Hello everyone.
It's been a very long time and I come baring some news I know many of you may not want to hear. A lot has happened to contribute to my absence from Fanfiction.
Unfortunately, my cousin who had previously been cleared of Leukaemia took a turn for the worse and passed away in November at the age of 18. We grew up on the same street and with only 10 weeks between us, he was like a brother to me and this half year or so has been me trying to get back to where I was before, as a person and as a writer. However, I'm starting to realise that I will never be who I was again. But thats okay.
I'm now currently in University and hating it, wasting a lot of free time doing very little. With this in mind, I've come to the conclusion that I should start writing again.
I'm no longer the same person I was before and I refuse to let the stress of life drag me down any longer. I want to write. However, I feel that since there has been such a long hiatus on this story, I've decided to abandon it and start afresh. I've had plenty of time to think of which parts I liked, which parts I wasn't too keen on and which parts I immediately regretted writing.
With this in mind, I plan to start writing a new story which will undoubtedly implement some of the ideas of this story, namely the scent enhancements, blessed items and the slow build up and development of Percy's abilities.
Honestly, I don't know how well this will go. I was a new writer when I started this anyway and was immediately passionate about it, which soon fizzled out when life decided a few swift kicks in the nuts was necessary.
Anyway, look out for a new story within the next two weeks or so, I am going to be taking my time to get the beginning exactly how I want it and get everything set up. Thank you all for continuing to be looking out for me, thank you to the people who read my story and enjoyed it and everyone who continued to favourite and follow me even after seeing my complete absence for months, seeing all the emails saying more and more people following me has been a driving factor in my rebirth here on FF.
We'll see how this goes.