Author's Note: Hey! I hope I explained clearly in the summary that this is a collection of short wicked fanfictions and each chapter is not connected with the chapter before it though in some instances, I might do a multi-chapter story wherein a story will consist of more than one chapter. But don't worry, I will announce it if a particular story will have more than one chapter in the author's notes, so be sure to always read my notes. (I know ANs are annoying so I will prevent myself from doing a lot of them, maybe I will just put notes if they are really needed.) So yeah, I hope you enjoy reading :)

P.S. To those of you who have already read this first chapter, I just want you to know that I edited it because I found the story so corny. I uploaded a new version which is very different from the first one. I also changed the title as to emphasize that it got edited. But if you haven't read it yet, just ignore this message xoxo


AT LAST (updated version)

Elphaba is sitting in the library and reading one of her favorite history books when suddenly, a series of hopeless sighs came buzzing around her.


Before Elphaba could finish reading a sentence in her paragraph, that sigh was succeeded by another one.


She glared at the source of those annoying sounds. It was Boq. Apparently, he was sitting beside her this whole time and she wasn't aware of it.

When the munchkin attempted to take another deep breath, he was cut halfway through by an angry-looking green bean.

"Okay. Spill it out."

"What?", asked a confused Boq.

"Tell me why you won't stop grunting before I knock you out with this book that I'm reading."

Boq's face dropped. "Sorry Elphaba. It's just that, Galinda has already dated every boy in Shiz except for me", he said while looking at Galinda on the other side of the library. "I'm hopeless!"

Elphaba sighed and looked at where Boq is looking: Galinda is talking to her new boyfriend, Chuffrey, or was it Marvin? She even is confused herself due to the fact that Galinda really is dating and has dated a lot of boys. Their hands are intertwined with each other and Galinda seemed happy.

"You don't say that! She hasn't dated Nick yet!", Elphaba said while gesturing at the fat boy sitting alone at the farthest side of the library.

"Yeah. Only because Nick is an introvert and he doesn't talk to anyone. I even think he's gay", Boq said while putting his hands in front of his face.

Elphaba felt bad for his friend.

Suddenly, an idea popped in her mind.

"Hey, I just thought of something! Maybe she just needs a little push."

Boq's brows faced each other as he hesitantly utter, "Elaborate."

Elphaba formed a grin, "He isn't noticing you because you're always around her, stalking her and pushing yourself to help her remember that your name is Boq and not Biq. I mean, try looking for someone to hangout with so she will realize how sad it feels without your company", she explained.

"So", the green girl continued. "We are gonna look for someone who you can pretend to have a relationship with. You'll have dates and you're gonna show to Galinda what she is missing by not hanging out with you."

"How is this gonna help?", Boq asked.

"If you're not around her, no one will make her homeworks for her anymore, no one is gonna remind her of her class schedule, or carry her bag for her or give his testpaper just so Galinda can pass a test she isn't prepared about", Elphaba answered.

Boq was thinking about what Elphaba had just said when suddenly, the green girl started talking again, "It's all set up, wear something nice tonight, you're having a date with someone at the Oztaurant. Elphaba said all these while texting someone on her phone. So she contacted the person that fast?

That night...

Boq arrived at the Oztaurant wearing a white pair of tux with his hair all fixed up. He is meeting the girl that Elphaba contacted at the restaurant's fifth floor. He abruptly headed to the elevator. As the elevator doors prepare to close, he saw Galinda heading towards the elevator, wearing a simple but elegant pink dress. Is she the one that Elphaba contacted? But...

When the blonde successfully made her way inside the elevator, the munchkin was obviously barely breathing. They were the only persons inside the elevator.

The elevator doors closed. Boq heaved a sigh. Galinda recognized the munchkin and Boq's heart pumped 10 times faster than it's fast beating 5 seconds ago.

"Hey Biq! You're here too!", the blonde cheerfully commented.

Boq's face fell flat. It really is still "Biq". Anyway, he answered, "I'm actually meeting someone at the fifth floor."

"Wow. That's great!", Galinda said without any taste of curiosity of who the girl was.

"How about you?", Boq asked hurriedly almost aggressively, still hoping that Galinda is the girl that Elphaba contacted in the library.

"So thoughtful of you to even ask", the blonde said while fixing her hair ceremoniously. "But, I'm having a date with Chuffrey on the third floor."

With that last sentence, the hopes of Boq completely faded out. How could he think that Galinda is the girl that he is meeting tonight?

He gave her a pretentious smile. The blonde answered with a genuine one.

Suddenly, the lights inside the elevator fluctuated... then went out. The elevator stopped from moving and Galinda let out a terrifying and ear piercing squeal. Boq searched for the blonde and when he found her, he unconsciously slipped his hand onto hers as to assure her that she is not alone. When Galinda felt Boq's hand, she squeezed it, confirming to the munchkin that she is terrified.

The generators did their job and a small portion of light swallowed the little darkness in the elevator. Unexpectedly, the still terrified Galinda hugged the now shocked Boq. The munchkin took five whole seconds to grasp what just happened before coming to his senses and telling the blonde that everything is going to be fine. They stayed like that for another five minutes before Galinda finally calmed down.

Boq cleared his throat before sitting on the elevator floor, "I think the elevator got messed up. What a very unfortunate situation. Boom!", he said this while mocking a bomb that exploded.

Galinda let out a quiet chuckle before sitting beside the munchkin.

"You shouldn't be terrified though, Captain Boq will protect you!", Boq continued while imitating this time, a superhero.

Galinda commented, "I like you. You're funny."

Boq blushed and when the blonde realized what she just said, she immediately explained, "I mean, you're fun to hang with, I'm sure your friends wouldn't be bored with your company."

Their eyes met for five seconds. Boq got nervous so he looked away. Galinda swallowed, trying to ease the awkwardness inside the room, "I hope the elevator is under maintenance now."

Boq looked at the blonde and smiled, "It is."

Suddenly, a cute ringing tone buzzed inside the room. It was Galinda's phone. She got a message from Chuffrey.

Hey. Where are you? I've been waiting for almost an hour. Last week, I waited for 5 whole hours. I don't think this relationship is gonna work. I'm leaving.

Galinda made a fuss. She didn't really like Chuffrey. He is arrogant and most of all impatient. She hated guys like him.

Boq noticed that the blonde's expression dropped as she read the text message. He tried to cheer her up. "Is that the maintenance guy telling us that he just really need a sandwich so we have to wait for another minute? Tell him to buy another one because I'm hungry."

Galinda chuckled softly, "You're nuts". Then sighed, "It was Chuffrey. He broke up with me because I'm always keeping him waiting on our dates. I don't like him that much anyway. He is impatient and egotistical. Like all the other guys I dated."

"He broke up with you through a text message? Pure nuts!", Boq joked.

Galinda laughed, "You're really funny, Biq!". She noticed that his expression changed when he heard that last word. "I'm sorry. Did I say something wrong?"

Boq politely answered, "No. But it would really mean a lot if you remember the word Boq instead of Biq."

Galinda felt embarrassed. His name is Boq, not Biq. "My bad."

"It's fine. Don't apologize, please", the munchkin said with sincerity. Galinda smiled. Boq was different from all the boys that he dated. He is funny, sincere, patient and most of all, a gentleman. She unconsciously hugged him, "Thank you, Boq."

His heart pounded with great delight. Galinda hugged her and she called him Boq, for the first time. He could literally just burst out right now.

The lights in the elevator returned and both of them got relieved. The elevator got fixed. They got out from that huge embrace as the elevator doors open. Boq was shocked when he felt a hand touch his. It was Galinda's. He looked at her and he found the blonde smiling widely at him. He felt so happy.

They found Fiyero and Elphaba waiting outside the elevator.

"You've been stuck in the elevator for 3 hours. Are you guys, okay? Am I gonna- ", Fiyero asked but he was cut with the sight of his two friends holding each other's hand, Galinda with a smile on her face and Boq who looked very nervous but also very happy.

"We're fine. I'm just so happy. I got stuck with Boq and not with some random guy", Galinda answered with a bright face.

"Oh. That's great", Elphaba said as the blonde and the munchkin walk pass them.

When Boq and Galinda got out of their sight, Fiyero remarked, "I really can't believe how you planned all these, Fae. Wow!"

Elphaba sighed cockily, "You'll learn sometime, weirdo. But the great thing is, now they are together!"

"At last", Fiyero said with a grin, and the green girl smirked.