Hey ! This is my second omegaverse fic and my second Supergirl story , I'm sorry if they are terrible lol. This one is Kara X Cat. If you like it please review ! Btw I like exploring small variations in omegaverses so the rules from my other omegaverse fic will not apply here .
Also just for fun in this one I'm giving everyone wolf ears and a tail :P contains FF pairings , and mature content, you were warned
Chapter 1
"Kera ! Kera ! Kera!" Cat yelled her voice raising each time she called her assistant .
"Yes Ms. Grant ! I have your latte right here ma'am." Kara said scurrying into Cat's office and placing the coffee on her desk. Kara could smell that Cat was about to enter heat , which surprised her because normally Cat was more careful to cover it up . Cat had been diligent in her efforts her whole life to be able to convince everyone around her that she was In Fact an alpha and not an omega. Cat wore a custom made perfume that gave her the scent of an alpha , she would even occasionally pretend to be interested in other omegas if she noticed that they were in Cat had quickly adapted the harsher tone that some the most outrageous of all alpha's had. Cat didn't actually enjoy being so hard on everyone around her but she believed that she didn't have a choice , she knew that being both a female and an unbonded omega in business would greatly affect the respect she received from the colleagues that she was already equal to. It had always helped her that her heat had always been extremely presentable , every 6 months like clockwork she would enter heat. At first it was hard to get out of work for a week every six months but now that she ran her own company no one questioned that she took such regular vacations.
The only reason Kara was aware that Cat wasn't actually an alpha was because of her super senses. Even with an enhanced sense of smell Kara normally couldn't smell Cat's heat until the night before Cat left for her regular vacation. Kara stood there in Cat's office for a moment considering whether or not to inform her boss about the delicious growing reek of her heat or to allow her boss to risk being discovered. Just thinking about Cat's scent made Kara begin to give off a low horny growl as her tail began to wag and her ears perked up. "Kera what exactly do you think you are growling at?" Cat questioned attempting to hide her fear of having been caught with anger.
"N-nothing Ms. Grant , sorry there's must have been an omega in your office recently. Can't you smell it ? " Kara responded attempting to give Cat the hint without letting her know that Kara was aware that she was actually an omega.
"Yes grrr, smells great ! I love the smell of this omega" Cat faked with a growl that was thoroughly embarrassing. Kara couldn't help but laugh at the outrageously fake growl. As Kara walked out of Cat's office she could hear Cat scrambling to find her alpha perfume in her desk. Before Kara even reached her desk she could hear Cat yelling again "Kera ! Kera!" Cat was cut off of the third yell by Kara rushing back into the office.
"Yes Ms. Grant !" Kara responded
"I seem to have misplaced something that I desperately need for my day ! I must go home , and I'm not sure how long it will take me to return , please cancel all my appointments until 2 pm , I presume I will be back by then . " Cat demanded .
"Yes ma'am , anything else Ms. Grant ?" Kara answered .
Cat took a moment before responding. She realized if Kara could smell her heat starting already that she ran a risk of someone else sniffing her out on her way to her car . After a moment she decided that having Kara escort her to her car would both help cover up the smell of her approaching heat . "Yes Kera ! Can you assist me by carrying " Cat paused to find something heavy to assist in her rouse . "These folders down to my car for me ?" Cat pointed towards a large stack of folders on her desk as she finished her request of Kara .
"Yes ma'am " Kara replied. The two quickly left the office for the elevator. On their way out Win have Kara a look as if to ask what the hell was going on. Kara just gave a shrug as she passed him and she continued to the elevator with Cat.
Cat was grateful she had her own private elevator meaning that they didn't have to wait for the elevator and that she didn't have to spend any time in a confined space with someone other than Kara. For some reason Cat wasn't extremely worried whether or not Kara found out her secret . She had previously figured that it was probably because she trusted the girl to be quiet about it but once she was trapped in the elevator with Kara she realized it might be her omega instincts at work. Kara smelled amazing to the secret omega , Kara's scent was strong and it felt like a blanket smothering her , removing all of the air from her lungs and lighting a fire inside her chest that didn't wait to travel lower down . Cat couldn't help but let her ears drop submissively to Kara's strong scent. Cat wasn't the only one affected by the scents in the elevator . Kara's superhuman sense of smell allowed her to completely ignore the false alpha scent that was much weaker today than normal , and Kara greatly appreciated the growing scent of need that Cat was giving off . Cat's scent made Kara's ears perk straight up and her tail wagged vigorously making quick embarrassing thuds against the wall of the elevator each time her tail wagged back and forth. Kara began blushing at the noise of the thud before grabbing her tail and holding it still.
"Truly Kera do try to control yourself , you can't have your tail going crazy every time you come within one hundred yards of an omega " Cat scolded.
"Sorry ma'am. It's just ...whoever was using your elevator smells really good " Kara defended herself and couldn't help but take one last good whiff of Cat's scent before they reached the ground floor . Knowing it was her scent that Kara was smelling Cat blushed and looked away from Kara to hide how flattered she was. Thankfully for Cat the elevator door opened before Kara could see how much she was blushing. Seconds later Cat was already out of the elevator rushing out of the building before anyone smelled her.
"Kera please keep up!"Cat demanded. Kara scurried to catch up with Cat and follow her to the car.
"Good luck finding the thing you needed . I will cancel your appointments until two pm as you requested ma'am!" Kara reassured. Cat rushed home and searched relentlessly before finding an empty bottle of the perfume she used.
"Fuck you have to be kidding me."Cat screamed aloud to herself unsure of what to do now that she was out of the perfume to hide her growing had far too much work left to do before her vacation could start, so not returning to the office wasn't an option. Cat decided to return to work at noon while most people were at lunch and to again have Kara escort her anywhere she had to go . If she had a strong alpha like Kara around her she might still be able to avoid being caught. And once there she could cancel meetings and hide out in her office not allowing anyone to enter. She would have to stay late and make sure everyone had gone home before she could leave but this plan would allow her to return to work and with any luck she still wouldn't be caught.