included the female mother attacking to what Adagio believed to be her husband; the Worgan while he was restricting her, but saw her girlfriend was also covered in those flames and was also struggling to regain control yet she kept sending random fire blasts everywhere.

Sudden rage filled the Siren as her eyes glowed even more red; if it was possible while at the same time, that aura covered her frame. With a yell, she; with amazing speed, had her weapon as it was charged with her aura and lightning (Think of Shippuden Sasuke's lightning blade slightly), and swirled before sending a dense, thunder-infused aura attack that was truly harming the Heartless Boss, several times; each attack causing control to be lost from one prisoner at a time, "Thundaric Shot!"

Sunset though; to the Siren's dismay, while her rage continued; not seeing her aura was getting denser, as Sunset seemed to be not only still under its control but she also thought she saw the Demon Armor smirk at her as she yelled in pain; burn marks slowly appearing before she was in her knee panting for air.

Adagio felt even more off as she oddly growled at the Heartless Boss, and charged eighth at it as her blade now glowed a dark-like aura before emitting a dark mist of sorts, and also in retaliation to her weapon, blocked with its right sword while using the left to attack the others; inwardly thankful that a few of the prisoners had magic and shielded then all.

Adagio to worry Sunset, has a feral look to her as her hair oddly glowed like they were on fire yet not, her eyes glowed even more red as her face was in a scary snarl, and that aura was dense enough to slowly make a hole in the ground as she held back the Heartless Boss' blade still. Sunset however was now scared as she saw a gleam in Demon Armor's glowing eyes from Adagio, to her as it suddenly shoved Adagio, grabbed the dome and to the twos quick horror, swallowed Lucy while as the child also called out for once to them both a title; stilling Adagio as time slowed for them both, "Momma, Mama!"

She.. She called me Mama…. "Then I think it's time for revenge Host… Protect what is ours," Adagio thought to herself in hopeful shock and horror of seeing Lucy devoured, before hearing the voice and even more power was sent into her form, as the aura swirled entirely until a dome covered Adagio and when it dissolved, she now wore the exact armor that Maria wore, but the difference was that aura-based bird wings were behind her; on Adagio's armored back, and moved like flames.

Sunset was awed as within moments and no words, Adagio; with sudden speed, rushed into the Heartless Boss as somehow when she made it behind it, she had Lucy who was shivering yet looked at her Mama in awe. Adagio smirked at her child before glaring at the stunned boss as she felt another presence was controlling this thing, and gave Lucy to Sunset while stating oddly in an echoed voice of her own; due to the power all over her, "Take cover… This thing is mine to fight My Blaze; Protect Lucy as she is weak from this… thing taking a portion of our child's power."

Sunset was about to protest before she stilled as Adagio suddenly yet loving kissed her in quick passion; on the lips, before taking off quickly; her instincts to whatever was happening to the Siren was telling her to protect their mate and child, and yelled while charging against the Heartless Boss once more.

Sunset went with the others while aiding Lucy to move as she was paler than usual, and they all watched as Adagio began to fight alone against Demon Armor. However they all weren't aware that not only Arthas was watching this, but a outside source as well.

Adagio was clashing with the Heartless Boss while at the same time to be somewhat worried about not only her mate and child, but at how she felt. Adagio felt like she was used to this: Fighting a threat to those she cared about and other things, along with this power overwhelming her as she somehow made a ball of darkness and tossed it at the Demon Armor; who yelled in a roaring-like pain shout and leapt back before perfectly landing on her feet and began dodging like a agile dance would do from not only the attacks, but the two blades the Heartless Boss had.

{Stop/Pause Music}

What is going on? Adagio began to think to herself quickly while at the same time, dealing damage while oddly feeling herself be and not be herself while also feeling her face give a wicked grin, What's wrong with me? I… I feel off. Adagio gasped as the power was too much while hearing a sigh, but mixed with a odd feeling whatever entity was doing this, was giving her an impressive smirk at her while sending another Thunder Shot at Demon Armor. "It seems you passed on holding the power longer than She had, Siren, so let me take control for you and deal with this enemy," Adagio heard within her mind before suddenly her surroundings changed to within her Inner Heart.

Adagio then to her shock saw a orb about the size of a beach ball show, and was stunned to see herself and the fight currently on as even she saw Sunset's wary look at her as Adagio gulped seeing a crazy look on her face while seeing herself laughing.

"Enjoy the show Host, as you get to see what I can do for you!" Adagio heard all around her while also seeing her own self-like state from these words while watching with oddly dread within her heart and thought as she watched, Please don't harm them.

{Resume Music}

Sunset knew that whatever was currently happening, was not her Adagio. This Adagio; Lucy also confused yet oddly thought the energy was somewhat familiar, was dark, crazed, and even though it was using her body, it smirked right back at her in a way that made her blush. The entity possessing Adagio smirked right at the Demon Armor while stating in a voice that was more mature sounding, and not at all Adagio's at all as her red glowing eyes now glowed a sinister looking green color, "You are so going to regret on unleashing my wrath, Heartless, and whoever sent you to do harm to what my Host considers… hers."

'Adagio' now frowned as the Demon Armor roared at her in defiance, and Sunset yelped as she was also suddenly grabbed by tendrils of darkness that came from behind the Demon Armor, and into the dome itself; Sunset partially stunned yet quickly comforted a weakened Lucy as she felt her own energy suddenly began to slowly drain from her instead of her child.

Inside Adagio's Inner Heart, the Siren's feelings of anger at this move showed also on the outside, as 'Adagio' agreed as she gotten into Maria's stance, and began attacking the creature with those dark orbs from her free hand, several times yet only one was able to land.

Demon Armor then roared at 'Adagio' with both the entity and the Siren herself feeling it was up to something, and that feeling was spot on as it sent its wispy-like tail-based slime suddenly into the ground as everyone suddenly felt also at the same time, something that would occur would be done. And that feeling was also spot on as the energy of the Demon Armor flowed into the ground and small blobs began to from before elemental-like Heartless made from the energy itself showed, and began to head to the others.

'Adagio' had a neutral expression at this with crazed eyes, and oddly licking her lips. She then charged at the smaller Heartless with haste, and one by one they easily were killed by her thunder-infused weapon before; to make them look at her in utter shock; including Adagio within her Inner Heart as they appeared before going into the platform, ate the very hearts that shown when the Elemental Heartless was slain.

Sunset was shocked yet not known to her at the time, Lucy looked at each heart hungrily before shaking her head at what she felt from an unknown hunger while Sunset calmed her down; wincing, as more of her own energy was sucked from her and into the Demon Armor and felt it was pissed. Lucy shouted loud then in pain as so did Sunset, as Demon Armor then channeled energy into the blades themselves as they were now engulfed in the teal-like flames, and began to charge while swinging at 'Adagio'. 'Adagio' merely grinned however, as that aura flared slightly in challenge, and began to charge as well.

They were then both not only dodging, but also blocking each other as 'Adagio' gave a crazy-like grin two certain individuals in their universes would be proud of, and flared even more of that aura for 'Adagio' to dodge once again, and deal a very powerful yet direct, full-fisted hit to then seen the Demon Armor back before they did it a few more times.

After the fourth time, Demon Armor roster as the weapons; stunning both the possessed and Adagio within as the weapons disintegrated into the Heartless Boss, and it grew a few sizes while roaring in unexpected rage while pausing, and spat Sunset out as it was done with her while both Siren, the entity, and Sunset heard Lucy scream in pain before that scream then changed to agony to the Demon Armor as her energy; after 'Adagio' done this next attack, began to recede and reverse itself back into the child.

Inside her Inner Heart; overseeing said attack, Adagio watched whoever or whatever was possessing her currently, channel the same elements into her free hand and states; the orb quickly growing about the size of three beach balls, and slamming it very hard while charging in mid-flight; her aura-like wings making her fly, "Shadolikun!"

'Adagio' then flapped quickly away as she wickedly smirked while tossing her blade into the air before sending it right into the Demon Armor, and it roared in pain as suddenly, it began to shake and tumble in place, and began to slowly disintegrate into itself while leaving the dome of a renewed Lucy inside while the heart that came out was a vined, silver-like heart. 'Adagio' was about to break the dome until that disintegrated and stunned them all as Lucy took it… and ate it in one gulp; her eyes glowing while she did so and blinked in confusion afterwards.

{End Music}

Adagio then felt herself back in control while feeling oddly whoever possessed her, was shocked mixed with amusement instead of anger as to what Lucy unknowingly done; Sunset gaping while looking at her girlfriend/mate in shock as Adagio merely shrugged yet was inwardly freaking out from what Lucy did.

However before they could do anything, the hole that was near Lucy cracked outwards slightly before they both ran to her; Jaina also stunned about what Lucy did yet made a barrier while feeling her magic increased enough to do so, and teleported all the prisoners and herself to a sudden mental image she knew was from the Aeonmaster himself, to a Horde Zeppelin Ship as Lucy, Sunset, and a de-armored Adagio fell into the hole while clinging to each other, and was sucked into a suddenly appearing black vortex while it deposited the three onto the middle of the Frozen Throne.

The couple froze as they heard a dark, echoed chuckle while being surrounded by Heartless, as they saw Arthas glaring at them in hidden amusement underneath that helm of his while he then state; kneeling as Lucy went to Adagio for once for comfort, "He He He… You three thought you could escape me? Especially since I have plans once they get here." Sunset gulped as they felt the citadel once more shake to know; from the Lich King's from that was was agitated yet prepared as he made a hand motion, and the Heartless left into the floor and went who knows where.

Arthas paused though as he felt Frostmourne pusle oddly when he was near the child, yet let it slide while chuckling briefly and stated as if, they had no choice, "I suggest you get comfortable as despite my plans, I am quite… intrigued to my cohort's idea as such for you, child." That got him looks from both females as Adagio and Sunset at once, growled at him while Adagio sensing she as well as her girlfriend/mate was weak, stated with a glare on her face, "Whatever you have planned, it won't work at all Foolish King."

Arthas chuckled with no humor truly in his tone, and suddenly grabbed Adagio's face while sensing a power within her with secret, inward interest like the child has; the couple glaring at him in defiance as he shoved her slightly and stood up afterwards, "It will as I have something they want: You as bait. Soon however, Frostmourne would hugner that Paladin's soul and whoever was unfortunate to cross his path to get to me. Though if my plans do intend to work out, then I will have more then just my Army of Scourge to have." And the protection of my only sibling, Arthas added in his thoughts afterwards as he then left the three to themselves, and merely waited for the time to take his challenge head-on while climbing the icy stairs, and sat in his throne. The Lich King knowing that they had no chance to escape at all, as it would mean their deaths, and they; the two teens he sensed, were weak.

Jaina and the blonde haired child appearing next on top of the two teens; with him holding back a facepalm as Lucy asked in a curious tone to the two other arrivals, "Did you fall as well to?"

Aeroza narrowed his eyes as they took down the three Vampire Princes as thankfully Sindragosa aided them; seeing that somehow they were controlled this entire time. Though after Aeroza sent them away alongside a few others to recuperate back on his home world; mostly his castle-like home on New Harmonis, warned them of their Queen; Blood-Queen Lana'thel that is was placed under a full-body control spell, and so were they. After they cleared the way up to the top; both Heartless and Servants to Lana'thel also either dying by their hand or freed and sent back to Harmonis after being offered a choice, finally came to the final chamber and finally unlock the portable sigil to the Frozen Throne.

However Tirion and their group encountered a Heartless-like ice-demon that Aeroza knew they could handle while he; the Paladin himself, sent them to the Blood Wing of the citadel itself.

It was they finally came into the room, they saw Lana'thel was stiff as a board yet her eyes were looking at them in sudden hope in her throne while they also saw, to Aeroza's wide eyed shock; confusing them as Sonata and the others were fully healed by this time, saw a man that wore an Organization's 13 cloak yet instead of having a silver zipper, it was blood-red while there was also at the bottom for a design of mixed flames, was a man whose hairstyle was wild yet short-cut, and buzzed on the left-side while also having a fang-like piercing on the right-ear. Speaking of his ears, they were elfin while on his face; under his amber-blue mixed eyes that is, were claw-like markings, and he had a emerald necklace around his neck as it also pulsed with power; seeing something similar around Lana'thel's own. He also wielded a odd-looking spear that at the end, held a crystal orb. He also appeared to be lithe in build, yet looked to be at least eighteen years old with his hair being silver-blond mixed.

"Ah lookie here: Isn't this a old reunion huh, mate?" The male stated in an Australian accent as if, he was raised in the outback, to the group as he was leaning on the throne to Lana'thel's right. Everyone however was stunned as the man only smirked at him, twirling that staff of his in his one hand into the air and catching it while the Immortal Man; Aeroza then spoke in disbelief, "Mathis… How are you alive? Last I saw of you… You were slain by the Tainted King alongside the others?"

The man; Mathis gave a regrettable look while now standing near Lana'thel as she seemed to be struggling to say anything while Sonata, and her two mates, and also a few others felt something was off. "I was. But I was also saved by a few… people as such, old friend, alongside a few others that ether left to their own selves, or something else then what I have; to my own sadness while regrettably have to do." They all looked to see Aeroza had a puzzled look in his face as they all heard a booming sound mixed with the citadel shaking, and Mathis shaking his head while looking ahead as if seeing something they didn't, "It seems like Tirion and that group defeated the Heartless known as Shivaris. No matter, what I tend to do would possibly be part of my service to a certain god of sorts that has secret connections to not only the few remaining here, on Azeroth, but also to a familiar source."

That put everyone at the edge as realization was on Aeroza's face while he then stated to Mathis, with a mixture to see if he was joking or not, and secret regret; to somehow make the few that knew Lucy's Grandfather to be curious as such, "Mathis, please tell me that you are not truly doing what you plan to do?"

Mathis shook his head while stating regrettably still to the man; walking to the center of the room, and tossed his weapon into the air before catching it easily and states, while at the same time, swirled around and pointed at a suddenly screaming Lana'thel, "No I am not, and my current person in charge of my… heart, ordered me to create a entity made of this San'layn; One of few former people that followed Kael'thas from her darkness she has held back for so long… Sin Tenebris (Darkness Separation)!"

The necklace around Lana'thel shattered as she kept screaming while also feeling drained, and dark-like energy began to come from her chest and into the air as the Blood Queen began to feel really weak, and saw to their horror, a odd creature began to form within moments; Lana'thel then passing out as Aeroza knowing what occurred, sent her by magic to his worlds personal hospital, and glowed golden before vanishing entirely.

It was a thirty foot, wrath-like Heartless (Sorta like the Phantom Boss in Kingdom Hearts, but more showing, and no "Just the heart") they saw, with a female form to herself; the Heartless Emblem on her stomach area of the black-like wrath robe she wore that also displayed her curvy-yet-lean/exotic mixed frame she had, and dark-green, succubi-like fingernails, and glowing amber eyes looking at them all. She also had the looks similar to Lana'thel as well, but she looked at them warily, and gasped as Mathis had a glowing hand and made her freeze-up at the spot.

"It seems not what I had in mind to test a few of you out, but nonetheless, maybe what he has planned would come to fruition after knowing eventually soon… He would be able to travel to other worlds," Mathis states as his eyes glowed red now as if, he wasn't at all himself; Aeroza narrowing his orbs right at his former friend.

{Play: The 13th Dilemma - Kingdom Hearts II Music Extended}

"I suggest we get this started then," Mathis states firmly while raising his fingers up, and snapped his fingers as the Heartless-like female was suddenly my screaming before seeing her grow within moments to fifty feet in height, and had no emotion in her face as she then within moments, began to send; from her opened mouth to make them all quickly move, a pink-like energy beam randomly.

Aerosa was going to aid them before being blindsided by Mathis as he glowed a blood-red aura all around his frame, and made a barrier to spectate their fight with his creation.

Seeing that, Sonata and the others were worried as the entity laughed coldly before opening her robes as bat-like Heartless began to randomly go after them. Sonata though was secretly relieved they sent Aria and her soulmate Lusamine, back to the dragon tower as she quickly gotten her weapon out, and began dodging like they were while at the same time, attacking the Heartless they figured this entity summoned.

Sonata though was stunned briefly as she unleashed; from her glowing weapon, neon-red discs of energy at all the Heartless Bats while feeling minor control on that, and heard a 'Your welcome' from her Darker-Half while also dodging a blast sent from the female entity's mouth at her.

For Relina and the others, they were; like Sonata, kept dodging and mostly sending attacks at the female entity for the next three minutes until she flew a ominous red color before shouting, and while she started to shrink, a black mass began taking form from her entire body; Mathis takes as he sent Aeroza a few feet as he snapped his finger before clashing weapons with his former friend once again, as the mass took on the shape of a very large, and very obvious, Heartless-like animal; a large bat of sorts.

The Heartless was however a mixture of a metallic-like Emblem Heartless-based bat then a normal one, and it had glowing red eyes aimed at Sonata mostly. It was easily the size of a two school busses put together, and it also emitted while flapping a dark-like most as it circled the enclosed area while shrieking at them all.

The female though; to Relina's shock, was in fact a Void Elf female of sorts. The female; since her attire changed as such when the darkness was gone from her; mostly her hair has traces of it left mixed with a dark-violet color; in a neck-cut style with curls, and she she seemed to be at least 5'7 in height while close to being seventeen in the teenaged group. The black satin dress however covers her shoulders halfway and also flows down into a tasteful cowl neckline. It's a close fit which accentuates her breasts; but it does so in an elegant manner. Her arms although are only covered at her shoulders. Which not only helps accentuate her gorgeous, yet bronze skin tone of a Void Elf halfling She is (From what Mathis merely and randomly thought up for her existence), but also keeps the focus on other parts of the dress. The dress' waist is however thin, but it's a tight fit. A cross-like bow has been wrapped around her and rests gently on her belly. Below the waist the dress fits snug around her and has a pleated style. The dress reaches all the way down, almost covering her feet and is the same length all around. She's also wearing scarpins; a perfect choice in combination with this dress. To top it all off, she's also wearing a ruby ornate necklace and small emerald jeweled earrings.

Relina summoned her Succubus Demon once again as Carravere saw the female, and without words from feeling Relina was about to tell her to get the female out of the way and guard her, she did just that as a dark-like fire ball that came from the mouth of the Heartless Boss: Frightwing, nearly gotten them both.

It was then Frightwing screeched so loud that they had to cover their ears before seeing it duplicate itself to two smaller versions, and began to randomly blast them all. The duplicate shrieked oddly in laughter as the original oddly sent black masses at them randomly yet when one hit Karai, she froze up while feeling suddenly she was in the passenger's seat as to her own horror, and to Sonata's confused shock while defending herself, the mutant began attacking her mate.

Yet it seems Karai wasn't the only one as Mikey and a few others were also affected while he kept saying sorry, with each hit of his weapons, at his brothers.

The duplicate of Frightwing then dived down near Sonata as she ducked while dodging her mate's snake form's strikes with tears coming out of Karai's eyes from being oddly in slow-growing pain that Sonata felt, and felt her Darker-Side suddenly take over and to her thought- asked shout as she sent Karai away harshly and knocked out in the floor; that black aura now gone, and began attacking the original more then the duplicate with individual energy slices now, Why did you do that!? "Our mate was hurting both physically and emotionally at harming us. I merely got that energy out of her that's all Light-Half."

Sonata shakily nodding within her Inner Heart as she sat down warily while also deciding to allow her Demon to take control, since she rarely has experience in battles; besides the few a while back and yet with her fighting her soulmate… that shook her up somehow since she didn't want to do so ever again; the feeling of her hurting her mate… well one of the two that is, felt painful to her heart for some reason. Though Atanos felt true shock that the Siren was letting her have control in this battle yet also understood.

Atanos now tag-teamed though with the others as she decided to show Sonata one of her other attacks that not only dealt damage, but also restored their allies while getting rid of an ailment. She tossed her weapon into the air; close to thirty feet as it suddenly let it a mix of red and gold energy that began healing everyone yet damaging Mathis slightly yet destroyed the clone; the darkness from the duplicate going back to a now regular sized Frightwing, "Healing Blast!"

Frightwing began doing this same fighting tactic twice before it roared while glowing a sinister-looking yellow, as it then shrieked loudly while also at the same time, the odd eye-like designs on its wings then became actual eyes; up to three large eyes on both wings, and they began sending plasma blasts at them while it was dive bombing those that was close to the Heartless Boss.

Relina gathered a now healed Karai while they both saw that each time the eye beams missed, pillars of energized stone tried to cause them to not only deal damage yet also break down while emitting a gas they thankfully didn't get close to; the gas being a somewhat laughing gas of sorts that would instead of causing laughter, would instead cause pain and numb the body long enough to be striked down.

Though the two felt oddly warm in their hearts as despite now seeing it was Atanos currently in control, they were awed mixed with the shivers at seeing their girl attack without remorse; each strike causing the Heartless Boss when Atanos was stabbing Frightwing's back as she hanged on while it at the same time, kept barrel rolling and also trying to get her off; the two seeing a exposed gem of sorts at the underbelly of the Heartless Boss as with a shout, Relina sent a Chaos Bolt at said location to make them all then target it as somehow, it was hurting the boss.

Aeroza was smirking at Mathis' frustrated look as he also knew somehow now guessed that a few others survivors might have lived during that awful event, yet he did hoped that unlike his currently former friend, that they were not under servitude, "You need to stop this Mathis; This is not my one friend that aided me back on the one war in Asgard." Mathis shrugged with regret in his glowing red eyes at him as they were clashing weapons once again while also stating as if, he has no choice, "I'm truly sorry my friend, but until the one who brought me back is dead, then I must obey his commands."

Back with the others, Frightwing was causing problems as it began sending the eyeballs from its wings at everyone; causing explosion-like miasma damage while Atanos glared while to make Sonata seeing this wonder if she could do the same, channeled a ball of magenta colored energy into her hands that then covered her enter left-hand; her right fondly gripping the blade within the spine of the Heartless Boss, and began punching harshly on the Frightwing's back; making it screech in pain at each his while they not only dodged, but used whatever they could grab that was caused by the nearly thirty minutes fight, at the very spot under Frightwing.

Eventually Frightwing; after getting decent amount of fame done to it, made Atanos dismiss that energy and held in for fear life as while it flew in the air, black masss of energy began falling down randomly; everyone avoiding it as the Boss destroyed the barrier while allowing both Aeroza and Mathis to also dodge. It did five complete yet quick laps before rolling a lot to try and shake Atanos off.

Aeroza blasted Mathis with raw magic away from him and casted a barrier; his former friend narrowed his eyes at this and left, so they now had Aeroza's aid while he began healing everyone within the room; everyone now aiding to finish the Bat-like Heartless Boss as a few minutes later, it screeched as it shivered before falling quickly down while Atanos dismissed her weapon, jumped, and landed oddly enough on top of both Karai and Relina.

Frightwing then shivered some more before slumping in true defeat, and a silver-like heart came out of the disappearing body before that too vanished, and everyone sweat dropped as a chest showed from where the boss laid to know they won loot.

{End Music}

Atanos closed her host's eyes as she then allowed her to take control, and Sonata blinked while feeling woozy; thankfully that weapon she had out still was suddenly used as a crutch. Sonata realized that she felt very weak yet not, at the same time while her two soulmates came over while now making her blush and hearing her Demon laugh at her, checked the Siren-Hybrid over while Aeroza only shook his head before gazing to the new life made by both the undead and the darkness; a dangerous combination and yet, he was inwardly amused while everyone was settling down before they saw Tirion and the others joined them now, that soon, they would be facing Arthas.

And yet things would be interesting once Relina gets her checked over, Aeroza thought before seeing Tirion heading over to him with a grim look that got him concerned alongside the others; his group of healers assisting the others to heal everyone's injuries, "We encountered Sindragosa and the others as they were facing a army of Undead Heartless, Aeroza, and assisted them while you possibly faced somewhat of a odd battle I see; Nevertheless, Arthas as four of the others taken currently within the Frozen Throne area as we speak."

Aeroza nodded while multitasking, and was seeing that Relina was checking over that new soul of both Death and Darkness' love child; if they did do so, while Karai and the others were nearby while discussing things with the Skylanders about what Tirion told him. It was then a minor yet true vision passed before his eyes and he smirked; Getting Tirion confused by it yet Aeroza states; knowing things would be problematic yet interesting once they are abel to head to the Frozen Throne, "We must prepare for the unexpected, Fordring, and keep moving. I feel that we will have a difficult yet unexpected fight as such, once there."

Frozen Throne; An hour later:

Arthas groaned as his little sister; Regina Iris Menethil, and that odd Heartless; secretly his mother Lianne reborned (Reminding folks after so long), came out too early from hiding; alongside Davina with them, and the two girls were now playing a game of Simon Says with the child known as Lucy, and her elder sibling; Naminé, while Jaina and the other two, were both amused yet wary; due to being still within Arthas' Throne.

"It seems after all this time Arthas; Despite your acts… You do care about those that truly mean to you, otherwise you would have already made me part of the Scourge," Jaina states softly as she warily stood next to him, as he stood near the stairs to his throne while merely looking at her through his helm and back; not at all staring she was right yet states neutrally in reply to then get Jaina to blink at him in surprise; Adagio and Sunset watching the activities between Lucy and the others near the oddly friendly Heartless, "I however need them alive; Not dead, as they would be ruined by the blade itself," this comment though made Jaina look at the currently sheathed Frostmourne as the Mage herself was wary of it; due to the deeds that was also done in the very past; part of her past regrets.

"Regardless though… Arthas, I have a feeling deep down as to who you are now is the man I loved back then," Jaina states before blinking to herself at the confession while making said Lich King to then look at her sharply in utter shock, yet didn't at all say any words as he then like her, gazed at the children playing.

The citadel however tumbled one final time to cause everyone to stop, "It seems the final seal has been undone to forcibly get to the Frozen Throne…" Arthas states as he looked contemplated with Jaina for a few moments before summoning three Val'kyr and motioned to everyone but Adagio, Sunset, and Lucy to remain while to shock Jaina gave her a regret-based look she saw the first time in her orbs as she and those gestured, were taken away to the secret area underneath the Frozen Throne for safety as Xemnas merely wanted these three anyways; not the others.

The three were frozen in place while Sunset and Adagio felt deep down something was wrong yet Sunset began to speak to Arthas; regardless of this as she was more observant to know from Janina's stories that he was still partially in that Lich King persona. "Arthas… Whatever you've been offered might be considered a trick or worse, just let us go and-" Sunset gulped as she felt the tip of Frostmourne within moments near her jugular as he relayed shortly to her with narrowed eyes, "I have use of this army and if it requires your three or more importantly the child as payment, then so be it as soon… The Scourge would roam not only Azeroth but to the world's themselves; After overhearing that and your small group as such, that they do exist and traveling is possible."

Adagio gulped yet before she could reply, a black vortex showed and Arthas stilled as someone to his shock that wasn't Xemnas showed, while giving her a grin.

He was a tall, elegant man around his early twenties with feminine features, and he also wore the basic Organization Uniform just like Xemnas; of a black cloak, black boots, and black gloves. His hair however is shoulder-length and rose pink with ruffles. "Good, I came before the Former Leader could completely end your agreement with you, Lich King; For you see he recently also aided a Demon as well, yet his offer was better than yours." This angered the Lich King as darkness covered his form to get the man to smirk, while also adding into the fire as well, "In fact your sister secretly is this worlds Seven Lights of Azeroth; Whatever the term means as well."

That made the area colder as Lucy and both Sunset and Adagio were confused by what he meant yet it seems Arthas did, "That traitorous excuse of a Nobody… He will be my enemy as well to The Scourge… Argh!" Arthas felt the darkness take over his form while Adagio was in fear alongside Sunset as to what was occurring as the darkness kept off of Arthas' bodily frame as it began to take a enlarged, Heartless/Nobody fusion-like form as the pink haired male chuckled at the outcome while staying quietly to himself, "Well this is unexpected yet could go well with what I have planned now."

It was a more demonic, looking armored version of Arthas Armor, but with a Heartless Symbol on the left-shoulder instead of a skull, and the Nobody on the right. It had a demonic looking Frostmourne replica as well since Arthas was merely standing with that Aura all over his frame; an aura of darkness linked to it. It however was showing red eyes instead of Arthas having glowing blue-misty ones before stunning everyone; even him as it chuckled darkly as if, it was taking its first breath of long awaited fresh air; in a dark-echoed toned voice that if Arthas was aware at the time, would be if disbelief, "At last… I am free of the accursed Dark Paladin's sealed tactics after so long he destroyed my body."

Seeing the tether through the man to the creature itself, it sighed before stating firmly at the man that provoked enough darkness Xemnas seeped into the Fallen Paladin, and allowed its… no his freedom, "It would seem I would need Arthas dead in order to be fully freed however, fellow Dark Being."

"It seems you are… Different then other Corruptions.. More sentient even like the powerful ones," the man comments as they felt the entity gave a wicked grin somehow under the helm as it responded a name that he hasn't spoke in years, "I am the True Lich King reformed: Ner'zhul; Former Shadowmoon Orc Dark Shaman." The man smirked as he heard about a potential rival of Maleficent and the others back then for wielding Darkness and this earned the name that came from the man in a greeting-like smirk, "Marluxia: Former Number Twelve of Organization 13; The Graceful Assassin, to meet your acquaintance."

Sunset froze at the title and gulped as with a yelp; recalling what Aeroza back at the lair told her to watch out for if she or anyone would encounter those she couldn't at all handle, she, Adagio, and Lucy was picked up by a dark-like aura covering their frames and right to the twenty story Ner'zhul as he chuckled while eyeing them with sudden interest, "I sense darkness however within these three… No wonder that foolish Prince and that other wants them." He looks closely at Lucy and looks at the other two, before sending them; to Lucy's cry of their names, they were magically placed on the wall and unable to move.

Adagio was angered alongside Sunset since they saw the Corruption of Ner'zhul, now shake Lucy to be silent while secretly absorbing her fear of him, and her darkness slightly to even make the renewed entity have a lesser chance at breaking free of Arthas, "Truly this child has so much in Light… And in satisfying Darkness… The Darkness within her tastes ever so sweet into my own; Her fear blended in would soon further break me away from this foolish Prince." He saw the Marluxia looked at him with a raised eyebrow as the Corruption shrugged while stating then to give looks of horror to both caretakers and guardians of Lucy, "I think I shall overtake the child like I done with Arthas so long, long ago once he placed that crown on top of his head; The Crown of the Dead… As after all, a demonic deal has no holds on my newly-formed self any longer, so why not a minion to call my own instead of a host?" Ner'zhul was then suddenly blasted by a large blast of icy-like water and turned to find Jaina and the Heartless were side by side in fighting poses to get the Corruption to chuckle darkly before briefly frowning as odd timing would have it, Tirion Fordring and Aeroza showed, alongside everyone else.

{Play: Hunter of the Dark - Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep Final Mix Music Extended}

"It seems my vision has come true Tirion: Ner'zhul has indeed came back, yet different," Aeroza states with angered, narrowed eyes as the Corruption held his grandchild; the Paladin gripping his blade as he saw the tendrils between Arthas and the entity was linked.

Everyone was seeing Lucy in Ner'zhul's hold while a dark-like aura covering both Adagio while at the same time like Sunset, gapped at Sonata's new figure as it was mostly her, Tirion, Aeroza, Karai, Relina, and a few others as team turtle went to aid; like the Skylanders, at getting that Heartless that was guarding Sindragosa and the other's exit.

Ner'zhul laugher darkly while Lucy yelled in sudden pain as she was still hovered near the Corruption, and Marluxia began to fight; after summoning his scythe-like weapon via flower petals, on both Tirion and Aeroza, the others began to face this entity alongside the Lich King currently: Arthas, as Jaina was facing to what she knew now this entire time, her controlled friend with Relina; the mixed race and class' Pet and Demon by her side while Sonata went over and tried getting Adagio down as Karai was doing the same to Sunset.

"Let's see what Otherworlders would do against the True Lich King!" Ner'zhul shouted while he grabbed his weapon and began swinging it around; a red aura with a touch of death to the feeling and aimed it at them all.

Relina quickly grabbed her bow with Jaina giving an eyebrow raised at the way she was holding things, and quickly shot in succession of magically charged arrows to stun the Mage, void-like energy she was all too familiar with at Ner'zhul as he in turn was angered as they actually pierced his armor before they disintegrated, "You shall pay for that with your life!" The Corruption of Ner'zhul then laughed darkly while channeling energy into that blade as Heartless-based Ghouls showed from the ground while Arthas began doing the same thing; but with undead vrykul aiding the linked bosses as Jaina began sending ice shards while the mixed Horde and Alliance members that came with healed, distracted and dealt damage by their classes attacks during the fight.

Sonata though; the fight still going in while ducking from a start fireblast from a Human Mage that shouted sorry as he ran from a empowered undead vrykul, still kept trying to get her sister and Sunset off; despite Adagio looking at her from still in shock, "Come on… Let go of them!" Sonata stilled though once she and both Adagio and Sunset heard Lucy scream in pain more as Sunset said in dreaded realization as dark-like energy was being siphoned from her daughter/niece for one thing: The Corruption was using Lucy as energy.

"You.. You need to get Lucy, Sonata," Adagio gritted out as Sunset yelled in pain to cause the two to then call out her own name as she was then dragged by power to the Corruption of Ner'zhul; the entity chuckling darkly while gazing at Adagio as he gestured to both Lucy and her girlfriend/mate, "I can sense feelings to these two foolish mortals… But which would you rather see alive then dead? Decisions, decisions," he paused before sending Lucy unconscious and near the throne itself, as he decided from the fire-like energy that was familiar to the renewed entity, "But on the other hand… This mortal worlds a flame I recall would be devastating in the wrong hands… So let's see how long she would live once I take them for my own!"

Sunset gave Adagio a 'Help me please look before screaming as her eyes went wide and glowed from everyone stopping as the mask-part of the Corruption of Ner'zhul was losers to reveal a mouth full of razor sharp-like bronze teeth, and was sucking Sunset's energy into him; Adagio growing in rage as within moments, he finished sucking he energy and merely tossed her to the side; Jaina and a Warrior Tauren catching her while falling down as the armor flowed before showing Sunset's Symbol in the middle of his plated, saronite armored chest, and he chuckled in wicked glee as his eyes glowed while the connection strained from Arthas even more to him while admitting aloud; shocking Aeroza that Sunset was secretly that race of Alicorn, "Now I realize of what that mortal was: The last of the Astrolicorns (7)… It is good to taste this power once again!"

Adagio saw while the Corruption Boss was laughing to mostly himself as his weapon was now coated in flames and was attacking everyone with empowered glee; her girlfriend/mate not responding to a Healer Classed Priest Draenei, She felt like something partially left her mixed with her rage of not doing anything; due to still being enchanted to her current location that for the last several minutes of her youngest sibling was trying to get her off from.

N-No! Not her! Please anything but My Blaze! Adagio states in mixed emotions frantically within her mind since the Siren was now trying to struggle even more on getting freed as her and her enhanced sibling merely watched as the Corruption of Ner'zhul was using her Girl's power against everyone; Sunset still limp as if, she was weakly drained of more than her power nearby an ice pillar.

"Adagio… I can't get you out of this," Sonata states somberly as she now gave up; Adagio having tears in her eyes yet not letting them fall while she watched the Corruption Boss was raising his sword and with Jaina and Tirion aiding her, are a magical shield of both Arcane and Holy magic to shield them all as icy-like fire rained down and tried to freeze everyone yet instead froze the Heartless and undead. "Is Sunset more than a friend Dagi?" Sonata now asked her elder sibling by her childish nickname Sonata have to her long, long ago; making Adagio struggle to look at her as she struggled at a wordless nod; hearing Aeroza to don't hold back as he was attacking the Corruption with lightning spells.

"She… She is My One, Sonata… I need to… To do something," Adagio struggled to get out and tell her sibling; also now wondering where was Aria and still with other few things, like why ask are liked like she was. "I may have two of them myself Dagi," Sonata softly states to get Adagio to gap at her with a look of later, as she still struggled; from her bond with Sunset growing weaker as time goes by to know that this Ner'zhul entity did more than what he stated: Sunset was slowly fading.

{Pause: Hunter of the Dark - Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep Final Mix Music Extended, Play: Sacred Moon - Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX Music Extended}

I… I need out of this enchantment he placed… On me and get her power back, Adagio mentally thought to herself determined yet froze as she suddenly began having a tugging feeling before blinking in shock as she was in a odd cavern yet followed the oddly glowing runes that faded after she went by them; the runes being blood-red while pulsing, and came to a larger, opened aired gap that was the size of a football field and was frozen in small fear at seeing a truly large cage in the center of the area.

Within the cage though was made her be in both awe, and fear by however; stilling in place due to the leaking power it emitted from the cage itself as it eyed her.

It was a massive, sixty foot tall, ten tailed dragon-like bird fusion of sorts; each tail at the tops glowing in multitude of colors you would see for example, the Northern Lights. It had long flowing whiskers; two per on each cheek parts of the head, a long snout with it grinning silver-like teeth from its beak-like dragon mouth, while it's head was truly resembling Smaug from Lord of the Rings. It however had four eyes; smaller ones about half the size yet same detailed as the larger ones around several inches near the forehead while the larger, cyan-acid green mixed colored eyes, were in the same way as Smaug's; having. There was also a small mane of feather-like scaled hair all over its body in an ebony color alongside a smaller mane you would see on a male lion around the back of the head like hair, in silver; the underbelly being lighter, and on its head was horns like a stag, and it's wings; total of four were on the left being. Angelic in nature, while the right was demonic in dull-silver colors; runes of sorts in each wing on the top with symbols that mean the following: Power, Guardian, Hope and Destruction on each wing in red Japanese Symbols in a diamond pattern. It also had four bird-like feet that were bronze colored mixed with dragon-like claws near the end while it had dragon-like human arms in the front as it was in looks, like a centaur as such from the way it stood; the wings on the upper part of its back, near the shoulders. It also had a spiked line on its spine; from the top of its head to the top of the center-part of the bird-like dragon tails.

"It seems like you finally got the guts to get what you want for yourself alongside others, Host. Then if you want to save your Mate, then a price needs to be made between us; The outside world currently frozen until our debate is over," the entity states with somehow having a smirk in its… no her face as the entity was sounding like a powerful, teen female of sorts with a Basic American accent to the gulping Siren; realizing what this was, "You're a-a Demon!?"

The entity seemed humored yet fakely sighed at her at the same time, while responding in a shrug, "Guilty as charged Host, as my last one was in fact you're previous life your fought within your Inner Heart. Also passing the test to have me sealed once again to this time aid you and other things… Which is what our Deal is going to be." When she said the word "Deal", Adagio narrowed her eyes at the odd demon fusion yet the first thing that came out of her mouth to then get the demon to chuckle at her words as if, it was expected, "What matter of race are you though? A bird… A dragon… What are you?"

"To answer your question with ease as Maria also asked that; But in her own way, is that I am the Ten-Tailed Twin to the Ten-Tailed Drake: One-Eyed God of the Elemental Nations. Actions however sent myself away as my creation was of an accidental outcome and being weakened while sealed; Making me in terms more controlled yet powerful, all at once. I am the Ten-Tailed Astraldragonix Demon: Prisania; And your future was somewhat products as my Reincarnation to hold me as those reborn like Maria was, are the only ones able to handle my power… In which my deal comes into play." She pauses before admiring things to make Adagio gap as such to know why she was mentioning herself like this, "You earned the right to at least call my name early by my own self seeing all your memories… To which I have to say you impressed me as such; Even making a foolish yet honest deal with that Demon God in the past."

(Insert Name here) sighed before she then began explaining her small terms to Adagio; her tails waving slightly before they settled as she also crossed her arms while at the same time, looking serious, "You will allow me to experience taste, feeling of the flesh, and seeing alongside hearing to whatever happens in your life, and redesign my… Housing and in exchange, I will allow you to use my power but there is a price to how long it would possibly last, until your further trained; When time passes by as you use my power, well… I would think that you would experience it yourself. However in order to do so… Your current body would be modified to do this deal with ease… That is, If you accept my deal."

Adagio gave her a inquisitive look of reluctance as she now has mixed feelings; not knowing the demon herself was hearing her thoughts, If I accept this… Then I'll be able to get free and also save Sunset and more if the time comes, but… What is the price the longer I use her power in figure or worse? Would this be better than seeing Sunset die before my eyes while knowing I have a chance to prevent it? "Time is wasting Siren. As the longer we debate, the less time your Mate has a chance, and more to those you know and care for would be lost to you by that Corruption." Prisania states firmly while sensing time slowly resuming in the real world.

Feeling dread from the demon's words mixed with a few other emotions, finally asked within a minute of thinking to stun the demon then, before being slightly impressed of her Reincarnation's smartly words at her to add to the deal, "If I agree as I have a feeling things would overwhelm me in due course… Can you perhaps aid me like you did before as well when I am overwhelmed?"

"I shall do so if you trust me enough as it is then Siren Host. But do note that if you allow me, there would be memory gaps when I take control over you sometime," Prisania warned gently while Adagio then hesitated before looking determined, as even here she felt her bond with Sunset was weakening; clenching her fists to her sides due to the bond she was feeling from the bond itself weakening, "Yes, I want this to work as I want to help those I care for more than anything as a price to do this Deal; As you have to admit," Adagio then states with a small smirk-like smile in her face to then make the demon chuckle at the witty words she then used, "Its better than that foolish Demon God's."

"Then by all means… The Deal has been accepted! Go and do as what you wish… Though do note you will go through a change before you do," the demon states in a laugh with Adagio fading while setting a 'What' to her, as the scene then changed into a old village with firsts and whatnot.

(Insert Name here) thought while feeling the effects as she changed into a exotic-looking female that wore monk robes that did well with the figure, her skin tone matching her demon from, and had some of the features her demon from has: her eyes, fingers and toes mostly, along with ten serpent-like tails with a dagger-like feathered tip at the ends. She however had those runes from her wings on her forearms while she had wings in a way you would see as an Angemon or Angewomon positioned on her back; standing on two legs instead of four, like a bird-like centaur. She also had elfin ears that were jagged while resembling; figure wise to Nico Robin for frame with lean muscle, and Nami as well from One Piece; for the face, and had the same hair color as her mane in demon form; but up to her neck and was spiked at the top to have her hair in a dragon of those very horns. So it begins again… She seems more trustworthy in the beginning then Maria was.

{Stop: Sacred Moon - Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX Music Extended, Play: Bleach OST: On the Precipice of Defeat (Please fully listen)}

Sonata was worried as Adagio went after crying silently to a dazed yet blank look, before her eyes suddenly without warning, glowed pure white; in what the Hybrid felt a wicked-like feeling as Sonata was suddenly blasted away while parts of the ice wall was broken and also at the same time, she was freed; Adagio emotionlessly standing with herself hunched over while her body twitched a few times. Everyone that wasn't fighting saw this with Aeroza merely smirking to himself without a word, as Adagio suddenly began screaming in place while that aura from before covered her entirely.

As like what the demon sealed within her stated: Adagio's body began to adjust as well as change not only internally, but physically as well; her eyes quickly closing as she kept screaming in pain as they flowed within them still. Her body began to develop and adjust itself into what Maria had on her frame and all, but her hair instead of it being poofy as it is, became straight, narrowed hair and shortened to her mid-back as her star hairband became a tie-band instead; giving Adagio a ponytail at the end of her new hairdo. Her outfit from being baggy and having to adjust herself now fit her frame perfectly, and her Siren Wings showed before they disintegrated and four, families wings burst out of her back; her outfit being magically adjusted due to what is occurring to Adagio, as they all flapped a few times before settling by remaining outward in place; each wing showing said Sigil that is on the demon mostly. Her right-top wing held the Hope Sigil while her bottom-right held the Destruction Sigil; her upper-left holding the Power Sigil and the bottom-left wing held the Guardian Sigil. Each Sigil glowing as when she also at the same time opened her eyes, they were in her colors yet they now held the eyes of the One Eyed God that belonged to the Ten-Tails as two smaller eyes showed above around her forehead looking like Prisania's.

Then her fingers became clawed and her face gained a slightly feral look to it, and that aura got denser while oddly showing a tail-like aura from her behind; with it wiggling back and forth as h r hanged were finished… but knowing she was now like Maria as well.

"W-What… This is just like her but… This power…" Adagio blinked with her four eyes and briefly examined herself in shock before stilling as she heard the demon chuckle within her mind and stated in half-humor while reminding the Siren the situation, "What did you expect? My power only going through you? As per deal like Maria accepted long ago, this occurred as well… But I suggest you began attacking Host, otherwise we be bashed."

{Stop: Bleach OST: On the Precipice of Defeat, Resume: Hunter of the Dark - Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep Final Mix Music Extended}

Adagio however yelped as she was sent away while Sonata took the blow; freezing Adagio in place. Hearing her sister's scream as the dark-like energy meant for her knocked her out, caused Adagio to secretly stun herself at snarling while looking in a feral glare at the Corruption of Ner'zhul. "It seems I have angered a demon; Oh well, maybe my next target is your Mate and vaporizing her body next!"

Ner'zhul began using a mix of his and Adagio's power; not seeing Lucy was slowly waking up and witnessing Adagio vanish and appearing right in the Corruption's face her her fingers extended and slashed the entity's helm; actually causing him to scream while even more of the connection between him and Arthas further stained to the limits; Arthas himself using his Death Knight abilities against everyone as he used Defile at random locations before that damaging liquid faded away.

"You'll pay for that foolish Mortal Holder of a Demon! With witnessing as I cast you all to oblivion!" Ner'zhul shouts in anger while channeling mostly his own power as it was in his gloved left-hand for a few moments before it burst and spread throughout the area to show that they were all translocated to a void of sorts; mixed with that of the Frozen Throne.

Adagio snarled unlike Lucy knew of her aunt, yet everyone but her, Jaina, and Adagio froze; Sunset weakly opening her eyes while witnessing everything as well from Lucy being near her now and the connection they shared was transferring some of her magic to sustain her temporarily, and Ner'zhul states mostly right at the Siren as he erected a barrier to encase her and the Corruption himself, while Arthas was with the others as they unfroze and began to fight, "I think I need to show this Jinchūriki what a true King of Death can do."

Adagio felt half aware now as she was overwhelmed as a second tail began to take root, and got into a position that one Nine-Tailed Jinchūriki would be proud of as her wings went backwards in preparation while growling out in a echoed voice of hers; her eyes glowing as well, "We'll see about that you Undead Wannabe King," and she quickly charged with amazing speed at him as they then clashed with claws against weapon; for once Ner'zhul struggling against his new opponent.

Meanwhile with the Arthas fight, the Current Lich King was using the power of Frostmourne against them now; powers of ice and death being sent randomly at them all as Aeroza sent blasts while healing at the same time, everyone as they too were attacking Arthas while Jaina was saw the straining tendrils between her former friend and love, and the Corruption that was clashing with a modified, and empowered Adagio; the Mage herself now being the one on the receiving end of Arthas' weapon, "Come to your senses Arthas… Please, I get it now that you weren't yourself all this time. Please... fight him!" Everyone was fighting adds as their own attacks and abilities were affecting the summoned Heartless; Arthas showing some reconciliation yet sent her back as she was now aiding everyone while Aeroza held the Lich King back.

Back with Adagio and Ner'zhul, they have been matching each other's attacks while Adagio was dealing damage when she was successful against his armor. They all however paused before resuming on figuring while hearing an explosion of sorts down below.

Adagio then made an attack that thanks to the demon within, gave knowledge as Ner'zhul sent Adagio into the air for the perfect time for said combo-based attack between her and Prisania. Her Sigils on each wing quickly lit up as she began doing a Kamehameha Pose while channeling jade-like energy into it as her two tails made it even bigger by adding the demonic aura as well; making now a opal-like color, and sent the blast right at him while stating aloud; the blast being a beam-like wave, "Odjama Blast!" The blast hit head on and made the Corruption Boss truly angered yet Adagio didn't like the look in the eyes of the entity as Lucy yelled alongside Arthas as they were now in the area after nearly five minute of then fighting each other, "Enough! I think it's time for me to take things even further!"

Lucy yelled as she was in sudden agony; everyone watching in horror as a new barrier was brought up to keep them out as the last thread of any connection was shredded as Arthas collapsed while feeling weak; his helm falling down while taking deep breaths. Lucy felt herself being drained while the Corruption laughed wickedly at the angered look of Adagio and the struggling to move a Sunset to get to them, "Ha Ha Ha! The pain and delight of torture is so fulfilling and yet, why not make it even more formidable than ever?" Lucy screamed as some amounts of darkness was being forcibly withdrawn from her as to stun them all, Lilith was made into existence yet wasn't at all in control; tossing Lucy near the helm that Arthas wore as she felt suddenly drained of strength, and he then states while channeling the energy into the grimacing Lilith while at the same time empowering her, "Let's see how you face a child's darkness as such as your kin, shall we?"

Lilith was struggling as one moment she was watching everything within Lucy's Inner Heart; as usual but with Lucy's one of many past selves, and the next she felt this tainted darkness bring her out yet be not only fully aware and also for once sane… somewhat, but not in control of her body as she was now being forced to attack Adagio.

Adagio in turn was shocked while feeling rage from her demon, as they were now blocking Lilith's attacks with ease by moving out of the swing range of the summoned Scythe she had; with each hit Lilith looked to be in regret. Adagio however was shocked that when she was able to hit that aura, it was drained into the weapon; realizing whatever that scythe was, was dangerous. "Yes and with each hit is only a minor energy drain from us to Lilith as such, the Grim Soul she is," Prisania states to confuse Adagio briefly yet dodged another swipe while hearing Lucy weakly moan out for them to stop fighting. But if we hit her, are we harming Lucy?! Adagio states back as she growled before finding out that Lucy did indeed scream in surprised pain once she clawed Lilith's arm while to worry mostly everyone; except the Corruption, was twitching in pain as well.

"Ha Ha Ha, the sight of someone suffering brings back untold feelings of unaccounted pleasure to my very being… DIE!" Ner'zhul states before quickly began sending blasts at mostly Adagio while she tried dodging his and Lilith's attacks.

Sunset has been trying to move this entire time, yet she was failing to do so; as despite some of Lucy's magic she felt go into her, it wasn't enough. Jaina was over by her now as Kicy and Arthas was still inside the unbreakable barrier Ner'zhul conjured up and Aeroza only shook his head sadly while the Altered Teen overheard him; telling everyone that until that barrier is down or Ner'zhul is defeated, there was nothing they could do for them or for her.

There… There has to be a way for me to… To help them! Sunset exclaimed mentally while too weak for words while also being forced to watch her girlfriend fighting Lilith, and trying to not harm her at the same time, before she heard her weapon then speak to her; giving her growing hope as such, "There might be a way Mistress, but I am not sure what the results afterwards would be; As this technique is costly."

If it would help… Help them, then I need… Need to do it, Sunset thought to Nevena as the weapon hesitated yet begun to tell her what to do to aid her soulmate and child.

Adagio was still dodging while growling in frustration, as she knew she couldn't harm Lilith as that would harm Lucy, but her main anger currently as she unknowingly gained a third tail while feeling more feral, was at the Corruption Boss; Ner'zhul merely watching on enjoyment. This power… Overwhelmed… What's happening? Adagio thought in slower, shortened sentences while hearing an amused chuckle from Prisania as if she expected this, "I did warn you of the deal we made; The longer time on not being trained to wield my power, the more you lose yourself until it gets to the point of either a loved one or your soulmate stopping you would prevent you to go… To what I dubbed from Maria back then, 'Frenzy Mode'." Adagio was in fear of this mixed with this Aura now making her fight Lilith, and also hearing Lucy in pain was only adding to the fuel, "In fact I'm truly surprised that you have lasted this long as I figured once you get to your fourth tail… You would be blanked out and the power overwhelming your body would act out and attack anyone; Anything, and it could be your Mate, child, or anyone else as the power would see it as a threat to conceal it back within you."

Adagio felt that Prisania was telling her in honesty then a statement as she felt she wasn't at all herself as she felt more… primal with each time with the third tail active, Must… Something… Do? She thought in even slower thoughts as her mind was slowly getting hazy as her vision was starting on getting blurry; dodging yet knocking back Lilith as she actually held back tears the Siren saw within her orbs; Lucy as well yet hers was due to pain.

"The only way is for a miracle or something unexpected to occur to recall my power back into you, is an unexpected distraction as that weapon seems to be corrupted currently by that entity as well, the one Lilith is using to amp up your power as well." Prisania states to get Adagio to be half-shocked with more anger showing on her face while dodging the scythe-like attacks until she stilled and to confused Adagio due to her mind, was that Ner'zhul was blasted by odd, light-based energy and saw it was from Sunset; Lucy did as well.

Adagio felt her developing fourth tail diminished while feeling herself slowly become aware and thinking clearly, and she then was slowly going to the two-tailed state with her looking less feral, but was concerned about both her Mate and Lucy. Lucy due to her crying those weird tears in pain yet had a relieved look on her face, and Sunset as she panted while having her right-hand tiredly out with also seeing an odd Sigil that was actually in resemblance to the Crest of Light; from Digimon, before that faded.

Sunset; to Adagio's dismay as she was shoved quickly aside; the barrier dropping as Ner'zhul sped right through her and grabbed the her girlfriend, and then made her weakly yell in pain while Ner'zhul used his gloved hands to squeeze her while to horrify everyone; Lucy weakly more-so as more energy was being siphoned into him from her; his armor glowing like flames slightly, "Now you are truly going to die as I was going to spare you… Yet you pulled that harming stunt against me? The True Lich King? Now suffer as I will squeeze the last bit of your power out of you, while also claiming your soul!"

Adagio was frozen in place as she fell onto her knees in place while exhausted; realizing the power fully retreated into her form and Lucy felt weak yet true fear as she, the helm, and that sword was sent away to a nearby pillar while groaning in pain. With what Ner'zhul did finally broken the link between him and Arthas; also secretly the Helm of Death, and only could watch like everyone else while they also fought the remaining Crimson Defender Heartless alongside the Pureblood Sentinel Heartless that was lastly summoned by the Current Lich King Arthas Menethil, as he passed out onto the sides and was unconscious.

Lucy looked at the helm after feeling hopeless of not doing anything as she felt drained before it then pulsed from her magic unknowingly testing the object, and her, and the blade stopped glowing yet dulled; the icy effect no longer active as Lucy for reasons unknown; Tirion and a few others seeing this with wide eyes, grabbed the helm as it shifted and molded into a true crown made for a king or queen; a silver-like crown with black gemstones in it, and shakily placed it on her head; her bloodlined eyes active once she did so while this action then made Ner'zhul look at her direction along with Adagio and Sunset; Sunset weakly looking as she was close to fading, with everyone in shock.

"So it has indeed come to pass of her obtaining the secretly renewed Hallow then," Aeroza states purposely aloud to get Ner'zhul wide eyed by what he meant as few certain entities and others felt the presence of an awakened yet untrained Godling now; Lucy, as she felt the crown painfully go right into her head and was also getting absorbed while to replace it, she gained devil-like horns from within her hairline; just like a fused crown of sorts; curled smaller horns, and two longer ones near her forehead in ivory colors; the smaller horns however being silver-looking with black gemstones in them secretly.

"You knew this was going to happen, Aeonmaster?!" Tirion states as they all felt; even in every single worldly domain as well, of the newly-made Godling's newfound power. She slowly got up and blinked in minor surprise as Frostmourne now emitted a emerald-like energy instead of the usual icy one now, and floated before going right into her hands. Her other weapon appearing in the left, and Frostmourne in her right, and her skin only went slightly paler but other then that, she was the same.

"I have foreseen this somewhat, but the vision was mostly her obtaining the power to which her ancestors on her father's side secretly wielded way before even the Founder's of England in Avalon knew about. As being his descendant, it wouldn't be at all biased as her being the Helm of Death's true owner… Would give her currently new godly status now in all the world's." Aeroza states while they all see her now looked at Ner'zhul in a firm glare as for once he was trembling in true fear while even he has yet to fully activate the Helm's power; Arthas as well, yet she did.

Lucy has become not only the honest and true Lich Queen for this and a few other worlds, but she is now on the road to becoming the Mistress of Death for them all, and the potential of a full goddess once she was older… Since currently she only has minor power mixed with her own.

{Stop: Hunter of the Dark - Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep Final Mix Music Extended, Play: Lord of the Castle - Kingdom Hearts RE: Chain of Memories Music Extended}

Lucy was feeling overwhelmed while she yelled as her aura showed, and became her most powerful form once again yet this time, her aura then became a fusion of both the Killing Curse Green, and a darkish aura combined as her clothing then gained the armor once again; that new aura now lightly surrounding her frame as she glared harshly at Ner'zhul; secretly Lilith and her current past self cheering her on within her heart.

Lucy vanished while wordlessly to worry Adagio and Sunset as she fell yet was oddly floating from Lucy's power while then landing near her soulmate, was easily fighting the Corruption Boss as both blades glowed that same aura; but denser, and was also sending black-like ooze that everyone was then fighting as each body-like droplets were weak yet powerful replicas of everyone.

"You stupid brat! Hold still!" Ner'zhul states while trying to blast or claw her as she somehow within the last three minutes of her fighting him, destroyed his weapon while shattering it to dust, and kept wordlessly attacking him as if, in an angered daze. Marluxia in all this however was sent back to where he came from by Aeroza due to him setting a comment about Lucy.

Sunset was being seen to as sometimes when Lucy slashed the armor Ner'zhul had, some bits and pieces of her power not only slowly returned to her mother, but it also healed the group when one of the Heartless exploded and left a lot of damage. Adagio though was with Sonata as they merely watched as Lucy was going ham even more than she usually does on Ner'zhul, and Sonata then gulped while luckily knowing that she wasn't at the end of Lucy's blades as she was able to slash one of his eyes, "Lucy… Sure has changed now then she did before… But I feel whatever she did is currently in control Dagi," Adagio raises an eyebrow while seeing her sister's attire, looks, and that odd Succubus tail of hers and seeing her wordless look, she began explaining the best she could; Atanos aiding her through thought communication as Aeroza placed a shield around them as he told them all that Lucy would be going all out; whatever that meant.

After she was done explaining while also wincing from them seeing Lucy picking up the Corruption with ease and tossing him at a pillar to get him to then grip the sides as she trudged with sounds, over to the Corruption Boss, "I never wanted you to end up being that Demon's Deal in the first place Sonata… Even if it actually helped you slightly. But look at you," Adagio gestures while they heard Lucy began sending magical energy attacks at Ner'zhul while he somehow caught each one yet they began sending each blast back and forth as if, ping pong but in a battle, at her little sister's form with Sonata wordlessly gesturing ginger own frame as well afterwards, "You changed the most while were here… Yet you're not fully Siren anymore, are you?"

"Ya… But at least you have found your One Mate like I did with my two-" she paused as her eyes glazed over before responding back; Aeroza holding the barrier in lace while sweat dropping as Ner'zhul just threatened on killing her family and was then powerfully kicked in the armored area for balls, and was sent into another pillar as cracks formed only, "Atanos said that she can sense your holding something back against me… What does she mean Dagi?"

Adagio gulped yet was about to reply before the barrier fell and exposed them; Aeroza quickly falling back and landing in his back as Lucy was knocked right into the group before getting and and running in foot while swinging her weapon at Ner'zhul while the Corruption himself began to send blasts she easily dodged while at the same time, sent a X-Shaped energy blast right at him directly.

Ner'zhul in retaliation began hanning a very powerful aura and blast that Lucy was saved from by aerosa now being involved as he saw Lucy was starting to wear down on slow growing exhaustion; with everyone except her family remaining to a now passed out Lucy as she returns to normal; her weapons to shock the Paladin, went into her and was now deeply sleeping.

{End Music}

"Enough… It seems that you are all powerful on your own right… But you will suffer when I return…" Ner'zhul states as he somehow activated a vortex and left to stun the Azerothians as Aeroza merely narrowed his eyes as he sensed Xemnas was trying yet failed in taking Arthas' half-sister yet stole something valuable secretly within the citadel itself, yet sighed as everyone was exhausted yet commented in words to know; tensing mostly everyone by them as well as Sunset and Adagio gave him bewildered looks while looking at Lucy, "We have a new Lich Queen for Azeroth… I however think it would be best to remain and later leave, as this citadel is now owned by her; And everything in it."

Not known to them, a small green-like flame near the throne; witnessing everything, vanished after giving a few small chuckles to then inform his servant to proceed as planned.

Well there you guys go.

Now I have my reasons as to why Lucy is the new Lich Queen, and it would be useful once she goes to Hogwarts eventually alongside the TMNT World (In which I would need to know if you guys want them back in Avalon or continue thee with a few certain Azerothians coming with or headed to New Harmonus.

I would also like to mentioned a hint if two of the eventual stories I'm Side-Working on while working on a new chapter for each of my fics: The first involves this acronym (In words) Rooster Pity Optics… Ya not a good way to describe it but I had better (Smiles). The second is a Crossover like the first, but I think I would like to state is in progress as well, but not fully ready.

Now here are some numbers folks:

1: They are the rules of the Nightfallen Race, and currently said rules also applies only within the area of Suramar, Broken Isles. Yet few either ignore it or tend to go with it while outside of the Broken Isles; to which is considered rare.

2: The rarest of the rares of any Succubus. There is a 1 out of a 1,000 chance of a Succubus being born or made as such into that, and also have the ability to adjust to battles more easily while also being not only powerful enough to remain by their Master or Mistress' sides, but are able to adapt even in otherworldly surroundings and if the contract is broken or fulfilled…. they don't take souls but mostly they obtain whatever they learned as payment, and use that as rarely freed Succubus. The type also has a advantage and disadvantage though: They are able to be like a Maid yet most would have to be taught or overtime learning from their contract holders.

3: They are once a normal race within the Azeroth Realm yet most are considered demons. It is rare however that some defect the Burning Legion due to a higher power defeating the Eredar or other they serve, would either free them or make them serve the one that is more powerful. Most of them however are free agents to their own cause and would tend to be more powerful than those serving others, and even then most that defect would secretly blend in with their surroundings or even more to the location as such; as once they defect they are considered traitors and would be hunted down to prove within the Eredar Ranks that no one is given mercy to Defectors or even those Exiled as such.

4: They are as mentioned within the story slightly by my OC. They are also rare or hardly found due to indeed being part of the Defense of Old Harmonus, and barely survived as a race itself after the seven year war. Most were specially gendered as a same gender race (If you get that then you know what I mean) and rarely as males; as they are in a Cousin-like relations to both Yuki Onna and any other race that is involved as such on their religion. They are indeed Masters of Ice, Darkness, Wind, and Water mostly as elements yet rarely they tend to have one outside it, and those that are would be considered precious treasures to their society. However unlike most races that have to be kept near cold locations, they can handle the heat of any kind due to the dragon part within them.

5: It is mostly referenced to Kingdom Hearts and also the Realm of Hearts itself. It is sometimes stated in basic terms or other from those in the know about the World Order itself.

6: In World of Warcraft, that is considered Hunter-Based gear within that content in the Raid they have: Icecrown Citadel or ICC for shortened terms.

7: They are in Relation to Alicorns yet unlike the longer-loved race, they tend to have half the life of them, and once thrived in a lost city within the Stars themselves. They are also the race that were seekers and defenders of their world as well as those close by. Not much was known due to the lack of survivable knowledge that was obtained by the Princess's themselves, yet their power or blood was; If used in the wrong hands, would be disaster or worse: Their own death from overuse eventually. They mostly resemble to that of Sunset's current body in both male and females; with their skin coloring like any other Equestrian Pony, as they were human-like versions of said rare Alicorn Race. Those with dark intent; after discovering the use of their power and blood during a war they were involved in; Time Magic being used to be involved, were used in Darker Rituals from the Tainted Organization mostly, as rarely those from within Otherworlds have said knowledgeable facts have done so as well.

Now I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter as it took time and patients for me to get it done to your enjoyment everyone. So until next chapter, peace!