Hey guys it's me, NoirFall, and I am here to apologize for not having updated in so long. I started this in April and have not updated in five months. (sorry 'bout that)

All I have to say is that writer's block sucks, school sucks, laptop broke, and life is a bitch that tries it's best to screw you over . Now after rereading my work, I have decided that I didn't like it and am going to rewrite it ,considering I wrote the 4 chapters on a phone while on vacation, I did a pretty good job but not good enough for me so the whole story is getting a reboot.

Main things:

- Story will be made M since I have no faith in me that this will stay in the T range.

-More development (I feel like I'm rushing)

-More interactions

-Longer chapters

-Going to use a new laptop to rewrite this \(´▽`)/

I don't know if I should make a new story and call it a rewrite or just change the whole chapters of the old one, tell me which one sounds better.

See Ya!