Memories Active 3

Henry looked around in awe at the amazing underground facility he had been led into by Storm, whom he had just met a she left the classroom and Ms. Summers had to return to her class. The spacious and multi-level facility hidden under the manor was quite impressive containing many different areas. He had seen a hanger with a truly magnificent and futuristic jet, a training room where students were wearing yellow suits and practicing combat with their powers, and this infirmary was state of the art and gleaming. He wondered if he could convince Charles to allow him to study some of the equipment it looked even more advanced than some of what he had available to him in New York.

"Alright gentlemen let us get this show on the road"

Logan was waiting looking semi composed to anyone else but inside he was going back and forth on his decision, he wanted to know but could he really stand knowing about but not remembering? But what if he was able to remember more what then, would he feel like a different person or was he the different person now. Logan continued to question it as he was instructed to lay down on one other examination tables by Charles.

"Well here goes nothing."

Charles looked at the two men before him both laying down in case of any weakness after the transfer. He was confident in his skills but worried for his friend. He had never attempted to do something like this exactly. The closest he had come was when he was assisting Erick in finding his center and assisted him in recalling his happier memories of his mother. But in that instance, he was not introducing a foreign memory just pulling it back into view.

Charles was comfortable projecting his own thoughts due to the fact he was aware of the emotions contained within them and he would be able to contain them from the recipients as to only give hem facts, in this case he would be experiencing them along with both men as he pulled to necessary memories over to exchange. He also would have to ensure that neither of the men became overwhelmed by either the speed of the memories or the emotions behind them.

The brain was a delicate organ that he would have to handle with care even as he was aware that both men were near enough immortal, he did not want to damage them in any way. This would have to be a delicate sharing of memory, sensation and a balance in act of caution. He would preserver his friend was believing in him as well as trusting him so he would do his best to have earned that acknowledgement and help him to the best of his abilities.

"Now Mr. Morgan, Logan take a deep breath, relax and close your eyes. This may feel a bit odd but I need you to relax."

With those word Charles place a hand on both men's heads concentration on connecting all three together, the first memory they fell into was of a trench exploding not far from them. Charles realized that he was in WWI the first meeting of Henry and Logan. He directed to memory strand toward Logan linking him to the memory exchange still feeling a bit like a specter in this alien memory the sensations of worry and fear for others permeating the scene. The dirt walls with sand bags were of little protection from the no-man's land of carnage beyond.

Logan was feeling the strong emotions that Henry had felt he was also experiencing a landscape filled with pain, screams of during men. The explosions of grenade's the smell of sulfur, decay and rot hanging in the air as bullets whistled through the air. The horrible scene was at once both familiar and alien to him. He felt he had seen this before but he carried no memory of it happening. The deja vu was strong but did not jostle any memories loose, they followed Henry as he ran toward a fallen figure. Logan was surprised to see himself as the man on the ground looking no older then he did now.

The following conversation between Logan and Henry was far more enlightening for the three men to experience firsthand. It allowed for half remembered comments to be more clearly remembered by all instead of being buried under the weight of history and memory in the immortals' mind.

After the first interaction closed Charles felt Henry lead them to the next relevant memory in WWII. The hospital camp was a mess, a crush of humanity, some just skin and bones, being treated as quickly as the doctors and nurse's dared in their fragile weakened condition. Henry was working on patient after patient before he heard another call for help from a familiar voice. He looked up to see Logan walking his way with a young boy with dark hair in his arms.

"He needs help, I think he has been experimented on! Found him in a plastic cell the room beyond was ruined." Logan mentioned to the Doctor not even looking up until he finished talking to see the familiar face. Charles knew with just a look at the young man that this must be his young friend Erick. His heat hurt to see him in such poor condition the blue inked tattoo numbers bright still on his arm in its newness.

"What the… You have some explaining to do Doc but not until we treat him hurry up."

Henry and Logan worked to stabilize the young man who at the end opened his eyes and looked up at Logan and Henry.

"Thank ….you …"

"I don't need any thanks I only did the right thing. What's yr name kid?"


"We need to let him rest and I have more people to treat let's go."

Henry and Logan continued for hours until they were forced to take a break by some of the nurses. They found some privacy and Henry came clean to Logan about what he was. Logan headed off afterward to help more people. As the memory was ending the saw Henry meeting a young nurse who was holding a surprisingly healthy infant also bearing ink upon his arm.

"Abigale…Abraham." Henry's mind called out as they years passed once again.

The blond nurse and Henry were walking with a young man in his twenties in the direction of their home when as they passed a bar two young gentlemen with dark hair brushed past them in a bit of a hurry. This led to Henry glancing into the bar and seeing a familiar silhouette.

"You had hair!" Logan's surprised shout brought out laughter from the other two men.

"Did you think I was born bald Logan? Goodness what must you think of me? But is that really what it looked like from the back? Well now I know why Raven always laughed at my sense of style." Charles chuckled in good humor.

The memory moved on after the two men caught up. Logan realized as the memory was going on he could almost remember what was going to be said in the memory before it happened. He decided to not grasp too hard at the straws until it was all over.

The last relevant part of Henry's memories began to come into focus showing Logan speaking to Henry and Abigail about his most recent escapades. Logan could also remember the burning heat and the agony for the bomb drop. More images flickering to life as the memories came to an end.

"Hey I met your girl let me show you mine," Logan pulled out a photo of a young raven-haired woman' "He name is Kayla."

This person Logan recognized the dead woman on the island he did know who she was! As Charles untangled all three minds Logan felt unspeakable agony as his mind felt like it was splitting open from the rush of returning memories. Beast and Storm helped to restrain him as he thrashed in agony on the bed.

Slowly his pain cooled and his mind slowly brought itself back online as the memories made sense of themselves.

"Ow, well that hurt. Remind me not to get shot in the head by an adamantium bullet. That shit hurts like hell and causes memory loss."

"He's fine, but it seems with a few new additions in that head of his." Dr McCoy chuckled as he moved around to conduct test on all three men checking for any neurological problems. A student walked into the room.

"Umm Mr. Morgan you have a phone call from someone named Abe he says Detective Martines is looking for you. Something about a case she needs you too look at?"

"Well as nice as all this has been, I must be on my way gentlemen it seems work does not stop even when I am on vacation. Logan it was wonderful to see you again and I am most pleased that you were able to get back your memories. If you are ever in New York fell free to look me up. Good day."

Henry walked out of the infirmary leaving Logan and the other to his memory revelation.

"How are you feeling Logan? Any lingering headaches?" Hank asked in concern.

"Nah just need some time to sort through everything." Logan paused as a set of memories came across his mind filling him with horror and disgust.

"F**k! Now I know why that idiot Deadpool knows me. D**n it he never could shut up and now I can't just finish him off." Logan paused that train of thought a vaguely evil grin growing on his face.

"Well that's not entirely true is it.. I can kill him as much as I want for as long as I want. Excuse me I have a merc to go hunt down." Logan got up and walked out of the infirmary stopping only long enough I get somethings from his room.

Logan took a moment to take a deep breath thinking about everything he now knew about himself. What did it really change? He was still the same old Wolverine just like Kayla told him in the story. He can look at his past all he wants but just as the wolverine could not reach the moon he could not change the past.

So his next best option was to make new ones which he was going to do as soon as he caught that punk a** merc and tore him limb from limb a few times. He'll be fine he regenerates. Sounds like a wonderful time. Then he plans to track that Gambit fellow down and see if he knows any good places.