*Warning* This is a fanmade story created Levelgap(me) ; The Characters , Story , Placed , And other images might be destroyed and if you don't like those , Just don't read this.

Disclaimers : I didn't own anything here. Everything mentioned or written on this story are owned by their respective owners.

Prologue : Tutorial

Reimu is looking at her enemy on her front. The enemy is a fluffy fur ball with two circular eyes and a gaping mouth.

The monster is called a Kedama. It was a typical mob seen everywhere on Gensokyo.

It was also typical to see Reimu exterminating these small fries.

What's not typical is ...

"What's with this (Turn Based System) thing!? ... This is too annoying!" (Reimu)

Yes ... Reimu just said something that came straight from a game.

She said it because truthfully , She was inside a "Game".

A game created by an individual named Yakumo Yukari.

And she is the (Player) of this game.

This game is an RPG style game which uses the (Formation System) and the (Turn Based System)

(Formation System) is a system used for determining the formation of the Player's Party.

These formations are composed of three columns and five rows. The columns determines whether they are on Front Line , Middle , or Rear Guard.

Enemies usually attack those on the Front Line while those on the Rear Guard are rarely attacked by those enemies.

Rows are also important because it also determines the flow of the battle.

When Players filled a row , Enemies will usually attack those on the Front Line. Without a Front Liner on a row , Those on the Middle or on the Rear Guard position will be strike by the enemies.

(Turn Based System) is a system that uses the Wait Gauge. When this gauge was filled , That individual can take an action.

There is some options that can be used on this action. They choose this when the Action Bar appeared. Action Bar will appear after the Wait Gauge is filled.

Wait Gauge of the other individuals who are on the battle will stop when someone's gauge fills up. After that someone picks an action can their gauge moves again.

Those who were tied on filling the Wait Gauge will lead to Tie Breaker. The one with the greatest Agility(AGI) will be prioritize to take action first.

Actions that can be commonly used are [Attack] , [Guard] , [Skill] , [Spell Card] , [Items] , [Change Formation] , and [Escape].

[Attack] does what it suggest.

[Guard] also does what it suggest. Damage Reduction will be doubled on a turn.

[Skill] leads the Player to the [Skill List]. [Skill List] enlists the Player's learned skill. Each characters have different skills (e.g. Magic , Sword Art , Sing , Etc)

[Spell Card] uses the character's (Unique Abilities). [Spell Card] are like the ultimate skills of individual characters. Only "Touhou Characters" can used spell cards.

[Items] open the (Item Menu) of the players. (Item Menu) enlists all the items the whole party have.

[Change Formation] also does what it suggest by using a turn. If a player will change a formation to another player , Only the one who uses this action will be drained of his/her gauge.

[Escape] cancels the current battle. Sometimes this fails. Players can't escape boss battles.

Reimu got this information from Yukari but she still can't understand most of it.

Reimu looked at her battle status.

[Hakurei Reimu : Level 1 ~ Shrine Maiden]

[HP : 35/35]

[MP : 40/40]

[SC : 10/10]

After looking at her battle status. She looks at her enemy.

[Kedama : Level 1 ~ Normal Monster]

[HP : 15]

[MP : 0]

Reimu sighs before looking at her Wait Gauge. After some time , It was full.

"OK , I need to (Level Up) like what Yukari told me ... I can't beat her from how I am now" (Reimu)

Reimu look at her action bar which just appeared on her front. She pick the command "Attack".

Then , The restraints on her body is gone and now she can move to attack.

"Take this!" (Reimu)

She said before smashing the Kedama with her Gohei.

The Kedama instantly died because Reimu deals 18 Damage to it.

~o~ You Win ~o~

EXP Acquired : 2
Items Acquired : Herb

~o~ You Win ~o~

After that simple battle , Reimu immediately set off to another place.

"Small fries are always small fries I see ..." (Reimu)

She said as she looks for more monsters to Level Up.

**End of Prologue**

(Player Information)

[Hakurei Reimu : Level 1 ~ Shrine Maiden]

Main Status :

HP : 15/15(15) + 20
MP : 20/20(20) + 20
SC : 10/10(5)

Damage : 5 ~ 8(2) + 10
Defense : 1 ~ 3(1) + 12
Magic : 5 ~ 11(3) + 5
Resist : 2 ~ 7(2) + 7

Status :

STR : 3(2) + 5
END : 2(2) + 5
AGI : 3(2) + 5
DEX : 3(3) + 5
INT : 6(4) + 5
MND : 5(3) + 5
LCK : 1(1) + 5
SPD : 5(0) + 8

Others :

Evasion Rate : 0.00008%
Critical Rate : 0%
Critical Damage : 50%

Affinity : Holy , Dream
Resistance : Seal Immunity (100%) , Holy Resistance (50%) , Sleep Resistance (10%)

EXP : 2/10

Innate :

[Eternal Shrine Maiden Lv.1] (Next ~ Level 25)

[Offensive Buffs] - Damage Increase (Dark/Astral) 100% , Magic Damage Increase (Dark/Astral) 100%

[Defensive Buffs] - Damage Reduction (Dark/Astral) 10% , Magic Resistance (Dark/Astral) 10%

[Creator Of Spell Card Rules Lv.0] (Learnable at Level 50)

Skills :

[Somersault Lv.1] (Next ~ Level 5) MP Cost : 10

Type : Offense (Single Target)

Deals (Base Damage*1.2) Physical Damage.

[Flying Kick Lv.0] (Learnable at Level 5)

Spell Cards :

[Treasure Sign - Yin Yang Orb Lv.0] (Learnable at Level 10)

Equipments :

[Gohei Lv.1] (Personal Item)

Type : Rod

[Base Effects] - Damage + 5

[Offensive Buffs] - Damage Increase (Evil) + 20

[Hakurei Shrine Maiden Outfit Lv.1] (Personal Item)

Type : Clothes

[Base Effects] - Defense + 5

[Defensive Buffs] - Damage Reduction (Evil) + 20

[Reimu's Red Ribbon Lv.1] (Personal Item)

Type : Accessory

[Base Effects] - Defense + 2 , Resist + 3

[Hakurei Amulet Lv.1] (Personal Item)

Type : Accessory

[Base Effects] - All Status + 5 , HP + 20 , MP + 20

[Red Doll Shoes] (Normal Item)

Type : Shoes

[Base Effects] - SPD + 3


[Kedama : Level 1 ~ Normal Monster]

Main Status :

HP : 15/15
MP : 0/0

Damage : 3 ~ 5
Defense : 0
Magic : 0
Resist : 0

Status :

STR : 2
END : 0
AGI : 2
DEX : 1
INT : 0
MND : 0
LCK : 0
SPD : 5

Others :

Evasion Rate : 0.00001%
Critical Rate : 0%
Critical Damage : 100%

Affinity : Beast
Resistance : (None)

EXP Acquired : 2
Loots : Kedama's Fur (50%) , Herb (25%)


Next chapter is about Reimu levelling up and some info about what happened and why she is on this game.

Anyway , Why is the title "Collab RPG"? ... Because all kinds of series I know (Anime , Games , Light Novels , Web Novels , TV Series , Comics , Cartoons , Etc) will be used on this story as NPCs who will become Bosses or sometimes normal mobs or special mobs for the Touhou girls.

I know this prologue is very poor but please forgive because this is the only quality I can do for you.

Where are the other girls from Gensokyo? ... They were also bosses and Reimu must beat them first before they became one of her party mate.

Oh yeah , If you like , I can even make your OC appear here as one of those wandering NPC. Just write their full information and their AI on the battle. That just makes it more exciting. (I'll use the character depending on Reimu's Level)

Next chapter is very long (Because I will rarely skip the scenes on this story) So I hope you can wait for it.

Review if you like , Helpful comments are welcome and thanks for reading this ~~