Title: Redhead on a Deserted Island

Characters: Ronald Weasley

AN: Written for the Character Admiration Tournament held by Lenore483 at The Golden Snitch Forum. Team Light: Your character is shipwrecked on a deserted island.

The first drabble of many to come about the Weasley siblings.

Word Count: 837

Ronald Weasley couldn't care less about homework. That didn't mean that he was in any way stupid. He had never been alone for very long during his entire life but that didn't mean that he couldn't be. And even if his most used phrase was bloody hell; Ronald Weasley could still be eloquent, if he wanted.

But there were some moments when his standard phrase was exactly the right thing to say. Such as when waking up with the worst headache he had ever experienced with his forehead sweaty and his skin burning; probably because of the way the sun mercilessly shone down on him.

"Bloody hell." He groaned and raised his sore hand to the sky to shield his eyes from the sun.

Ron blinked a few times and when his eyes had gotten used to the strong light he glanced around him. He was at a beach and as he took a moment to feel what else was hurting on his body he also felt the unmistakable sensation that told him sand had gotten everywhere. All around him there were palm trees and he was pretty sure that he had never seen those in the UK before. Big bruises covered his arms and patches of skin had been removed from his knuckles; it wasn't bleeding anymore though. He groaned as he forced himself to move into the shadows and eventually leaned against a three.

"I am on an island." He said to himself as he looked at the blue water in front of him. If it wasn't for the numbing pain in his body Ron wouldn't have minded going for a swim. He looked around but saw no one or anything that he could use to in touch with someone. "I am on a deserted island."

He laughed once, twice and then all of the sudden he was clutching his stomach that slowly began aching due to his inability to stop. "I can't believe I'm on a deserted island. I knew that being friends with Harry was dangerous but bloody hell, we defeated you-know-who years ago."

Eventually he stopped laughing. The last Ron could remember was having that last shot of whatever alcohol his brother George had put in his hand. Hermione had looked disapprovingly at him but he had still downed that stupid thing and then everything went dark. Until now that is…

He laughed a few more times before standing up and brushing the sand away from his pants. He reached down to feel the insides of his pocket but didn't find his wand. He let out a deep sigh. Everything would have worked itself out so much easier if he would have just had his wand. There wasn't a doubt in his mind that things were going to work themselves out anyway; Ron sighed, but still, it would take a lot longer now.

"Okay Ronald Weasley," he said and began walking further into the island. "You are a redhead and redheads are not meant to be staying in the sun for too long. You don't have your wand and you can't fight of any predators. So, go further into the island for now. Eventually Hermione will realise that you're gone and she'll find you because she is Hermione Granger, the brightest witch every as far as I'm concerned."

He laughed while he walked with his hands in his pockets. "I'm really good at this."

Ron stayed out of the sun the best that he could, he only ate the fruit he was sure was edible and managed to make a fire to boil the water collated in empty coconuts. And when Hermione found him he was leaned against a three in close proximity to a fire. His skin was almost as red as his hair but in spite of everything he wore a smile on his face. A smile that only grew when he saw Hermione.

"Hello love," he greeted her as she approached the fire. "Do you want to sit down? It's quite nice."

Hermione frowned. "Are you okay?"

"Course I am, there's no need to look so worried." Ron nodded. "I just spent a day on a deserted island. It's not as if I was fighting death eaters."

"So, what you're telling me is that you had no trouble surviving on a deserted island? The boy who can't turn his homework in on time, who has never been alone, has never been without a wand for very long and will do anything he can to avoid real work; you had no trouble fending for yourself on a deserted island without your wand?" Hermione sat down and leaned her head onto his shoulder.

"Well, I could do that stuff too. I just don't want to." Ron explained before kissing her on the head.

Hermione laughed. "You keep surprising me, Ronald Weasley."

"I try. So, do you have any idea how I ended up here?" Hermione shook her head and Ron let out a disappointed sigh. "Yeah, I was afraid of that."

The end