Both trolls landed with a hard thump at the bottom of the pit. Spruce wasted no time quickly getting to his feet and turning to face the weaker troll, he felt nothing but anger and hate toward him. "What's wrong?" he smirked now standing over Branch "Too weak to even get up and face me? You're nothing but a pathetic loser!"

The pain that Branch was now feeling in his right arm was unbearable, he had landed on it with full force thanks to Spruce. He tried to move it, but it was no use and he let out a small whimper from the pain.

"Get up!" the green troll hissed.

"BIG BROTHER!" he heard Roselyn's voice call from above followed by Poppy's worried voice "Branch!"

"Aw, to bad they're going to see you die," Spruce said with an awful grin before bending down and putting all his weight down on Branch's shoulder. Pain shot through his right arm as Spruce leaned more forward. On the other side of the pit the growl beast eagerly watched for it's perfect moment to finally eat.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Roselyn cried before noticing an easy way down into the pit, she looked over at Poppy and to Lady Abilene who was now being surrounded by the guards.

"Roselyn…" Poppy started to say but the small troll had made up her mind and she started to climb down.

Spruce raised his left hand ready to strike but just as he was about bring it back down a mighty paw hit both trolls sending them clear to the other side of the pit. The Beast had decided that it had waited long enough, and it was hungry now. It slowly turned to them and hunched its back ready to pounce.

"Here," Spruce said standing up and using his hair to pick the grey troll up then shoving him towards the creature.

"No!" Roselyn whimpered as the beast slowly made its way over to her brother then it suddenly stopped and then without warning it charged at her. She screamed and cover her face too afraid to move. Branch quickly used his hair to grab the creature by the leg and with all his strength he managed to pull it away from her. Spruce did not like what was happening, he liked it better when the grey troll did not fight back. He spotted a rock out of the corner of his eye and he bent down and picked it up.

The beast growled and hissed as it tried to free its self from the hair, but Branch was not giving up and he held onto it tightly. A sudden sharp pain to the side of his face caught him off guard and it caused him to lose his grip on the beast and before he even had a chance to try and grab the beast again Spruce flipped him over. The green troll hovered over him with the rock firmly in his hand, he then raised it high into the air.

"Any last words," he asked with a dark expression on his face.

Branch could see the crazy look in his eyes as he brought the rock back down but instead of allowing him to smash into his face or where ever he was aiming Branch used his good arm to stop him.

"Why fight back now!" the troll hissed still trying to bring the rock down.

Branch opened him mouth to say to something, but he was cut off when the beast pounced and knocked the green troll right off.

"No, not me!" Spruce shouted pointing toward Branch "Get him!" The growl beast ignored him and licked its chops as it stared down at its meal.

As weak as Branch was he somehow found a way to get to his feet and he rushed to his sister's side, he did not want to anywhere near thing with what was going to happen next. The sounds of Spruce's screams filled the air just as Branch got to Roselyn, he wrapped his good arm around and pulled her close as he joined her with closed eyes. Roselyn carefully wrapped her arms around him as not to hurt him and hid her face into his side.

Once the growl beast was finished it turned its attention to the two trolls and just as it was about to attack the royal guards stepped in and with all their hair they captured it. With it was safely back inside its cage Branch and Roselyn were helped from the pit where they were greeted by a happy Poppy.

"Branch," she said softly and giving him a shy smile.

"My Dear boy," King Peppy said slowly walking over to the injured troll "I will see that Dr. Plum see to you at once."

"Do you want me to go fetch her Sir?" the guard who Poppy recognized right away as Creek asked.

King Peppy nodded before turning his attention to the smaller grey troll that stood by Branch's side "Thank you for telling me everything."

Roselyn smiled up at him before shyly hiding her face behind her brother's good arm. Branch could not help but to smile at her actions.

"King Peppy?" Another royal guard asked, "What about Queen Abilene?"

King Peppy looked over at her and sighed "Abi, why on earth would you do something like this?"

Lady Abilene then broke down in tears that both Branch and Poppy knew were probably fake and just using them to get her way. "I don't know why I did it," she sobbed turning to Branch "but I am truly sorry."

"You're lying!" Poppy snapped standing in front of Branch.

"Poppy…" King Peppy started to say but Poppy cut him off "Dad she's lying," she quickly explained "did you know that the whole reason you were sick was because of her? She was poisoning you."

A large gasp came from the crowd of trolls and whispers began to fill the air, Lady Abilene knew she had to get out of there. She swiftly pulled out a small sliver object and dug it deep into the troll's side that was holding her one arm. The troll fell to the ground holding his side "Get her!" all the guards shouted as they charged toward her. Before she turned to run her eyes met Poppy's "I will be back!" she hissed "and I get will get my revenge." Then in a blink of an eye a mighty bird landed in front of her and she quickly climbed onto its back and it flew away before any of the guards could reach her.

King Peppy ordered his guards to go after her "You must find her and bring her back."

"Yes Sir," they said in Univision.

Creek soon returned with Dr. Plum who helped Branch get back to the Royal Pod where she immediately started cleaning his dried blood and cuts. "You have a strong will," she told him gently touching his hurt arm "however this arm is broken, and I have to reset it and I'm not going to lie, but it's going to hurt."

Roselyn and Poppy were both instructed to wait outside of the room where Branch was, so when they heard him cry out in pain they couldn't help but to wonder what was going on? "Princess Poppy," Roselyn whispered, "do you like my brother?"

Poppy smiled and nodded "Of course I like your brother."

"No…I mean do you like..LIKE my brother?"

Before Poppy could even answer her, she felt her face go hot "Your brother means a whole lot to me."

"So why don't you tell him?" she asked.

Poppy thought about what the small troll said, she knew that Branch had become a very important part of her life and didn't know what she would have done if she had lost him today.

Once Dr. Plum was finished she allowed the two eager trolls in for a visit "He's in a lot of pain and the medicine I gave him is going to make him very tired, so don't get upset if he fells asleep while you are in there." She explained.

The two trolls slowly walked in together, but Poppy stayed back to let Roselyn visit with him first. The very first thing Poppy noticed was Branch's right arm completely wrapped up and in a leaf sling, she remembered how he had been holding weird when he got out of the pit.

Though Branch was listening to what Roselyn was saying he couldn't help but to sneak a couple of glances up at Poppy.


Almost a month had passed since Lady Abilene had escaped and any troll had seen or heard anything about her whereabouts. King Peppy made sure that all her awful laws were never to be used again and every time Branch entered the village he couldn't but to feel sick knowing that every single one of those trolls had shown up to watch him be fed to that monster. Deep down he knew some were still bitter with him because he escaped, in fact he could sometimes feel their cold stares when he walked by. Roselyn was still grey which did not help, he felt terrible because he blamed himself for her losing her colors. She was not the happy little troll that she once was, and she spent most of her time glued to his side or not to far away. Branch knew it was because she was afraid that they would be yanked away again.

One afternoon Rosie was just sitting and staring down at her doll when Branch decided that he was going to try make her happy again, which would be impossible because he did not know how to be happy. Then he remembered his mom and grandmother would sing to cheer him up, so maybe if he sang to her she would feel at least a little better.

He took in a deep breath and let it back out as he walked over to her and sat down beside her. "Hey Rosie," he said.

She looked up at him just as he began to sing…..

One, two
One, two, three, four
Give me more lovin' than I've ever had.
Make it all better when I'm feelin' sad.
Tell me that I'm special even when I know I'm not.
Make me feel good when I hurt so bad.
Barely gettin' mad,
I'm so glad I found you.
I love being around you.

He placed his left hand under chin as he continued to sing….

You make it easy,
It's easy as one, two, one, two, three, four.
There's only one thing, two do, three words for you.
I love you.

There's only one way, two say, those three words
And that's what I'll do.
I love you.

Give me more lovin' from the very start.
Piece me back together when I fall apart.
I'm so glad that I found you.
I love being around you.

You make…

You make it easy,
It's easy as one, two, one, two, three, four.
There's only one thing, two do, three words for you.
I love you.

Roselyn began to smile and change back into her light pink color….

There's only one way, two say, those three words
And that's what I'll do.
I love you.

You make it easy,
It's easy as one, two, one, two, three, four.

Unknown to them Poppy had walked in about half way through the song and was now standing behind them smiling. When Branch finished singing Roselyn hugged him tightly and which he returned the hug the best that he could.

"I love you big brother," she whispered as she nuzzled her face into his side.

Branch felt a ping of happiness come over him "I love you too," he replied.

"That was beautiful," Poppy said as she walked over joining them.

"Hey Poppy," Branch said giving her a tiny shy smile.

"Branch can I talk to you?" she asked clearing her throat.

Branch gave her a curious look but agreed "Rosie I'm just going to step right outside," he explained to the smaller troll after reading Poppy's face.

"Okay," Roselyn replied giving Poppy a weird crooked smile.

Once they were outside Poppy opened her mouth to say something, but Branch stopped her "Poppy I…." he started to say but he became too shy or embarrassed to finish the rest.

Poppy gave him a sweet smile as she gently took a hold of his left hand, both trolls stared at each other as their hearts began to race faster and faster.

"Branch, I don't know what I would have done if anything would have happened to you," she whispered using her free hand to wipe away a tear from her eye before slowly leaning forward and placing a tender kiss on his cheek.

She began singing softly while still holding onto his hand…..

Wise trolls say only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you
Oh, shall I stay, would it be a sin
Oh, if I can't help falling in love with you

She had sung this once before but only to herself and now she wanted him to know how she felt about him. As she sang Branch started to feel a warmth that was coming from deep within….

Oh, take my hand, take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you
Oh, for I can't help falling in love with you…..

When she finished the song the two trolls embraced each other in one of the warmest hug Branch had ever felt, she loved him back and that made him happy. As Poppy slowly backed away from him her eyes lit up "Branch!" she exclaimed "Your colors!"

Branch looked down at his arm and saw that his original teal color had returned, and he smiled before embracing her in another sweet hug. When they started to pull away this time he stopped her and did something he never imagined he would ever do, he placed a kiss on her cheek. Poppy smiled as she touched her cheek after he was done.

"You got your colors back!" Roselyn announced when the two trolls returned holding hands.

"Yeah, I sure did," Branch replied happily giving Poppy's hand a gentle squeeze.

"So, when are you two going to get married!" she asked all excited.

"Whoa, hold on," Branch said, "let's not get ahead of ourselves."

"Yeah Rosie," Poppy added "we're way to young for that."

"Oh, okay."

The three trolls all sat down together, and Branch couldn't help but to smile, he never thought that he would get his colors back and never in his wildest dreams did he ever imagine that Poppy would be the troll to help him get them back. She had showed so much dislike to him in the beginning, yet she always came back claiming that it was only to hang out with Roselyn but deep down it was because she was curious.

Poppy took a hold of his hand again and slowly placed her head on his shoulder, Branch slowly leaned his head against hers as they both watched Roselyn color by the fire. This was only the beginning of something wonderful and both trolls could tell.

-The End-

I want to give a big thank you to everyone that liked reading my story, you guys rock! I wouldn't mind making a squeal to this story. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I love you all! This is not goodbye but merely the beginning.