It was at early the spring morning, with the sun barely rising up as the fog in the forest started to get thicker by the minute. The forest was quite to where you can only hear the trees whisper in the wind. Cristal a young red female fox with a white underbelly, got up from her burrow while stretching and yawning. Cristal had just gave birth to a newborn male fox just the other night. Cristal smiled as she walked back into her burrow and checked on her son. Cristal smiled again seeing that her son was sleeping soundly. Cristal quietly nuzzled her son and then started cleaning his ears. Her son started to move and then finally turned over on his side. "My baby boy," Cristal whispered as she started nurse him back to sleep. Cristal yawned as she laid down her head next to her son and closed her eyes and fell back to sleep. Moments later Cristal heard her son whining and crying. She also smelled something burning in the back in the back of her burrow. Cristal opened her eyes and saw that a fire was started in the back entrance of her burrow.
Cristal quickly grabbed her son and raced out the front entrance of her burrow. Cristal's eyes widen once she jumped through the front entrance. A hunter aimed his gun at Cristal and took the shoot but missed her. Cristal's heart started race as she took off in the forest. "Get after her!" Cristal heard the hunter shout as his hunting dog started barking and growling as he went after Cristal and her son. More gunshots were fired as Cristal ran for her and her son's life. Cristal could also hear the hunting dog coming closer and closer for her and her son. "God please no," Cristal said her head. Another gunshot was taken as Cristal jumped down from a bloder. Again missed by a long shot from the speeding bullet. Tears started to fall from her muzzle as she continued to run. Cristal held on to son with her mouth but she couldn't hold on for much longer.
Cristal jump over a pile of leaves but touched a leaf with the tip of her tail. With the tip of her tail, she sets off a chain reaction of four bear traps. Cristal looked back at the bear traps all going off at once. Cristal wanted to stop running since her body was pain from running so far and holding her fox pup in her mouth. For a moment it was quiet again before the hunter and his dog had made their appearance at Cristel's burrow. Cristal then place her son down and a took a deep breath while watching her back. For the moment, Cristal thought it was safe again. But that all changed when she heard the hunting dog barking again and coming closer to her and her son. "No," Cristal whispered to herself. Over to the hill Cristal saw the hunting dog coming for her. Cristal grabbed her son again and started running for her life.
Hearing more gunshots being fired made her run even faster. Soon the forest was coming to end and Cristal still hasn't shook off the hunter and his dog. Cristal ran into a small field that was next to a yellow house. Finally Cristal came to a stop by the white fence that was really close to the house. Cristal placed down her son in a bush and then licked the top of his head. Cristal looked up at the fair field to see where the hunter and his dog were coming from. Cristal started breathing hard as she looked down at her son. Tears fell down on her muzzled as she kissed the top of her son's head. "Be a good boy me okay?" Cristal said forcing a smile on her muzzle. One last goodbye cristal gave her son before leaving him in the bush to keep him safe from the hunter and the dog. Cristal cried as she made her way all the way to the other side of the field. A few seconds of silence and then BANG!, BANG!, BANG!
Thomas shot opened awake from hearing the lightning crash down from outside of the train. Kodi looked at Thomas with worry on his face. "Thomas are you okay?" Kodi asked as he sat up in the seat he was sitting in a crossed from Thomas. Thomas then started to relax in his seat before answering Kodi. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just had a bad nightmare." Thomas answered. Kodi laid his head back down but was still looking at Thomas. "Do you want to talk about?" Kodi asked with a yawn. "No, we don't have too," Thomas answered as he looked out the window and watched the rain fall down onto the window. Thomas then looked at his phone and checked the time. "12:38," Thomas said before he puts his phone away. "Are you sure you're alright?" Kodi asked again. Thomas chuckled. "I guess you still have that father piece inside of you huh?" Thomas asked as he sat forward. Kodi smiled still having his down. "When you become a parent it'll change your life," Kodi said still having his smile. Thomas chuckled as he looked down to floor of the train.
"I bet so," Thomas said as he looked up and looked at Kodi with a smile. "You better get some more rest before we arrive in Lincoln Borrow," Kodi suggested. Thomas nodded as he sat back in his seat. "By the way, how long has it been since you saw your great uncle Amos Slade?" Kodi asked as he started to close his eyes slowly. "I don't know. I guess since I was little or something," Thomas answered as looked at Kodi again. Thomas then chuckled as he watched Kodi sleep. "Goodnight buddy," Thomas said as he started to relax in his bed and went back to sleep while the train was still moving heading to Lincoln Borrow.
Kodiwolf321 A/N: Hey guys! How's it going?! Well here we are in "The Fate Of Us" the rightful sequel to Purpose. So what do you guy's think of the Prologue? Any tips or tricks that you guys want me to add in future chapters? So here we have the opening of "The Fox And Hound" along with a twist with Thomas and Kodi on a train heading down into "Lincoln Borrow" (I just made up a town. Not sure if the town had a name but let me know if it does and I'll add that into a note or two) anyways guys "The Fate of Us" is going to be a fun one for sure. When I was watching The Fox And The Hound after a lifetime of not watching like I used to lol I found lots of story ideas on what I wanted this to play out and I was talking with Evil-Copper, this was all his fantastic idea for a story like this to come together. And…. well there's really no words to explain how fun this is going to be. Alright guys that's it for now and stay tuned for the real first chapter coming real soon.