By morning rumors had spread about Clay's death. It started at with the Jenson's neighbors, then the kids of the cops who responded.

Before first period people stood near his locker. Most where hoping that the rumors of his death was just rumors.

That in a minute his awkward self would walk through the door, go to his locker and get the books he needed.

The others, however, were a group of kids who stood there hoping that he was alive, but not for his satisfaction. It was there own selfish need, the need to make sure the tapes go through each person, quickly and quietly, to be burned at the end.

None of them got what they wanted though. And they realized this when Tony walked through the hall.

Everything was quiet as he pulled out a folded piece of paper out of his pocket. He then unfolded it, took a shaky death, and taped it to Clay's locker.

Next was a white rose from his leather jacket. And he taped that to the locker too.

"Clay was right." He spoke to the surrounding people. "The truth will come out." And his eyes meet those of Justin, Jessica, Alex, Tyler, Courtney, Marcus, Zach, Ryan and Sheri.

They knew what we was speaking of. But when he looked at Bryce and Mr. Porter, each with opposite emotions, he smiled.

Because the truth would be setting him free, and justice would be served. With Clay and Hannah together to gasp each other's ghostly hands as they watched down.

And Tony walked outside, to come back at lunch, with the whole truth.