Okay, so things are going to get pretty AU here. Warning: character death :(

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

Harry read his latest letter from Sirius.

Dear Harry,

How are you? I'm still at Grimmauld Place and I'm growing rather restless. I wish I could be doing something rather than sitting around here all day! Oh well, I guess I'll think of some pranks that you can pull on McGonagall... if you dare.

Anyways, I hope you're doing well! Owl me if you need anything!


After he finished the letter, Harry thought about whether or not he dared to actually pull a prank on McGonagall. He imagined her face and snickered; he didn't know how many detentions she would assign him. But that made him think about Umbridge's detentions, and Harry instantly sobered.

How nice it would be to pull a prank on Umbridge without getting caught! Harry instantly decided to talk to Fred and George about that later.

As it was a Saturday morning, Harry didn't have any classes. He decided to eat breakfast, write back to Sirius, and play some Exploding Snap with the hope of not getting caught by Umbridge.

Harry went down into the Common Room just as Hermione came down.

"Hey Harry," yawned Hermione, "You're up early."

"Yeah, I had another nightmare. I think it was more of a vision, actually. It had something to do with Voldemort. But I couldn't really see what was going on this time," sighed Harry, "I hope it's nothing bad."

"Hopefully not," agreed Hermione.

"Is anything involved with Voldemort not bad, though?" groaned Harry.

"Well, it'd be good if he was getting weaker," answered Hermione.

"I don't know," said Harry, "It seemed like he felt triumphant, which is usually bad news."

"Well, try not to think about it too much," advised Hermione, "Is Ron up?"

"No, he's still sleeping," answered Harry.

"Of course," sighed Hermione, rolling her eyes.

"Should we eat breakfast first?"

"Sure. Who knows when Ron will be up?"

As Harry and Hermione walked into the Great Hall, Ron suddenly ran up to and joined them.

"Hey," said Ron, "Why didn't you guys wait for me?"

"We weren't sure how much longer you would be asleep," answered Harry.

"You still could've waked me up," grumbled Ron.

"Come on, let's eat," interrupted Hermione.

As Harry, Ron, and Hermione sat down, owls suddenly flew in and dropped copies of the Daily Prophet onto the tables.

Suddenly, everyone started chattering loudly; oblivious to what was going on, Harry looked up at the High Table and was alarmed to see Professors McGonagall and Dumbledore looking distressed as they read their own copies of the Daily Prophet.

Hermione grabbed a copy and suddenly gasped out loud. Ron looked at the paper and shouted, "Bloody hell!"

"What is it?" demanded Harry apprehensively. Had there been another Death Eater attack?

"Harry..." Hermione said, trying to shield the article from Harry, who grabbed it anyway. What he saw on the front page, however, made his blood run cold.


Last night, at approximately midnight, Godric's Hollow suffered from a Death Eater attack. However, there only appears to be one victim- the much wanted Sirius Black. Officials are searching for further evidence and the solutions to unanswered questions-

Harry couldn't bring himself to read anymore. He felt sick and stood up to leave the Great Hall.

"Harry?" Hermione called from behind, "Harry, please don't leave yet, you haven't eaten anything..."

"Honestly, food is the last thing I'm thinking about at the moment. I'm leaving," said Harry. He felt like throwing up.

Harry stumbled his way to the doors of the Great Hall, only to nearly walk into Professor Snape.

"Potter, perhaps you should be more aware of your surroundings, otherwise you'll turn up just like your dunderhead godfather," sneered Snape.

"Sirius was not a dunderhead!" shouted Harry, trying to stand up straight despite wanting to lie down.

"Your godfather walked straight into a trap because he was too arrogant to use a brain cell to even think about the situation."

"Then he did so because he had good reason to."

"Really?" sneered Snape, "I would not speak without knowing about the matter I am addressing, Potter."

"You. Know. Nothing. Professor." Harry spit out the last word angrily.

"Your dear godfather traveled to Godric's Hollow... to save you, Potter."

"You're lying!" sputtered Harry, "I was at Hogwarts last night, serving one of your detentions last night. Have you forgotten how to use your brain, Professor?"

"Detention, Potter, seven o'clock, my office. Think for once in your life. I have already informed you that Black walked into a trap. Obviously, he was tricked by no less than the Dark Lord. Seeing as you are clearly too emotionally unstable to think, you are to be given no further information. I suggest you go to your dormitory before making a scene in the Great Hall, which you are clearly about to cause. Why, you're just like Black- attention-seeking, arrogant-"

Harry was about to punch Snape when he was suddenly cut off by a stern voice shouting, "Enough, Severus!"

Snape turned around to face Professor McGonagall, who was boring her death glare through Snape.

"Severus," she hissed, "Potter does not need to hear your comments about Mr. Black at this moment."

Narrowing his eyes, Snape turned back to Harry and said, "Seven o'clock, Potter. Do not forget, just like your fool of a godfather would have-"

This was Harry's last straw. "My godfather was not a fool," he hissed angrily, "He was ten times the man you'll ever be."

"Potter, Severus, stop this instant!" shouted McGonagall.

"I am not going to just stand here while he insults Sirius!" yelled Harry.

"No, but you are causing a scene in the Great Hall, Potter. I have already told you this, but you need to keep your temper in check."

"Keeping my temper in check is not going to bring Sirius back, Professor. No magic can ever do that."

Alicia Olivia Mirza- Thanks for reviewing! I've always preferred McGonagall too :)