chapter 3
Today Optimus and Elita and others were busy. They had a lot to do. They went to Dinobot island to investigate somethings. Meltdown was there. He found a sample of cyber-venom from when Elita was Blackarachnia and able to produce it to use himself. Elita was being held captive.
Optimus went out with Grimlock and there was another bot his name was Blastlight a Decepticon traitor turned Autobot that volunteered to give Optimus' crew a hand.
Meltdown was planning to turn Elita one back to Blackarachnia. "No stop you don't know if the Cyber-venom can do that." she said.
Lucky for her Optimus had come back. "Elita my love are you alright?" He asked.
"Yes I'm fine." Elita said hugging him and kissing him. She saw a jealous Grimlock. "Grimlock Optimus is my husband we're married please don't be mad." Elita said.
"Me Grimlock understand can we be friends?" Grimlock asked.
"We sure can." Elita said.
"Can Dinobots become Autobots?" Grimlock asked.
"I believe you can but we have to contact Ultra Magnus." Optimus said.
"But you Dinobots need training to learn how to fight with out causing a lot of destruction." Blastlight said.
"Yes you must learn how to fight like Autobots." Optimus said.
"But who train us?" Grimlock asked.
"I will." Blastlight said.
"Okay." Grimlock said.
Soon they found out Sari was a techno-organic. Lucky for her they helped her when she was out of control and helped Sari recover.
Today Elita was feeling a little funny. So she went to see Ratchet. Everything checked out okay. Then he had a thought. He did a special scan. When he saw what he saw he smiled. "Congratulations Elita you're pregnant." Ratchet said.
"I'm going to be a mother?" she said.
"Yes and Optimus is going to be a father." Ratchet said.
"Yes he is." Elita said she remember that night that she and Optimus had about a month ago.
She found Optimus in his room. He was looking at a data pad that Ultra Magnus sent him.
"Hello Optimus." she said.
"Hello Elita." he said.
Elita kissed his face. "Hey you're in a good mood." he said.
"Yes Ratchet told me that you and I are going to have a sparkling." she said.
Optimus wrapped his arms around her. "This is the best news ever." he said.
They heard Wasp was on earth. Sentinel and the Elite guard came to capture him. Right now they were trying to tell who was wasp and who was Bumblebee.
Lucky for them Bulkhead's plan made Wasp choke and Bumblebee was alright but Wasp escaped. Ultra Magnus had been attacked if it wasn't for young Ironhide it could've been a lot worse.
After a few days the Elite guard left and Waspinator was supposedly destroyed everyone was getting ready to celebrate Christmas. Elita was starting to show a bit. The next day all the bots woke up as humans. Optimus looked like a man in his twenties with brown hair, blue eyes, jeans, a black shirt and red and blue jacket. Elita had blonde hair done up in a ponytail and was wearing a pink maternity dress. Everyone was surprised.
They found out they were in a virtual reality.
Sari went to get help. "Will you Dinobots be willing to help?" Sari asked.
"Yes Dinobots help." Grimlock said.
"Wait aren't there three of you?" Sari asked.
"Snarl investigating con. Him be back soon." Grimlock said.
Sari and the Dinobots found Scrapper and Snarl. She got Scrapper to build a raft and Wreck-gar joined them. Soon Scrapper left.
After Soundwave's defeat Wreck-gar helped clean up the mess. After he was done he wanted to be an Autobot. "Well you have learn how to follow the right orders from the right bot." Optimus said.
"Understood." Wreck-gar said.
Everyone was pretty busy. Fanzone didn't enjoy his trip to Cybertron, lucky for him Ratchet and Elita were there to help him. They found Ultra Magnus. "What are two doing here? I thought you were on earth." Ultra Magnus said.
"It's a long story." Elita said.
Then Waspinator came into the room. But soon escaped with Arcee. Ratchet had the Magnus hammer. "I want Optimus to use the Magnus hammer to help with the battle and when he comes back tell him I have much to talk to him about." Ultra Magnus said. "Jazz and Blastlight will accompany you." he said.
During the fight with the cons Optimus used his new jet pack to fight Megatron. Blastlight sacrificed himself by letting the Allspark absorb his spark. Jazz caught him.
Jazz and Prowl broke the bad news. Fighting full of new strength for learning the fight had cost him a friend Optimus smashed Megatron's cannon and hauled him back to Cybertron.
Ultra Magnus was proud of Optimus prime holding his expectant wife Elita's hand.
"I know he will make fine Magnus." he said.
To be continued.