(AN: welcome to Rheese drabbles! after reading some of the lovely fics here I thought I would contribute to the wonderful pairing that is Connor and Sarah. since I am a great procrastinator i thought i would do something less daunting before writing a full on multichapter fic lol. i hope you enjoy them, there will be more where this came from if people like them!xx)
(all unrelated unless specified)
1. Joke
It's become tradition for him to find her before his first surgery of the day and tell her a knock knock joke. Ever since she told him in passing one day during her first year as a psychology resident that she hated jokes of all kinds and never understood why people found them funny he had made it his sole mission to try and make her laugh with what she considered to be the worst jokes in existence. It was quite unbelievable that in three years he had managed to never use the same one twice, which was something to be proud of quite honestly. She had remained true to her word of never laughing at his god-awful sense if humor but every time she saw his adorable and determined face she couldn't help smiling.
2. Soft
She's surprised at how soft his hair is. She loves running her finger through it when they kiss because he'll make this small noise in his throat and pull her impossibly close, their bodies intertwining in the most beautiful of ways. And when he comes home after a long day at the hospital with bags under his eyes and tense shoulder she'll join him on the sofa and massage his scalp to help him relax. He'll close his eyes and sigh contentedly and it's at this moment when she realises she has everything she could possibly want in this world.
3. Car
They're driving back from a party at Molly's when they have their first big argument. She doesn't even remember how it started but now they're sitting in stony silence, Connor gripping the steering wheel so tight his knuckles are pale and she's glaring out the window trying to make sense of it all. When he drops her off at her apartment they still haven't spoken and she slams the car door shut in anger because what they have is amazing and wonderful and she doesn't know what to do with this fear in her chest that they're never going to be the same after this.
4. Translate
Sometimes she forgets that he can speak a language other than English. It takes her by surprise when patients come in speaking rapid Spanish and he is able to sooth them with his calming voice. She wishes she could understand what he says to them but she was never very good at language in school and honestly her head is so filled to the brim with medical knowledge that she's worried if she puts anything else in she'll go insane. After he finds out how much it bothers her that she has no clue what he's saying he starts to speak it more, trying to wind her up. Most of the time she'll glare at him and have April translate later (which, if you ask April, is getting incredibly annoying). Then one warm Saturday evening they're sitting out on his balcony sharing a bottle of wine and he looks her in the eyes and says, "te amo". She doesn't need anyone to translate that for her which is probaby a good thing because April is sick and tired of listening to Connor's constant Spanish rambling about how Sarah is the light of his life.
5. Mail
It's always a bit of a surprise when she finds mail addressed to him arriving at her-their-apartment. In the three weeks it's been since he properly moved in she's tried to figure out why exactly he likes her small and not-very-roomy flat over his penthouse apartment overlooking the city. When she actually plucks up the courage to ask him he gives her that heart-stopping smile of his and says, "home is where the heart is, and my heart belongs to you.", she's too busy trying to stop her tears from falling to care about how cheesy he sounds.
6. Owe
Normally she isn't a betting woman but the moment she finds out there's stakes on what Halstead and Nina's baby will be called she knows she has to at least try once. She goes with the name "Lucas" because she can remember Nina saying how much she liked that name when they had met for coffee a few weeks ago. She's pleased that nobody else has gone with it and she has a feeling she'll be at least fifty dollars richer at the end of the week but there's something in the handsome Dr. Rhodes' smirk that makes her uneasy. Three days later and Jeremy David Halstead is born and the dark haired cardiothoracic surgeon comes up to her and says, "I believe you owe me ten dollars, Dr. Reese. Or how about I buy you a coffee to make up for your terrible loss."
7. Hotdog
The dog is probably the cutest thing she has ever seen in her life. It's small, it's fur the colour you get when you mix ketchup with mustard, and he kind of looks like he's stuck his paw in an electric socket. The little sign on his kennel door says he was one of six puppies found dumped on the side of the road. He's the last one left and he looked so sad and lonely until she bent down to say hello. Connor is laughing behind her at how excited the little puppy looks and the look of utter happiness on Sarah's face. One hour later and they're leaving the shelter with the mongrel trotting along beside them, looking like he's the luckiest dog in the world. "We're calling him Hotdog," Sarah says determinedly and Connor just smiles and watches as his girlfriend starts telling Hotdog all about the park they live next to.
8. Hands
She bites her nails. It's a habit that she has tried to kick many times but only got worse when she entered med school. Now it's nearly impossible to find her without a fingernail in her mouth. She knows it's disgusting and she does really wish she could stop but it's just so difficult. She nearly jumps out of her skin when she's sitting in the break room reading when someone grabs her hand and gently pulls it away from her mouth. When she looks up with wide eyes she sees it's him and he's inspecting her fingers like they're the most interesting thing in the world. A few moments later he intertwines their fingers and says, "you aren't getting this back until you stop biting your fingernails, Sarah." Now they're holding hands and forget about her fingernails she's just trying to stop her heart from beating so loudly.
9. Cheerful
He's always so cheerful in the mornings. The alarm will go off at quarter to six and he will roll out of bed (letting in all the cold air) and be straight in the kitchen making coffee and frying up some eggs for breakfast. By the time she has managed to remove herself from the folds of the mattress (it was never the same without him to curl up next to) he's got plates on the table and he's kissing her on the cheek while handing her a mug of coffee with two sugars and no milk. She wonders how he puts up with her less-than-happy attitude before the double-digit hours but before she gets the chance to say anything he's telling her he loves her and that's all the reassurance she needs.
10. Embarrass
She loves being the embarrassing mom. After years of thinking motherhood was never going to be for her, the moment they found out they were going to have a little boy she was over the moon. It was like a bolt of maternal lightning had hit her and she couldn't wait until little baby Rhodes was in the big wide world. When he was born she realised how much she had been missing out on. And she was going to make up for lost time by being as annoying as she possibly could. So when Daniel brings home his first girlfriend she can't help clapping and getting out the baby photos while her little boy (who isn't so little anymore) looks on in horror and Connor just tries not to burst out laughing.