The particular scream was clear to what was happening, full of pain and desperation. Dan could recognise the voice anywhere, it was Phil's, but it sounded so wrong. It wasn't sweet, teasing, wondrous or enthusiastic. It was simply sickening, it made Dan freeze in shock and the flower's light fade into a grey shade. He just sat there frozen completely, a little lily he had been looking over now laid on the floor.

After a few seconds, Dan noticed smoke flying over the sky, he wanted to deny it but he knew where it was from. Suddenly his expression changed from shock and bewilderment to hot, blind, rage. He stood up on his feet and his light pink robe darkened drastically. Dan no longer resembled a soft spring flower, he looked like a monster. His pupils dilated dangerously and his teeth sharpened strong enough to rip through flesh. His hair resembled straws, his skin darkened slowly as his rage grew. It obvious his current emotions reflected onto the nature around him, his feelings had done this quite a few times, but it was different this time.

The two times it had happened it was because of happiness, joy... love. Flowers would bloom, birds would chirp and grass would grow tall and green. Everything would be in bloom, everything would be beautiful. Phil loved when it happened, nature in such a form would endorse him.

"Dan this is wonderful! Look at this flower. "

Phil smiled at him, he kept running around looking at every new flower that had bloomed, it was spring after all. His smile widening increasingly the longer he looked around. Dan's heart was beating harshly in his ribs, each beat urging him to get closer to Phil. He stumbled towards him in a daze, Phil looked at him quickly and flashed a smile full of joy.

Phil said and giggled, Dan looked at him confused until he leaned in and kissed him.

He didn't notice it at the time but nature suddenly bloomed, grew and birds sang louder. It wasn't until Phil pulled away that Dan looked around and his eyes widened in bewilderment. Everything was more beautiful than he had ever seen it before. As expected Phil was happier than Dan about our surroundings, his love for flowers only yearning to inspect every inch of the field.

Those cherished memories were ingrained in Dan's mind, each one sparking a new wave of anger. They just reminded him what he had lost, what he had had, but was now non-existent. He just couldn't comprehend how that could be true, Phil always seemed like something eternal. Someone who was going to be with him till the dawn of time. In all honesty, he knew Phil was going to die one day, humans were just a fleeting spark in the universe. Creatures like him didn't notice them usually, they just seemed unimportant, brief.

And that was the problem, all creatures lived their lives like anything short-lived was a waste of their time. That way, their lives seemed to pass too quickly, what to a human was 10 years, to them it was 10 seconds. They thought they were above humans, above time, but really, they just didn't know how to cherish time.

All of them took time for granted, humans didn't. Humans took each moment importantly because they never knew when they were going to be deprived of that time.

Dan wanted to make himself believe that he wasn't like the others, but he was, wasn't he? He hadn't cherished the time he had with Phil, he took it for granted and now Phil was gone. No time could be spent with Phil anymore.

Dan strode to the path which led to the village, but he hit an invisible barrier. He looked at it and realised that maybe this was why he was never able to leave the area. Even with that, he didn't care, he hit it again and again. He was trying to break through it with everything he got but the barrier was created to keep him in his area, like he was designed to. This still didn't matter.

His hands hit the barrier repeatedly, his hands were completely bruised and bloody. Dan had broken a few of his claws too but he still kept going. The pain his hands were radiating wouldn't compare to the one he was feeling from the loss of Phil. With each hit he was reminded how helpless he was, how useless.

It was nearing sunrise when the fire above the village was nothing but leftover smoke and the gut-wrenching smell of burned flesh. Dan was beginning to lose all strength, and once the smell hit him he felt completely disgusted. He hopelessly hit the floor in agony, his bloody hands dripping on the floor.

Dan closed his eyes and wished he couldn't even breath from the horrible stench, he looked down at his hands. They were bloody, bruised and damaged.

He rose up staring at the blood, not even eons could wash away the blood, the guilt, he would forever be reminded of his mistake. His vision became blurry again, but not because of anger, but sadness. His hands started fidgeting he looked askance. This was all his fault. He stumbled away from the barrier until he hit a tree, once he looked at it more painful memories haunted him.

Dan hid perfectly, in the branches of the tree. Phil was never going to find him. This game of 'hide and seek' humans played was more entertaining then he thought. He stayed vigilant.

"Dan, Dan, where are you? "

Dan looked through the branches at Phil, why was he asking him that? Was something wrong, he didn't know.

"I am here Phil. "

Phil smirked and climbed on the tree stealthily, Dan looked at him bewildered. How had Phil found him? He has the best hiding place!

"Gotcha! "

Dan screamed and fell out of the tree, of course it wasn't enough to hurt him but he still screamed.

"OW, how did you find me? "

Phil laughed at him, it was a carefree laugh and Dan stared at him. Humans were wondrous. He jumped from the tree and stretched his hand to Dan, he looked at it and took it. Phil pulled him up and they were soon face to face.

"You told me silly. "

Dan looked at him confused, how had he revealed his position? He only answered Phil when he was asking where he was, it was probably important. That didn't count, right?

"But, but...humans are confusing. "

As Dan mumbled Phil took his hand, both of them intertwined in a game. A game of joy.

"We're not confusing, just too complex to understand. "Phil explained, but Dan was still not getting it. "Same thing. "He spoke back. Phil just rolled his eyes.

This tree has been growing here as long as Dan could remember, he never paid attention to it. It didn't really matter, it was a tree just like any other. It was only when Phil came along that he was washed over by every inch of time, by how anything can be bound by a memory of a cherished one. These memories resided inside him tightly, cutting in deeper to replace the fact Phil was no longer here.

Before he knew it he had replayed those memories multiple times, he soon noticed snow surrounding him. Trees were dying and the grass was dead. He looked over himself to witness the before beautiful tree, completely destroyed. Everything around him was unrecognisable.

Dan stared at everything confused, how long had he been sitting here. He stood up shakily to see most of the trees, in what used to be an enriched forest, was now abandoned. Looking in the distance he saw an enormous house, castle? Was that what Phil called those big rich houses? It was bigger than the village that used to reside there.

From all the knowledge Phil had given him he knew castles took multiple decades to build, so how long had one this size taken? He sighed, he was tired. Dan finally averted his eyes to his flower. It was still a gentle flower.

"A kiss for the gentle flower. "

Dan looked at his hands, the blood was still there, albeit dry and under his nails, but it was still there.

"This blood on my hands, it's Phil's. I have Phil's blood on my hands, it was my fault. " He repeated what he said decades, centuries ago to himself. It was still completely true.

Dan fell into another comma like state, it was as if he was destined to forever live with the pain, but this time he didn't wake up.

Sooooo, I'm back ya'll.

I don't know how I feel about this chapter, I'm like 50/50. it's either really bad or really good. you decide.

Of course this means this fanfic is completely finished since I have nothing else to write (that i want to). I've been gone for a while, sorry!