Despite several setbacks and hiccups, Angus and Gregg eventually made it to Bright Harbor. Though it took them some time to reach anything approaching comfortable living, and the two had several rocky patches in their relationship, the two are currently living happily together.

Bea took several online classes, but was unable to obtain a degree until much later in her life. Several years in the future, she and Mae opened up a barbecue place out by the highway. It got three stars.

Levy eventually cleaned up his act and got a job at the historical society. He still occasionally enjoys recreational marijuana.

Steve Scriggins was elected mayor of Possum Springs in a landslide election. While his friends and loved ones celebrated Steve's victory, he took the opportunity to sneak out and rob all of their houses.

Cole eventually defeated the scorpions.

After his mother passed away, Angus and his brother slowly fell out of contact with each other. They still exchanged holiday messages, but the two have drifted apart in the years since.

Jackie eventually led a successful revolution against the United States government and established a new, radical ruling body dedicated to the peoples' interests. She is currently serving out her second term as First Citizen.

Germ Warfare would go on to consider wearing a different hat. He is reported to still be on the fence.

Stan and Candy Borowski are currently happily retired. Though they still have financial troubles, they managed to keep the house.

Cole's father, Leon, became reclusive in the years following Eide's death. Shortly after Cole graduated from college, Leon attempted to take his own life. He was placed under hospital observation, where he eventually passed away of natural causes.

Buck continued to be bad at conversations. No one knows who he is.

Andy Cullen married his college boyfriend, Eli, and moved to a different state. Though he has tried to put his past behind him, he still occasionally has nightmares about a girl he barely knows attacking him with a bat.

Dr. Bart Feldman was originally supposed to have a larger role in this story. That didn't really work out. Dr. Feldman would go on to play a minor role in a Full House slash fic.

The Janitor never appeared before Mae again, though she would sometimes swear she could see him passing by in the street.

Bombshell continued going to parties, drinking, and chatting up cute girls. Eventually she and the right cute girl and settled down. They have a dog, two cats, and no children.

Casey's parents continued to put up missing persons fliers for 10 years. Though Casey was never found, citizens of Possum Springs will swear they see his spirit walking along the old train tracks. He has joined Little Joe as a local legend.

To this day, Eide continues to be dead.

Lori M. was able to go to film school, and enjoyed reasonable success as a director of low-budget horror movies. While she has not yet directed any summer blockbusters, she has a decent-sized following of fans who eagerly await her new films at various horror film festivals.

Selmers continued to make her way in the world at her own pace. She eventually decided to self-publish a book of her poems. It had a very limited run, and was really only bought by her close friends and family. Selmers is reported as being content with her book's mild success.

Mr. Chazokov didn't appear in this story.

Mae eventually left Possum Springs and moved to Idaho with her significant other. The two live on a farm with their pets and enjoy a self-sustained lifestyle. Once a year, Mae travels to Bright Harbor to visit Gregg and Angus, and goes to Possum Springs for the holidays.

Though they have gone their separate ways, the members of the band all remain close friends.