Atlantic Ocean

Johnny wanted to break down.

After all he had been through, the race, the fight against other Stand users, and finally... Losing Gyro. He wanted to believe that things were coming to a close.

Valentine stood there, his form damaged and aged after his fight with Gyro. 「Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap」or「D4C」was there too, standing between realities.

Nobody was going to save him, but it was all up to him. More blood began to pour out from his open wounds as he panted heavily, both legs absolutely useless as always, Valentine on the other gently took his time to savor it before walking forward, 「D4C」by his side as golden light surrounded him

"You only have one 'Nail Bullet' left now, don't you... Johnny Joestar...?" Valentine said before looking at Johnny's hand. "Your pinky finger, yes? Go ahead and fire it." The president said as he stared down at Johnny in a emotionless manner.

"Our shortest route was a detour..." Gyro's lesson spoke within Johnny's mind. "With this steel ball run race... It was always the detour... That's been our shortest path."

Johnny held his hand up, his fingers radiating with the power of the spin as blue circles formed. Valentine's wrinkled face merely glared.

"What will happen now is a sacrifice... You!" Valentine said before taking a pausing and stepping closer, "Johnny Joestar... The trial will... End with the spilling of blood..."

Johnny was paralized, he racked his brain thinking about Gyro's lesson.

"Why..." The Jockey thought, "At a time like that... Gyro..."

And then he realized.

"Lesson '5'..."

Valentine calmly bought his hand upwards,「D4C」getting ready to strike.

"Come! I'll make you attack first!"

However it was only then Valentine saw what was in the Joestar's right hand before his eyes widened.

A steel ball, more specifically Gyro's steel ball.

The ball began to rotate rapidly until it reached an impossible pace. Johnny then lifted it, throwing it directly behind him as it struck his wounded horse in the leg. It was then Johnny heard the words of his friend as he compiled them together.

"This is 'Lesson 1'"

"Don't get your hopes up."

"Your legs moving was just a simple bodily reflex and nothing more."

Johnny pictured the time he had witnessed Gyro hit that mugger right on the shoulder, the fascination the young American had, the reason why he had started this journey.

"Gyro..." Johnny thought in hopes that he still listened, "Right now, this one 'Steel ball' I didn't give to you, that's still with me," Johnny almost smiled, "Is truly a detour."

"It's truly, truly,

A very long roundabout path..."

Then Slow Dancer bucked him with both hooves, directly into his upper body, knocking all of the air out of him before tossing Johnny upward as he spat out blood from the sheer impact.

Valentine watched in shock and surprise as Johnny used the Horse's in order to create the perfect golden rectangle. Johnny could already picture it, the beauty, the colors, the symmetry. The Zeppeli's steel ball acted as the perfect tool to galvanize the process.

He now fully realized Gyro's lesson in order to create the perfect rotation energy with his last remaining nail bullet.

And it was this rotation, that something began to happen.

A pink hue ran over Johnny before rising out like a ghost. It was vaguely humanoid, with a broad and square like build of articulate legs, arms, hands and fingers. It's head was mounted on the front of it's chest, whilst vestments comprising of strings of vertical ellipses. Like it's user, the humanoid wore a horseshoe on it's forehead.


It's two bright white dot like eyes turned towards Valentine before shifting it's body. Johnny's pinky began to build up a tremendous amount of energy as blue rings began to form.

"You had your own body..." Valentine said in surprise, his forced age affecting his speech, "Kicked by the horse... Using the horse's power on the rotation..." He then turned to 「D4C」

"Come back inside the light...「D4C」... Right away." The President said in a calm tone. His Stand still looking at the jockey from outside the deflection field

Then Johnny fired, the rotation now complete. Valentine immediately changed, his expression turning that of desperation as he began to sweat.

"「D4C」, Inside the light, HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDE!" He yelled, His stand immediately began to pull itself back in. It was mere seconds before Johnny's projectile had hit.

The impact curved the the space time continuum.

Beach City

Connie let out a sigh of relief as she stared out the car window and at the night sky. It was almost a failure with the dinner, luckily everything had been saved at the last moment, meaning that she would still get to hang out with Steven.

And she even happier now that the Gems left a good impression on her otherwise paranoid parents.

Speaking of parents, her father was currently driving whilst her mother looked out as well. The both of them seemed to be satisfied with the dinner as well now that the Crystal gems put a good impression on them.

Overall, the only thing bad that happened was that Steven was possibly grounded. Hopefully not for a 1000 years but...

Dr. Maheswaran turned her head to the front of the car before her eyes widened.


Immediately the sound of screeching tires were heard. Connie huffed as her seat belts squeezed the air out of her before she felt her body settle down into her seat. The car had screeched to a halt.

Her father stared wide eyed outside as he mumbled something under his breath in what sounded like shock. Connie didn't know what was happening.

"Dad? Mom? What's going?!" Connie said as she unbuckled her seat-belt. Her mother looked behind with a strict face.

"Connie... Stay in the car." Before opening the door and walking outside.

Connie immediately went to the side, attempting to peak out the window to see what was going on.

Her mother was at the side, looking down at something while dialing a number on her cellphone before putting it to the side of her head. She looked a bit more to the right before she saw it.

Someone was lying on the road, a young adult. He looked to be 19, with his blonde hair tucked underneath a knit cap of some sort. A horseshoe was attached to the front of the cap, with the silhouette like image of a horse rearing it's head to compliment it.

As for the rest of his appearance, he wore a star patterned pants with footwear bearing spurs. His shirt was a blue light-colored hooded short-sleeved top, a long feather looked like it emerged from the back of his collar.

Currently both his eyes were closed as he laid down on the road, seemingly unconscious but otherwise he looked okay.

"Dad? Who is that?" Connie asked, her father didn't answer as he looked at the road in worry. Connie looked back to the window as she watched her mother kneel down and check the young mans pulse.

Priyanka looked relieved, so maybe that was a good sign that the person was alive.

Connie wanted to see more until she noticed something roll by the car.

Turning her head, she spotted a what appeared to be a base ball. She took off her glasses, something which was possible thanks to Steven, before looking more closely. It was oddly designed as it sported a hexagon on the front of both sides, and it held a green color making it seem metallic in nature.

She couldn't explain it, but she felt drawn to it.

Turning to see her father who still had both eyes glued to the front, she slowly began to apply pressure on the door handy before stopping herself.

"What are you doing? You could get grounded for this!" Her inner voice said, she looked down in thought before looking back up in determination. So be it, she needed to find out what was going on.

She gently pulled the handle before opening the door, just a tiny bit for her to fit through before slipping out. Her shoes meeting the hard ground before she quietly snuck to the side.

Her mother appeared to have called the hospital as she explained the situation on her phone, Connie peered at her mom for a moment before she began to hear something rustle. She looked back at the ball and almost gasped in shock.

It was spinning.

Connie attempted to reason what was going on, that couldn't be possible, it had to be a motor of some sort giving it motion it but there wasn't. There it was, spinning in place as it defied the laws of physics

The girl studied it cautiously before reaching her hand forward, her finger gently prodding it.

She felt her body twist.

And then she was facing the other way, the steel ball now in her hand.

Connie gasped as she looked around. She couldn't quite describe what had just happened to her except that it felt like a jolt. Looking back at the ball, it had stopped spinning as it laid dormant, too many questions formed in her mind.

Then she heard her mom finish up her call before closing the phone. Connie immediately shriveled in fear, making a quiet mad dash back to the car, slightly opening the door before closing it with the prize in her hand. Her father hadn't seemed to notice luckily and Connie quickly hid the ball within the cars door compartment before sitting down and buckling her seat-belt.

Her mother walked to the car as her father opened the door and standing out of the car. Connie listened closely to the conversation.

"Will he be okay?"

Priyanka sighed in relief, "He's only unconscious... And there appears to be no injuries. So he should be fine when the ambulance pick him up."

Doug nodded before sitting back down into the car, looking outwards as he did so. Connie peered out to the unconscious figure again, "Why is he dressed like that?" she asked.

Her father sighed, "I don't know what to tell you sweetie, It must be some newfangled fashion sense that young adults must be having."

Connie shrugged before looking back at the Steel ball she had hidden before studying it closely again. It felt completely natural within her hand, as if it was made to be thrown and held.

She didn't know why, but she felt as if the object was extremely significant.

How right she was.

To Be Continued...