This chapter of "Getting to Like.." will cover the return of the beloved Rory from Hartford *her Grandparent's 'kidnapped' her for the day* and the conversation(s) between her and Jess. It will switch appropriately between their points-of-view, though mostly staying with Jess' to let the 'OOC'-ness show through. If that is a bother to anyone (if you don't like an OOC Jess), I suggest you turn back now while you still can…*Go on…I'm giving you time…'Jeopardy theme song'….Alright….* To those of you still with me, ON WITH THE CHAPTER…with the normal interruptions for disclaimers and whatnot:

DiScLaImEr: I, in no way, own Gilmore Girls, or any of the ideas related to them. I am simply sub-letting them from ASP until I can convince her to let ME make up the story lines. *I think I'm in half way, don't you? I can sense you nodding now*

SpOiLeRs: I think we have covered this, but, everything up to "The Big One (2/25/2003)" has happened, but, through it all, imagine Jess as a little more open and with a much more softer side--and then he won't seem OOC. Simple solution for everything.

*^*Please REVIEW after you READ. It is only NICE. THANK YOU!*^*

ChApTeR 3: Quite a Night

"Come on," he muttered, staring at the clock behind the counter of the diner.

'Move,' he mentally willed it, hoping against all that he had somehow developed telekinetic powers in the last five minutes so that he could make the clock move faster.

'How pathetic is this,' Jess wondered, as he caught himself once again staring at the clock, seeing that it was 8:30.

'She's probably just getting home. If I know anything about her, she's hugging her Mom first, and then wondering where the coffee is and about what movie their watching tonight. I'd bet my month's salary that they're watching "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" tonight.'

Jess was forced to smile as he thought back to the first movie night the Gilmore's had invited him to since he had been going out with Rory. It was quite a night.


He had arrived on time that night, afraid of the consequences had he not. Just as he had suspected, the living room was ready for 'movie night', filled with snacks from licorice to jelly beans, with at least 3 movies stacked on the coffee table.

'Here we go,' he thought, as Rory had answered the door, looking just as excited as he was nervous. He had been more afraid for his mental health that night than anything else. He'd heard too many things about this 'Chocolate Factory' movie.

Rory and Jess had shared a quick hello and Loralei had whined that, 'If we don't start the movie now, we won't be able to show Jess our rendition of the 'Oompa Loompa' dance and song before he has to go!'

That had gotten Rory moving, causing her to run into the living room, momentarily leaving Jess to stare after her, in amazement of her energy and excitement level. 'She's like an adorable five year old…but, it's a good thing she isn't…that would…not be good.'

Jess had snapped back to reality when he heard Loralei and Rory giggling conspiratorially in the other room, catching the words, 'coffee' and 'bribe him to steal us some' being used in the same sentence.

'Oh Jeez. Definitely glad I missed out on that conversation…'he thought as he headed into the living room, eyeing the seating arrangements. Rory was laying across the couch, her feet propped on a pillow, and Loralei was spread out on the floor, leaving Jess only one option, a seat on the couch next to Rory (who had moved slightly, allowing him room) with her feet propped on his lap, quite leisurely.

Sitting down just as the movie started, Jess became strangely absorbed in the singing and dancing of the children and 'the tall guy in the purple suit', as Jess would later refer to him.

All in all, movie night with the Gilmore's that first time had been worth it, and ended with a sweet kiss goodnight and plans for the next day from a sleepy Rory. 'That helped the situation along a little bit,' he thought, remembering the look on her face as he wished her a 'great dream filled sleep' and left her with a wink suggesting more than any words could. Jess had left that night feeling happy and more sure about his relationship with Rory than ever. Indeed, it had been quite a night.

*^*EnD fLaShBaCk*^*

Jess snapped back into reality in time to hear Luke and Taylor arguing in, what was for them, hushed tones. The words 'No' and 'pink unicorn' were heard, causing Jess to chuckle and feel slightly sorry for his uncle, though he didn't bother to help him out. As annoying as it was, it was quite amusing in some aspects to see his uncle get a look of disgust and pure loath on his face when dealing with the town's self-proposed 'mayor.'

Remembering his previous thoughts, Jess glanced in what he hoped was a subtle way, at the clock behind him.

'Wow, that 'trip down Gilmore lane' took some time.' he thought, glad that the clock read 8:45, as he was 15 minutes closer to leaving and seeing Rory. Instead of just standing around being anxious, Jess decided to be productive and ran up the stairs to the apartment, making sure Luke was still engrossed in his 'conversation' with Taylor.

Once inside the apartment, Jess wondered over to his large CD collection, riffling through its contents, looking for one CD in particular, one he had burned just that afternoon on a break from work. It was something for Rory, whose love and taste of music rivaled his own. The CD only contained one song, but its 3 minutes of sentiment said exactly what Jess was going to try and convey tonight.

'There we go. Right between Disturbed and The All-American Rejects.' Jess thought as he quickly pocketed the CD, along with a little note and hurried out of the apartment and back down the stairs, realizing that Luke and Taylor were still having at it.

"Its almost 9, Luke, I'm outta here," Jess called as he grabbed his jacket from behind the counter and walked out of the diner, hearing Luke call after him, "Where, Jess? Where? When? Oh, never mind, and Taylor, LEAVE!"

'Good to be out of there,' Jess thought as he walked at a somewhat leisurely pace towards the familiar house of the Gilmore's.

Reaching the house in less than five minutes, Jess wondered up onto the porch and stood a minute, wondering exactly what he would say when Rory answered the door. Conversations with Rory were always easy and light, and this particular one, he hoped would come out well, just like most of the other's had.

'Alright. Door. My hand. Knock. Good, now wait for someone to come to the door.'

He stared at his feet for a second, being un-Jess like and composing himself before looking up and into the eyes of Loralei. Unexpected, he smirked, "Well, guess the whole spontaneous door-opening kiss is out of the question."

"For both of our sakes, I'd hope so. Remember Jess, I'm not Miss Patty. I could just pinch your little cheeks…" Loralei, imitating Miss Patty, retorted, smiling though, at the memory of Jess's confession this afternoon about Miss Patty and his 'cheeks.'

"Thank you…that was interesting. And, frightening, but with Gilmore's, you learn to live with it." Jess easily answered, secretly happy that he and Loralei were having a real conversation again. 'This afternoon wasn't a fluke…I think she does trust me.'

"Hey Mom! Hurry up, Charmed is almost over, and its getting really good. Piper and Paige are…Jess, wow, hey!" Rory exclaimed excitedly as she entered the hall to find her mother and Jess at the door, apparently talking, " I didn't know you were coming over. What's going on?"

"Hey Hun, let me know what happens on Charmed. I'm going to run over to Sookie's for awhile, see if Jackson ever got used to the baby deal. I'll see you later. And Jess, if I'm not back by midnight I don't expect to see you here when I DO get back, understood?" Loralei asked, switching all too conveniently into Mom mode.

"Don't worry, I'll be gone." Jess replied, without sarcasm, but with honesty.

"Okay, I'm holding you to that. I'll see you all later. Bye Thelma!"

"Louise, send my regards to Sookie and Jackson !"

"Will do." And with that movie quip, she was out of the house, and Rory and Jess were left staring at each other, smiling like idiots, one of them an idiot in love.

If to do nothing else but break the silence, Jess asked, "Sookie's pregnant?"

"Yep, it kind of surprised us on Tuesday. Can't say it was a bad surprise though, she's so excited, and if Mom's even half as excited as Sookie is, I'm surprised Sookie hasn't exploded from happiness yet." Rory laughed, smiling at the memory of Tuesday's news.

"Well, tell her I said 'congratulations,' if it means anything."

"I can't speak for Sookie, but I think its real sweet, you congratulating her and all. Very sweet. Where's Jess?" Rory asked teasingly.

Moving closer to her, and closing the gap between the two, Jess whispered, "Right here. Haven't I always been sweet? At least to you?"

"Mmhmm…" Rory sighed as she reached up and innocently kiss him, smirking. "I missed you these past few days." she admitted sweetly, and almost with shyness, staring at her feet for a moment.

"Rory?" Jess questioned.


"I missed you too…and while you were gone, I got to thinking about some things. And…"

"Jess, wait. You're not, like, breaking up with me or anything, are you? 'Cause, I was only gone a weekend and…"

"Rory. No. God, no. Ror, listen," he reassured her quietly.

"Okay, I'm listening."

"Rory, what I meant was, I was thinking a lot this weekend, a lot about you, really. You were all I thought about. And I realized something I think..I hope…you want to know."

Glancing up at him with questions floating across her eyes, she mentally willed him to continue.

"Rory, I think you should know that I'm in love with you."

'Wow, I weigh, like, 20 pounds less now. That was a big thing to carry, even for only a day, ' Jess thought, having finished his declaration.

"Run that by me one more time, " Rory propositioned, staring up at him with an unreadable face.

'Oh no, no…Nope, not supposed to happen…relax…"

"Rory, I'm in love with you. I love you." Jess replied, confident enough to say it again, for the third time in a minute.

"I always thought I'd be the first to tell you…Wow….but, this is great too…" Rory began to ramble, and Jess deflated, realizing without real words what she meant.

Interrupting her ramblings, Jess lightly placed his hand under her chin and pulled her face gently towards his, kissing her and pouring any unspoken emotion into it.

"Jess, I--I Love you too." Rory replied, pausing for breath.

"Good…I guess that makes us two people who happen to love each other. Who happen to be in love." Jess quipped, almost at a loss of what to say.

"Generally speaking, yes." Rory replied smiling and hugged him, resting her head right under his chin, fitting quite nicely.

*^* A LiTtLe wHiLe LaTeR..*^*

Jess and Rory had eventually sat down on the couch and talked for a good two hours, hands intertwined the whole time, but yet, just happy to sit and talk. If anyone had seen them during this time, they wouldn't have known that their love was a newly founded one, just having been admitted hours before.

Jess glanced briefly at the clock, determined to make good on his promise to Loralei to be gone by midnight. He saw that it was getting close to 11:30 and also realized that Rory was looking quite sleepy.

"Ror, its around 11:30...I think I should think about leaving soon…I'm trying to make good on that promise to your mom." Jess voiced hesitantly, not wanting to leave the comfortable silence that had recently engulfed them.

"I know…Just…one little thing first."

"Okay…"he replied, a little unsure of what she was implying.

Catching him off guard, Rory wound her arms around his neck and kissed him sweetly, implying all the emotions they'd expressed that day.

"That works. Yep…that works….Rory…I've got to get going…I'm pretty sure your Mom is starting to trust me, and I really don't want that to be a one time deal. So..I guess I'll go." he finished, with great amounts of reluctance.

"I'll allow that, but only if you absolutely have to go. Otherwise, I don't see why you can't stay…" Even as Rory said this, she and Jess were standing up and walking to the door, Jess's hand still intertwined with hers.

"I'm afraid 'I must.' I'll see you tomorrow, Ror."

"I'm sure you will. Goodnight, Jess."

"I love you, Rory."

"I love you too, Jess."

*With one last kiss, and a wink goodbye, Jess mouthed, 'Love you' and leisurely made his way out the door and back to Luke's.*

*^*AfTeR jEsS LeAvEs…*^*

Rory heads back over to the couch to watch some TV until Loralei gets home, and notices something on the coffee table that hadn't been there before Jess had left. Walking closer, she saw it was a CD and a piece of paper folded to look like a note.

Unfolding the paper, she immediately recognized Jess's handwriting.


By now I've left your house and if I know you, you're sitting on the couch getting ready to watch TV. If everything worked the way I planned, tonight I told you that I love you. And, hopefully, you reciprocated those feelings…I just wanted to give you a little note to express everything I'm feeling now…but, I've realized that I can't even express it in words. I hope that one sentence explains everything I can't. I hope you like the CD I burnt for you…there's only one song, but it fits what I felt this afternoon as I made it. Enjoy.

I love you.


Feeling tears stinging her eyelids, she quickly stood up and put the CD into the stereo, listening as the first cords played through the speakers, and then she recognized the song. It was "Never Let You Down" by The Verve Pipe, a mutual favorite of both Jess and Rory. She smiled as she realized the meaning behind the song, and settled into listen. She was incredibly happy with the events of tonight, and realized that it had been quite a night.

Song: Never Let You Down

Artist: The Verve Pipe (I don't claim to own them--add that to the disclaimer up top)


I'm trying to keep my feet on the ground.

I'm getting to like this feeling I've found.

I'm getting to love the thought of having you around.

And I will never let you down.

Your friends were all well meaning.

When they said, no one is good enough for you.

They played with your emotions, dismiss the notion.

Do what you have to do.

Cause people don't take chances with their hearts.

Since I met you I am past the hardest part.

So remember one thing, I will never let you down.

I'm trying to keep my feet on the ground.

I'm getting to like this feeling I've found.

I'm getting to love the thought of having you around.

And I will never let you down.

Sometimes you feel defeated.

But it's ok, you're not the only one.

And all the complications.

Bad situations happen to everyone.

Doesn't matter how it ended or began.

Sometimes the best that you can do is change your plan.

Hope you understand that I will never let you down.

I'm trying to keep my feet on the ground.

I'm getting to like this feeling I've found.

I'm getting to love the thought of having you around.

And I will never let you down.