Molly spritzed the turquoise hooks Anette had given her as a gift along with a list of instructions and a beautiful light brown ceramic pot with a flat back. It was currently pushed against the wall on a thin shelf to let the vines hang down and curl against the deep cherry frame and curtain the horrendous baby picture Molly's mother insisted she keep on display every time she visits. She hummed quietly and padded over to her beeping phone. The last note came out as a squeak when she saw John's text:

Vatican Cameos ~JW

Battlestations. Molly set down her phone and took a deep breath. Sherlock was coming. She shuffled into her room and loosed a breath at her reflection. The hem of her sweater was slightly frayed and there was a dark spot of something on her jeans. Molly opened her closet and a very devilish voice made her smirk. Make him regret making you cry. You wanted him to see how strong you are. Her smirk turned into a grin as she snatched the skimpy dark blue dress from the hanger.


Sherlock knocked on the door as he went through his mental notes once more. "Coming Luke!" He heard Molly call from the back of the flat. Luke? Who's Luke? "On second thought, just come in I'm a bit preoccupied." Sherlock reached for the handle and hesitated. "Well? If you don't come in we're gonna be late for our reservation!" He squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head as if it would cause every thought nagging at him to fall to the floor. He opened the door and his eyes grew wide at the woman that stood before him. The blue fabric that Sherlock wasn't even sure he could call a dress was only enough to cover the extremities and even then, barely. With a vee so low the it came down to her navel and no back to speak of, it took every ounce of self control for Sherlock not to ogle her. "Oh, it's just you Sherlock. Well since you're here can you zip me up?" Molly turned her back to him while she continued putting up her hair, exposing the bow at the nape of her neck that was the only thing keeping the ensemble from falling to the floor. Well, that and the fact that the dress hugged her hips so tightly.

Sherlock was frozen. "Uh-u-um… Molly?" She looked back at him and raised her eyebrows expectantly. "I just came to, er, talk about… um, well…"

"Spit it out."

Sherlock chuckled, "It might sound a bit, er, anyways don't take this…" He took in a breath, "Us." He spit out the word and cringed internally. Molly's hands froze in her hair. "It-it's not like- I mean- You shouldn't-"

Molly giggled, "No no I get it it's ok."

"Why are you laughing?" Sherlock felt his chest tighten.

Molly let out a slight gasp, "No, Sherlock, I'm not-oh I feel like a jerk." She composed herself once more. "I just can't remember ever hearing you stutter. It's not a bad thing, It just surprised me." Sherlock just nodded his head. He hadn't realised how much pull Molly had on his emotions. "Well, moving on, what did you come to talk about, exactly?"

"Um, I just wanted to talk, really. Not about anything specific." Sherlock clasped his hands behind his back and applauded himself for adjusting so quickly. Molly nodded, seeming to forget about her half-done hairdo. Something new nagged at Sherlock. He glanced at the clock on the wall. He had been here for almost five minutes. Where was this Luke? "So, where are you and, Luke going this evening?"

Molly went to tug on the hem of a non-existent sleeve. "Oh, we're just going out. He picked last time so I get to decide where we go tonight. I'm thinking maybe dinner. Or clubbing. I hear there's this really posh sort of club that just opened up. You know, where it's actually classy and not just a bunch of people having seizures under strobe lights while they chug cheap booze…" Sherlock stopped paying attention to Molly's babbling. Hadn't she said reservation earlier? It was already seven thirty and if the reservation was at eight, wouldn't it be polite to show up at least five minutes before you have to leave? Of course she could've been meeting him at the restaurant but Sherlock guessed not judging by the lack of surprise in her voice when he knocked. And if she expected Luke soon why isn't she acting like she's still waiting for him? Better yet why isn't he here? And by the way Molly is dressed, Sherlock would think she'd make it a priority to finish her hair and complete the look. Everything clicked into place and Sherlock began to smirk.


Molly paused her entirely to elaborate tale when she saw Sherlock start smirking. Why couldn't she ever just shut up? She huffed and crossed her arms in the most annoyed way possible, "What is it Sherlock?"

His smirk turned into an all-out grin. "Oh nothing. Just wondering when the mysterious Luke will show up."

He knew. He knew Luke wasn't real and he knew how pathetic she was. Molly debated whether she should come clean or dig herself in deeper. She knew she should just confess before he called her out on it. ANd the longer she fought, the worse it would be. "He might just be late." She heard herself blurt out another lie. What was she doing?!

Sherlock wiped the smile off his face, "Ah, of course, traffic and whatnot." What was he playing at? "Well that gives us more time to talk."

"Yes I guess it does." Molly proceed cautiously. "So, what's on your mind?"

"Oh, nothing of interest. How's work?"

"Work is… good, I guess."

"What do you think about Leane?"


"Yes the new girl, Leane."

"You mean Elain?"

"Same thing."

"I, er, she's ok. I don't really know her that well." Something didn't seem right to Molly. What was it?

"I hear," Sherlock seemed to choke on the words, "That she fancies Tony."

"Tim?" Then it hit her, this is the same information she and Meena discussed the other day… "Sherlock!"

"No I'm pretty sure you were right the first time, it was Tim."

"No, Sherlock, were you stalking me?!"

"I wasn't stalking, per se-"

"That is just wrong on so many levels." Molly stormed down the hall towards her bedroom.

"You know what's wrong?"

She wasn't about to let Sherlock win. No way he'd get the last word again. "Sher-"

"No, what's wrong is you lying about a date and using it as an excuse to dress up in this strip of fabric because you knew I was coming over. You knew that I'd see you like this and you knew it would get my attention. Well what can I say, it worked. But the fact that I haven't been able to look away from you has very little to do with the dress." Molly's stomach churned and a blush crept up her neck. She suddenly felt too exposed and a little chilly.

Silence. Molly and Sherlock stared at each other from down the hall. Sherlock was frowning slightly and Molly's mouth was hanging open. Close your mouth you bumbling idiot! She closed her mouth and swallowed. Good, now say something before this gets any more awkward. "Sherlock." She rasped. Perfect. He closed the distance between them. "Sherlock…" No stupid! That was sarcasm! I didn't mean for you to say it again! He leaned closer. Molly cleared her throat, "You-you should go."

Sherlock stepped away and nodded. "Yes, I should." He walked over and opened the door. Before he stepped into the hall he turned, "Goodnight, Molly Hooper."

A/N: What's this? An update? Wow look at that it is! Yeah, sorry. I would try to blame life and make a bajillion excuses but honestly I was just lazy. And even more honestly, I'm saving those excuses for another time. ;) Anyways, thanks to those who stuck through the Time of Silence and let me know what you think. Oh, by the way, I'm trying out this new layout, I think I like it better. If you have any strong opinions(or weak ones) feel free to let me know.