Author's note: Thank you all for the kudos and comments! And here's the last short chapter of the series! It's much shorter, but it is the stepping stone for what I have in store for the next series since I will go more in depth.

I am going to take a few weeks break from this series so that I can focus and catch up on other fics I've left on hold.

Summary: No more waiting for Lotor.

"Mother, what is Knight of Altea?"

She smiled as she looked at her child. She lifted her child up on her lap and held close. The child looked up with eyes full of curiosity.

"I will tell you, but you must keep this a secret. Okay?"

"Okay, Mother! I promised!"

She nodded while stroking the child's hair. "Knight of Altea was consist of seven special beings with particular traits with the 7th one as their heart and leader of the group."

"Like what kind of paa-rticlawar twaits?"

"As the elements of what makes the universe."


"They are elite royal guards for the Altean royalties, but also, intelligent beings who helped create Voltron."

"Why did they make Voitron?"

She chuckled at the mispronunciation. "They wanted to create something that can defend the universe. A powerful weapon for the good."

"Wow. But Mother, why keep it as a swecret?"

"You see, my little blue devil, it is for your own safety."

"How do you know about this so well?"

She gave a sad smile and placed her finger on the child's lips. "Because I was one of them, my dear son."

His eyes opened slow while adjusting from the lighting of his room as he sighed and lifted his head away from his hand. He hadn't that dream for a very long time until now. It was snuck back deep in his mind like he promised his mother. His faceless mother in his dream as he forgotten what she actually looked like except she was a royal Altean like Princess Allura and Romelle. They looked like her, but most Altean females usually have similar features like their eyes and ears. Other than that, it depends if they're either full or half-blooded. It doesn't matter now. She was dead.

He was resting on his luxurious plush chair when he decided to rest up after his recent hard-earned accomplishment. He smiled as he reminisced the tedious game of cat and mouse with Red Paladin. He hated the waiting part of the game.

Ah. As Lotor caught himself in mid thought.

He was no longer the Red Paladin in his grasp. Just Keith. His prize after winning the game of wits; although, he was quite disappointed on how slow the Altean princess and her paladins to notice until it was too late. The exiled Pollux princess made the game more amusing with her interferences along with her rebellion group. She had their once gone Black Paladin on her side and that was something he wants to find out how he was on her side instead.

He will get the answers when his pretty prize wakes up. He pulled the pale violet veil canopy aside as he situated himself at the edge of the huge king-sized plush bed in decorative deep purple sheets and pillows. His claw hand reaching out to touch his prize's sleeping face with a hint of admiration in his eyes as it trailed along his fingers down on Keith's body.

His finger traced along the collar of Keith's purple silk midriff shirt with partial exposure of his shoulders and collar area with 3/4th sleeves. There was two thin silver wristbands for add-on accessories and has a special purpose if he wants to play a little rough with Keith later on. His finger went lower to his exposed stomach and enjoying the feel of his smooth, slightly-ripped muscles. He moved around and along the curves of Keith's small waist while humming. This little exploration was making him feel a little hard.

He slid even lower along the outside and inside of Keith's tone leg while enjoying the feel of tight pleather shorts that only covered midway of his thighs. But his favorite part to touch on Keith's body was from his thigh to his calf. He wasn't sure why, but it certainly was his favorite when Keith elicited a pleasing sound.

His ears twitched in pleasure as he positioned his whole body over Keith's sleeping form. He was tired of waiting and one way to wake up him was doing what he exceeds in. He lowered himself while spreading Keith's legs apart to make himself more comfortable and his lips went straight for the flesh between his neck and shoulder as he nibbled and sucked on. He wanted to mark him first.

Keith was twitching and moaning under him and it only enticed Lotor to go more than a warm-up. He looked up at Keith's face while touching his cheek when he saw his eyes fluttering to open and his soft moaning sounds escaping from his mouth. He kissed him with his tongue plunged inside as he tilted Keith's chin up with his fingers. Just as Lotor imagined, his mouth would be hot just like his fiery personality.

He pulled back to see violet eyes staring at him with haze and confusion as he caressed his cheek like a loving partner he might be.

With a smile and cooing voice, "Welcome to your new home, Keith. You and I have lots of catching up to do, but for now, I want to continue where we left off last time."

He captured Keith's mouth before he can speak and pulled his body close with his hand inside of his tight shorts. Keith's eyes widen and his back arched up from the sudden intrusion while he tried to squirm away from the violating touches.

Lotor waited long enough, and he was going to make sure Keith understands the consequences of making the Prince of Galra Empire wait. And he especially does not like being commanded by someone lower than him.

He smirked.

He has not forgotten their very first meeting at all and he was going to make sure Keith remembers it well as he slipped his fingers inside and twisting them harshly.

What a beautiful scream.

Thank you for reading and following this series! You guys are amazing!

See you all in Series 3: Fabula Nova Crystallis of Distant Worlds! \^0^/