Chapter 1 : Look Away

"That song was nice. It was really nice, Tina."

Callie gulped silently, trying her best not to cringe at the perversive tone of Russel's voice. All she could do was look away, hoping that she would somehow get away from all of this.

But not looking didn't take the smell of cheap liquor and cigar smoke, that was permeating through the air, away. The smell was making it all real now.

"You sounded a little nervous though. I understand why but I don't want you to be scared of me," Russel explained in a rational tone.

Callie bit her lip.

She felt her toes go numb and goosebumps beginning to form on her arms from fear of what might happen.

All she wanted was to do one good deed. One thing that would make going to jail for her psychopath foster brother worth it. She wanted to save Christina and Diamond.

"There's no real reason to be nervous. What you just saw... with Diamond, I mean... I'm not normally like that," he said, completely unconvincingly to Callie. "I just... have zero tolerance for girls that aren't loyal. I mean, do you think that's so much to ask for? That my ladies don't betray me the way she did?"

Callie stayed fixated on the chair directly across from her while she sat on the bed. She heard his question but took a brief second to respond.

"No," she answered in a low tone, telling him what she thought he wanted to hear.

"Right?" He smiled. "See you get it." Russel shook his head as he thought about Diamond. "I give my ladies everything. The clothes they got on their backs, the food in their stomachs, the expensive makeup on their faces and roofs over their heads. And it's all because of me," he gloated. "And Diamond... well Diamond crossed me after all of that."

Callie shut her eyes tightly in hopes that she would open them and this would all be a dream. She didn't understand how she could be so stupid to put her phone in that red duffel bag. She was beginning to wonder if Diamond told her to get rid of it on purpose so she could gain brownie points with Russel.

"Anyway, forget about Diamond," Russel said as he placed his hand on Callie's lap, which didn't help put the teen at ease. Instead, she felt a shiver go down her spine. "I want to know more about you, Tina."

Callie opened her eyes again to finally get a good look at the man.

"Tell me what you're looking for so we can figure this out. I heard you want me to hook you up with a record deal," he tried to ease the situation and get his new asset to loosen up. The drink obvious wasn't helping. "Have another sip," Russel suggested and Callie knew she wasn't in any position to refuse. She obliged and took another medium sized sip of the nasty drink his friend has on the counter. It made her want to throw up and she worried that she actually would.

"I can get you that record deal, Tina. I have a lot of connections in the industry. I'm the man can make shit happen. Ask any of my girls. They will tell you the same... but you have to prove to me your worth it... and that you're loyal."

Callie nodded. "I am," she voiced in a nonchalant tone. She wondered if pretending to be someone else would hold up for very long. She needed to find a way to get out of there. The only thing stopping her was the gun in his holster on his side. She hated that she put herself in this situation.

Russel raised his hand to her head and started stroking her hair with his fingers. "I really hope so. Those beautiful brown eyes of yours don't look like you're lying."

"I'm not," Callie muttered. It was as if her mind was completely somewhere else now and all she could do was say one or two words at a time.

"Yeah," his smile widened. "Now you gotta let me know if you're willing to do anything that it takes. That you're willing to ride for me. That's how we're going to get you that record deal. Does that sound good, sweatheart?" He asked.

"Yes," the girl answered.

"Yes, what?" He questioned.

"Yes, Daddy," Callie said as she saw him smile with both is his eyes and his teeth.

He removed his hand from her lap, which finally allowed Callie to catch her breath. But when she heard the sound of Russel unzipping his jeans she hated herself for even thinking she would ever catch a break.

"Now, I'm was hoping you could show me some more of that set of lungs you have..."

To be continued.

AN: So I'm not sure where I'm going with this yet but I want to do something a little different than my other flics. What do you guys want to see? I could use suggestions if I decide to continue. Let me know! Thanks!